Now, we could go on and on about how important sleep is. We could explain so much more about how sleep loss kills testosterone, increases blood pressure, causes insulin resistance, destroys the brain, or how it can make you fat, sick, and old. But we think you get the picture.
Part IV gets down to brass tacks. It provides practical solutions for what you can do to start sleeping more ASAP. Some of these chapters also explain how to have higher-quality sleep even on days when you aren’t getting enough of it.
Make no mistake about it, THIS is the section that matters most. No need to make this a long introduction. Let’s waste no time and get to it.
What you are reading is a small portion of a book I put together with Dr. Catherine Divingian. Most chapters were written by me, while other chapters were written by her. Some of the material was written by both of us.
I originally wanted to post the entire ebook at once, but given its size, I came to realize that is not practical. There are four main parts to this book, each with its corresponding chapter/s. Every day, I will post a chapter until the entire book has been fully posted into LinkedIn. The first day will be the book Title, Medical Disclaimer, Table of Contents, Preface, How to Use This Book, and Introduction. The next day forward will be all the Part intros and the chapters, one per day.
Most of the chapters are fairly short. No long stories. We make it a point to get to the point. This is deliberate. We wanted to keep the chapters short so you can make the most of the information without burning up too much of your time doing so. For busy professionals this is a good thing.
Anyone who wants a copy of the ebook—in its entirety—is free to DM me. We will be happy to send you a digital copy as our gift to you.
Rest well.
Darius Creed (& Dr. D)
#Sleep #Sleeploss #Sleepdeprivation #Sleepinsufficiency #Sleepandhealth #Sleepfacts #Sleepstatistics #Sleepresearch #Sleepsolutions #Militaryveterans #Businessprofessionals #Hustleculture #Operationphoenix #Operationregen-x