Part II(c) #11 to #15: Equality doesn't mean SAME | 20 ways for leaders to  promote gender diversity in their organizations

Part II(c) #11 to #15: Equality doesn't mean SAME | 20 ways for leaders to promote gender diversity in their organizations

While 78% of large organizations are actively trying to recruit higher numbers of female hires, it is important to build a culture within the organization to retain them and leverage their full potential

This blog-series is an attempt to help build awareness and understanding in working professionals to consciously think about these 20 simple implementable ideas in order to promote gender inclusiveness and diversity at not only the workplaces but also in their personal lives.

Refer to articles Part 1, Part II(a), Part II(b) for previous parts of this series. Here are point# 11 to 15.

11. The pregnancy or a new mom status

While you might be thinking, now that - she just returned from maternity leave or she just announced her pregnancy, she will need some flexibility and easy assignments to manage both home and work, there are some women who operate with more energy to prove their worth or simply for passion or work interest.

Having a clear non-threatening conversation around their work expectations, how you can help as a leader, without making prior assumptions or judgments, make things much easier.

12. Job suitability

Assuming that a woman will not be able to take up roles where there is too much traveling, or the work that involves talking to labor, working in odd hours etc. is not fair.

Having a conversation about the role is a must along-with clear contracting about expectations.

Challenge yours & other people's assumptions, fight your fears and start somewhere! Be the first one to provide unconventional roles to women (who you think have the competency) and encourage them to succeed and create an example for others!

Provide job opportunity to people based on their merits and not on the gender.

13. Reaction to unforeseen or change

To any kind of change or anticipated danger, women tend to worry more. This is biological, as they can think about more possibilities of what can go wrong.

Be patient and leverage the situation by driving their emotional energy for action, instead of getting upset about their emotional reactions. If handled well, women can give you more ideas and perspectives than anyone else.

14. For problem-solving

For problem solving in a meeting room, women can examine a wider array of potential factors before going into a solution mode. 

A little extra challenge to them to come up with their point of views can surprise you.

15. Confidence

Most women are conditioned by prior experiences during growing up years, to not act with as much confidence as men.

Even in offline conversations, encourage them, provide them confidence to speak, to work, to stretch in different situations.

Hope you are liking this series. Please pass on your comments and share with as many people as you can. This way we can make a larger difference by doing simple things.


Here are our coordinates in case you would like to get in touch with us for more details, or workshops, guest lectures or Virtual ILTs around this subject for your workforce.

M: +91 9731601397

E: [email protected]


Coming up: Point #15 to #20 in the last article in this blog-series - "Part II(d)".


