Part II

1983: The M.A.R.F. Nuclear power plant explodes 1 year after 3 mile island. I personally pulled the “rods” on that plant (which you don't even know what MARF stand for...) and recovered it, preventing upstate NY from being uninhabitable for 10,000 years, so I can handle pressure (and fully get PTSD).

1986: I've got guts. On a war patrol to the Soviet Union, a 688 class submarine (on its 3rd commander), was unable to stay underwater (after it was so filled with food, it was unable to surface and so low on Oxygen, I saved 8 men and myself as we suffocated and all passed out leaving a nuclear reactor on autopilot...

1988: In the commercial space, Ingersoll Rand was poorly designing digital high pressure air compressor turbines spinning at 50,000RPM+, I solely analyzed the design issues, saving the market leader millions in wasted resources by going to the factory and stopping the line. In the military space, I implemented a ship's training program as a qualified Officer of a 1944 wooden minesweeper (MSO-440). When I arrived, the reserve crew slept on the berthing floor during the days on weekends and did nothing. When the ship went to Gulf War I, my crew saved the two ships that were hit by mines. For that, I was meritoriously promoted. I would spend a total of 10 of my 17 years in the USN/USNR at that rank before I left my USN SPECFOR unit, to go to the US Army for another 17.5 years as a Military Police Officer in charge of security/OPSEC for the 323rd Military Intelligence Battalion, FT Devons, where I was also the head military cop.

1990: Elected President of a community homeowner association in upstate NH, where the association was broke, the elected officials were suing...everyone, and general chaos reigned. I reset the community, worked across the aisle, built a coalition government that improved desired services while cutting community expenses/taxes (literally) in half.

1992: The Bosnia conflict: I became expert with an M-16, and I own an AR-15 .22 caliber training weapon (as well as other guns), of which I was one of the best marksman in the world, as I was qualified as a Laser Marksmanship Training System Instructor (LMTS). For perspective, I was able to shoot a vertical line w/10 rounds on a standard combat firing course. If you handed me an 11th bullet, I could dot the “i”. I'm not the best, as the President's Hundred that trained me, routinely put all 10 rounds in the same exact hole.

circa 1992: bought a computer fencing operation in Boston, MA (Progenius Computers), which I turned into the “Best of Boston” award 2 years running. Upon evolving my retail business to a Fortune 100 consulting firm, I “fixed” unfixable challenges at Chase Manhattan Bank, Digital Equipment Corporation, GE Government Systems (where I was in charge of security of EVERY CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION ON THE PLANET, which all went through one mainframe in Maryland at the time...

circa 1995: Invited into Fleet Training Group (FTG) Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as a USN/USCG/FFN certified combat platforms ship inspector. NO USN ship goes on a combat patrol w/o me or my peer certifying they are prepared to fight the ship. Also formed 501(c)3 charity to donate obsolete and some new computer systems to Police Departments, Libraries, Make a Wish Foundation, etc. (so I understand recycling advantages).

circa 1997: While facing courts-martial for multiple, frivolous but serious charges I basically walked away from (and the commander lost his command on a Congressional prototype project for Underway Replenishment (UNREP)), I was invited into the most secret combat unit in the US military, which I will not name. We were handed a condemned building as a base. However, it has no (public) insignia, and we ditched USN uniforms to operate covertly in 'other' tactical gear. THAT UNIT set the standard for qualifications in what would become US SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND. Of the 14 prototype units that had failed all conceived cycle inspections, we set the standard for Mobility, Material, and Maintenance. I watched the most hardened operators cry as we spray-painted the battle-ready “golden M” on our RISC platform, so I'm COMPETENT. Also, we trained and routinely killed Navy SEAL teams, such that we stopped killing them so they could execute their Vietnam-era tactical training. On secret bases, we taught SEAL teams to survive attacking a high-tech target. Based on our prototype unit, the EXPEDITIONARY WARFARE OPERATOR qualification was conceived and implemented.

2002: Served as sole communications expert for all government communications for Iraq, as direct tech asset to the ORHA/OCPA provisional government. Controlled the narrative of a nation behind the curtains for Jay Garner/Paul Bremer. Received commendations for excellence in austere combat conditions.

2003-2004: Was head sheriff for a Forward Operating Base (FOB SPEICHER) for a city of 7,000 trained killers without much sleep. Exposed KBR fraud. Kept sleeping troops safe. Trained convoy operators on how to survive. Created Kids4Kids charity to bring school supplies and backpacks to Iraqi children. Highly successful program continued upon my departure!

2005: After working at FBI HQ as an analyst for the CTO/Robert Mueller, was asked to run all Interoperability certifying for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, of which I also became their lead test manager, certifying all combat systems tech for OPSEC and interoperability for 6+ years until I went to the NSA to train/run their cyber operator training program, which I also subsequently substitute taught. Beyond that experience, I successfully migrated the entirety of a DISA DECC in Hawaii. Took 2 years; executed flawlessly. My thanks to my 10 teams of managers, who assisted me in running the DISA DCN network, which is the largest, most secure network on the planet.

2006: Completed the US Army Military Police Academy, which began my ARMY career, of which I eventually led all training for CI Agents of another MI unit invited into.

2021: At USSOCOM, was lead secure cloud authorization advisor/liaison; wrote entirety of SOP-12, which is the complete OPSEC accreditation program for all emerging tech within USSOCOM, McDill AFB, Tampa. Uncovered massive Federal failed-compliance systems for our 'tip of the spear' brethren.

2022: Appointed to FedRAMP/Federal Secure Cloud Advisory Panel for the President IAW US Law

2023: Completely reengineered the next (and only) secure mobile telephone for use in national security/intelligence community classified spaces.

...lost count of the number of lives I have personally a lifeguard/Water Safety Instructor (WSI). In combat, Iraq. USS Samuel B. Roberts ship explosion I personally put out, saving the XO of the ship trapped by fire (no medal; I became an incident for ripping out 400amp cables that were live)....

...100% service connected disabled veteran; bedridden 2x/both for 2+yrs learning to walk again; victim of burn pits and burned lungs and 15+ years of Veterans Administration medical abuse/neglect, so I know the system (Are YOU responsible to the VA for $6,500 delinquent debt because you sold your home to some civilian that defaulted 15 years later and you got stuck with the bill but not given the property know, the bank makes out, you got screwed?)

...spent 27 contiguous years in 2 branches of the military w/o a single promotion, making me the Guinness Book of World Records reigning champ for managing (more than) an entire military career in just one rank

...survived head injuries and IED kill zone in Iraq (of which I was left in charge of dead and wounded), as well as burn-pits, so I'm durable.

I don't hate anyone. I don't lie. I am fully accountable, always. I help all my neighbors and friends, and I pick up hitchhikers.

I could go on, but you get the picture. If elected, here's my proposed agenda;

Pass CR budget (again, as by the time the Congress finishes this fiasco, we shall have to)

Pass immigration reform to turn the line of illegals at the border into the job application line for migrant/guest workers. Law will tax workers as citizens, so all social security replenishment funds will come from foreigners rebuilding or farming our nation because we need 3,000,000 workers WE DO NOT HAVE. Change immigration laws such that educated folk do NOT need to leave the USA, but can contribute to our journey to the stars.

Reform cybersecurity in the Federal government, which is worse than worthless, it's outright fraud at this point. (You can't worship carnival barkers and liars in Federal government and society, and not expect them to leach into our OPSEC accreditation boundaries. I'd start reform with USSOCOM, which is “pencil whipping insecure tech”, throwing it over the fence, and dumping piles of you-should-know-what on America's finest.

GUNS: I would negotiate a law to allow not only AR-15's with .223, but machine guns! For security, they will remain at authorized/secure locations at private/public ranges; NOT authorized (except for transport) to other authorized locations. This is fair compromise to protect our children. The .22 caliber AR-15 I own, which is a target shooting/training/match rifle, is no different than any other semi-automatic rifle. IT IS THE BULLET THAT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, NOT THE RIFLE MECHANISM. That is, that variant is MADE to impact, damage, then tumble and damage a lot more. The Supreme Court has already ruled that inflicting additional damage like this to stop someone is against our constitution. Banning/regulating the bullet is the only logical choice. A .22 caliber can kill, certainly in my hands, but it doesn't blow a 5” hole coming out. Frankly, banning small arms in this nation just isn't going to happen, so like Cannabis, it needs regulating, as it will be around as it has always been around (despite our politics).

“FUTURE CENTERS”- I will negotiate a law that ALL Americans serve 2 years in this nation as service. Your pick: Military; Civilian Government internship; Congressional prototype project in your community to fund self-sustaining, water collecting, solar/wind collecting hydroponic gardens in cities, which will provide de-centralized, non-profit food to communities striving to eat since a trip to the “for profit” grocery stores is $250+ a week, right? Look at the military commissary system; NO TAX ON ANYTHING IN THE STORE. FOOD PRICES 30% LESS! Instant deflation. Rich folk can still go to Harris Teeter.

Encourage or Mandate (by vote) new homes be “above” flood plains (how stupid is it to build on a river bank on a water planet, and expect the living room and garage to stay offends nature and we loose. This would also redesign the (failing) insurance market.

Incentivize all homes to be build round for hurricane/twister wind protection, with roofing and gutters DESIGNED TO COLLECT AND FILTER RAINWATER, which minimizes central...terrorist targeted.... water tower systems. With this, all homes to be built with solar panels to remove electric grid load for the mass of electric vehicles about to take over the world.

Pass an add-on law to the infrastructure rebuilding law that is reforming this nation to the 21st century to add Hydrogen stations to EVERY electric vehicle charging station, so H2 tech can FINALLY arrive and clean our air.

That should get us going and get some positive momentum going. My elevator speech is “I'm a solution provider, with a prove track record of providing solutions to THE most complex challenges we face today”.

Please vote for me!

Former staff, witnesses, and peers I've had the honor of serving with, feel free to attest!

Highest regards to my fellow natives and transplants,

Keith Beausoleil

(picture available upon being elected Speaker of the House.



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