Part II Createyourself in Action
Well, we have completed Part I of How to Createyourself. On to Part II! We talk today about your original vision in youth and how you tracked to your goal, if it is still the same, or how you pivoted and what is your status.
“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”
—Joel A. Barker
When you were a child, what was your biggest dream? For most children, the greatest aim is to get some toy, colorful stationery, or their favorite chocolates. As they grow up, their desires and dreams also enhance. They begin fantasizing about their future. If you ever get a chance to talk to an adolescent, ask them about their plans for their career. Most of them will have goals such as becoming a doctor, engineer, artist, chef, technologist, etc. However, if you ask them Why most of them will not have a clear answer to this question.
This is not confined to adolescents only. Many of us spend a huge part of our lives without knowing the answer to this Why. This Why is your vision that gives you the direction for your life. A clear vision is vital to keep you motivated throughout your life. Let’s assume you want to become a singer. Have you ever asked yourself why you want to become a singer? The reason can be anything. You may want to earn stardom or money, or it is simply because singing is your passion, and it gives you pleasure. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.
The vision varies from person to person. The only important thing is that you must be aware of your vision in your life. When you know the reason for your goal, it becomes easier for you to chase it. Your vision ignites a fire inside you, which keeps you encouraged throughout the entire course of your life. Most people live their life like a constructor who tries to erect a building without an absolute design and layout. They don’t have a clear vision of what the building will look like nor the details of how it will function in their life. They work merely on the basis of assumptions and estimations.
They allow external circumstances, events, and people in their surroundings to determine their destiny. Instead of creating a unique purpose for their lives, they choose to go with the flow. However, this approach can never lead them on the road to success. True success originates with a vision for every area of your life that comes together to createyourself. A clear and precise vision is a strong motivator for constant progress and improvement in your life towards attaining that vision.
Why Is Having a Vision Important?
Goals play a constructive role in stimulating your attention and thought process; likewise, vision imparts the purpose of having these goals. Every individual is unique in their own way because God has designed every human with distinct talents and abilities. Your greatest responsibility is to discover your life's purpose and devote all your energies to fulfilling it.
A focused vision equips you with the potential to fixate or focus with absolution on a particular objective. When you are focused, you are less likely to get distracted by the activities which are not productive for you, such as an addiction to drinking or drugs or just laziness. A vision opens up your mind to see all possibilities you have to produce a bright future for yourself and your family.
Your vision drives energy within you. It creates an image in your mind that constantly inspires you to work towards your goals. You are more enlightened about prioritizing things in your life. It becomes easier for you to grow your network because you can identify the type of people who can help you reach your goals. Eventually, it shapes up positive and healthy habits within you. Vision is the catalyst that transforms stagnancy into action.
Tomorrow, we will talk about mentoring and how helping others also helps createyourself.
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Have a great week, Gordon
PS - Feel free to buy our Kindle version of?How to Createyourself
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