Part Eight - An Interim Assignment

Part Eight - An Interim Assignment

Scott entered my room.

“Hey Scott thanks for coming.” Scott sat down with no response. Paula was beside me. Never have a conversation which could lead to confrontation without someone preferable a HR representative beside you. You could fall into a lot of trouble I have found. Paula was there to observe and take notes.

“I wanted to understand a little more about Nadeem.” I said closing the door.

“Oh him.” Scott announced discouragingly I sat opposite Scott.

“Well he refused a reasonable request from one of my team leaders.” Scott continued.

“It was month end and as usual we all rushing around to get the lorries in the warehouse loaded because as you know there the customer lorries so they would call the customer to say we are delaying them again.”

“Well Charlie the forklift driving comes hurtling around the corner and as a result his load fell of the forklift. No one hurt thankfully. So, Rob the shift lead asks Nadeem to help pick up the fallen load by now spilling out all over the floor. It was dangerous and he needed Charlie to get back loading the lorries. Well Nadeem refused. So, Rob asked him again and he refused again. Rob came to see me and I suspended him pending further investigation.”

“How long ago was that?” I asked.

“Two weeks.” Came the reply. I looked up in amazement. “I know I should have sorted it by now but with all the other things going on.” I could not hide my disappointment.

“Get Nadeem in here today.” I demanded. “I want to hear his side of the events that took place.” Scott was visible shocked. “Also, where are the statements from Charlie and Rob they were not in the file?”

“It was verbal statements given.” Declared Scott.

“Scott there are so many issues here I cannot begin to describe the disappointment I feeling here now. Go and get written statements from both of them I want them on my desk before Nadeem comes in this afternoon. This is not a request. Do the job you should have done in the first place.”

 Scott blushed angrily stood up “I got twenty-eight years’ experience I have you know.” I retorted

“Are you sure it’s not one-year experience twenty-eight times?”  Scott walked out the office door without saying a word.

Nadeem was a twenty-two-year-old English Asian man. Slightly built but with a nice smile. He nervously entered my office with Chris his union representative. Behind him.

“Come in Nadeem please take a seat.” He sat down nervously looking at Chris for reassurance. Chris nodded reassuringly.

“So, Nadeem firstly can I apologise for the delay in seeing you. I’m sure it has been a worrying time for you.” Nadeem nodded and looked at Chris.

“That’s something I will address the length of suspension is unacceptable.”

“I’ve heard and read the reported incident and I was wondering if I could have your side of events please?” Nadeem cleared his throat.

“Well I was on late shift in the despatch area of the warehouse.”

“Yes” I prompted.

“Well Charlie comes around the corner with a pallet on took the corner too quickly I guess he was rushing around being month end and all.” Nadeem looked at Chris as to ask is Charlie in trouble now I said that. Chris said “Go on Nadeem you can tell Frank everything” this was music to my ears Chris had the belief I would listen impartially.

“Well the load fell over and the components spilled all over the floor.” We all looked around and Charlie was getting out of his driver seat when Rob the team lead come up. He told Charlie to get back in his cab and get another load. Rob then turned around to me clicked his fingers and shouted Nadeem clean this up.”

We all sat in shock. Nadeem continued. “Well I was embarrassed at being clicked like that with fingers and then in front of all my mates he said “Did you hear what I said pick this mess up.” Well I said I didn’t make the mess.” Well Rob went mad “Don’t speak back to me just do it.” I said no and turned my back and continued to pack.”

“Well in about ten minutes Scott came back with Rob. “Nadeem is that right you refused to do a reasonable request? “he asked me. I said “Well I didn’t make the mess and he wants me to clear it up.” Well Scott lost it then “Alright your suspended get you goat and clock out.”

“all this in front of my mates is was degrading I felt humiliated.” Nadeem stopped it was clear he was emotional.

I paused for a second. “Nadeem thank you so much for that it has really helped me understand the full events of the incident.” Nadeem dropped his head to his chest. “So, Nadeem when is your next shift start?” I asked.

“Monday.” Nadeem said.

“Ok we will see you back here for then.” I declared. Nadeem looked up in surprise. Chris interjected.

“Well who’s going to speak with Rob and Scott? Make sure this poor boy doesn’t get picked on again?”

“I will.” I declared. Chris being the good union representative he is asked;

“So why can’t Nadeem come in this weekend on overtime make up for the money he lost?” Nadeem looked up again. “only is you want too Nadeem” declared Chris.

“Yes, Nadeem only if you want too.” I confirmed.

“Yes please.” Nadeem said.

“Good that’s settled I will arrange it with Scott.” I smiled reassuring and we all stood up. “Welcome back Nadeem and again apologises for the distress this has called you.” We shook hands and Chris nodded to me his approval and they both left the room.

Now to speak with Scott and tell him the good news that Nadeem is coming back two days early and with overtime!



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