Thereafter, we moved back to the university since the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of the university Prof. A. P. Dash had invited all of us for a dinner meeting. After our arrival at the varsity, the vice-chancellor joined us at sharp 10:00 pm and we greeted him energetically. Once we finished the dinner with Vc, the students from the central university of Jammu presented some of their cultural activities before the Vice-Chancellor including singing, dancing. Now it was the turn for the Central University of Kashmir and we started a Kashmiri song. Besides, we also recited a prayer for the betterment of humanity in front of the Vc.
Later, Mohammad Amir who is actually working in Radio Here as a Radio Jockey also was one student among us from the central university of Kashmir. He held a session about 5 minutes in which he shows us some dialogues about Radio Jockey skills in front of all students along with VC. also this time VC sought feedback from the faculty members who were accompanying the students. To show admiration towards the dedication of Ball and his Team ( Actually Balla was a worker there from the Central University of Tamil Nadu and also a Camera Man) Guesthouse Caretakers, all the invitees stood up and the day Ended.
On next morning it was 26th of Jan Means the Republic Day Of India. we left early in the morning towards the stage where the national flag was to be unfurled by the Honorable Vice-Chancellor. After Unfurling the flag the Honorable Vice-Chancellor delivered his speech. During his address, he emphasized that it is the prime responsibility of the society to bring the level of education upto the mark and we can stand parallel with the developed nations. Once the celebration was over. A briefing of the journey was done by the contingent before the media the folk songs were sung by the students Showing the kind gesture sweets were distributed by the madam vigneshwari and her team among the troupe. Thereafter, we returned back to the guest house so as to have our lunch around 1:40 afternoon, we left for the Thiruwarar market whereby the troupe was engaged in shopping, On concluding the shopping we left for the guesthouse and this way we ended our day.
On next day it was the 27th of Jan as per schedule. We exhibited our cultural program at the auditorium whereby the audience was acquainted with the likes of; History of Kashmir, famous places, the Tourist destination of Kashmir. Our marriage tradition, folk songs, marriage ritual songs, later on, detailed report including photographs, videos, were also presented. Post afternoon. We also participated in one of the food festive rituals of Tamil Nadu i.e. Pongal celebration, This was the last day of trip for the central university of Jammu at this time the Central University has left the university. Also here was this day end for all it was night 10:15 pm
On next morning It was 28th of Jan as per schedule this day was our visit towards The one more famous and beautiful place which is known as Mangrove Forests This place is known as also The Ana Conda place and the home of Loins and Tigers it is an island this forest is actually an island in the middle of the big river but this river touching with the big sea. the crocodile is also the part of that river. This day was very risky but everybody eagerly waited for this moment because there we used boats and the navy dress and we enjoyed too much. After finished this boat experience we concluded this visit .we were routed towards the Annamalai University, where the students from the science community visited their respective departments
Finally, on the last day of our trip it was 29th of Jan our students visited the central university of Tamil Nadu .this was the big visit and complete visit were every student visited their respective departments like education student visit education department science student visited their science department whereby we had a great detailed interaction with the students of CUTN. faculty members and with the research scholar. Later on, we also visited a nearby village. With the time passing by all were on toes since the date to leave for our respective homes was near, we returned back and started packing our belongings.
On the next morning 30th of Jan in the morning, we left for our homes and after four-day travel by Trains and Bus we finally arrived homes on 4th of February this way we ended our memorable days of Tamil Nadu Trip
We went to congratulate the Vice-Chancellor of our university Prof.Mehraj Ud Din, Nodal officer of this tour Prof. Fayaz Ahmad Nika and coordinator of this tour prof. Syed Zahoor Ahmad Geelani and the Authorities from The Central University of Tamil Nadu and their teams for implementing and fulfilling the objectives of the event from the first day of its initiative
Each authority look the extra mile to place in interactive medium with the troupe besides, Tried their best to make our stay comfortable. The respective teams displayed a formidable job in terms of ensuring our smooth arrival, meeting the ends of the hospitality, ensuring our visits to various places and providing the best direction, guidance and importance on the staunchest architecture of Tamil Nadu. We hope this meeting will be cherished for a long time to come.
Surely, this exposure will help the troupe in gathering more knowledge about Tamil Nadu and the program will succeed in encouraging its objectives of unity and integrity.
Thank you
Writter. A R BHAT ( Student of the CUK)