Part 5 Police Officers Survival Guide.
Matt Trott
FREC 4 First Responder & First Aid Trainer, 30 + years of experience within the Police, Loss Prevention and the Military. I am able to provide realistic training & consultancy. Author of Hard Stop(Jack DAWE)
Snitches, liars and intelligence gathering.
Information and intelligence is the life blood of the Police service, without it we are a ship without a rudder that drifts aimlessly until it crashes on the rocks and sinks. So, every opportunity to feed the machine must be taken. By now I hope you have understood how important it is to know your area and to know who is a threat to you and the community. Intelligence comes in many forms and from many different sources, it may be raw human intelligence from a source or community contact. Or it can be gained through lawful use of the internet and open source searches that identify an offender at the scene of a crime. But as a police Officer on patrol you will see and encounter things that you believe will be of intelligence value on a daily basis. Look for the absence of normal, question everything you see, why are there no drug dealers on a corner you know is usually busy, is there a turf war about to start? Why has one of the local criminals got a broken arm, has he received a punishment beating, or crashed a stolen car?
Start feeling comfortable in speaking with people, learn some conversation starters, don’t always go in hard and start interrogating people like they’re suspects, learn the soft skills. Learn about the commodities that make your community what it is, is it Heroin, Cocaine, Cannabis, MDMA or is it one of the? more exotic mix of chemicals that destroys lives and communities? If you know your commodities, you will know what to look for, smell for and you will see behaviours or signs of those drugs being used. Talk to drug users and their families about the local drug scene, the cost, the weights, the availability of such things too, they may even tell you who the local dealers are.
?Get out of your cars and start talking to gangs of youths, you may break down a few barriers and you may be able to build an intelligence picture of who is associating with who. Talk to the lonely old people when you get a chance, they see and hear everything and are usually invisible to most people, they often put the kettle on too.
Always consider why someone is telling you something, humans will naturally do what is best for them and their motivations will usually be one of the following reasons,
I am sure you may be able to name many other reasons why people will inform on each other, but these are a good starting point. When you have gathered this information you will have to consider a few things,
What is a CHIS?
A covert human intelligence source (CHIS) is defined as a person who establishes or maintains a personal or other relationship with another person for the covert purpose of facilitating anything that:
i) Covertly uses such a relationship to obtain information or to provide access to any information to another person; or????????
ii) Covertly discloses information obtained by the use of such a relationship or as a consequence of the existence of such a relationship.
In layman’s terms it’s an informant.
Debriefing a CHIS
You may on rare occasions get the opportunity to work with the DSHU, if you get the chance grab it with both hands and make the most of it. If you get selected to join them as a permanent team member your world will be opened up to a life of covert policing, deception and tradecraft that will be used to keep you and the source safe. During my time as a Source Handler I developed a method of debriefing sources that kept the meetings on track and ensured the safety and welfare of all involved. I have utilised the mnemonic CATPRINTS.
C= Cover story, what is it? Ensure you have a believable story as to why you are together at a specific place. Utilise Tradecraft to ensure that the CHIS and Handlers are not being followed to the meeting.
A= Any welfare issues? You are responsible for the welfare of your CHIS, if their life is a mess they will be less effective. You can help them with some of their problems too, signpost them to their GP, marriage counselling, or any agency that can help them. They will thank you for taking an interest in their welfare and because of that they will reciprocate by working harder for you.
T= Time…do have enough? If either party is in a rush then they need to let it be known, if there is insufficient time, reschedule the meeting.
P= Pay, always pay your sources on time and in full, do this early on in the meeting, this will reinforce that you mean business and that they will get paid for any good intelligence that they are about to give you.
R= Revisit Taskings from last meeting, discuss any tasking you gave during the last meeting, ask for and expect updates on the points you tasked. Remember you are the dog and they are the tail that wags. They are paid for intelligence; you are not their cash point.
I= Intelligence requirement, what do you want them to keep an eye out for, this is not a tasking, you may be asking them if they have access to a certain person, group, location, or product such as stolen property, ‘If you hear anything lets us know’ conversation. This may then lead onto a tasking at a later date.
N= New Intelligence from CHIS, has the CHIS come across new information that we were not aware of and they were not tasked to get? Ensure they are getting this intelligence holistically and they are not ‘self-tasking’.
T= Taskings, this is an authorised request to seek out what new intelligence you want the CHIS to actively seek out.
S= Safe route in and out of the meeting, utilise tradecraft to ensure the CHIS and the Handlers are able to attend meetings in safety.
Handling CHIS is one of the best jobs in the Police Service, it does however come with a lot of responsibility. You are responsible for their safety, some CHIS don’t help themselves and can compromise you and put all involved at risk, they will actually tell people that they’re talking to the Police. Some will also appreciate your care for them so much that they will want to split their earnings with you! Don’t do it, explain to them that you are not allowed and that you would face prosecution and lose your job if someone found out. They may reply that ‘no one will know’, well just remember they’re a CHIS, they inform on people for a living, don’t trust them, they will inform on you too!
The Police Officers Survival Guide, available in print,ebook and audiobook too.