PART 4: Ascension – Way Forward To New Earth!
With the fall of Lemurian civilization of 9D to 5D in Gaia, Atlantis civilization came to rise 26000 years ago, and spiritually & energetically came down and fell 12000 years ago. Today human energy vibration is left with 3D and 2D and for some 1D. There are many others on Earth who worked on their soul growth and ascended to higher dimensions and that helped other planets in our solar system line-up to give Gaia a gravitational pull.?A great reset happens on Earth every 12000 years and each soul is locked to whatever soul growth they are in at the time and soul is carried forward to next era with reincarnation of past learned lessons and dharma or karma.? Now, we have reached the End of Earth’s Shan civilization in 12000 years from the fall of Atlantis civilization. We are at the point of Harmonic Convergence since August 17, 1987. What does that mean? Our next 12000 years cycle began on this date but not to be in 3D or 2D or 1D but to rise back to 5D to 9D of Lemurian Era. And that is not possible being on Earth – on Shan lands now, as this land energy leylines?got manipulated to lower vibration with time that impacted many of the other areas of the land connected to the intersection points by the negative ET’s and their minions in human form on Earth during evil civilization. Much resources and Earth ruling government support is required to reconfigure the leylines and points to its original state for Galactic Federation of Light to work, Earth is a land of Free Will and cannot be intervened without consent. The week leylines and points cause much chaos to its lands energy dimension.
On the other hand, Gaia turning upon her axis with help from Earth soul’s energy vibration ascension that line-up the planets of our solar system giving gravitational pull to Gaia in turning to its axis from South Pole star to North Pole star. Also, another planet from our solar system ‘Nibiru’ is approaching again after 3600 years orbiting sun and bringing gravitational pull further for Gaia to align with North Pole Star Vega (Earth was formed by one of the Moons of Nibiru, the Moon collided with planet Tiamet/Thea of our solar system and split in half. One half became the asteroid belt and the other our Earth with all the water from Tiamet). The process of axis shifting would shake the Earth lands for hours and wash away all man-made structures. So, what’s next? The spiritually & energetically ascended humans will be evacuated to New Earth (Gaia / Urantia). All worlds of our Superuniverse ‘Orvonton’ are registered at Uversa - so does our New Earth and as ‘Urantia’.
[Disclaimer: This article may contain blend of science, spirituality, history, myth, astrology, mystic, metaphysics, quantum, and astronomy based on proven and unproven research and information and may not be accurate and for all. There is a possibility that few statements in recent articles may differ from my previous articles that is due to more information findings with time, appreciate your understanding on the matter. This article is not to offend any people, community, faith, gender or race; please read and discern. Also, this article contains copyrighted images of the original owners; used here for educational purpose only (Fair Use), do not reproduce.]
Earth Human Evacuation:
Human energy vibrations are divided in 3 groups:
The ones who do not board spaceship that means they are choosing to be perished as Earth Shan will be moving upside down (non-inhabitable stage) to align Gaia/Urantia with North Pole star ‘Vega’ in the sky. There are many starships present on Earth sky that can be seen at night as blinkering red-blue-white-yellow lights and cloud ships during day. These starships are from our Local Universe & Super Universe Nebadon & Orvonton. They are from Galactic Federation of Light. The beam of light will be sent to ground by these starships if you ask and will see once the time approaches, no one will be told to board the ship but shall be done at own Free Will (Ask, you shall Receive). One need to step upon the beam light on ground and shall not carry any luggage everything will be provided in the spaceship, & can bring pets along.
While Earth is going thru the axis shift, the solar flare and solar storms in the Sun atmosphere (APEP/CERN eclipse sounding rocket launch) emitting radiations that is disastrous to humans and Earth and to all its inhabitants. Thankfully, all will be taken care of by Galactic Federation of Light!
Did I Just Read ‘Spaceship’ For Human Evacuation?
Yes, that's correct! We humans and Earth are not the only beings and inhabited planet in all existence. Our Earth is a tiny part of The Grand Universe and a member of an enormous Cosmos. Our planet is precisely administered and lovingly fostered. We are placed under the Superuniverse ‘Orvonton’. All worlds of Orvonton are registered at its headquarter Uversa. Our New Earth is registered as ‘Urantia’. Here is some information on our Superuniverse Orvonton. Orvonton is the 7th Superuniverse out of 7 in The Grand Universe that surrounds ‘Havona’ and?‘Paradise’.
Our planet Earth Shan and New Earth Urantia is in our Local System ‘Satania - The Morontia World’ headquarters at ‘Jerusem’. Morontia World is one out of seven worlds of Satania.
The Morontia World is on edge of our Constellation System ‘Norlatiadek’ headquarters at ‘Edentia’.
Norlatiadek is on edge of our Major Sector ‘Splandon’ and Minor Sector ‘Ensa’.
Splandon & Ensa are on edge of our Local Universe ‘Nebadon’ headquarters at ‘Salvington’.
Nebadon is on edge of our Superuniverse ‘Orvonton’ headquarters at ‘Uversa’. Nebadon is our Local Universe and Urantia’s placement in it is explained explicitly in UrantiaBookFilms.
Soul Ascension & Protection From Radiation:
You may listen to the frequencies that raises your vibration, brings positive changes and thoughts suitable for your soul ascension besides these: