Part 3 - Tackling Change
OneTRUTH Leaders are agents of change. They cannot think of things in the same way because they are compelled to find TRUTH in everything. Discerning TRUTH is not easy because evil is so pervasive. It hides from the light, discusses itself through lies and deceit. We differ on what is true now more than ever. So, we are compelled to seek TRUTH in everything.
But how? We must question everything. Questions are the most effective tool available at getting at TRUTH. What makes something true or not? What are the elements of TRUTH we need to pursue to find TRUTH? The key questions we need to ask include:
These questions may be difficult for us to ask and get valuable answers, but they are provided as a framework to develop the trust necessary to determine TRUTH.?
The TRUTH is that we do not like change, experiencing new things that are different than our ordinary daily routine.?It is much easier to continue doing what we have always been doing. To expect something new, however, has been defined as the purist form of insanity.
When we come to the point of experiencing something new, why not immediately ask, “if not, why not?”?Imagine the possibilities. This is fundamental to OneTRUTH Leadership.
At first it is only natural to make lame excuses that wouldn’t hold up to past questioning. After a while you will realize that most of your excuses are not based on any true sense of reason or logic.?It is more likely that they are based on laziness, fear, and opinions about what others might think.
Here is a thought. The actual core reason is much deeper, much more complex, and harder to recognize. The insane ones are the ones who never try something, who stay in the rut of their existence and will not try anything out of what has been called, “their comfort zone.”
Your success may not be as great...initially, but what will be possible if you begin to ask some "why not" questions for yourself. Try getting to the true reason when the immediate answer is negative by asking “why?” at least five times.
Use this example …
This is a very simplified example, but you might be amazed to discover things you may have even thought of or imagined without some deep questioning. ? Stop standing still in your work. Ask some key questions.?Why not try something new?
Next: There is a misconception about why we ask questions that Part 4 will uncover and discuss.