Part 3: Current List of Leadership Books being evaluated by Dr. Brian Willett (updated thru 9/26/18) for Leadership learning/improvement

Leadership skills, traits, behaviors and knowledge books in the areas of Leadership Research & Product Development, Management, Leadership, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Innovation & Creativity, Technical & Project Management, Team Dynamics, Workplace Culture & Cognitive Psychology (understanding people's motivations and biases), Business Strategy, Personal Improvement, Trust, Six Sigma, Future Forecasting and Communication Skills being investigated by Dr. Brian Willett (Updated thru 9/26/18) for technical employees to read (in my opinion). 1348 books total being evaluated so far.

[Title Author(s) year published Major Area(s) of Content]

9 Things a leader must do by Henry Cloud 2006 leadership

#Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso 2014 self Improvement

10 Types of Innovation by Larry Kelley 2013 Innovation

100 tricks to appear smart at meetings by Sarah Cooper 2016

101 Design Methods by Vijay Kumar 2012 R & D

12. The elements of Great Managing by Rodd Wagner 2006 Management

13 guidelines for effective teams by Kalay Klemp 2011 Team

16 Stones: raising the level of your leadership one stone at a time by Dick Wells 2013 Leadership

1st break all the rules by Marcus Buckingham et al 2016 Management

21 Irrefutable laws of leadership (10th ed) by John Maxwell 2007 Leadership

212 Leadership: the 10 rules for highly effective leadership by Mac Anderson 2011 leadership

22 keys to creating a meaningful workplace by Tom Terez 2000 workplace Culture

24 carrot manager by Adrian Gostick 2002 management

31 Ways to Innovate Anything by Kevin Ramerize 2015 innovation

360 Degrees of Influence by Harrison Monarth 2011 Communication

4 steps to the future by Richard Lum 2016 forecasting

42 rules for creating WE by Judith Glazer and Angela Ahrendt 2012 Team

42 rules for your new leadership role (2nd ed) by Pam Rollin 2012 Leadership

48 laws of power by Robert Greene 2000 Leadership

63 innovation nuggets for aspiring innovators by George Barbee 2017 innovation

7 common sense factors to avoid being a stupid leader by Tommy Gibbs 2015 Leadership

7 principles of transformational leadership by Hume Blane 2017 leadership

75 Tools for creative thinking by Wimer Hazenburg 2012 creativty

75 ways for managers to hire, develop and keep great employees by Paul Falcone 2016 management

9 disciplines of enduring leadership by Kent Ingle 2015 leadership

9 habits of project leaders by Puja Bhatt and Aru Singhal 2017 Leadership

90 days to success as a project manager by Paul Senghera 2009 Management

A climb to the top: communication and leadership tactics to take your career to new heights by Chuck Garcia 2016 leadership, management

A company of owners: maximizing employee engagement by Daren Mantis 2016

A Culture Engine by S Chris Edmonds 2014 workplace Culture

A Curious Mind by Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman 2013 Decision Making

A guide to six sigma and process improvement for practitioners and students by Howard Gitlow and Richard Malnyck 2015 six sigma

A guide to success for technical managers by Elizabeth Traher and David Piltz 2010 Management

A guide to the project management body of knowledge (6th ed) by PMI 2017 project management

A leader in the mirror by Joel Parker 2016 Leadership

A leaders gift by Berry Bantham 2014 Leadership

A leaders guide to emotional intelligence by Drew Bird 2016 Leadership

A Leadership Kick in the ass by Bill Treasurer 2017 leadership

A Managers Guide to Virtual Teams by Yael Zofi 2011 teams, management

A more beautiful question by Warren Berger 2016 Communication

A professional guide to problem solving with decision science by Frank Tillman and Deandre Cassone 2018 decision making

A Team of Leaders: empowering every member to take ownership by demonstrative initiative and deliver results by Paul Gustavson 2014 teams, leadership

A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink 2006 Cognitive Psychology

A Women's Guide to Successful Negotiating by Lee Miller and Jenny Miller 2010 communication

Accelerating Performance by Colin Price and Sharon Toye 2017 strategy

Act like a Leader, think like a Leader by Herminia Ibarra 2016 Communication

Activate your Brain by Scott Halford 2015 Personal Improvement

Adaptive project management by Andy Silber 2017 project management

Adaptive Space: how GM and other companies are positively disrupting themselves and transforming into Agile Organizations by Michael Aran 2018

Advanced multi-project management by Gerald Kendall and Kathleen Austin 2012 project management

Agents of change by Mike Thomas 2016

Agile and lean program management by Johanna Rothman 2016 Management

Agile Change Management by Melanie Franklin 2014 management, strategy

Agile Product management by Jim Highsmith 2004 Management

Agile project management by James Smith 2011 project management

Algorithms to Live By by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths 2016 Cognitive Psychology

All in: How the best managers create a culture of belief by Adrian Gostick 2012 management

All the Leader you can be by Suzanne Bates 2016 leadership, workplace culture

Alpha Project Managers What the top 2% know that everyone else does not by Andy Crowe 2016 project management

Always growing: how to be a strong(er) leader in any season by James Loftin 2017 leadership

An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey 2018 workplace Culture

Anticipate: the art of leading by looking ahead by Rob-Jan De Jong 2015 strategy

Anticipating 2025: A guide to the radical changes that may lie ahead, whether or not we’re ready by David Wood et al 2014 Future Forecasting

Antifragile by Narsium Taleb 2014 Decision Making

Appreciative leadership by Diana Whitney 2010 Leadership

Ask a manager by Alison Green 2018 communication

Ask for it: How Women can use the power of negotiation to get what they really want by Linda Babcock 2008 Communication

Ask More: The Power of Questions to Open Doors, Uncover Solutions and Spark Change by Frank Sesno 2017 Communication

Athena Rising: How and Why men should mentor women by W Brad Johnson and David Smith 2018 mentoring

Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the secrets to creating value by Bill George 2004 leadership

Awesome supervisorial skills by Tarnara Murray and Eva Mesgaros 2014 management

Bad Leadership by Barbara Kellerman 2004 leadership

Bare bones project management: what you can't not do by Bob Lein 2011 project management

Bare Knuckled project management by Tony Grueble and Jeff Welch 2013 project management

Barking up the wrong tree: The Surprising Science behind why everything you know about success is (mostly) wrong by Eric Barker 2017 cognitive Psychology

Be more strategic in business: how to win through stronger leadership and smarter decisions by Diana Thomas and Stacey Boyle 2018 Leadership

Be the Boss everyone wants to work for by William Gentry 2016 management

Be the Man by Garrett White 2018

Become truly great: server the common good through management by positive organizational effectiveness by Charles Chandler 2017 management

Becoming a Better Boss by Julien Birkenshaw 2012 Communication

Becoming a can-do leader: A guide for the busy manager by Frank Satterthwaite and Jamie Millard 2016 management, leadership

Becoming a Coaching Leader by Daniel Harkavy 2010 leadership

Becoming a Fearless leader: A simple guide to taking control and building happy, productive, highly performing teams by Elizabeth Shassere 2018 leadership

Becoming a leader of character: 6 habits that make or break a leader at work, at home by Dave Anderson and James Anderson 2016 leadership

Becoming a Leader-coach: a step by step guide to developing your people by Johan Naude and Florence Plessier 2014 leadership

Becoming a leading woman in business: developing and enhancing your leadership skills by Christina Scott 2015 leadership

Becoming a manager: How new managers master the challenges of leadership by Linde Hill 2003 management

Becoming a Resonant Leader by Annie McKee and Richard Boystzis 2008 Leadership

Becoming a strategic leader by Richard Hughes and Katherine Beatty 2014 leadership

Becoming an agile leader know what to do by Victoria Swisher 2012 leadership

Becoming your best: the 12 principles of highly successful leaders by Steven Shallenberger 2014 Leadership

Been there, run that by Kay Koplovitz 2014

Being an Agile Leader-manager by Catherine Joyce 2016 leadership, management

Better and Faster by Jeremy Gutsche 2015 Innovation

Beyond Change Management by Dean Anderson and Linda Anderson 2010 leadership

Beyond the Idea by Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble 2013 Innovation

Beyond the Obvious by Phil McKinney 2015 Creativity

Big Bang Disruption by Larry Downer and Paul Nunes 2014 Innovation

Big Shifts Ahead: Demographic Clarity For Business by John Burns , Chris Porter 2016 Future Forecasting

Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed 2015 Innovation

Blindspot: Hidden Biases of good people by Mahzarin Banaji and Anthony Greenwald 2016 cognitive psychology

Blue Ocean Shift by W Chen Kim and Renee Mauborgne 2017 business Strategy

Blue Ocean strategy by W Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgue 2015 Business Strategy

Boom: deciphering innovation by Lisa Hendrickson and Jim Colwick 2018 innovation

Boundries for Leaders by Henry Cloud 2013 leadership

Brand new, solving the innovation paradox by G Michael Maddock and Luisa Urisite 2011 innovation

Brave Leadership: Unleash your most confident, powerful and authentic self by Kimberly Davis 2018 leadership

Breaking into the Boys Club by Molly Shepard 2014 workplace Culture

Breaking through Bias: Communication techniques for women to succeed at work by Andrea Kramer and Alton Harris 2016 Communication

Bring Work to Life by bringing life to work by Tracy Brower 2014 Workplace Culture

Build an A team: Play to their strengths and lead them up the learning curve by Whitney Johnson 2018 teams

Build your dream team: Leadership based on a passion for people by Candela Iglesis 2017 leadership

Building leadership character by Amy Newman 2018 leadership

Building leadership competence by Wesley Donahue 2018 Leadership

Building Miraculous work teams by Duke Nielsen 2015 teams

Building Team Power by Thomas Kayser 2011 Team

Built to last by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras 2004 strategy

Built to Lead by David Long 2018 leadership

Cage busting leadership by Frederick Hess 2013 leadership

Captivate: the science of succeeding with people by Vanessa Edwards 2018

Carrots and Sticks Don't Work by Paul Merciano 2010 workplace Culture

Catalyst: Leadership & strategy in a changing world by Joseph Kopser and Bret Boyd 2018 leadership

Catapulted: How Great Leaders Succeed Beyond Their Experience by Dave Jennings 2008 Leadership

Centered Leadship: leading with purpose, clarity and impact by Joanne Barsh and Johanne Lavela 2014 leadership

Change by Design by Tim Brown 2015 decision making, innovation

Change Management by Jeffrey Hiatt 2012 Creativity

Change the culture, change the game by Roger Connors and Tom Smith 2012 strategy, workplace culture

Changing on the job by Jennifer Berger 2013 leadership

Chess, not checkers: elevate your leadership game by Mark Miller and Joe Bronzi 2015 leadership

Clarity First by Karen Martin 2018 management

Clean your own mirror: 6 necessary duties to lead and influence people by Dan Gheasling 2013 leadership

Clever: Leading your smartest, most creative people by Rob Goffee 2009 leadership

Closing Conflict for leaders: How to be a bold leader and develop a kick ass, high funtioning, happy AF team by Lynn Hurdle 2018 leadership

Closing the Innovation Gap by Judy Estein 2002 Creativity

Co-create: How your business will profit from innovation and strategic collaboration by David Nour 2017 Decision Making

Collaborative Leadership: building relationships handling conflict and sharing control by David Archer and Alex Cameron 2013 leadership

Collaborative leadership: six influences that matter the most by Peter DeWitt 2016 leadership

Commanding Excellence: inspiring purpose, passion and ingenuity through leadership that matters by Gary Morton 2017 leadership

Committed teams by Mario Moussa and Madeline Boyer 2016 teams

Communicate Like a Leader by Dianne Booher 2017 leadership, communication

Communicate like a true leader: 30 days of life changing wishes by Quentin Schultze and Leonard Swartz 2017 Communication

Communicating at Work by Ron Adler 2016 Decision Making

Compelling People by John Neffinger 2014 Communication

Competative Strategy by Michael Porter 2015 Decision Making

Competing Against Luck by Clayton Christensen et al 2017 R & D

Competing Values Leadership by Kim Cameron et al 2014 leadership

Connective Leadership managing in a changing world by Jean Lipman-Blumen 2000 management

Conscious coaching; the art and science of building buyin by Brett Bartholowmew and K Foster 2018

Contagious Culture by Anese Cavanaugh 2015 workplace culture

Contagious: Why Things Catch on by Jonah Berger 2016 Marketing

Conversational Capacity by Craig Weber 2013 communication

Conversational Intelligence by Judith Glazer 2016 Communication

Core Leadership and manaagement skills by Neil Hoehlin 2018 leadership, management

Corporate Creativity: developing in innovative organizations by Thomas Lockwood and Thomas Walton 2010 creativity, innovation

Corporate Creativity: how innovation and improvement actually happens by Alan Robinson and Sam Stern 1998 Creativity

Corporate Culture and Performance by John Kotter and James Heskett 2011 workplace culture

Corporate Homocide by Jerry Feingold 2018 management

Corporate Innovationin (5th ed) by Mathew Le Merle and Alison Davis 2017 innovation

Corporate superpower: cultivating a winning culture for your business by Oleg Konovalov and E Roy Wirley 2018 workplace Culture

Costavation by Stephen Winker and Jennifer Law 2018

Counter Mentor Leadership by Kelly Riggs and Robby Riggs 2018 leadership

Cowgirl power: how to kick ass in business and life by Gay Gaddis 2018 workplace Culture

Cracking Creativity by Michael Michalko 2001 Creativity

Crazy Bosses by Stanley Bing 2007 Decision Making

Creating effective teams (5th ed) by Susan Wheelan 2014 teams

Creating Great Choices: A Leaders guide to integrative thinking by Jennifer Riel and Roger Martin 2017 leadership

Creating High Performance Workplace by Sue Brigham and Bob Dusin 2018 workplace Culture

Creating mindful leaders by Joe Burton 2018 management, leadership

Creating Personal Presence: look, talk, think and act like a leader by Dianne Booher 2011 leadership

Creative Change by Jennifer Mueller 2018

Creative Confidence by Tom & David Kelley 2017 Innovation

Creative Intelligence: harnessing the power to create, connecvt and inspire by Bruce Nussbaun 2013 Decision Making

Creative Project Management by Michael Dobson 2010 Project Management

Creativity and Innovation by Jonathan Plucker 2016 creativity, innovation

Creativity in Product Innovation by Jacob Goldenberg 2017 Innovation

Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull 2014 Creativity

Creativity the human brain in the age of innovation by Elkhonan Goldberg 2018 creativity

Creativity: Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyl 2013 Creativity

Crisis Leadership low to lead in times of crisis and uncertainty by Tim Johnson 2018 leadership

Crisis Leadership Now by Lawrence Barton 2009 Leadership

Crisis of disengagement by Andrew Sherman 2017

Critical Thinking Skills: Practical strategies for better decision making, problem solving and goal setting by Steven West 2017 critical thinking

Critical Thinking: A Beginners Guide by Jennifer Wilson 2017 Problem Solving

Critical thinking: how to improve your critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and avoid the 25 cognitive biases in decision making by Scott Lovelli 2018 critical thinking

Critical Thinking: Proven Strategies to improve decision making skills by Simon Bradley and Nicole Prince 2016 decision making

Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore 2014 Marketing

Cultivate: the power of winning relationships by Moreg Barrett 2016 communication

Culture by design: 8 simple steps to drive better individual and organizational performance by David Friedman 2018 workplace culture

Culture Code by Daniel Coyle 2018 workplace culture

Culture Infusion: 9 principles for creating and maintaining a thriving organizational culture by Kerry Wakelo 2017 workplace culture

Culture Rules: the 10 core principles of corporate culture by John Childress 2017 workplace culture

Culture Wins: the roadmap to an irresistable workplace by William Vanderbloeson 2018 workplace culture

Culture works: how to create happiness in the workplace by Kris Boesch 2017 workplace culture

Culture your culture: Innovating experiences at work by Karen Jaw-Mader 2018 workplace culture

Cultures and Organizations by Geert Hofstede 2010 workplace culture

Data driven leaders always win by Jay Zaidi and Kirk Borne 2016 leadership

Data driven leadership by Amanda Datnow and Vicki Park 2014 leadership

Dealing with People you can't stand by Rick Brinkman 2012 Communication

Decide: work smarter, reduce your stress and lead by example by Steve McClatchy 2014 decision making

Decision Making and Problem Solving by John Adair 2016 Decision Making

Decision Making and Problem Solving in Management by Robert Vaughn 2010 Innovation

Decision making in systems engineering and management by Gregory Perndt and Patrick Discoll 2010 Decision Making

Decisions: An Engineering and Management Perspective by Gerard Gaynor 2008 Innovation

Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath 2013 Workplace Culture

Deep mentoring by Randy Reese and Robert Loane 2012 mentoring

Design Driven Innovation by Robert Verganti 2009 innovation

Design dynamic organizations by Jay Golbrath and Diana Downey 2001 workplace Culture

Design for strengths by John Coyle and Steven Cotier 2018 workplace culture

Design thinking for strategic innovation by Idris Mootee 2014 innovation

Design thinking methodology book by Enrah Yajici 2016

Design thinking proccess and methods by Robert Caredale 2016

Design Thinking: integrating innovation, customer experience and brand value by Thomas Lockwood 2009 communication

Designed leadership by Moura Quayle 2017 leadership

Designing for Growth by Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie 2011 management

Designing Products people love by Scott Hurff 2016 R & D

Destined to lead by Carol Wasylsyshin 2014 leadership

Develop your leadership skills by Firas Samri 2015 leadership

Developing a positive culture where people and performance thrive by Marcella Prener 2018 workplace culture

Developing and leading emergence teams by Peter Smith and Tom Cockburn 2016 teams

Developing Products in Half the time (2nd ed) by Preston Smith and Donald Reinersten 1997 Product Development

Developing relational leadership by Carsten Hornstrup and Jaser Loehr-Peterson 2012 leadership

Developing the leader within you 2.0 by John Maxell 2018 leadership

Developing women leaders : a guide for men and women in organizations by Anna Valerio 2009 leadership

Developing Women leaders in Corporate America by Alan Babsen 2012 leadership

Diagnosing and changing organizational culture by Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn 2011 workplace culture

Diamond Leadership by Viktor Kunovaski 2018 leadership

Diffusion of Innovations (5th ed) by Everett Rogers 2004 innovation

Disciplined dreaming: A proven system to drive breakthrough creativity by Josh Linkmer 2011 creativity

Disciplined entrepeneurship: 24 steps to a successful start up by Pill Aulet 2013

Discovering the leader in you (2nd ed) by Sara King 2011 leadership

Disrupt You by Jay Saint 2015 decision making & problem solving

Disrupt Yourself by Whitney Johnson 2016 innovation

Do Big Things: the simple steps teams can take to mobilize hearts and minds by Craig Ross and Angela Piconione 2017 teams

Do you have what it takes? by Walter Nusbaum and Sarah Benson 2015

Don't let 'em treat you like a girl by Liz Walser 2011

Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly 2007 management

Dream Teams working together without falling apart by Sharon Snow 2018 teams

Drive by Daniel Pink 2011 Leadership

Driven by Differences by David Livermore 2008 Innovation

Driving growth through innovation by Robert Tucker 2008 Innovation

Driving Innovation by Michael Gollin 2008 innovation

Driving to perfection: achieving business excellence by creating a vibrant culture by Brian Fielkow 2014 workplace culture

Dual transformation by Scott Anthony 2017

Effective project management by Robert Wysochi 2013 Project Management

Effective team work by Michael West 2012 teams

Ego Free Leadership by Brandon Black and Shayne Hughes 2017 leadership

Einsteins boss: 10 rules for leading genius by Robert Hramas 2018 leadership

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradbury 2009 Leadership

Emotional Intelligence by Dan Goleman 2018

Emotional Intelligence for project managers: the people skills you need to achieve outstanding results by Anthony Mersino 2013 management

Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ by Danial Goleman 2005 Leadership

Employee Engagement 2.0 by Kevin Kruse 2012

Enchantment: the art of changing hearts, minds and actions by Guy Kawaski 2011 communication

Energize your leadership: discover, ignite and break through by Larae Quy 2015 leadership

Engage, commit, grow by Larry Smith 2010 personal Improvement

Enlightened Power: How Women are Transforming the Practice of Leadership by Lin Coughlin 2005 Leadership

EQ applied: the real world guide to Emotional Intelligence by Justin Barlso 2018

Essential Leadership by Gavin McGinnis 2016 leadership

Essential leadership: develop your leadership qualities though theory and practice by Esther Cameron and Mike Green 2017 leadership

Essential Scrum by Kenneth Rubin 2012 management

Essentialism by Greg McKeown 2014 Decision Making

Essentials of leadership by Bura Beck 2018 leadership

Everyday Bias by Howard Ross 2014 cognitive psychology

Everyone communicates, few connect by John Maxwell 2010 Communication

Evolutionary Leadership by Peter Murray 2013 leadership

Execution by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan 2016 Leadership

Executive toughness by Jason Seik 2018

Experimentation matters by Stefan Thomke 2003 Product Development

Explosive growth by Cliff Leawer 2017

Exponential growth by Mike Mastroylannis 2018

Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster and cheaper than yours by Salim Ismail and Michael Malone 2014 systems

Extraordinary Influence by Tim Irwin and Tim Tassopooulos 2018 mentoring

Extreme Teaming: lessons in complex, cross sector leadership by Amy Edmondson and Jean Hawey 2017 Teams

Extreme Teams by Robert Shaw 2017 team

Facilitators guide to participatory decision making by Sam Kaner 2014 decision making

Factory Physics for managers by Edward Pound and Jeffrey Bell 2014 management

Fail Better by Anjal Sastry and Kara Penn 2014 Strategy

Fast Focus: a quick start guide to mastering your attention by Damon Zahariedes 2017 personal Improvement

Fearless Growth by Amanda Satile 2018 decision making & problem solving

Feminist Fight Club by Jessica Bennett 2017 workplace culture

Fierce Leadership by Susan Scott 2011 Leadership

Find who you are meant to be: Unleash your strengths become more you are meant to be by Steven Schuster 2018 personal Improvement

Find your voice as a leader by Paul Larson and Andres Glass 2016 leadership

Finding Allies, Building Alliances by Mike Levitt and Rich McKeown 2013 team

Finding and keeping great employees by Jim Harris 1999 Management

Finding time to lead by Leslie Peters 2018 leadership

FIRE: how fast, inexpensive, retrained, and elegant methods to ignite innovation by Dan Ward 2014 Innovation

Firestarters: how innovators, instigators and initiators can inspire you to ignite your own life by Raoul Davis and Kathy Polokoff 2018 self improvement

First Break all the rules by Jim Harter and Marcus Buckingham 2016 management

First Things First by Stephen Covey 1996 Personal Improvement

First time managers guide by Frontier Desk 2018 management

Flash Foresight by Daniel Burrus & John Mann 2011 Strategy

Flexible Project Management for Product Development by Jose Campos 2012 Project Management

Flirting with disaster by Mark Gerstein and Michael Ellsberg 2008 Product Development

Fluid how culture, hidden opportunities to flatten structures by Najeeb Khan 2018 innovation, strategy

Focus on Leadership by Larry Spears and Michele Lawrence 2001 leadership

Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow by Simon Anderson 2015 Future Forecasting

Forged in crisis, the power of courageous leadership by Nancy Koehn 2017 Leadership

Framework leadership by Kent Ingle 2017 Leadership

From Bud to Boss: secrets to a successful transition to remarkable leadership by Kevin Eikenbermy 2011 leadership

From Impossible to Inevitable by Aaron Ross and Jason Lemkin 2016 management

From ME to WE: why commercial collaboration will future proof business, leaders and personal success by Janine Garner 2015

From projects to programs by Sam Penkar 2013

Fundamentals of management (10th ed) by Stephen Robbins and Mary Coulter 2016 management

Fundamentals of management by Steven Robbins and David De Cazo 2010 management

Fundamentals of project management by Joseph Heagney 2016 project management

Fusion: how integrating brand and culture powers the worlds greatest companies by Denise Lee Yohn 2018

Future Savvy by Adam Gordon 2008 forecasting

Future Smart: Managing the Game-Changing Trends That Will Transform Your World by James Canton 2015 Future Forecasting

Gaining Control: the key to freedom of success by Robert Bennett 1987 Cognitive Psychology

Game Storming: A playbook for innovators, rule breakers, and changemakers by Dave Grey and Sunni Brown 2010 innovation

Gen X approved - top 20 keys to effective leadership by Curtis Odem 2013 leadership

Gen Z at work by David Stillman and Jonah Stillman 2017

Generation Z Effect: the 6 forces shaping the future of business by Tom Koulopoulos and Dan Keldsen 2016 workplace Culture

Generations at Work by Ron Zenke and Clarie Raines 2013 workplace culture

Get real leadership: a practical approach that delivers relationships, respect and results by Henry Campbell 2012 Leadership

Get Smart by Brian Tracy 2017 self Improvement

Get your mind on your people by Lori Stebs 2017

Get your mind on your people by Lori Stohs 2017 leadership

Getting Past NO by William Ury 1993 Communication

Getting to Yes: Negotiating agreement without giving in by Roger Fisher and William Vry 2011 Communication

Getting unstuck: using leadership paradox to execute with confidence by Ralph Jacobson 2013 Leadership

Give and Take by Adam Grant 2016 Communication

Global Leadership: Research, Practices and Development by Mark Manderlall and Joyce Ogland 2017 Leadership

Go long: why long term thining is your best short term strategy by Dennis Carey et al 2018 leadership, strategy

Good Authority: how to become the leader your team is waiting for by Jonathan Raymond 2016 leadership

Good Boss, Bad Boss by Robert Sutton 2012 management

Good Leaders Ask Great Questions by John Maxwell 2016 Leadership

Good People: the only leadership decision that really matters by Anthony Tjan 2017 leadership

Good Strategy, Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt 2011 Strategy

Good to Great by Jim Collins 2001 Business Strategy

Great at Work by Morten Hansen 2018 leadership, management

Great by Choice by Jim Collins 2011 Management

Great Leaders always follow by Rob Fontenot 2018 leadership

Great Managers are always nice by Chip Averwater 2018 management

Great Teams: 16 things high performing organizations do differently by Don Yaeger 2016 Team

Great Work: How to make a difference people love by David Stuart 2013 personal Improvement

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perserverence by Angela Duckworth 2016 personal Improvement

Group Alchemy: the 6 elements of highly successful collaboration by Deborah Pruitt 2014

Group Dynamics and team interventions by Timothy Franz 2012 teams

Group Dynamics of Teams by Daniel Levi 2016 teams

Growing Weeders into leaders by Jeff McManus 2017 leadership

Growth from Within; mastering corporate entrepeurnership and innovation by Robert Wolcott and Michael Lippitz 2009 innovation

H3 Leadership be Humble, stay Hungry and always Hustle by Brad Lomenick and Mark Burnett 2016 Leadership

Habit Stacking: 127 small changes to improve your health, wealth and happiness by S J Scott and Jonethan Green 2017 self Improvement

Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown 2017 management

Hacking Innovation by Josh Linker 2017 innovation

Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice by Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khurans 2010 Leadership

Handbook of Neuroleadership by David Rock 2013 leadership

Happiness at work: 100 ways to create a happy workplace culture by Jon Nielson 2016 workplace culture

Hard won wisdom: true stories from the management trenches by Jathan Janove 2016 management

Hardball for women by Pat Helm et al 2015 workplace culture

HBR must reads on emotional intelligence by HBR 2015

HBR Must Reads on Making Smart Decisions by Daniel Kahneman and others 2013 Decision Making

HBR must reads on managing people by HBR 2011 management

HBR must reads on strategy by HBR 2011 Strategy

HBR must reads on teams by HBR 2013 teams

HBR on Leadership: 10 Must Reads by Harvard Business Review 2011 Leadership

Herding Tigers by Todd Henry 2018 leadership

Heretics guide to best practices by Kaibish Awati and Paul Culmsee 2013 decision making

Heroic Leadership by Chris Lowney 2003 leadership

Hidden Brilliance: A high-achieving introverts guide to self-discovery, leadership and playing big by Katie Rasoul 2018 leadership

High Heels in Tech: Women, Technology and Change by Winsome Campbell-Green 2016 Leadership

High Output Management by Andrew Grove 1995 management

High Performance ethics: 10 timeless principles for next gen leadership by Wes Cantrell and James Lucas 2011 leadership

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard 2017 personal Improvement

High Performance Team Coaching by Jacqueline Peters 2013 teams

High Velocity Hiring by Scott Wintrip 2017

Holacracy by Brian Robertson 2015 Leadership

Hooked by Nin Eyal and Ryan Hoover 2014 self Improvement

How Google Works by Eric Schmidt and Jonathen Rosenberg 2017 strategy

How Innovation Really Works by Ann Knott 2017 innovation

How NASA Builds Teams by Charles Pellerin 2009 teams

How not to be a stupid manager by Thom Cope 2013 management

How Remarkable women lead by Joanna Barsh and Susie Granston 2011 Leadership

How the mighty fall and why some companies never give in by Jim Collins 2009 Business Strategy

How the mind works by Steven Pinker 2009 cognitive Psychology

How to Analyze People by George Muntau 2017 self Improvement

How to be a good leader by Terry Cochran 2014 leadership

How to be a great boss by Gino Wickman and Rene Boer 2016 leadership, management

How to be a great leader by Terry Cochran 2014 Leadership

How to build a thriving culture at work by Rosie Ward and Jon Robinson 2014 workplace culture

How to improve your leadership and management skills by Mesi Linz 2017 Management, leadership

How to Lead (4th ed) by Jo Owen 2015 leadership

How to manage complex programs high impact techniques for handling project workflow deliverables and teams by Tom Kendrick 2016 management

How to price effectively: A guide for managers and entrepreneurs by Utpal Dholakia 2017 management

How to say it for women by Phyllis Mindell 2001 communication

How to Sharpen your managerial skills by Men Liraz 2017 management

How to Talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes 2003 communication

How to work and lead people not like you by Kelly McDonald and Teri Schmidt 2017 leadership

How to work with and lead people not like you by Kelly McDonald 2017 leadership

How Women Decide by Therese Huston 2017 Decision Making

How Women Rise by Sally Halgesen and Marshall Goldsmith 2018 self Improvement

Humans + Machine: Reimaging work in the age of AI by Paul Daughterty and Hjones Wilson 2018 leadership, strategy

Hundred Percenters by Mark Murphy 2013 Leadership

I shouldn't be Telling you this by Kate White 2013 workplace Culture

Iconic advantage: don't chase the new; innovate the old by Soon Yi and David Beiss 2018 innovation

Idea Agent by Lina Echevenia 2012 Leadership

Identifying and managing project risk by Tom Kendrick 2015 project management

Ignite your leadership proven tools for leaders to energize teams, fuel momentum and accelerate results by Kathy Sparrow and Pete Winlarski 2017 leadership

Imagine: How creativity works by Jonah Lehrer 2014 Leadership

Implementing 6 Sigma by Forrest Breyfogle III 2003 Quality Control

In bound organization by Dan Tyre and Todd Hockenberry 2018

In or Out: A Practical Guide to Decision Making by A I Shoukry 2017 decision making

Inbound Organization by Dan Tyre and Todd Hakenberry 2018 leadership

Inclusion Diversity: the new workplace and the will to change by Jennifer Brown 2017 workplace culture

Inclusive Leadership by Charlotte Sweeney and Fleur Bothwick 2016 leadership, management

Influence and persuation: the psychology of leadership and human behavior (vol 2) by Jonathan Green 2017 leadership

Influence without authority by Allan Cohen and David Bradford 2017 management

Influence: Science and Practice by Robert Cialidini 2000 Communication

Influencer: the power to change anything by Kerry Patterson 2008 Communication

Influencing Up by Allen Cohen and David Bradford 2012 communication

Influencing Virtual Teams by Hassan Osman 2016 teams

Ingenius: A Crash Course on Creativity by Tina Seelig 2013 Leadership

Innovating for people: handbook of human centered design methods by LUMA Instatute 2012 innovation

Innovating lean six sigma by Kimberely Watson-hemphill and Beth Richmond 2016 six sigma, innovation

Innovating: a doer's manifesto for starting from a hunch, prototyping problems and scaling up by Luis Perez-Breva and Nick Fuhrer 2017 innovation

innovating: A Doer's Manifesto for Starting from a Hunch, Prototyping Problems, Scaling Up and Learning to be Productively Wrong by Luis Perez-Breva 2017 Innovation

Innovation Abyss by Chris DeArmitt 2016 innovation

Innovation Alchemist by Louis Solis 2014 Innovation

Innovation and entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker and Michael Wells 1999 innovation

Innovation as Usual by Paddy Miller 2013 Innovation

Innovation by Design by Thomas Lockwood and Edgar Paphe 2017 innovation

Innovation Engine by Justin Desai 2014 innovation

innovation for leadership by John Adair 2009 Leadership, innovation

Innovation Management and New Product Development by Paul Trott 2016 Product Development

Innovation Prowess by George Day 2013 Innovation

Innovation secrets from the front lines by Susan Marcinelli 2017 innovation

Innovation the NASA way by Rod Pyle 2014 Innovation

Innovation to the Core by Peter Skarzynski 2008 Innovation

Innovative Leadership by Akpowene Kakpovbia 2016 Leadership, innovation

Innovative Leadership Fieldbook by Maureen Metcalf and Mark Palmer 2011 Leadership

Innovative leadership: a leadership resource for leaders of leaders by Cey Reynolds 2015 Leadership, innovation

Inside the Box: a proven system of creativity for breakthrough results by Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg 2014 creativity

Insight by Tasha Eurich 2017 self Improvement

Inspired Organizational Cultures by Kimberly Wiefling 2018 workplace culture

Inspired: How to Create products Customers Love by Marty Cogen 2008 Creativity

Integral Leadership: the next half steps by John Forman and Laural Ross 2013 Leadership

Integrating Program management and systems engineering by Eric Rebentisch and Larry Prusak 2017 management

Interactive project management by Niney Lyons and Meghan Wilkes 2012 project management

International management culture, strategy and behavior by Fred Luthans and Jonothan Doh 2017 management

International Management: Managing across borders and cultures, text and cases by Halen Deresky 2016 management

Intrapreneurship: Ignite innovation by Howard Haller 2014 innovation

Introduction to Leadership by Peter Norhouse 2011 Leadership

Invisible Influence: the hidden forces that shape behavior by Jonah Berger 2017 cognitive Psychology

It's always personal: navigating emotion in the new workplace by Anne Kreamer 2013 workplace Culture

It's OK to be the boss by Bruce Tulgan 2017

It’s Up to You: learn 10 powerful leadership practices by Craig Miller 2018 leadership

Joy Inc: How we built a workplace people love by Richard Shainder 2015 workplace culture

Judgement in managerial decision making by Max Bazemon and Don Moore 2012 management

Judgment: How winning leaders make great calls by Noel Tichy 2009 Leadership

Just Listen by Mark Gouston and Keith Ferrazzi 2015 Communication

Language and the Pursuit of Leadership Excellence by Chalmers Brother and Vijay Kumar 2015 leadership

Launching a Leadership Revolution by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward 2013 leadership

Lead and Disrupt by Charles O'Reilly 2016 Leadership, innovation

Lead from the heart: transformational leadership for the 21st century by Mark Crowley 2011 leadership

Lead Inside the Box by Victor Prince and Mike Figlinolo 2015 leadership

Lead Simply: how to create that special team of people by Sam Parker 2012 teams, leadership

Lead the way: inside out leadership principles for business owners and leaders by Robb Holman 2017 Leadership

Lead your boss by John Baldoni 2009 communication

Lead your tribe, love your work by Plyush Patel 2018 workplace culture

Lead yourself first: Inspiring leadership through solitude by Raymond Kethledge and Michael Erion 2017 leadership

Lead yourself first: the senior leaders guide to engaging your people for greater performance and impact by Karen Wilson-Starks 2018 Leadership

Leader Evolution: from technical expertise to strategic leadership by Alan Patterson 2014 Leadership

Leader on one: shaping your future through immagination and design by Gerald Suarez 2014 Leadership

Leaders at all levels by Ram Charan 2007 leadership

Leaders create space: transform disruption into clarity for life and work by Steve Laswell 2018 leadership

Leaders Eat Last by Simon Simek 2014 Leadership

Leaders Made Here by Mark Miller 2017 leadership

Leaders Make the Future by Bob Johansen and John Ryan 2012 Leadership

Leaders Open Doors by Bill Treasurer 2016 leadership

Leaders Ought to Know by Philip Van Hooser 2013 Leadership

Leaders: strategies for taking charge by Warren Bennis and Burt Names 2007 leadership

Leadership 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves 2012 leadership

Leadership Agility: 5 levels of mastery for anticipation and initiating change by William Joiner and Stephen Joseph 2006 leadership

Leadership and change management by Annabel Beirel 2009 Management, leadership

Leadership and Self Deception by Arbinger Institute 2010 Leadership

Leadership and the new science: discovery order in a chaotic world by Margaret Wheatley 2006 leadership

Leadership Axioms by Bill Hybels and Henry Cloud 2012 Leadership

Leadership beyond reason by John Townsend 2011 leadership

Leadership BS by Jeff Pfeffer 2009 Leadership

Leadership by engineers and scientists by Dennis Hess 2018 leadership

Leadership by invitation by Barry Smith and Kendra Cagle 2014 leadership

Leadership can be taught by Sharon Parks 2005 leadership

Leadership chronicles of a corporate sage by Susan Bethanis 2004 leadership

Leadership Coaching: 101 strategies for the coach by Randy Wayne 2016 leadership

Leadership conversations by Allen Berson and Richard Steiglitz 2013 leadership

Leadership CPR by Ritch Eich 2018 leadership

Leadership enhancing the lessons of experience by Richard Hughes and Robert Ginnett 2014 leadership

Leadership essentials by Greg Ogden and Daniel Mayer 2007

Leadership Excellence: the 7 sides of leadership for the 21st century by Pat Williams and Jim Denney 2016 leadership

Leadership flow perfectly square by Croft Edwards 2017 leadership

Leadership for profitable Sustainability by Peter Geissler 2015 leadership

Leadership for your company's type by William Schneider and Tom Parker 2018 leadership

Leadership Framed by Art by Iris Levy 2017 leadership

Leadership from the inside out: becoming a leader for life by Kevin Cashman 2017 leadership

Leadership in Organizations (8th ed) by Gary Yuki 2012 leadership

Leadership in the balance by Mike Leraine 2016 leadership

Leadership is an Art by Max Depree 2004 leadership

Leadership is changing the game by Brian Donovan 2018 leadership

Leadership is half the story by Marc Hurwitz and Samantha Hurvitz 2015

Leadership on the line by Ronald Hiefetz and Marty Linsky 2017 leadership

Leadership principles by Peter Oliver 2016 leadership

Leadership Psychology: how the best leaders inspire their people by Alan Cutler 2014 leadership

Leadership Quality: developing your repertoire of leadership styles by Ron Meyer and Ronald Majors 2017 leadership

Leadership Results by Sabastian Salicru 2017 leadership

Leadership Rigor by Erica Peitler 2014 leadership

Leadership secrets of Attila the Hun by Wes Roberts 1990 leadership

Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus by Eric Harvey 2015 leadership

Leadership Step by Step by Joshua Spodek 2017 leadership

leadership team coaching in practice by Peter Hawkin 2018 leadership

Leadership that lasts by Tim Mathaney 2018 leadership

Leadership the hard way by Dov Frehman and Robert Howard 2008 leadership

Leadership theory: cultivating critical perspective by John Dugan 2017 leadership

Leadership without easy answers by Ronald Heifetz 1998 leadership

Leadership, Management and Innovation in R&D Project Teams by Leon Marin 2005 Leadership

Leadership: a communication perspective by Michael Hackman 2013 leadership, communication

Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience by Richard Hugis and Robert Ginett 2014 leadership

Leadership: how to lead by Steve Gold 2016 leadership

Leadership: Influential Leadership Skills for masterful business communication, management conversations and team building by Arthur Carmon 2012 leadership

Leadership: Research findings practice and skils by Anders Brin 2015 leadership

Leadership: the everydays super hero's action guide to plan and deliver high stakes project by Ron Black 2015 leadership

Leadership: the power of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman 2011 Leadership

Leadership: the top 100 best ways to be a great leader by Ace McCloud 2017 leadership

Leadership: Theory and Practice (8th ed) by Peter Northouse 2018 leadership

Leadership: theory, applications and skill development by Robert Lussier and Christopher Achun 2012 Leadership

Leadership: top 25 leadership skills used by team leaders by William Roberts 2015 Leadership

Leading across boundries by Russell Linden 2010 leadership

Leading Change by John Kotter 2012 Leadership

Leading complex projects and tools for complex projects by Kaye Reminton 2011 leadership

Leading complex projects: a data driven approach to mastering the human side of project management by Edward Murrow and Neeraj Nendurdiken 2018 Leadership

Leading Effective Virtual Teams by Nancy Settle-Murphy 2018 teams, leadership

Leading from purpose by Nick Craig 2018 leadership

Leading from the front by Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch 2017 Leadership

Leading Gracefully by MoniqueTallon 2016 leadership

Leading in uncertain and complex projects by Lars Marangren 2016 leadership

Leading Leaders by Jeswald Salacuse 2005 leadership

Leading matters by John Hennessy and Walter Isaacson 2018 leadership

Leading Minds: An anatomy of leadership by Howard Gardiner 2011 leadership

Leading Organziations: ten timeless truths by Scott Keller and Mary Meaney 2017 leadership

Leading Quietly by Joseph Badaracco 2002 leadership

Leading self directed work teams by Kimball Fisher 1999 teams, leadership

Leading teams: 10 challenges, 10 solutions by Mandy Flint and Elisabeth Hearse 2015 teams, leadership

Leading teams: how to inspire, motivate, lead and succeed by James Dyke 2008 teams, leadership

Leading Teams: Setting the stage for great performances by J Richard Hackman 2002 leadership

Leading the Revolution How to Thrive in Turbulent Times by Making Innovation a Way of Life by Gary Hamel 2002 innovation

Leading the Unleadable by Alan Willett 2017 leadership

Leading virtual project teams by Margaret Lee 2013 leadership

Leading when you aren't the boss by Roger Strathansen 2016 Management

Leading with cultural intelligence by David Livermore and Soon Ang 2015 leadership

Leading with emotional courage by Peter Bregman 2018 leadership

Leading with Purpose by Marc Koehler 2015 leadership, strategy

Leading with questions by Michael Marguart 2014 leadership, problem solving

Leading with Strategic Thinking by Aaron Olson and B Keith Simerson 2015 leadership, problem solving

Leading without leading by Wayne Goldmith 2018 leadership

Leaing outside the lines by Jon Katzenbach 2010 leadership

Lean In by Sheryl Sanberg 2013 Leadership

Lean six sigma by Michael George 2002 six sigma

Lean six sigma pocket toolkit by Michael George and Joan Maxey 2004 six sigma

Leap Frog: the new revolution for women entrepreneurs by Nathalia Moline and Sara Grace 2018

Learning Leadership by James Kouzes and Berry Posner 2016 leadership

Learning the art of effective leadership by Zebulan Hundley 2018 leadership

Learning to lead, the art of transforming managers to leaders by Jay Conger and Edward Lawler 1992 Management, leadership

Learning to think strategically by Julie Sloan 2016 strategy

Left Brain, Right Stuff by Phil Rononzweig 2014 leadership

Liberation management by Tom Peters 1994 Management

Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas emerge from small discoveries by Peter Sims 2013 Product Development

Living your legacy: change your story, impact your world and become a visionary leader by Sharon Olsen and Steve Roller 2017 leadership

Love 'em or Lose 'em by Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan 2014 workplace Culture

Made to Stick: why some ideas survive and others die by Chip and Dan Heath 2007 communication

Make it matter by Scott Mautz 2015

Making innovation work by Tony Davila 2012 Innovation

Making Progress: the 7 responsibilities of an innovation leader by Ryan Jacoby 2017 Leadership, innovation

Making stone soup: How to jumpstart innovation teams by Jeff Degraff 2014 innovation, teams

Making the Matrix work: How matrix managers engage people and cut through complexity by Kevan Hall 2013 management

Making Things Happen by Scott Berkun 2008 project management

Making Work work by Shola Richards 2016

Manage, lead, transform by Shakeel Akhten and Ayesha Hakim 2017 Management

Management and leadership skills: 5 easy steps to becoming a great manager by Jeremy Stephens 2013 Management, leadership

Management by Permission: Managing people in the 21st century by Tony McNulty and Robin Marks 2018 management

Management for engineers, scientists and technologists by John Chelsom and Andrew Payne 2004 Management

Management fundamentals concepts, applications and skill development by Robert Lussier 2016 management

Management rewired by Charles Jacobs 2010 Management

Management tasks responsibilities and practices by Peter Drucker 1993 Management

Management vs. employees by Hayes Drumwright 2016 Management

Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competative World by Thomas Bateman et al 2015 Management

Management: take charge of your team by Alan Anderson 2015 Management

Manager 3.0: A millenials guide to reinventing the rules of management by Brad Karsh and Courtney Templin 2013 Management

Managers as mentors: building partnerships for learning by Chip Bell 2013 mentoring

Managing (right) for the first time by David Baker 2010 Management

Managing Change, creativity and innovation by Patrick Dawson and Costas Andriopoulos 2017 innovation

Managing Complex Projects and Programs by Richard Heaslip 2014 management

Managing friends and former peers by Gary Winter 2013 Management

Managing Humans by Michael Lopp 2016 Management

Managing in the grey area: five timeless questions for resolving your toughest problems at work by Joseph Bodaracco 2016 Management

Managing Product Management by Steven Haines 2011 management

Managing R&D&I by Rav Jain and Harry Triardis 2010 management, R & D

Managing research, development and innovation by Ravi Jain and Huy Triendis 2010 Management

Managing the Design Factory by Donald Reinerstsen 1997 management, R & D

Managing the Millenials: descover the core compentencies for managing todays workforce by Chip Espinoza and Mille Ukleia 2016 management

Managing the mobile workforce by David Clemons and Michael Kroth 2010 Management

Managing the Unexpected by Karl Weick and Kathleen Sutcliffe 2015 management

Managing the Unmanagable by Mickey Mantle and Ron Lichty 2013 Management

Managing Up by Mary Abbajay 2018 management

Managing Workplace diversity and inclusion by Rosemary Hays Thomas 2016 workplace Culture

Mangement: take charge of your team by Alan Anderson 2015 leadership

Mapping Innovation by Greg Satelli 2012 Management

Master the Matrix: 7 essentials for getting things done in complex organizations by Susan Finerty and Harry Kraemer 2012 management, workplace culture

Mastering Excellence: a leaders guide to aligning strategy, culture, and customer experience by Robin Lawton 2018 Leadership

Mastering leadership by Robert Anderson and William Adams 2015 Leadership

Mastering leadership: what it takes to lead in todays fast paced world by Vanessa Judellman 2017 leadership

Mastering Lean Product Development by Ronald Macetalli 2011 Product Development

Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation by James Utterback 1998 Innovation

Mastering the leadership role in project management by Alexander Laufer 2012 project management, leadership

Mavericks at Work by William Taylor and Polly LaBanc 2008 Leadership

Measure what matters by John Doen and Larry Page 2018

Measuring Leadership Development by Jack Philips and Patti Philipe 2012 leadership

Meltdown: Why our systems fail and what we can do about it by Chris Clearfield and Andrea Telcink 2018 decision making & problem solving

Mentoring Leaders by Carson Pue and George Berns 2005 mentoring, leadership

Methods of Persuation by Nick Kolenda 2013 cognitive psychology, communication

Microtrends by Mark Penn 2009 Forecasting

Mighty midsized companies: how leaders overcome 7 silent growth killers by Robert Shar 2016 strategy

Millenial leadership: the ultimate management guide for gen Y leaders by Kamy Eliassi and Terry Thyp 2016 leadership, management

Millenial workforce: cracking the code to gen Y in your company by Jevier Montes 2017

Millenials and Management by Lee Caraher 2014 management, workplace culture

Millenials into leadership by Lisa Orrell 2009 leadership

Millennial Workforce Cracking the code to gen Y in your company by Javier Montes 2017 strategy

Millennials@Work: the 7 skills every twenty something (and their manager) needs to overcome roadblocks by Chip Espinoza an Peter Miller 2017

Mind Map Mastery by Tony Buzan 2018 Decision Making, communication

Mind Sight by Daniel Seigel 2012 Management

Mind Tools for Managers: 100 ways to be a better boss by James Manktelow and Julian Burkenshaw 2018 management

Mindful Leadership: A to Z guide for stress free leadership by Holly Duckworth 2018 leadership

Mindgym by Sebastian Bailey and Octavious Black 2016 Decision Making

Monday Morning Leadership: 8 mentoring sessions you can't afford to miss by David Cottrell and Alice Adams 2002 leadership

Monetizing Innovation by Madhaven Ramanujam 2014 innovation

Moral Intelligence 2.0: Enhancing Business Performance and Leadership success in turbulent times by Doug Lemmick and Fred Kid 2016 leadership

Move: How Decisive Leaders execute strategy despite obstacles, setbacks and stalls by Patty Azzarello 2017 Leadership

Multi unit leadership by Jim Sullivan 2007 leadership

Multipliers: How the best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman 2010 leadership

Myths of the promotion by Elizabeth Xu and Patricie Zummeisan 2012

Nail it, then scale it by Nathan Furr and Paul Arlstrom 2011 R & D

Negotiating the Non-negotiable: How to resolve your most emotionally charged conflicts by Daniel Shapiro 2017 communication

Neuroscience for leaders by Nikolas Dinnitriadis 2016 leadership

Neuroscience for leadership: Harnessing the brain gain advantage by Tara Swart et al 2015 leadership

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi 2014 Leadership

New Rules of the Game by Susan Packard 2016 leadership

New theory on leadership management science by Beng Xia Wu 2013 leadership

Next generation leader by Andy Stanley 2006 leadership

Nice Girls Don't get the Corner Office by Lois Frankel 2007 Management

Nice Girls Just don't get it by Lois Frankel 2011 self Improvement

Ninja Innovation by Gary Shapiro 2013 Problem Solving

No Drama Leadership by Marlene Chism 2015 leadership

No ego: how leaders can cut the cost of workplace drama and entitlemlent and drive big results by Cy Wakeman 2017 leadership

Not Everyone gets a Trophy: how to manage the millennials by Bruce Tulgan 2016 management

Nudge by Richard Thaler and Sass Sunstein 2009 Cognitive Psychology

On Becoming a Leader (4th ed) by Warren Bennis 2009 Leadership

On Competition by Michael Porter 2008 Strategy

On Fire at Work by Eric Chester 2015 workplace Culture

On the edge: the art of high impact leadership by Allisa Levine 2014 leadership

On the origins of products by Arthur Eger and Juub Ehihardt 2018 R & D

One Mission: How leaders build a team of teams by Chris Fussell et al 2017 teams, leadership

One small yes: small decisions that lead to big results by Misty Loun 2017

Open business models by Henry Chesbrough 2006 Business Strategy

Open Innovation by Henry Chesbrough 2005 Innovation

Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity by Kathyrn Camas 2013 workplace Culture

Optimizing talent by Linda Sharkey and Paul Eccher 2011

Organizational Culture and Leadership by Edgar Schein 2016 Leadership

Organizational Culture change by Marcelia Brenner 2012 workplace Culture

Organize your team today: the mental toughness needed to lead highly successful teams by Jason Seik and Tom Bartow 2018 teams, leadership

Originals by Adam Grant 2017 Self Improvement

Out of the question: how curious leaders win by Buy Parsons and Allen Milhauson 2014 leadership

Out think: How Innovative leaders Drive Exceptional Outcomes by G Shawn Hunter 2013 leadership

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell 2011 Cognitive Psychology

Outsmart your instincts: how behavior innovation approach drives your company forward by Adam Housen and Ward Harrington 2017 innovation

Own It by Sallie Krawcheck 2017 self Improvement

Own the room: discover your signature voice to master your leadership presence by Amy Jen Su and Murial Witkens 2013 leadership

Paid to Think - A Leader's Toolkit for Redefining your Future by David Goldsmith 2013 Leadership

Patents Demystified: an insiders guide to protecting ideas and inventions by Dylan Adams 2015

Peak: secrets from the new science of expertise by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool 2017 self Improvement

Performance culture by Dallas Romenowski 2012

Performing Under Pressure by Hindine Weisinger and JP Panliw-fry 2015 Decision Making

Permission to screw up: How I learned to lead by doing by Kristen Hadeed 2017 leadership

Personal leadership: making a world of difference by Barbara Schaetti 2008 leadership

Personal Styles and Effective Performance by David Merrill and Roger Reid 1981 management

Personality poker: the playing card tool for driving high performance teamwork and innovation by Stephen Shapiro 2010 innovation, teams

Peter Druckers five most important questions by Peter Drucker et al 2015

Philosphies of iconic leaders by Christy Rutherford and Keshalle Davis 2016 leadership

Pivot leadership by Angela Craig 2015 leadership

Pivot: the only move that matters is your next one by Jenny Blake 2017 Strategy

Playing Big by Tara Mohr 2015 Leadership

Positive Leadership by Kim Cameron 2012 Leadership

Posively managing performance by Sharrell Kline 2018 management

Power of 2 by Rodd Wagner 2009 teams

Power through partnership by Betsy Polk and Maggie Chotes 2014

Power Up transforming organizations dthru shared leadership by David Bradford and Allen Cohen 1998 leadership

Power your tribe by Christine Comaford 2018 teams

Powerful by Patty McCord 2018 management, workplace culture

Practical Process R&D by Neil Anderson 2012 R & D

Practicing positive leadership by Kim Cameron 2013 leadership

Practioners guide to program management by Irene Didinsky 2017 project management

Pre-swasion: A revolutionary way to influence and persuade by Robert Caldini 2016 communication

Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely 2010 Cognitive Psychology

Predictive Analytics: the power to predict who will click, buy, lie or die by Eric Siegel 2016 forecasting

Presence based leadership: complexity practices for clarity, resilience and results that matter by Doug Silsbee 2018 leadership

Presence by Amy Cuddy 2018 self Improvement, communication

Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman 2013 Leadership

Principles to fortune by Scott Bing 2018

Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio 2018 management, decision making

Problem solved: a powerful system for making complex decisions with confidence and convinction by Cheryl Einhorn 2017 problem solving

Product Design: Technniques of Reverse Engineering Product Development by Kevin Otto 2008 Product Development

Product Leadership How Top Product Managers Launch Awesome Products by Richard Banfield et al 2017 project management

Product Management Essentials by Aswin Pranaru 2017 management

Product Management in practice by Matt LeMay 2017 management

Product Roadmaps Relaunched by C Todd Lambardo and Bruce McCarthy 2017 project management

Professionalizing leadership by Barbara Kellerman 2018 leadership

Profit from the positive: proven leadership strategies to boost products and transform your business by Margeret Greenburg and Senia McGuire 2013 Leadership

Program Management (Fundamentals of Project Management) by Michael Theiry 2010 project management

Program management: a life cycle approach by Ginger Levin 2012 project management

Program management: the path to leadrship by Thomas Ireland and Sandra Mikesoll 2014 project management

Project management for humans by Brett Jarned and Deb Aoki 2017 project management

Project Management for R&D by Lory Wingate 2014 project management

Project management for the unofficial project manager by Kory Kogon and Suzette Blakemore 2015 project management

Project Management in Product Development by George Ellis 2015 project management

Project Management Metrics, KPIs and Dashboards by Harold Kerzner 2017 project management

Project Management the Agile Way by J Ross 2016 project management

Project Management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling by Harold Kerzner 2017 project management

Project managemet for you by Cesar Abeid and Tyler Tichnelsan 2015 project management

Project Managers at Work by Bruce Helpharm 2017 management

Prove it: how to create a high performance culture and measure success by Stacey Barr 2016 workplace Culture

Pulling together by John Murphy 2016

Purpose Driven leadership: building and fostering effective teams by Brigitte Tasha 2017 leadership

Purposeful: are you a manager or a movement starter by Jennifer Dulski 2018 management

Pursuadable by Al Pettampalli 2016 Communication

Pushback: How Smart Women Ask - and stand up - for What they want by Selena Rezvani 2012 Leadership

Putting your employees 1st: The ABC's for leaders of generations X,Y & Z by Michael Bergdahl 2018 management

Quiet Leadership by David Rock 2007 leadership

Quiet: The Power of Introverts by Susan Cain 2013 workplace Culture

Quirky: the remarkable story of how traits, foibles and genius of breakthrough innovators who changed the world by Mellisa Schilling 2018 creativity

R & D Management by K B Akhilesh 2016 R & D

Radical Candor by Kim Scott 2017 Communication

Radical Innovation: how mature companies can outsmart upstarts by Richard Leifer and Christopher McDermott 2000 innovation

Re-inventing Project Management by Aaron Shenhar 2007 Project Management

Re(create) the organization you really want by John Latham 2016

Real Leadership 9 simple practices for leading and living with purpose by John Addison and John Mann 2016 leadership

Real Leadership: helping people and organizations face their toughest challenges by Dean Williams 2005 leadership

Real Women, Real Leaders by Kathryn Hurley and Precilla Shumway 2015 leadership

Reality Based Leadership by Cy Wakeman 2010 leadership

ReCreate the organization you really want leadership and organization design for sustainable excellence by John Latham 2016 leadership

Recruit Rockstars by Jeff Hyman 2017 management

Red Team: How to succeed by thinking like the enemy by Micah Zenko 2015 Team

Red Teaming by Bryce Hoffman 2017 Team

Red Thread Thinking by Debra Kaye 2013 Innovation

Redefine leadership: character driven habits of effective leaders by Joseph Stowell 2017 leadership

Reframing Organizations by Lee Bolmer and Terrance Deal 2017 leadership, strategy

Reinvent your business model by Mark Johnson 2018

Reinventing Management by Julian Birking 2012 Management

Reinventing Organizations by Frederick LaLoux 2016 workplace Culture

Reinvention : Accelerating results in the age of disruption by Shane Gragun and Kate Sweetman 2016 Strategy

Relational Leadership by Ford Taylor 2017 leadership

Relational leadership by Nicholas Clarke 2018 leadership

Relentless innovation: what works, what doesn't - and what that means for your business by Jeffrey Philips 2011 innovation

Remote Office Not Required by Jason Fried and David Hansson 2013 teams

Rescue the problem project by Todd Williams and Tom Kendrick 2011 management, leadership

Research and Development Management by Tugrul Daim and Jisum Kim 2017 management

Research Design by John Creswell and David Creswell 2018 R & D

Resilient Leadership 2.0 by Bob Dugzen and Bridgette Theurer 2017 leadership

Resolving conflicts at work by Kenneth Cole and Joan Goldsmith 2011

Resonant leadership by Richard Boyatris and Annie McKee 2005 leadership

Rethink your leadership by Louise-Ann Murabito 2017 leadership

Return on Impact by David Norm 2011

Return on integrity, the new definition of ROI by John Blumberg 2016

Revolutionizing product development by Stephen Wheelwright 2011 Product Development

Rise of the DEO Leadership by Design by Maria Guidice and Christopher Ireland 2013 leadership

Risk Management for project driven organizations by Andy Jordan 2013 management

Risk Savvy: How to make good decisions by Gerd Gigerenzer 2015 Decision Making

Risk Upfront: managing projects in a complex world by Adam Josephs and Brad Rubenstein 2018 project management

Roberts rules of innovation: a 10 step program for corporate survival by Robert Brands and Martin Kleinman 2010 innovation

Rock breaks Scissors by William Poundstone 2015 Decision Making

Rules and tools for leaders by Perry Smith and Jeffrey Foley 2013 leadership

Saavy leadership by Cam Tripp 2016 leadership

Scale: the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability and the pace of life by Geoffrey West 2017 innovation

Scaling teams by Alexander Grosse and David Lofternese 2017 teams

Scaling Up by Verne Harnish 2014 Product Development

Scaling Up Excellence: getting to more without settling for less by Robert Sutton and Huggy Rao 2014 management

Scrappy project management by Kimberely Wiefling 2007 Project Management

Scrum: a revolutionary approach to building teams, beating deadlines and boosting productivity by Jeff Sutherland 2014 teams

Scrum: The art of doing twice the work in half the time by Jeff Sutherland and JJ Sutherland 2014 management

See Jane Lead by Lois Frankel 2009 leadership

Seeing what others don't: the remarkable ways we gain insight by Gary Klein 2015 cognitive Psychology

Seeing what's next by Clayton Christiansen 2004 Forecasting

Self Handicapping Leadership by Philip Decker and Jordan Mitchell 2015 leadership

Self leadership by Christopher Neck and Charles Manz 2016 leadership

Senior Leadership Teams: What it takes to make them great by Ruth Wageman 2008 teams

Sense and Respond, how successful organizations listen to customer by Jeff Gothelf 2017

Servant Leadership in action by Ken Blanchard and Renee Broadwell 2018 leadership

Seven Disciplines of a Leader by Jeff Wolf 2014 Leadership

Shape the future, lead like a pro: 3 skills every great leader needs to succeed by Tom Marcorex 2018 leadership

She Engineers by Stephanie Slocum 2017 workplace Culture

Show up as your best self: mindful leaders, mediation and more by Cathy Bailey and Zinnia Home 2017 leadership

Simple Habits for complex times: powerful practices for leaders by Jennifer Berger 2016 leadership

Simple Rules by Donald Sull and Kathleen Eisenhardt 2016 Product Development

Simplify: how the best businesses in the world succeed by Richard Koch et al 2016 leadership, management

Simplifying innovation by Michael Dalton 2010 innovation

Simply Brilliant: How great organizations do ordinary things in extraordinary ways by William Taylor 2016 workplace Culture

Six simple rules: How to manage complexity without getting complicated by Ives Morieux and Peter Tollman 2014 Management

Skills of management and leadership by W David Rees and Christine Porter 2015 management, leadership

Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in daily life by Nassim Talib 2016 risk management

Small Acts of Leadership by G Shawn Hunter 2016 leadership

Small Giants : companies that choose to be great instead of big by Bo Burlingham 2016 strategy

Smaller, Faster, Lighter, Denser, Cheaper by Robert Bryce 2014 Innovation

Smart Choices by John Hammond and Ralph Kenney and Howard Raiffa 2015 decision Making

Smart Leaders Smarter Teams by Roger Swartz 1998 Strategy

Smart Tribes: how teams become brilliant together by Christine Comaford 2013 teams

Solving Problems with Design Thinking by Jeanne Liedtka 2013 Problem Solving

Something needs to change around here the 5 stages to leveraging your leadership by Liz Weber 2018 leadership

Sources of Power: how people make decisions by Gary Klein 1998 decision making

Spark: How to lead yourself and others to greater success by Angie Morgen, Courtney Lynch and Sean Lynch 2017 leadership, management

Sparks of Genius by Robert Root-Bernstin 2001 creativity

Spirited Leadership: 52 ways to build trust by Ellen Castro 2018 leadership

Sprinkles: Creating Awesome Experiences Through Innovative Service by Chip Bell 2015 strategy

Sprint how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just 5 days by Jake Knapp and John Zaratsky 2016 decision Making

Standard for program management (fundamentals of project management) by Michael Thery 2010 Project Management

Start up Evolution Curve by Donates Jenikas 2017

Sticking points: how to get 4 generations working together in the 12 places they come apart by Haydn Shaw and Stephen Covey 2013 workplace Culture

Sticky teams: keeping your leadership team and staff on the same page by Larry Osborne 2010 teams, leadership

Stop Guessing: the 9 behaviors of great problem solvers by Nat Greene 2017 problem solving

Strategic Leadership: how to think and plan strategically by John Adair 2010 leadership, strategy

Strategic management by Frank Rothaimel 2016 management, strategy

Strategic management of technology and innovation by Robert Burgelman and Clayton Christensen 2008 innovation

Strategic Management of Technology Innovation by Mellisa Schilling 2016 Management

Strategic project management made simple by Terry Schmidt 2009 project management, teams

Strategic Thinking and the New Science by T. Irene Sanders 2010 Strategy

Strategic thinking: a nine step approach to strategy and leadership for managers and marketeers by Simon Wootten 2010 strategy

Strategies for Creative Problem Solving by Scott Fogler et al 2010 Team

Strategies for technical communications by Laura Gurek and John Lannon 2009 Team

Strategize: Product strategy and product roadmap practices for the digital age by Roman Pichler 2016 R & D

Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick by Chris Bradley et al 2018 business strategy

Strategy Excellence for product managers by Gregory Cohen 2017

Strength Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Berry Conchie 2009 leadership

Strengthfinders 2.0 by Tom Rath 2007 Leadership

Stretch by Scott Sorenshein 2017 Self Improvement

Stuck in the middle: A gen X view of talent management by Curtis Odem 2012

Studying Leadership: traditional and critical approach by Doris Shedlistski 2014 leadership

Subliminal: How Your unconcious runs your behavior by Leonad Mlodenow 2013 Cognitive Psychology

Successful global leadership by Ramon Henson 2016 leadership

Successful leaders aren't bullies by Matt Pakrins 2018 Leadership

Successful Managers Handbook by Susan Gebelein and Brian Davis 2010 management

Successful Product Innovation: A collection of our best by Robert Cooper 2009 Innovation

Suddenly in charge, 2nd ed: managing up, managing down and succeeding all around by Rolesta Matuson 2017 management

Sun Tzu and Machiavelli success and leadership principles by Michael Sloan 2016 leadership

Super Bosses by Sydney Finkelstein 2016 Management

Super manager by Devin Grey 2018

Superforcasting by Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner 2015 forecasting

Superteams: how to take your team to the top by Khoi Tu 2014 teams

Superteams: Using the principles of RESPECT to unleash explosive business performance by Paul Marciano and Clinton Wingrove 2014 teams

Support Accountability by Sylvia Melesa 2018

Supreme Leadership gain 850 years of wisdom from successful business leaders by Alinka Rutkowska 2018 leadership

Sustainable growth and profits: managing your innovation strategy and organization initiatives by Magnus Parker and Peter Junernack 2018 innovation

Sustainable growth though strategic innovation by Mitsura Kodama 2018 innovation

Sway: the irresistable pull of irrational behavior by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafaran 2000 Team

Switch (How to change things when change is hard) by Chip Heath and Dan Heath 2010 Decision Making

System Architecture: strategy and product development for complex systems by Edward Crawley and Bruce Cameron 2015

Systems engineering analysis, design and development by Charles Weasson 2015

Systems Engineering and Analysis by Benjamin Blanchard and Wolter Fabrycky 2010 strategy

Taking Point: A Navy SEAL's 10 failsafe principles of leading thru change by Brent Gleeson 2018 leadership

Talent leadership by John Mattone and Luiz Xavier 2012 leadership

Talent Magnet: how to attract and keep the best people by Mark Miller 2018 management

Taming your crocodile unlearn fear and become a true leader by Hylke Faber 2018 leadership

Team Building : Proven Strategies for improving team Performance by W Gibb Dyer and Jeffrey Dyer 2013 teams

Team Genius by Rich Kerlgaard and Michell Malone 2015 Team

Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal 2015 Team

Team Players and Teamwork by Glenn Parker 2008 teams

Team Roles at Work by R. Meredith Belbin 1993 team

Team Turn Around by Joe Frontiers and Daniel Leidl 2012 teams

Teaming to Innovate by Amy Edmondton 2013 Teams

Teaming: How organizations learn, innovate and compete in the knowledge economy by Amy Edmondson 2014 teams

Teams in trouble, strategies to help teams with problems by Ingrid Bens and Michael Goldman 1998 teams

Teamwork 101 by John Maxwell 1999 Team

Technical Minds: fundamentals of dinamic team leadership by Ara Nazarian 2010 teams, leadership

Technology entrepeneurship by Thomas Durning and Robert Hisrich 2014

Ten Rules for Strategic innovators by Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trumble 2005 innovation

That's What She Said by Joanne Lipman 2018 workplace Culture

The 10 commandments of winning teammates by Sean Glaze and Erich Bailley 2016 teams

The 10 faces of innovation by Tom Kelly 2005 Innovation

The 10 laws of trust by Joel Peterson 2016 Trust

The 12 elements of great managing by Rodd Wagner and James Horter 2006 Management

The 15 Commitments of Concious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman and Kaley Warner-Klemp 2014 leadership

The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork by John Maxwell 2013 Team

The 2020 Workplace by Jeanne Meister 2017 workplace Culture

The 21 Indespensible qualities of a leader by John Maxwell 2012 leadership

The 27 Challenges Managers Face by Bruce Tulgan 2014 Management

The 3 levels of leadership (2nd ed) by James Scouler 2016 leadership

The 360 degree leader by John Maxwell 2006 Leadership

The 4 Disciplines of Execusion by Sean Covey, Chris McChesney and Jim Hraling 2016 strategy

The 4 lenses of Innovation by Rowan Gibson 2015 Innovation

The 5 coaching habits of excellent leaders by Lee Colan and Julie Cohan 2017 leadership

The 5 elements of Effective Thinking by Edward Burger and Michael Starbird 2012 Cognitive Psychology

The 5 levels of leadership by John Maxwell 2013 Leadership

The 6 Secrets of change by Michael Fullan 2011 leadership

The 6 Sigma Way by Peter Pande 2000 Quality Control

The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey 2004 Personal Improvement

The 7 intuitive laws of employee loyalty by Heather Younger 2017 management, workplace culture

The 7 secrets of neuron leadership by W Craig Reed 2017 leadership

The 8 dimensions of leadership by Jeffrey Sugarman, Mark Scubbard and Emma Wilhelm 2011 Leadership

The 8 habits of effective small group leaders by Dave Earley 2001 leadership

The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch 1999 Self Improvement

The 9 types of leadership by Beatrice Chestnut 2017 Leadership

The Accidental Creative by Todd Hentry 2017 creativity

The Advantage by Patrick Lexcioni 2012 workplace Culture

The age curve by Kenneth Gronbach 2008

The Amazon way: 14 leadership principles behind the worlds most disruptive company by John Rossman 2014 leadership

The Ambitious Woman by Esther Spina 2016

The Anticipatory Organization by Daniel Purvus 2017 strategy

The Art of Authenticity by Karissa Thacker 2016 leadership

The Art of Creative Thinking 89 ways to see things differently by Rod Jenkins 2016 creativity

The Art of Innovation by Tom Kelly 2001 Innovation

The art of negotiation by Michael Wheeler 2013 communication

The art of people by Dave Kerpen 2016 Workplace Culture

The Art of Product Management by Rich Mironov 2008 Project management

The art of strategic leadership by Steven Stowell and Stephanie Aread 2016 leadership

The art of strategy: A game theorist's guide to success in business and life by Avinash Dixit and Berry Nalebuff 2010 strategy

The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli 2014 Cognitive Psychology

The Art of thinking in Systems by Steve Schuster 2018 problem solving

The Asshole Survival Guide by Robert Sutton 2017 communication

The Bass Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research and Managerial Applications by Bernard Bass 2008 Leadership

The beauty of conflict: harnessing your team's competative advantage by Chris Campball and Susan Clarke 2017 teams

The Best Place to Work by Ron Friedman 2015 Workplace Culture

The best team wins: the new science of high performance by Adrian Gostik and Chester Elton 2018 teams

the best teams win: build your business through predictive hiring by Adam Robinson 2017 teams

The Big Pivot by Andrew Winston 2014 Strategy

The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb 2006 Economics

The Book of Why: the new science of cause and effect by Judea Pearl and Dana McKenzie 2018 problem solving

The Breakthrough Imperative by Mark Gottfredson 2008 Innovation

The Bright Idea Box by Jay Randhawa 2014 innovation, workplace culture

The Business Idea Factory by Andiel Sedsiev 2013 strategy

The Captain Class: a new theory of leadership by Sam Walker 2018 leadership

The Carrot Principle by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton 2009 management

The Catalyst Effect: 12 skills and behaviors to boost your impact and elevate team performance by Jerry Tooner 2018 teams

The Catalyst Leader by Brad Lomenick 2013 leadership

The CEO next door by Elena Botello, Kim Powell and Tahl Raz 2018 leadership, management

The certified six sigma black belt handbook (3rd ed) by T Kubiak and Donald Bresbow 2016 six sigma

The certified six sigma green belt handbook (2nd ed) by Ph.D. Munro 2015 six sigma

The Character Based Leader by Leadership Group 2012 leadership

The character of leadership: nine qualities that define great leaders by Jeff Iorg 2007 Leadership

The Charisma Myth by Olivia Cabane 2013 Leadership

The Coaching Habit: say less, ask more and change the way you lead forever by Michael Stanier 2016 leadership

The colloborative leader by Ian McDermott and Michael Hall 2016 Leadership

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of self assurance - what women should know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman 2014 Self Improvement

The Confidence Effect by Grace Killelea 2016 self Improvement

The Corporate culture survival guide by Edgar Schein 2009 Corporate Culture

The courageous leader by Angela Sebaly 2017 leadership

The creativity challenge: design, experiment, test, innovate, build, create unique and unleash your genius by Tanner Christensen 2015 creativity

The critical thinker by Steven Schuster 2018

The Culture Blueprint by Robert Richman 2015 workplace Culture

The Culture Code by Clotaire Rapielle 2007 workplace Culture

The Culture Engine by S Chris Edmonds 2014 workplace culture

The Culture Map by Erin Meyer 2014 Workplace Culture

The Culture Secret by David Vik 2013 workplace culture

The data driven leader by Jenny Dearborn and David Swanson 2017 leadership

The Data driven project manager by Mario Vankhoucke 2018 Project management

The Decision Book by Michael Krogerus et al 2016 decision Making

The Decision Checklist by Sam Kyle 2018 decision making

The Decision of trust: how leaders create high trust organizations by Robert Hurley 2011 Trust, leadership

The Definite Book of Body Language by Allen Pease and Barbara Pease 2004 Self Improvement

The Definite Drucker by Elizabeth Edersheim 2007 Management

The Demographic Cliff by Harry Dent 2015

The Design of Design by Frederick Brooks 2010 Product Development

The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman 2013 cognitive Psychology

The Dichotomy of Leadership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin 2018 leadership

The disciplined leader by John Manning and Katie Roberts 2015 Leadership

The disciplines of teams by Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith 2009 teams

The distance manager by Kimbell Fisher and Mareen Fisher 2000 management

The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly and Patrick Lencioni 2007 management

The dream team nightmare by Portia Tung 2013

The Edge of Leadership: a Leadershandbook for succes by Brigitte Tasha Hyacinth 2015 leadership

The effective executive by Peter Drucker 2006

The Effective Manager by Mark Horstman 2016 Management

The elements of mentoring (3rd ed)by W Brad Johnson and Charles Ridley 2018 mentoring

The employee experience advantage by Jacob Mogan and Marshall Goldsmith 2017

The End of Average by Todd Rose 2016 self Improvement

The end of leadership by Barbara Kellerman 2012 Leadership

The Essential Drucker by Peter Drucker 2008 Management

The Ethics of Leadership by Joanne Clulla 2002 leadership

The Everything Store by Brad Stone 2013 strategy

The Executive in Action by Peter Drucker 1996 Management

The executive transition playbook by Hilary Potts 2015

The extraordinary coach: how the best leaders help others grow by John Zenger and Kathleen Stinnett 2010 leadership

The extraordinary leader by John Zenger and Joseph Folkman 2009 Leadership

The Extreme Future: The Top Trends That Will Reshape the World in the Next 20 Years by James Canton 2007 Future Forecasting

The fear free organization by Paul Brown et al 2015 workplace Culture

The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge 2006 management

The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins 2013 leadership, management

The first time manager by Loren Belken and Jim McCormick 2012 management

The Founders Dilemas by Noam Wasserman 2013 strategy

The four obsessions of an extraordinary executive by Patrick Lencioni 2000 leadership, management

The Four Steps to Epiphany by Steve Blank 2013 strategy

The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab 2017 Future Forecasting

The Future Economy and Inclusive Competitiveness: How Demographic Trends and Innovation Can Create Economic Prosperity for All Americans by Johnathan Holifield J.D. 2017 Future Forecasting

The Future of Leadership: Rise of Automation, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence by Brigette Hyacinth 2018 leadership

The future of management by Gary Hamel 2007 Management

The future of work: Attract new talent, build better leaders and create a competative organization by Jacob Morgan 2014 Leadership

The future of work: how the new order of business will shape your organizations, your management styleand your life by Thomas Malone 2004 management

The future proof workplace: 6 strategies to accelerate talent development, reshape your culture and succeed with purpose by Linde Sharkey and Morag Barrett 2017 workplace Culture

The future work: Robots, AI and Automation by Darrell West 2018

The Future Workplace Experience by Jeanne Meister and Karen Mulcahy 2017 workplace culture

The geek leaders handbook by Paul Glen and Maria McManus 2014 Leadership

The genius project manager by Jorge Rodrieguez and Jose Redrosa 2015 Project management

The GIG Economy by Dianne Mulcahy 2016 Self Improvement

The go-giver leader by Bob Burg and John Mann 2016 leadership

The goal by Eliyahu Goldratt 2014

The greatest leader we ever saw by Michael Andrew 2016 leadership

The greats on leadership by Jocelyn Davis 2016 leadership

The Grid: the decision making tool for every day business by Matt Watkinson 2017 decision Making

The Gutsy Girl Handbook by Kate White 2018 workplace Culture

The halo effect - the 8 other business delusions that deceive managers by Phil Rosensweig 2014 Management

The Handbook of Program Management by James Brown 2014 management

The Happiness Track by Emma Seppala 2016 self Improvement

The hard hat: 21 ways to be a great teammate by Jon Gordon and Jeremy Schaap 2015 teams

The hard thing about hard things by Ben Horowitz 2016 strategy

The harvard business review manager's handbook by HBR 2016 management

The Head Game: high efficiency analytic decision making by Philip Mudd 2015 decision Making

The Heart of Leadership: Becoming a leader people want to follow by Mark Miller 2013 leadership

The Heretics Guide to best practices by Paul Culmace and Kailash Awati 2013 Decision Making

The Hidden Leader by Scott Edinger 2015 Leadership

The high potential leader by Ram Charan 2017 leadership

The High Potentials Advantage: get noticed, impress your boss and become a top leader by Jay Conger and Allen Church 2018 self Improvement, leadership

The Hope Driven Leader by Libby Gill 2018 leadership

The Idea Driven Organization by Alan Robinson and Dan Scheder 2014 workplace Culture

The Idea Factory by Jon Gerstner 2013 Creativity

The Industries of the Future by Alec Ross 2017 Future Forecasting

The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future by Kevin Kelly 2015 Future Forecasting

The Influence Effect: A new path to power for women leaders by Kathryn Heath et al 2017 leadership

The innovater's method: Bringing the Lean Start up into your Organization by Nathan Furr and Jeff Dyer 2014 Innovation

The Innovation Biome by Kumer Mehta 2017 innovation

The innovation Blindspot by Ross Baird 2017 innovation

The Innovation Book by Max McKeown 2014 innovation

The Innovation Code by Jeff DeGraff and Stacey DeGraff 2017 innovation

The Innovation Formula by Amantha Imber 2016 innovation

The Innovation Journey by Van de Ven 2008 Innovation

The Innovation Mentality by Glenn Llopis 2015 Innovation

The innovation mindset by George Couros 2015 innovation

the innovation mindset: 5 behaviors to accelerate break throughs by John Sweeney and Elana Imarctska 2015 innovation

The Innovation Paradox by Tony Davilla 2014 Innovation

The innovation revolution by K Melissa Kennedy 2017 innovation

The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs by Carmine Gallo 2014 Innovation

The Innovative Leader by Paul Sloane 2007 innovation

The Innovator's Cookbook by Steven Johnson, Ed 2011 Innovation

The Innovator's DNA by Clayton Christensen 2011 Innovation

The Innovator's Method by Nathan Furr and Jeff Dyer 2014 strategy

The Innovator's Solution by Clayton Christiansen and Michael Raynor 2013 Innovation

The Innovator's Toolkit: 50+ techniques for predictable and sustainable organic growth by David Silverstein and Philip Samual 2012 innovation

The Innovators by Pete Winlarski and Terri Levine 2017 leadership

The innovators field guide by Jeff Standbridge 2017 innovation

The Innovators guide to growth by Scott Anthony 2008 Innovation

The innovators hypothesis by Michael Schrange 2014 Innovation

The Innovators Prescription by Clayton Christiansen 2008 Innovation

The Innovators Way by Peter Denning and Robert Dunham 2010 Innovation

The Inspiration Code by Kristi Hedges 2017 Leadership

The Introverted Leader by Jennifer Kahnweiler 2018 leadership

The Invisible Advantage how to create a culture of innovation by Soren Kaplan 2017 innovation

The invisible leader by Zach Mercurio 2017 leadership

The journey of not knowing how 21st century leaders can chart course where there is none by Julie Benezel 2016 leadership

The knowledge manager's handbook by Nick Milton and Patrick Lambe 2016 management

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch 2008 Self Improvement

The Laws of Invincible Leadership by Ryuho Okawa 2018 Leadership

The leader habit: master the skills you need to lead by Martin Lanek 2018 leadership

The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies and Practices for the new era by Frances Hesselbein and Marshall Goldsmith 2006 Leadership

The leaders bookshelf by James Stavridis and R Manning Ancell 2017 leadership

The Leaders Guide to Lateral Thinking Skills by Paul Sloane 2017 leadership

The Leaders Window by John Beck & Neil Yeager 2001 Leadership

The Leadership and the new science by Margaret Wheatley 2006 leadership, workplace culture

The leadership capital index: realizing the market value of leadership by Dave Ulrich 2013 leadership

The Leadership Challenge (5th Ed) by James Kouzes and Barry Posner 2011 leadership

The Leadership Code five rules to lead by Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood 2009 leadership

The leadership contract by Vince Molinars 2017 leadership

The Leadership Gap by Lolly Daskal 2017 leadership

The leadership habit by Tammy Berbericken and Peter Lindsey 2018 leadership

The leadership handbook by John Maxwell 2015 leadership

The leadership journey how to master the 4 critical areas of being a great leader by Gary Burnison and Ken Blanchard 2016 leadership

The Leadership Legacy by Gabrial Wallace 2017 leadership

The leadership manifesto by Bill Hicks 2017 leadership

The leadership pipeline by Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter and James Noel 2011 leadership

The leadership playbook by Jerry Bechler 2017 leadership

The leadership push by Bob Ramsey and Daniel Ramsey 2018 leadership, communication

The leadership spark by George Bragadineanu 2016 leadership

The Leading Brain by Friederike and Hans Hagumann 2018 leadership

The Lean Enterprise: how corporations can innovate like startups by Trever Owens and Chris Fernandez 2014 innovation

The Lean Product Playbook by Dan Olsen 2015 R & D

The lean six sigma black belt handbook by Frank Voehl and J James Hainture 2013 six sigma

The Lean Start Up by Erin Ries 2011 management

The Lean Strategy: Using lean to create competative advantage, unleash innovation and deliver sustainable growth by Michael Balle and Daniel Jones 2017 strategy

The lens of leadership by Kevin Scott 2018 leadership, communication

The little guide to empathetic technical leadership by Alex Harms 2017 leadership

The Logic of Failure by Deitrich Dorner 1997 management

The Long Distance Leader by Kevin Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel 2018 leadership

The loyalist team by Linda Adams and Abby Cumow-chavez 2017 Team

The magnetic leader: How irresistable leaders attract employes, customers and profits by Roberta Matuson 2017 leadership

The management of technological innovation: strategy and practice by Mark Dodgson and David Gann 2006 management, innovation

The management of technology and innovation: a strategic approach by Margeret White and Gary Burton 2010 management, innovation

The managers answer book by Barbara Mitchell and Corneliz Golden 2018 management

The managers guide to fostering innovation and creativity in teams by Charles Prother 2009 management, innovation

The Managers Path by Camille Fournier 2017 Management

The managers path for beginners by Patrick Morgan 2017 management

The master coach: the subtle art of managing up by Gregg Thompson 2017 leadership, communication

The meaning revolution the power of transcendent leadership by Fred Kofman and Reid Hoffman 2018 leadership

The Millennial Myth by Crystal Kadakia 2017

The mind of the leader by Rasmus Hougaud and Jacqueline Carter 2018 leadership

The mindful leader by Michael Bunting 2016 Leadership

The momentum factor by Tamilyn Banno 2015

The Moonshot Effect: Disrupt business as usual by Lin Goldman and Kate Purnell 2016 leadership, management

The Motivation Myth by Jeff Haden 2018 Self Improvement

The motivation myth by Mattison Grey and Jonathan Manske 2012

The Myth of the fit: unlock new leader success with high impact onboarding by Linda Reese and Stephanie Henderson 2017 Leadership

The myth of the nice girl by Fran Hauser 2018 self improvement

The Mythical Man month by Frederick Brooks 1995 Management

The myths of Innovation by Scott Berkun 2010 Innovation

The neuroscience of leadership coaching by Patricia Bossons et al 2015 Leadership

The New art of managing people by Phil Hiensaker 2008 Management

The new global manager by Melissa Lamson 2018 management

The New Know: innovation powered by analytics by Thorton May 2009 innovation

The new leaders 100 day action plan by George Bradt et al 2016 leadership, management

The New Leadership Literacies by Bob Johnsen 2017 leadership

The new managers toolkit by Don Brimme and Sheryl Grimm 2008 management

The New One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson 2012 management

The new psychology of leadership by S Alexander Haslum and Steven Reicher 2010 leadership

The new rules of management by Peter Cook 2013 management

The new science of radical innovation the 6 competencies leaders need to win in a complex world by Sunny Giles 2018 innovation

The next generation of women leaders by Selena Rezvani 2009 Leadership

The Next Level by Scott Eblin 2010 leadership, management

The No Asshole Rule by Robert Sutton 2010 Leadership

The One thing you need to know by Marcus Buckingham 2005 management

The One Thing: the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results by Gary Keller and Jay Papason 2013 management

The Opposable mind: how successful leaders win thru integrative thinking by Roger Martin 2007 Leadership

The Orange revolution: how one great team can transform by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton 2010 teams

The Ordinary Leader by Randy Griesen 2017 leadership

The Organization and Architecture of Innovation by Thomas Allen and Gunter Henn 2011 innovation

The Organization of the Future 2 editor Francis Hesselbein 2009 Management

The Other Side of Innovation by Vijay Govinderajan 2010 innovation

The outstanding organization by Karen Martin 2012

The Performance Pipeline: getting the right performance at every level of leadership by Stephen Drotter 2011 Leadership

The plugged in manager by Terri Griffith 2011 Management

The pocket universal methods of design by Bruce Harrington and Bella Marten 2017 teams

The pocket universal principles of design by William Lidwell 2015

The porcupine principle: how to move prickly people to preferred outcomes by Steven Iversen 2017

The power of a positive team by Jon Gordon 2018 teams, leadership

The Power of Communication by Helio Garcia 2012 Communication

The Power of Company Culture by Chris Dyer 2018 workplace culture

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg 2014 Self Improvement

The Power of Little Ideas by David Robertson 2017 innovation

The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath 2017 communication

The Power of Positive Deviance by Richard Pascale et al 2010 innovation

The Power of Positive Leadership by Jon Gordon 2017 leadership

The power of positive team by Jon Gordon 2018 Team

The Power of Product Platforms by Alvin Lehnerd 2011 R & D

The power of project leadership by Susanne Madsen 2016 leadership

The power of trust how top companies build, manage and protect by Natalie Oldfield 2017 Trust

The Practice of Adaptive Leadership by Ron Heifetz 2009 Leadership

The Principles of Product Development Flow by Donald Reinertsen 2009 product Development

The problem solving, problem prevention and decision making guide by Bob Sproull 2018 problem solving

The product book: How to become a great product manager by Josh Anon and Carlos DeVillaumbrosie 2017 management

The Product Managers Desk Reference by Steven Haines 2014 management

The product managers survival guide by Steven Haines 2013 management

The project management answer book by Jeff Furman 2014 project management

The Project Manager and the pyramid by David Hinde 2017 project management

The project manager who smiled by Peter Taylor 2013 project management

The Psychology and Management of Workplace Diversity by Margaret Stockdale and Faye Crosby 2003 management

The Purpose Revolution: How leaders create engagement and competative advantage in an age of social good by John Izzo and Jeff Vanderwicken 2018 leadership

The Radical Leap: a personal lesson in extreme leadership by Steve Farber 2014 leadership

The Reality of our Global Future: How five unstoppable High-Tech trends will dominate our lives and transform our world by Dr Peter B Scott-Morgan 2012 Future Forecasting

The regenerative business: redesign work, cultivate human potential and achieve extraordinary Outcomes by Carol Sanford 2017 workplace culture

The respectful leader by Gregg Ward and Walter Meyer 2017 leadership

The Return on Leadership: A three step path to navigate change by D Brower 2017 leadership

The right kind of crazy by Adam Steltzner and William Patrick 2016 Leadership

The road to re-invention by Josh Linkler 2014

The roadmap: Navigating your way to leadership success by Cameron Morrissey 2016 leadership

The ROI: return on individuals by David Bookbinder 2017 workplace culture

The role of organizational culture on corporate performance by Terwoodross Talle 2017 workplace culture

The science of high performance by Som Bathla 2018 self Improvement

The Science of Intelligent Decision Making by Peter Hollins 2018 decision making

The Science of Successful Organizational Change by Paul Gibbon 2015 Workplace Culture

The Secret language of leadership by Stephen Denning 2007 leadership

The secret of Teams: What great teams know and do by Mark Miller 2011 teams

The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women by Valerie Young 2011 Self Improvement

The Secret to Leadership by Thomas Dipaolo 2014 leadership

The Secret: What great leaders know and do by Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller 2014 leadership

The seven things your team needs to hear you say by David Dye 2013 leadership, teams

The Signal and the Noise: How so many predictions fail but some don't by Nate Silver 2015 Forecasting

The Silent Language of Leaders by Carol Goman 2011 leadership

The six sigma black belt handbook by Thomas McCarty and Loraine Daniels 2004 six sigma

The six sigma green belt handbook by James Harrington and Praween Gupta 2009 six sigma

The six sigma handbook (5th ed) by Thomas Pyzlek and Paul Keller 2018 six sigma

The Skilled Facilitator by Roger Swartz 2016 management

The sophisticated manager by Jack Litemka 2016 management

The Soul of the New Machine by Terry Kidder 2000 Product Development

The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey 2008 Trust

The start up way by Eric Ries 2017 management

The Strategy Mindset by Chuck Bamford 2015

The Synergist: how to lead your team to predictable success by Les McKeown 2012 leadership, teams

The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle 2009 self Improvement

The talent fix by Tim Sackett 2018 leadership

The Tao of leadership by John Heider 2005 leadership

The Team Building Toolkit by Debrorah Mackin 2007 Team

The Team Handbook (3rd ed) by Peter Scholtes and Brian Joiner 2003 teams

The ten things new managers must get right from the start by Greg Alston 2014 management

The theory and practice of change management (5th ed) by John Hayes 2018 management

The thinkers toolkit: 14 powerful techniques for problem solving by Morgan Jones 1998 problem solving

The Three Box Solution by Vijay Gondarajan 2011 management

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell 2002 Cognitive Psychology

The Together Leader by Mais Heyck-Merlin 2016 leadership

The top ten mistakes leaders make by Hans Finzel 2013 leadership

The Toyota Way by Jeffrey Likes 2004 management

The Transforming leader by Carol Pearson 2012 leadership

The Trust Edge: how top leaders gain faster results, deeper relationships and a stronger bottom line by David Horsager 2012 Trust, leadership

The truth about leadership by James Kouzes and Barry Pozner 2010 Leadership

The truth about making smart decisions by Robert Gunther 2008 decision making

The Twelve Absolutes of Leadership by Gary Burnison 2012 Leadership

The Ultimate leader by Brigitte Hyacynth 2016 leadership

The Ultimate Leader: 25 outstanding qualities of the ultimate leader by Jasen Diaz 2017 leadership

The Ultimate Leader: learning, leading and leaving a legacy of hope by Brigitte Tasha 2016 leadership

The Unlimited Mind by Zoe McKey 2018 Cognitive Psychology, decision making

The Upside of Irrationality by Dan Ariely 2011 Cognitive Psychology

The Upstarts by Brad Stone 2018 strategy

The value of innovation by Jack Philips and Patricia Philips 2018 innovation

The versatility factor by John Meyers and Henning Pfaffhausen 2017

The Vibrant Workplace by Paul White and Gary Chapmen 2017 workplace culture

The way of leading by Patrick Warneka and Timothy Warneka 2007 leadership

The why axis: Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday life by Uri Gneezy and John List 2013 Cognitive Psychology

The Wide Lens by Ron Adner 2013 Product Development

The Wisdom of Failure: How to learn the tough leadership lessons without paying the price by Laurence Weizimmer and Jim McConoughey 2012 Leadership

The Wisdom of Teams by Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith 2006 teams

The work of leaders by Julie Straw 2013 Leadership

The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization's Northern Future by Laurence C. Smith 2015 Future Forecasting

Think Before it is too late by Edward de Bono 2010 decision making

Think Better by Tim Hurson 2007 Decision Making

Think Big Act Small: how america's best performing companies keep the start up spirit alive by Jason Jennings 2012 strategy

Think in Systems: the theory and practice of strategic planning, problem solving and creating lasting results by Zoe McKey 2018 strategy

Think Like Einstein by Peter Hollins 2017 decision making

Think Smarter: critical thinking to improve problem solving by Michael Kallet 2010 decision making

Thinking about the future by Andy Hines and Peter Bishop 2015 forecasting

Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman 2013 Cognitive Psychology

Thinking in Bets: Making smarter decisions when you don't have all the facts by Annie Duke 2018 Cognitive Psychology

Thinking in systems: a primer by Donelle Meadows and Diana Wright 2008 decision making

Thinking strategically by Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff 1993 decision making

Thinking: the new science by John Brockman 2009 decision making

Thirteeners: why only 13% of companies successfully execute their strategy and how yours can be one of them by Daniel Posser 2015 strategy

This is day one: a practical guide to leadership that matters by Drew Dudley 2018 leadership

Through the Labyrinth by Alice Eagly 2007 Leadership

Tighten the lug nuts: the principles of balanced leadership by Rocky Rommella 2017 leadership

Time, talent, energy: Overcome organizational drag by Michael Mankins 2017

Tinkertoys: a handbook of creative thinking techniques (2nd ed) by Michael Michalko 2006 creativity

Tough things first: leadership lessons from S.V. Longest serving CEO by Ray Zinn and Steven Grimsley 2016 leadership

Toxic Work Place by Mitchel Kusy and Elizabeth Holloway 2016 workplace Culture

Transformational Leadership by Joshua Medcalf and James Gilbert 2015 leadership

Transforming business with program management by Satish Subramaniuan 2015 program management

Tribal Knowledge by Mernie Schmidt and Beth Bostic 2015

Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan 2011 Leadership

Tribal Unity: getting from teams to tribes by creating a one team culture by Erin Campbell-Pretty and Steve Farber 2016 teams

Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss 2017

Tribes, we need you to lead us by Seth Godin 2008 Leadership

Triggers: creating behavior that lasts - becoming the person you want to be by Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter 2009 self improvement, decision making

Triple crown leadership by Bob Vanourek and Greg Vanourek 2012 leadership

Trust Factor: the science of creating high performance companies by Paul Zak 2017 Trust

Trust rules: how the world's best managers create great places to work by Bob Lee 2017 Trust

Trustology: the art and science of leading high trust teams by Richard Fagerlia and Laura Tucker 2013 trust, teams

Truth, trust and tenacity: how ordinary people become extraordinary leaders by Ritch Eich 2015 Trust, leadership

Truth: How the many sides of every story shape our reality by Hector MacDonald 2018 cognitive psychology, communication

Turn the tide: rise above toxic, difficult situations in the workplace by Kathy OBean 2016

Twenty-one Trends for the 21st Century: Out of the Trenches and into the Future by Gary Marx 2014 Future Forecasting

Under New Management by David Burkus 2016 management

Under the Hood by Stan Slap 2015 workplace culture

Unleash your inner leader by Vickie Bevenan 2015 leadership

Unleashing the innovators by Jim Stengel and Tom Post 2017 management

Unlocking innovation productivity by Michael Dalton 2016 innovation

Unlocking Potential by Michael Simpson and Marshall Goldsmith 2014

Unquestionable Brilliance by John Austin 2015

Unwritten Rules: what women need to know about leading in todays organizations by Lynn Harris 2009 leadership

Up from the crowd: lessons to help managers become effective leaders by William Mince 2014 management, leadership

Upside: Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead by Kenneth Gronbach and Time Parks 2017 future Forecasting

Us plus Them by Todd Pittinsky 2012 workplace culture

Validating Product Ideas by Tomer Sharon and Noam Lamdan 2016 Product Development

Value migration how to think several moves ahead of the competition by Adriana Slywotzky 1995

Value Proposition Design by Alexander Otewalder 2013 R & D, management

Value Stream mapping: how to visualize work and align leadership for organizational transformation by Karin Martin and Mike Osterling 2013 leadership

Virtual Culture by Bryan Miles 2017 workplace culture

Virtual Freedom by Chris Ducker 2014 teams

Virtual Leadership: Practical Strategies for getting the best out of virtual work and virtual teams by Pevay Pullman 2016 leadership

Virtual Team Success by Richard Lepsinzer and Darlene DeRosa 2009 teams

Visionary leadership in a turbulent world by Rob Elkington and Madelain van de Steage 2017 leadership

Visual Leadership by Richard Mongard and RJ Banks 2018 leadership

Visualizating Project Management by Kevin Forberg, Hal Mooz and Howard Cotterman 2005 Project Management

Walking on the Glass Floor by Judy Hoberman 2017 leadership

Weird Ideas that Work: how to build a creative company by Robert Sutton 2008 creativity

What exceptional Leaders Know by Tracy Spears and Wally Schmader 2014 leadership

What Got you here won't get you there by Marshall Goldsmith 2011 management

What happens now: reinvent yourself as a leader by John Hillen and Mark Navins 2018 management, leadership

What makes a great leader? by Edward LeMarc 2015 leadership

What makes a leader great by Russ Crosson 2014 leadership

What Makes Great Leaders Great by Frank Arnold 2007 leadership

What Matters Now by Gary Hamel 2012 strategy

What millennials want from work by Jennifer Deal and Alec Iverson 2016

What Type of Leader are you? by Ginger Lapid-bogda 2007 leadership

What Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know by Joan Williams and Rachael Dempsey 2018 workplace Culture

What Works, Gender Equity Design by Iris Bohnet 2016 Workplace Culture

What you need to know about project management by Fergus Oconnell 2012 Project Management

When by Daniel Pink 2018 Cognitive Psychology

When Leadership Improves by John Keyser 2018 leadership

When Teams Work Best: 6000 team members and leaders by Frank La Fasto and Carl Larson 2001 teams

Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street 2008 management

Who said So?: the questions revolutionary businesses ask to make them successful by Michael Parker 2008

Who Says Elephants can't dance? By Louis Gerstner 2003 strategy

Who says it's a mans world by Emily Bennington and Kelly Andrews 2013

Who the hell wants to work for you? by Tim Eisenhauer 2018 management, workplace culture

Why don't they follow me? by Lonnie Pacelli 2009 leadership

Why Great Leaders don't take yes for an answer by Michael Roberto 2015 leadership

Why Leaders fail by Peter Stark and Mary kelly 2016 leadership

Why Leadership Sucks vol 1: Fundamentals of level 5 leadship by Miles Smith 2012 leadership

Why Leadership Sucks Vol 2 by Miles Smith 2016 leadership

Why Motivating People doesn't work by Susan Fowler 2017 workplace culture

Why simple wins by Lisa Bodell 2016 workplace culture

Why Teams Don't Work by Harvey Robbins and Michael Finley 2000 teams

Why we make mistakes by Joseph Hallinan 2009 Cognitive Psychology

Widgets: the 12 new rules for managing your employees as if they're by Rodd Wagner 2015 management

Win the key principles to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary by Frank Luntz 2011 strategy

Winner culture by Lars Neilson 2013 workplace Culture

Winning at New Products by Robert Cooper 2017 R & D

Winning Well: A managers guide to getting results by Kevin Hurt and David Dye 2016 Management

Wired to create by Scott Kaufman and Carolyn Gregoire 2016 Creativity

Women and leadership by Deborah Rhode 2016 leadership

Women don't ask by Linda Balcock and Sara Laschaver 2007 Self Improvement

Women in Tech by Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack 2017 Self Improvement

Women Lead the way by Linda Tarr-Whelan 2011 Leadership

Words that work by Frank Luntz 2008 communication

Work Happy (What Great Bosses Know) by Jill Geisler 2014 Project Management

Work It: secrets for success from the boldest women in business by Carrie Kerpen 2018 Self Improvement

Work Rules by Lazlo Bock 2015 Strategy

Working in teams: moving from high potential to high performance by Brian Griffith and Ethan Dunbar 2014 teams

Working smart: a blueprint for success in the corporate workplace by Addonis Wu 2014

Working with difficult people by Amy Hakim and Muriel Solomon 2016 workplace Culture

Working with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman 2000 communication

Yes Yes Hell No by Brian Whetten 2014

You are the Team by Michael Rogers 2017 teams

You don't need a title to be a leader by Mark Sanborn 2006 leadership

Your Brain at Work by David Rock 2009 decision making

Your leading now by Tiffany Timmons-Saal and Amy Johnson 2017 leadership

Your Oxygen mask first: 17 habits to help high acheivers survive & thrive in Leadership in life by Kevin Lawrence 2018 leadership

Your Strategy Needs a Strategy by Martin Reeves et al 2015 strategy

Zero to One by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters 2014 Innovation

Zig Zag by Keith Sawyer 2013 creativity

Zone to win by Geoffrey Moore 2015

Craig R. Gordon, MBA

Recycling Veteran, Socio-Environmental Advocate, & Philanthropist. ??

4 个月

Would you consider adding the book? I just read concerning “behavioral Ethics in Family Business?” I’ll have to get the exact title for you I really admire what you are passionate about!

Mattison Grey M.Ed. CPPC

I help high performers see between the lines, cut through confusion, and get into reality—so they can move with clarity and confidence

12 个月

Thanks for including us in this amazing list!

Banarasi Lal

Project Director at Pyrite Stone and Craft

2 年


Larry Dahedl

Looking for chemist, R&D positions. Willing to relocate.

6 年

How are you doing?



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