Part 3 - The 4Cs, the 4IE and Connecting America to its Future
Part 3 - The 4Cs, the 4IE and Connecting America to its Future
I didn’t start out being a brawler and a street fighter. I was a studious and wimpy kid. The Marines turned me into a brawler. The U.S. Marines taught me to punch and counter-punch. I was taught counter-battery fire by the Marines. In pugil sticks or simulated bayonet fighting, most Marines at Officer Candidate School fought to a draw. I sent one of my opponents, a bigger, taller fellow Marine Officer Candidate, to the Battalion Aid Station. As Mike Tyson says, everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Then they receive religion. They don’t “get” anything unless and until you connect.
Fighting and educating is about making a connection. So is 5G. 5G is about connecting everybody to everybody else. It is about every locality being connected to global trade and global trade finance -- faster! Who is going to finance this and how?
The Disconnect in the current U.S. is an administration that is disconnected from truth and doesn’t make the connection to technology, education and financing. The connection? Yep, as “Iron Mike” Tyson said about himself and as he was taught by Cus D’Amato; “some people don’t learn about the fire until they get burned."