PART 3 OF 3 - 18 Characteristics of Successful Startups - Showt's Score
We compiled a list of 18 key characteristics of successful startups and analysed how Showt did

PART 3 OF 3 - 18 Characteristics of Successful Startups - Showt's Score

PART 3/3

ITEMS 13-18

Characteristics of Successful Startups

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In our testing stage, we had enormous success with a big global event -- Clinton/Trump -- people all over the world had an opinion

13. Is it emotionally satisfying for consumers?

The masses -- the 99.999% of the world’s population that has NEVER BEEN LISTENED TO ABOUT ANYTHING, except once every four or five years for elections (if they take the time to vote) -- will find it emotionally satisfying to see their ShowtCount quoted for posterity every day.?

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Pollsters only cared about the UK voters, but the rest of Europe had strong -- conflicting -- views

NEWS STORY CARRIED IN THOUSANDS OF NEWS SITES AND NEWSPAPERS ALL OVER THE WORLD: “300 million Africans Showt “No” for Donald Trump in the 24 hours after it was revealed that he said, “All African countries are shitholes.”?

“One billion people Showted for Ukrainian President Zelensky in the 24 hours after the Russian invasion. The country that had the most per capita Yes Showts was Poland. Zelensky’s Yes ShowtBack in 65 languages was a call to the people of the world to stand up for democracy and self-determination, and Zelensky’s links for action were clicked on 132 million times.”?

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This simulation is meant to show the incredible 24/7 reach of Showting for cricket every day of the IPL .
“I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but inform their discretion.” —THOMAS JEFFERSON

14. Is it something that the giants (Meta, Google, Microsoft, Amazon) will have to have as part of their platforms, and will bid for?


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Showt's advantage over other social media platforms
“Only very slowly and late have men come to realize that unless freedom is universal it is only extended privilege.” —CHRISTOPHER HILL (British historian)

15. Do you have a good name for your brand that is unique, global, short, trademarkable, appropriate, and smart?

We are proud and pleased with our name Showt. We were able to trademark our name and logo all over the world.

It’s (Shout) only five letters, and it’s one of those English words that is widely known in non-English speaking countries, like “love,” “rock n’ roll,” “hello,” “OK,” and “thanks”.?

The word even has two famous songs:?

For the purposes of the world’s first and only Instant Global Voting Platform “Shout/Showt” is a magical word that can go both ways: positive (cheering) and negative (booing). In our long list of name brainstorms, we listed Cheer/Boo, but that was terrible, and dropped from consideration.

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Best of all, Shout/Showt is both a noun and a verb, just like Google and Zoom are both nouns and verbs. Facebook doesn’t have this flexibility. It’s just a noun. You “post on Facebook”. Twitter is even more confusing. Twitter is a noun, but definitely not a verb.

Sometimes people mispronounce Showt “Show-tee” primarily because of their familiarity with the cable channel Showtime. This works for us as well, kind of. “Show us your Showt” could be an alternative tagline.

However, after a few times hearing the ‘correct’ pronunciation -- like the English word ‘Shout’ -- we feel that most people will lose the “Show-tee” habit, and jump on board the “Shout” train.

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There's only one NFL stadium with the endzone so close to the stands, and there is a tradition of the hometown players jumping into the stands after a touchdown. It's a visual representation of Showting.
“You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man’s freedom. You can only be free if I am free.” —CLARENCE DARROW

16. Is it making a positive contribution to the world so that the staff and customers feel like they’re making a positive difference in the world?

There will be a profound shift in planetary consciousness when all the people of the world experience the power of Showting on a minute-by-minute basis, about nearly anyone or anything, whenever they want to, and they will immediately get a ShowtBack in their native language from the Showtee they have Showted about, and they will immediately see that their Showt has been counted, reported on, and is part of the record of humankind in perpetuity.

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A shopkeeper in Karachi Showts for Narendra Modi in Urdu-language on the day Modi is re-elected, and Modi immediately sends her a reply in Urdu. Unprecedented!?

On February 24, 2022, billions of people will Showt Yes/No for Putin, and for Zellensky, and receive a ShowtBack from Zellensky in their native language.

The Showt team is sure that as people’s power to be heard increases, they will organically begin to study the news of their community, nation, and world so that they can better Showt and be heard. Before, when they were silent, there was no reason to study the world situation, as no one would care about what they had to say about anything.

17. Will the startup be crippled because powerful forces (government, business, and/or religious) will object to it, resulting in the startup being banned or heavily restricted in important countries?


Most Showting will be about mundane topics like entertainment, sport, products, and brands. These non-combustible topics will be seen as non-objectionable by the powers that be, and are unlikely to be banned, even in autocratic countries.?

However, if the Showt management is threatened by authoritarian governments with shut-downs for Showts regarding politicians, issues, and ministries, we will seriously consider some restrictions within a country’s borders on certain Showtee categories.?

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“The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy.” —H.L. MENCKEN
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18. Will the startup get mountains of free PR from the {ShowtCount] data, the celebrity participation {ShowtBacks}, the controversy about whether the service {Showt} is an accurate reflection of public sentiment, the debate about the novelty/utility of the business, whether it will survive, be copycatted, what it means for the culture in each country, and what it means for the AdTech world?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

Remember that Showt is the only platform in history where everyone on the planet can participate from Day One of launch, because it’s anonymous, easy to use, in 65 languages, and everyone will feel free to speak out without retribution.?

The local, regional, national and global stories of Showt and Showting will be dynamic and varied, involving:?

  • Who is getting the most Yes Showts and No Showt in each category in each country? Why??
  • What will a public figure or brand say in their No ShowtBack to try to politely confront and “flip” the No-sayer? How well did that ShowtBack work?
  • How is each country taking to Showt relative to other countries? Why did the French Showt No twice as much for XYZ Showtee than the Germans??
  • For the first time in history, the world can hear what their neighbors think about them. What do Pakistanis think about Indian public figures and vice versa? What do Canadians think about American public figures and vice versa? What do the people who live in Asia really think about Xi Jinping? What do Russia’s neighbors think about Putin? These opinions have never been expressed before.
  • The $620 billion global advertising industry will be debating how to best take advantage of the sea change that ShowtAds, ShowtBacks, ShowtCounts, and Showting bring.
  • Toll-free numbers became ubiquitous in the 1980s -- EVERY consumer product got a toll-free number on its packaging. It was a near-total dud -- hardly anyone ever call the numbers because you never knew who was going to answer, and how long it was going to take, and if you reported something negative the organization answering the call would definitely keep it quiet.

Showt is the opposite of toll-free numbers: it takes just a few seconds (guaranteed), it will be reported globally instantly and recorded for posterity, and the Showtee can immediately request to initiate a dialogue with the Showter for more information and to make amends, if necessary.

“Inside the polling booth, every man and woman stands as the equal of every other man and woman. There they have no superiors. There they have no masters save their own minds and consciences.” —FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

For more information about Showt,

please visit , the Pulse of the Planet

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