Part 2.5 Resolving the Megaproject Paradox: Developing a Green Hydrogen Economy

Part 2.5 Resolving the Megaproject Paradox: Developing a Green Hydrogen Economy

The most succinct description of the Megaproject Paradox: 'It's an absolute certainty that things won't go as planned'! ? John Noonan 2016

Creating the Organisation Digital Twin is essential for Megaproject Paradox resolution. Owners invest US$Billions in the Preparation Phases of the Megaproject Life Cycle. An investment designed to secure expert estimates of predictable simultaneous Time to Construct and Cost of Construction for Final Investment Decision (FID). Paradoxically, the estimates and predictions are always wrong. The consequence is NPV losses measured in the US$Billions per Megaproject or cumulative global Megaproject losses measured in the US$Trillions per annum. The Megaproject Paradox articles introduce an agile method to resolve the Paradox. The Noonan Method introduces the Organisation Digital Twin to turn massive NPV losses into massive NPV Profits.

1. Governance Fail 2019: What's Wrong with Gas in Australia?

Australia's National Gas Market is truly a Megaproject in Paradox in 2019. The Paradox is, Australia became the largest exporter of Gas in the world in 2018, yet on Australia's East Coast, there is apparently a Gas Shortage. Part 1.2 of the "Resolving the Megaproject Paradox" articles identifies 12 Megaproject Parameters (the Noonan Megaproject Parameters) that must be defined before the resolution of the Gas Megaproject Paradox can occur. The four Vertical Parameters are called the Governance Parameters. The four Governance Parameters are (i) Strategy, (ii) Culture, (iii) Structure and (iv) Behaviour

Governance of Energy Policy and Regulation in Federal and State Australian jurisdictions is broken in 2019. The lack of a consistent Gas Regulation Strategy across State boundaries is the problem with Gas in 2019. The lack of a consistent Regulation Strategy stems from the absence of appropriate Federal and State Energy Policy-making Organisation Culture, Structure and Behaviour on Australia's East Coast brought on by competing State and Federal political interests. Political corruption of the Federal Regulators, AER, AEMC and AEMO lead to an inappropriate Regulatory Organisation Strategy, Culture, Structure and Behaviour.

Australia's Energy Regulation authorities need to be reorganised, engaging appropriate behaviour at each level of Government, including Federal, State and Local before an appropriate Energy Policy can be established in Australia. The first step is to establish a new Strategy for Energy in Australia, using a vision for the next century at least. Once an Australian Energy Strategy is defined, the Culture, Structure and Behaviour of the Regulatory Organisations accountable for delivering that Strategy can then be defined.

This article commences the Strategic Definition for Australia's Energy Policy by focusing on a future Hydrogen Economy. The article concludes with a discussion of Culture, Structure and Behaviour of the appropriate Australian Regulatory Organisations that can be established and held accountable for delivering a Hydrogen Economy as Australia's future Energy Strategy.

1.1 Gas is a National Issue, Coal is a Regional Issue

In Australia in 2019, the Domestic Energy Market is confused and easily manipulated due to its complexity of Ownership, Operation, Maintenance, and physical interconnection. The confusion is severely compounded by the lack of consistent Government Energy Policy and Regulation Strategy for Australian Domestic fossil-fuel resources across State and Federal boundaries.

The Domestic Energy Market is underpinned by Electricity Generated from two Domestic commodity fossil fuels, Coal and Gas. The Australian Energy Markets are also underpinned by two physical grids, the National Electricity Market (NEM) and a nationwide Gas network. Neither of these grids links all states, with Western Australia (WA) being isolated in both cases and the Northern Territory (NT) only being added to the East Coast Gas Grid in 2019. Gas (not Coal) is the only Domestic Energy commodity used in 100% of Australia's States and Territories in 2019. In 100% of Australian States and Territories, Gas is used for Electricity Generation, Commercial, Industrial and Residential use. In 2019 Gas is the key commodity issue for Australia's Federal and State Governments, not Coal. Yet prior to the 2019 Australian Federal Election, the only commodity being discussed is Coal, while the only commodity relevant to the entire country is Gas.

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Fig 1: Australian Gas Grid Highlighting Potential East-West Pipeline Links

In 2019, Coal remains a key feature of only 4 State Energy Markets, Queensland (Qld), New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (Vic) and WA. As a consequence of the 2018 State Labor Election victory, Vic is clearly transitioning away from Coal to Renewable Energy (RE) Electricity Generation in 2019. WA's fleet of Coal-fired Electricity Generators is in transition to majority Gas-fired Generation and RE-Generation. The Australian Capital Territory (ACT), NT, South Australia (SA) and Tasmania (Tas) have no Coal-fired Electricity Generation Assets in 2019. Not a single state in Australia has any plans to ever build another Coal-fired Power Station for Electricity Generation in future. Coal-fired Electricity Generators are the most expensive form of fossil-fueled Electricity Generation Stations to build, operate and maintain in 2019. With the passage of time, existing Coal-fired Power Stations will become more expensive to operate and maintain than it will be to build new Renewable Energy (RE) Generation Assets. The last new Coal-fired Generator built in Australia was built in 1992. Unless a Government body chooses to subsidise construction, an extremely unpopular political suggestion, a new Coal-fired Electricity Generator will never be built in Australia again. The question remaining for Australian Domestic Coal usage is how long will it be until the last Coal-fired Power Station in Australia finally shuts down?

By comparison, Gas-fired Electricity Generation is used in every State and Territory in Australia with 100% of SA's fossil-fueled Generators being Gas-fired. In 2019, the Gas Network on the East Coast of Australia is better interconnected than the NEM, linking Qld, NSW, Vic, ACT, Tas, SA, and NT. WA remains the only state not yet connected to the Australian National Gas Grid. Gas-fired Electricity Generation through Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Stations is the most efficient form of fossil-fueled Electricity Generation. Yet in Australia, because of the problems associated with the lack of consistent Regulation of the Gas markets between Australia's East Coast and West Coast, Gas-fired Electricity Generation is more expensive than Coal-fired Generation in the East Coast States and Territories (not WA).

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Fig 2: Eastern and South-eastern Australia Gas Basins and Grid Infrastructure

Ownership of Electricity Assets adds to the confusion and complexity of Australia's Energy Markets. Two states, SA and Vic, have sold off 100% of their Electricity Assets to private operators. NSW sold off 100% of its retail Assets, 50% of its Transmission Asset (Transgrid), and 100% of its Generation Assets, but retains ownership of 100% of its Distribution Assets as of 2019. ACT has sold off 50% of its Distribution Assets. Qld retains government ownership of the physical Electricity Assets (Generation, Transmission and Distribution) but has privatised its Energy Retail Assets. In three Australian States, WA, Tas, and NT, Electricity Assets remain 100% State government owned.

1.2 Gas Governance: Examples of Success and Failure in Australia

The complex nature of Electricity Asset Ownership, Operation and Maintenance is compounded by NEM physical complexity. The NEM is the most complex manually operated machine in Australia in 2019. The NEM connects East Coast state physical Electricity Assets (Generation, Transmission and Distribution) including most of Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, SA and Tas. This complexity has lead to manipulation of Electricity and Gas pricing on the East Coast NEM (not WA) by private Energy Operators and by some State Governments. Two NEM states, SA and Vic, have been economically harmed most due to the complex NEM Ownership, Operation, Maintenance and Regulation regime.

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Fig 3: The Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) Grid

In 2019, Australia's privatised Energy monopolies like AGL, Origin, EnergyAustralia, SA Power Networks, Citipower, Powercor, Electranet, Transgrid, and others on Australia's East Coast (not WA), have developed a Culture based around Greed. There is an alternative that has been operating in WA since the 1970s.

In 2019, the WA economy is a great example of an Australian State jurisdiction that has developed an appropriate mutually beneficial working Culture for both Energy companies and the WA State Government, and therefore the people of WA. WA's State government and the Energy companies are working harmoniously together within an Energy Governance Model that works in 2019. WA's Strategy was to implement a Domestic Gas (DOMGAS) Reserve Policy in the 1970s. This Policy laid out the rules for beneficial gas exploration and LNG plant development that has underpinned a 40-50 year continuous LNG boom in WA, commencing with the North West Shelf Megaproject. The future for LNG in WA remains bright, with WA exporting in excess of 90% of Australia's LNG in 2019. At the same time, the WA Economy is booming based partly upon jobs from the LNG boom, and from the bountiful gas overflowing from the WA Domestic Gas pipeline courtesy of its DOMGAS Reserve Policy. The contrast could not be more stark on Australia's East Coast.

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Fig 4: ENRON Whistleblowers, where are they now?

By comparison, Part 2.4 identifies how Enron private monopoly tactics are being used on Australia's East Coast Energy markets in 2019 to rort the East Coast Moomba and Bass Strait gas resources. There is no Governance and therefore no free market for Gas on Australia's East Coast. Australia's East Coast has been left with an artificial shortage of gas. A gas shortage in Australia, just as it has become the largest exporter of gas in the world in 2018! How can that be?

The absence of an appropriate DOMGAS Reserve Policy in any State or Federal Government jurisdiction on the East Coast of Australia underpins the problem. This is a massive fail for Australia's Energy Policy makers and its Energy Regulators on Australia's East Coast. Privately owned monopoly Gas Exporters are manipulating the price of Australian Gas in the Australian Domestic Market on the East Coast of Australia in the absence of government regulation. The Federal and State Governments in SA and Vic have for decades left their Moomba and Bass Strait Energy Resources unregulated on Australia's East Coast.

At the same time, the WA State government has demonstrated how easily Energy resources such as Gas can be managed using well designed DOMGAS Reserve Legislation and appropriate Governance. The Moomba and Bass Strait Resources need DOMGAS Reserve legislation enforced by the SA and Vic State Governments respectively in the absence of a consistent Federal DOMGAS Reserve policy. The Policy does not need to be authored from first principles. The WA DOMGAS Reserve Policy can be used as a tried and proven working model from the 1970s which remains intact in 2019.

1.3 Megaproject Paradox Consequences of Policy and Regulation Culture Fail

The Megaproject Paradox puts privately Owned Energy monopolies on notice. Privately Owned Energy monopolies need to develop a corporate Culture that demonstrates gratitude and harmonious mutually beneficial working relationships with the State and Federal governments that Own the resources exploited on Domestic and Export markets. The alternative as defined by the Megaproject Paradox spells destruction for the monopolies.

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Fig 5: SA has the Highest Electricity Prices in the World

Greedy private monopolies, like those on Australia's East Coast, are usually the cause of their own downfall. A Culture of "Out of Control" greed is being demonstrated in 2019 in Australia's East Coast Energy Markets. Falsely inflated Australian East Coast Gas and Electricity prices and lack of competition between traditional private monopolies in states like SA underpin the highest Electricity and Gas prices in the world. Before SA sold off 100% of its Electricity Assets in 2000, the price of Electricity in SA was the cheapest in the world. Without any major Electrical Grid infrastructure construction in SA, the price of Electricity has magically become the most expensive in the world.

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Fig 6: Origin and AGL Revenue per Employee - a Culture of Greed

The last straw for SA was a State Wide Black Start in 2016, at the same time as SA was paying the highest Electricity and Gas prices in the world. The only "Old Generation" that exists in SA is Gas-fired Electricity Generation, around 2.7GWatts of Generation capacity. What was the status of this Gas-fired Generation on the day of the Black Start? Almost 100% of SA's Gas-fired Generation was turned off! Mismanagement of the SA Region of the NEM by AEMO in an extreme wind event was the cause of the Black Start. Governance failure by State and Federal East Coast governments has fostered a Culture of Greed among the private participants in Australia's Energy Markets. Greed makes life unbearable for all parties involved. Greed also makes "Out of the Box" competitive options not only attractive but necessary. Hydrogen (H2) is one such "Out of the Box" competitive Energy option.

2. Energy Strategy: The Hydrogen Economy alternative to LNG

The preferred alternative to expensive fossil-fueled Electricity in SA is the implementation of Australia's most progressive Renewable Electricity Generation and Storage targets. Part 2.4 identifies how SA is leading the world in the transition to "Digital Smart Grids". The key driver behind the transition is to avoid predatory pricing of "Old Style" private monopoly Gas Wholesalers and Retailers and Electricity Gentailers. This article discusses how SA can relieve itself entirely of the need to use Natural Gas, to avoid predatory pricing of private monopoly Gas Retailers in SA, The solution is a transition that consists of two essential components. The first component is a new technological solution. The second component is a new Governance solution, identifying a legislative solution governing the new technological solution.

This article discusses both components of the solution, beginning with the technological solution. The technological solution consists of two components. The first technological component is the transition from the manually operated "Old Grid" to the new automated "Digital Smart Grid" as discussed in Part 2.4. The second technological component is a transition from Gas to Hydrogen (H2) as a fuel store for Energy, underpinning a Hydrogen Economy.

The preferred alternative to Gas for residential and commercial use comes from at least two RE-Generation and Storage alternatives.

  1. Energy Generation: Replace all SA Gas-fired Generation with massive RE-Generation and Storage solutions as described in Part 2.4. Replace residential heating and cooking with Electrical alternatives, including induction cooking, solar electric hot water and/or Electric heat pumps with efficiencies measured from 300%-400%.
  2. Energy Storage: Replace Natural Gas for Electricity Generation and Industrial use with H2. H2 production from Electrolysis of seawater can be powered by excess RE-Generation rather than curtailing it, at prices trending to zero. As well as replacing Gas for Domestic use, H2 competes with LNG as an export Fuel. H2 can also be used as a fuel for niche long distance heavy transport requirements.
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Fig 7: H2 Production using Electrolysis of Seawater and Renewable Electricity

A key link in the Renewable Energy chain is H2, acting as an Energy storage solution. In 1923, British scientist JB Haldane first identified an energy future for the Hydrogen Economy. Haldane described H2 as, weight-for-weight, the most efficient known method of storing energy. H2 is the most common element on Earth, indeed in the Universe. H2 generated from Electrolysis of seawater produces no harmful waste products (the waste is Oxygen) when powered by RE-Generation (Solar PV or Wind paired with Storage).

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Fig 8: Australian Hydrogen Export Opportunity

SA is running a number of pilot projects in 2019 to produce H2 from Electrolysis of seawater. The Electricity used to drive the Electrolysis Plant is supplied by massive RE-Generation sources paired with Storage. At least one pilot is also working with GE to develop 100% H2-fired Turbines to generate Electricity. The benefit in using H2 instead of Methane (Gas) as fuel for Combined Cycle Hydrogen Turbine (CCHT) Electricity Generation is zero harmful waste. The only waste product from burning H2 is water (H2O). In 2019, SA Electrolysis Pilots are already producing H2 at prices competitive with Gas on Australia's East Coast.

Fig 9: Production of Hydrogen using Electrolysis powered by Solar PV Cells

Electrolysis and H2-fired Electricity Generation technology pilots in SA are developing quickly. An appropriate transition from Gas to H2 as fuel for Electricity Generation and other uses are evolving in parallel. Residential Gas Networks will slowly transition to 100% Electricity Networks, or in some (perhaps Industrial) cases use H2 as a combustion fuel. Transition to H2-fired Electricity Generation is only needed in economies where 100% of Electricity requirements cannot be satisfied using other RE-Generation and Storage sources. These Economies are likely to be based in Asia and provide significant Hydrogen Export market opportunities for Australia.

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Fig 10: Liquid Hydrogen Export Tanker

3. Hydrogen Impact on Transport and Digital Smart Grids

Apart from providing an alternative to Gas as a fuel for Electricity generation, H2 has a place in the Transport Industry. In 2019, the Transport Industry is in Transition to Electric Mobility.

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Fig 11: BEV Sales Price per Mile of Range is Plummeting

H2 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (HFCEV's) are one of 5 key variants of Electric Vehicle contending for volume replacement of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicles. In 2019, the transition from 100% ICE Vehicles to 100% EV's is in full swing around the globe. An important question for the new "Digital Smart Grid" Operators is how will the "Digital Smart Grid" cater to the massive increase in demand expected from the transition from ICE to Electric Mobility.

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Fig 12: 2018 Countries in Fastest Transition to Electric Vehicles from ICE Vehicles

By 2019, there are 5 variants of Electric Vehicle (EV) competing for a share of the volume Motor Vehicle market.

  1. Hybrid EV (HEV). HEV's have both an ICE Engine and an Electric Motor working in an automatically controlled way to power the same vehicle drive train. HEV's have both a Battery Pack and a Gasoline/Diesel Engine and fuel tank.
  2. Plug-in Hybrid EV (PHEV). PHEV's are similar to HEV's with the additional complexity of a recharging Plug for the Battery Pack. PHEV's are capable of travelling for relatively short distances without the need to use the ICE Motor thus saving on the use of fuel. Use of PHEV's for short regular journey's too and from work could see a massive extension of fuel use for individual users. The battery pack inside a PHEV tends to be limited in size compared to BEV's
  3. Extended Range EV (EREVs). EREV's use a small ICE Motor as a backup charger to the BEV Battery Pack. This adds different mechanical ICE complexity. EREV's include a fuel tank and an ICE Engine, but the ICE engine does not drive the vehicle. The ICE Engine on an EREV has one task, to charge the Battery Pack, to compensate for "Range Anxiety", should the Battery run out of charge. Batteries in EREV's are typically smaller than BEV's.
  4. Battery EV (BEV). BEV's are mechanically less complex to build than either HEV's or PHEV's. They have only Electric Motors attached to the drive train and a plug allowing for recharging of the Battery Pack. BEV's have no ICE Motor, Fuel tank or any of the associated balance of plant for an ICE Motor.
  5. H2 Fuel Cell EV (HFCEV). HFCEV's have an H2 Fuel Tank and an H2 Fuel Cell incorporated within the EV to convert the Energy stored in H2 to Electricity to power the Electric Motor via a small battery in the HFCEV.
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Fig 13: Five variants of Electric Mobility

By 2019, BEV's appear likely to be the winner of the Transition to replace volume ICE motor vehicles for three key reasons.

  1. BEV's are far more efficient (in the order of 90% efficient) in their use of Energy than any of the other 4 alternatives (at best around 30% efficient).
  2. BEV Battery Packs can become a new "Storage Asset" on the new "Digital Smart Grid" using "Vehicle to Grid" (V2G) and "Grid to Vehicle" (G2V) charging technology.
  3. BEV's are the least mechanically and electrically complex to manufacture, operate and maintain of the 5 EV variants.
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Fig 14: BEV Efficiency compared to HFCEV Efficiency

By early 2020, influential global ICE Motor Vehicle Manufacturing companies such as VW and Daimler announced the end of their HFCEV projects and a consolidation of their future developments around BEV's. By mid-2020, the question continues to be asked. Does Green Hydrogen have a part to play in the Renewable Energy Transition? Studies by the Fraunhoffer Institute attempt to identify what that place might be.

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Fig 15: Ranking Fields of Application for H2 from an Energy System Perspective

When BEV's become the volume alternative to ICE vehicles, the growing size of BEV batteries and increasing power of associated recharging systems are going to place a significantly increased load on the "Digital Smart Grid". "Old Grid" vested interests use this increase in load as a modern-day myth to support growth in fossil and nuclear-fueled Power Stations along with the construction of new RE-Generation. Analysis of the "Duck Curve", the Load Curve for the "Old Grid" is warranted before strategic decisions are taken on the nature of the Generation mix on new "Digital Smart Grids". The "Duck Curve" for SA is instructive, as SA is the NEM Region where the new "Digital Smart Grid" transition is most advanced in 2019.

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Fig 16: BEV Vehicle to Grid Storage Connection Paradigm

Motor Vehicles on average sit idle around 95% of the time. Idle BEV's connected to the new "Digital Smart Grid" become another form of "Digital Smart Grid" Storage solution, often referred to as "Vehicle to Grid" (V2G) Storage. Just as people tend to charge their Smart Phone batteries overnight as they sleep, BEV's could be charged overnight as they sleep, or even better, during the midday Solar PV Rooftop Peak of Generation.

When they drive their vehicle to work, people can plug in their BEV to the "Digital Smart Grid". While people work, their BEV battery can then be made available to the "Digital Smart Grid" for use as Grid-connected Storage. Alternatively, depending upon the level of Energy Abundance at any time on the "Digital Smart Grid", BEV batteries can be paid to either be charged or drained to the benefit of the Grid or the BEV owner. Ultimately, the BEV owner can decide whether to make the BEV accessible as Grid Storage, and Grid Participants can structure their tariffs to attract BEV V2G storage to the benefit of the grid.

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Fig 17: BEV Charging and Discharging on the "Digital Smart Grid"

3. "Digital Smart Grid" Governance

Humans learn by trial and error. Australia's Energy Governance Failure is evident in 2019. WA is the only State that has demonstrated successful Governance of its Energy Resources. It is time for a new, improved and consistent Energy Governance System to be put in place across Australia in 2019.

The technology component of the "Digital Smart Grid" transition is straight forward. Automated Power Electronic and Microelectronic systems development have evolved to a point where most National Grids are already Hybrid AC/DC grids in the early 2000s. DC Transmission Grids and DC Microgrids will evolve organically. DC Transmission Grids will predominantly evolve around pumped hydro Storage facilities regulated by State and Federal Governments. DC Microgrids will evolve from Local Government regulation as volume BEV deployment drives the imperative for efficient G2V (Grid to Vehicle) and V2G (Vehicle to Grid) charging and Storage applications. There may come a point, perhaps by 2050, when AC Grids are made redundant.

The more difficult task in the transition to the "Digital Smart Grid" remains. That task relates to how the Governance Framework, the Political and Regulatory Framework, must evolve to most appropriately manage the "Digital Smart Grid" transition and ongoing Asset Management. Already in the early 2000s, statewide Black Starts demonstrates that it is no longer appropriate to have one Federal Government controlled organisation to manage the Australian NEM. This article envisages a Governance Strategy that provides devolution of NEM management Structure to at least three levels, including Federal, State and Local Government.

Federal Government Regulation Culture will be required to establish equitable National Rules for the NEM, and more broadly Australia's Energy and Resources Export and Domestic usage rules. In particular, managing at least the following frameworks:

  1. Owning, Developing and Asset Management of all Energy Assets (Generation, Storage and Interconnection) associated with DC interconnection between NEM Regions.
  2. Managing the transition between old "AC Grid" Assets and new "Digital Smart Grid" Assets across statewide NEM Region boundaries.
  3. The development of a National Energy and Resources Governance Strategy. By 2019, the best National Energy and Resources model to follow is that of Norway, see Part 4.1.1. Norway's Strategy could be significantly improved upon if all Australian Energy and Commodities were made available to Australian Industry and Residential users at close to zero cost. This would create a significant incentive and advantage for any business to establish itself in Australia. This could create a massive Economic boom for Australia well into the future.

State Government Regulation will be required to establish equitable NEM Regional DC and AC Grid Rules within NEM Regions. In particular, managing at least the following frameworks:

  1. Ownership, Development and Asset Management of all Energy Assets required for Utility-Scale Generation, Storage and Interconnection within State NEM Regional Boundaries.
  2. Managing the transition between old "AC Grid" Assets and new "Digital Smart Grid" Assets within statewide NEM Regional boundaries.
  3. Regulation and Coordination of Interconnection between Local Government managed DC Microgrids.

Local Government Regulation will be required for Asset Management and Regulation of DC Microgrids within its boundaries. In particular, managing at least the following frameworks:

  1. Ownership, Development and Asset Management of community DC Microgrids within Local Government boundaries.
  2. Managing the transition between old "AC Grid" Assets and new "Digital Smart Grid" Assets with Local Government NEM Region boundaries.
  3. Designing and rolling out new "Digital Smart Grid" Assets at the microgrid level within Local Government boundaries. "Old" AC Distribution grids making up the lowest level of a Regional Grid.
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Fig 18: Australia's Economy is Linked to Australia's Energy and Resources Strategy

As a component of Australias Energy Governance Strategy, Australian Energy Assets will need to be consolidated as essential services under Government (Federal, State and Local) ownership, predominantly for strategic defence reasons.

Please leave comments below. Constructive insights are appreciated and a learning opportunity for everyone reading this article.

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Resolving the Megaproject Paradox: ? Part 1.1: Creating the Digital Megaproject ? Part 1.2: Creating the Organisation Digital Twin ? Part 1.3: Digital Shipyards ? Part 2.1: Digital Oilfields ? Part 2.2: Peak Fossil Fuel Demand ? Part 2.3: Failure of a National Electricity Market ? Part 2.4: Transition to a 100% Digital Smart Grid ? Part 2.5: Developing a Hydrogen Export Economy ? Part 3: Creating a New Owner ELT Management Tool ? Part 4.1.1: Rule Number 1 - Megaproject Strategy ? Part 4.1.2: BROWSE JV Strategy Case Study ? Part 4.2: Rule Number 2 - Culture ? The Megaproject Paradox Facebook Page ?

The Noonan Method for Megaproject Risk MitigationNoonan Megaproject Parameters, the Organisation Digital Twin, and the "Resolving the Megaproject Paradox" series of articles are copyright of JNC Pty Ltd. John consults to Mega-corporations with deca $Billion annual revenues or Owners of deca $Billion Megaprojects. John speaks publicly and consults to clients dealing with Megaproject Paradox issues. Typically issues are related to corporate StrategyCultureStructure and Behaviour. John assists ELT's achieve financial and schedule goals. Some information in the articles is sourced from the CII 2012 Performance Assessment Report, Internet-based information including Wikipedia, and News and Television articles. Some references are quoted in the articles, or directly linked to video or other internet links. Reference information is public domain. Noonan Method innovation proposes the Megaproject Organisation Digital Twin Model to resolve any Megaproject Paradox issues using scenario planning techniques.

John can be contacted at ... [email protected] or +61 (0)414 610 933

John Noonan

Strategic Consultant

6 个月

WHY? When in the middle of a transition from fossil-fueled energy consumption to 100% Electrification, it is sometimes good to stop and ask why this transition is happening.

John Noonan

Strategic Consultant

9 个月

By 2024, the NEM hosts a widely distributed fleet of BESS assets with an energy storage capacity of up to 4 hours. German energy giant RWE is working with Tesla to install the first 8-hour capacity BESS on the NEM in NSW, beating pumped hydro as a competing alternative.

Carlos Barrera Garza

*State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech: ·1-Gearturbine, Reaction Turbine, Rotary Turbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor, Impulse Turbine, One Compression Step. "When see a Tsunami coming you should not say I am not a Wave Expert"

2 年

Latest InFlow Generation: State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech: ·1-Gearturbine Reaction Turbine Rotary Turbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor Impulse Turbine 1 Compression Step: ·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar System of the Aeolipile ·Heron Steam Device from 10-70 AD, ·With Retrodynamic = DextroGiro/RPM VS LevoGiro/InFlow, + ·Ying Yang Circular Power Type, ·Non Waste Parasitic Power Looses Type, ·8-X,Y Thermodynamic Cycle Way Steps.? ·2-Imploturbocompressor: Impulse Turbine, ·Implo-Ducted, One Moving Part System Excellence Design, · InFlow Goes from Macro-Flow to Micro-Flow by Implosion/And Inverse, ·One Compression Step, ·Circular Dynamic Motion. Implosion Way Type, ·Same Nature of a Hurricane Satellite View.

  • 该图片无替代文字
John Noonan

Strategic Consultant

5 年

Well done ATCO! Canadian gas giant ATCO achieved a major milestone last week as it started blending renewable hydrogen into the on-site natural gas network at its Clean Energy Innovation Hub. The blend will be used throughout the Jandakot depot as the first step in exploring the potential of hydrogen for home use in gas appliances. Officially opened in July, the industry-leading Clean Energy Innovation Hub is a testbed for hybrid energy solutions. The facility features a microgrid, comprising a 300kW solar array of approximately 1100 solar panels and 400kWh of batteries. With the PV system capable of producing two a half times the daily power requirements of the facility, excess solar energy is partially stored in batteries, while the rest is used to power an electrolyzer and produce hydrogen. Hydrogen is then stored as fuel for a back-up generator or blended with natural gas. ATCO begins blending green hydrogen into gas network

John Noonan

Strategic Consultant

5 年

The eyes of the energy world are upon it in 2019. But the renewable energy transition in South Australia is probably one of the most misunderstood, misreported and under-appreciated achievements of our time. SA, for those who have not been paying attention, has dumped coal. We are on track to dump gas, the highest-priced gas in the world. SA now sources more than half its generation from wind and solar. SA has become a net exporter rather than an importer of electricity on a National Grid dominated by old flaky Coal-fired Power Stations. SA now has plans to make that share of renewables “net 100%” in a decade, and a multiple of that in the future. Given its location, at the end of a long and skinny grid with little connection to other markets, it is truly remarkable – and an inspiration to institutions, policymakers, consumers and the industry itself about what is possible. South Australia’s stunning renewable energy transition, and what comes next



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