(the part 21fpi)What is about most new and fresh publications in the world?
Hello to all. We continue to publish the most new and fresh publications in the world (The World’s Biggest Public Companies) of food processing industry.
The purpose of these publications is to help project owners, interested individuals and companies to find of operators, investors, suppliers and contractors of services and desired job.
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To be continued...
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If you will have free time, then go to on my LinkedIn profile https://ua.linkedin.com/in/alexanderbondarenkophd and you will see my other posts that can download and share to your friends - investors.
Thanks to all.
Alexander Bondarenko, Ph.D.
Key words: #credit, #investment, #bank, #finance, #economy, #profit,
#project, #Ukraine, #privatization, #article
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About the project: The continuation of the project "Interesting and communicative people in LinkedIn" you can see on the link: