PART 2 — Unveiling the Deepfakes Dilemma: Navigating the Waters of AI Manipulation Series
PART 2 - Deepfake

PART 2 — Unveiling the Deepfakes Dilemma: Navigating the Waters of AI Manipulation Series

PART TWO: Restrictions Series: “Deepfake Regulations: Navigating the Boundaries of AI Manipulation” with examples OpenAI, Gemini & Antropic-Bedrock

The advent of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) has ushered in an era of deepfakes — hyper-realistic digital alterations of media. These deepfakes, particularly those that manipulate the faces of prominent figures, present a formidable challenge in detection and have the potential to disseminate misinformation and sway public opinion. While they have their place in entertainment, the political misuse of deepfakes carries grave implications, such as disrupting elections and fracturing societal harmony. Recognizing the threat, the World Economic Forum has flagged disinformation, including deepfakes, as a critical risk in the year 20241. It’s imperative that we explore robust deepfake detection techniques, and implement comprehensive technologies, policies, and monitoring standards to mitigate this digital menace.

Deepfake Manipulation: Types and Implications

Financial Fraud: Deepfakes can be used to create convincing videos of individuals, such as CEOs or financial experts, promoting fake investment opportunities or endorsing fraudulent schemes.

  • A scammer in China used face-swapping technology to impersonate someone and convinced the victim to transfer $622,00011.
  • The infamous $35 million bank heist in Hong Kong involved a deepfake voice impersonating a company director 2.

Digital Identity Theft: By manipulating images or videos, deepfakes can create false personas, potentially leading to identity theft or impersonation online.

  • Fraudsters leverage AI and deepfakes for identity fraud, creating synthetic biometric data to deceive biometric systems
  • Deepfake identity theft can involve falsifying ID documents or using the victim’s face and voice to change account numbers .

Spreading False Information: Deepfakes can fabricate realistic videos of public figures making controversial statements or engaging in illicit activities, leading to the spread of false information and damaging reputations.

  • Pro-China bot accounts distributed videos of computer-generated avatars created by AI software to promote the interests of the Chinese Communist Party3.
  • Deepfakes of public figures like Elizabeth Warren have been used to spread misinformation?.

Harassment and Intimidation: Perpetrators can create deepfake content to harass or intimidate individuals by depicting them in compromising or embarrassing situations.

  • A Pennsylvania mother used deepfake videos to harass members of her daughter’s cheerleading team?.
  • Deepfakes exacerbate social division and have been used against communities in South Asia?.

Reputation Tarnishing: Deepfakes can tarnish reputations by creating fake videos showing individuals engaging in unethical or illegal behavior, leading to public condemnation and loss of trust.

  • Deepfake technology has been used to damage the reputation of public and private figures, including politicians and celebrities?.
  • A deepfake video of Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko duped several European politicians?.

Fabricating Evidence: Deepfakes can be used to fabricate false evidence in legal proceedings or personal disputes, potentially leading to wrongful convictions or unjust consequences.

  • Deepfakes could potentially be used to impede recruiting efforts for terrorist groups or confuse the enemy in armed conflicts.
  • Defendants in high-profile trials have suggested that artificial intelligence may have altered videos presented as evidence.

Deepfake Detection Techniques :

Deepfake detection is a rapidly evolving field, with researchers developing various techniques to identify manipulated content. Here are some of the key methods currently being explored:

  1. Deep Learning Methods: These involve using neural networks to analyze videos, images, or audio for inconsistencies or artifacts that may indicate manipulation. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are particularly common in video and image deepfake detection?.

Here is a sample code how to do it using Streamlit and Google Gemini LLM

import streamlit as st
from PIL import Image
import requests
# Get Gemini API Code first & and Check Gemini End points
# Replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual Gemini API key


# Function to send image to Gemini API and get prediction
def check_deepfake(image):
    response =
        headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_KEY}'},
        files={'file': image}
    return response.json()

# Streamlit app interface
st.title('Deepfake Detection with Gemini')
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an image or video", type=["jpg", "png", "mp4"])
if uploaded_file is not None:
    image =
    st.image(image, caption='Uploaded Content', use_column_width=True)
    prediction = check_deepfake(uploaded_file.getvalue())
    if prediction['is_deepfake']:
        st.write("This content is likely a deepfake.")
        st.write("This content is likely authentic.")

--In this example, check_deepfake function sends the uploaded file 
to the Gemini API and retrieves the prediction. The Streamlit app 
provides an interface for uploading content and displays the prediction result.. 

--The Streamlit app provides a simple interface for uploading 
an image and displays the prediction result.        

2. Feature-Based AI Techniques: This approach focuses on identifying specific features within media files that are common in deepfakes, such as unnatural blinking patterns or inconsistent lighting. Techniques include machine learning models like Support Vector Machines (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Random Forests.

import streamlit as st
import cv2
import numpy as np
from sklearn import svm, neighbors, ensemble
from skimage.feature import hog

# Function to extract features from an image
def extract_features(image_path):
    image = cv2.imread(image_path)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    features, _ = hog(gray, orientations=8, pixels_per_cell=(16, 16),
                      cells_per_block=(1, 1), visualize=True, multichannel=False)
    return features

# Load your pre-trained models
svm_model = svm.SVC(probability=True)
knn_model = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier()
rf_model = ensemble.RandomForestClassifier()

# Load models (Assuming they are already trained and saved)
# svm_model.load('svm_model.sav')
# knn_model.load('knn_model.sav')
# rf_model.load('rf_model.sav')

# Streamlit UI
st.title('Deepfake Detection')
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an image", type=["jpg", "png"])

if uploaded_file is not None:
    # Convert the file to an opencv image.
    file_bytes = np.asarray(bytearray(, dtype=np.uint8)
    opencv_image = cv2.imdecode(file_bytes, 1)

    # Display the image
    st.image(opencv_image, channels="BGR")

    # Extract features and predict
    features = extract_features(uploaded_file)
    svm_pred = svm_model.predict_proba([features])[0]
    knn_pred = knn_model.predict_proba([features])[0]
    rf_pred = rf_model.predict_proba([features])[0]

    # Display predictions
    st.subheader('Model Predictions')
    st.write(f'SVM: {svm_pred[1]:.2f}% chance of being a deepfake')
    st.write(f'KNN: {knn_pred[1]:.2f}% chance of being a deepfake')
    st.write(f'Random Forest: {rf_pred[1]:.2f}% chance of being a deepfake')

# Note: The models used here are placeholders
 and should be replaced with actual trained models.        

This code snippet provides a basic structure for a Streamlit app that can take an image upload, extract features using HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients), and then use SVM, KNN, and Random Forest models to predict the likelihood of the image being a deepfake. Please note that the actual implementation would require trained models and the load methods for the models would need to be replaced with the appropriate code to load your specific models.

3. Biological Signal-Based Detection: Some methods look for physiological signals that are difficult to replicate in deepfakes, such as subtle skin color changes due to heartbeat, which are not yet accurately mimicked by deepfake technology1?

4. Consistency-Based Detection: This technique checks for self-consistency in videos, such as the alignment of eyes, ears, and nose, which can be off in deepfakes. It also looks for temporal inconsistencies across frames11.

5. Vision Transformer: A newer approach that uses transformers, which have been successful in natural language processing, to detect deepfakes by focusing on global dependencies within an image12.

6. Contrastive Learning: This method trains models to distinguish between real and fake content by comparing pairs of real and manipulated images or videos13.

These techniques often work best when combined, leading to hybrid models that can leverage the strengths of multiple approaches for more accurate detection. The field is continuously advancing, with ongoing research to improve the robustness and accuracy of detection methods.

Restrict Deepfake with Technologies & Policies

Restrict Deepfake with Technologies

  1. Biometric Detection: Using biometric signs within a video, such as a person’s heartbeat or the sound generated by human vocal organs, to identify deepfakes

Here is an example: Creating a biometric detection system for deepfakes using Streamlit and OpenAI would involve analyzing physiological signals that are difficult to replicate in deepfakes, such as heartbeat or vocal patterns. Below is a conceptual example of how you might set up a Streamlit app to perform this task. Please note that this is a high-level example and assumes you have access to a model that can detect biometric inconsistencies.

import streamlit as st
import cv2
import numpy as np
from some_biometric_library import BiometricAnalyzer

# Initialize the biometric analyzer with a pre-trained model
biometric_analyzer = BiometricAnalyzer(model_path='path_to_your_model')

# Function to analyze the video and detect biometric signs
def analyze_video(video_path):
    # Load the video
    video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
    # Analyze the video
    analysis_results = biometric_analyzer.analyze(video)
    # Return the results
    return analysis_results

# Streamlit interface
st.title('Deepfake Detection using Biometric Analysis')
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a video", type=["mp4", "avi"])

if uploaded_file is not None:
    # Save the uploaded video to a temporary file
    with open('temp_video.mp4', 'wb') as f:
    # Display the video'temp_video.mp4')

    # Analyze the video for deepfakes
    st.write("Analyzing the video for deepfakes...")
    results = analyze_video('temp_video.mp4')
    # Display the results
    if results['is_deepfake']:
        st.write("Warning: This video is likely a deepfake.")
        st.write("This video is likely authentic.")

# Note: The actual implementation would require a trained biometric model and a library capable of analyzing biometric data.        

2. Watermarks Embedding: These watermarking techniques serve as tools to verify the authenticity of digital media and to deter the creation and distribution of deepfakes.

Invisible Watermarks: Secret codes embedded in media, detectable but unseen by viewers.

Visible Watermarks: Clear labels on media to indicate AI-generated content or authenticity.

Localized Semi-Fragile Watermarks: Watermarks that reveal manipulated areas when the expected pattern is altered.

Audio Watermarks: Inaudible marks in audio that specialized software can detect to confirm authenticity.

Here is an example : We will use the the Antropic’s model (Claude 3 -Haiku/Sonnet/Opus) -AWS Bedrock. Creating a watermark using Anthropic’s model and Streamlit would involve developing a web application that can interact with the model to generate or verify watermarks. Here’s a high-level outline of how you might approach this task: Set Up Streamlit, Integrate Anthropic’s API, Design Watermark Logic, Implement Watermarking Functions, Build the Streamlit Interface,Test Your Application &Deploy the App

import streamlit as st
import requests

# Replace 'your_api_key' with your actual Anthropic API key
api_key = 'your_api_key'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}'}

# Function to generate a watermark using Anthropic's model
def generate_watermark(text):
    # This is a placeholder for the API request
    response =
        json={'prompt': text, 'length': 50}  # Adjust as needed
    return response.json()['watermark']

# Streamlit app interface
st.title('Watermark Generator with Anthropic Model')
user_input = st.text_input("Enter the text for the watermark:")
if st.button('Generate Watermark'):
    watermark = generate_watermark(user_input)
    st.write(f"Generated Watermark: {watermark}")

# Add more functionality as needed for embedding and verifying watermarks        

2. Securing Digital Media Authenticity Using Metadata QR Code :

To combat deepfake media, a system can embed metadata in the form of QR codes directly into the media upon publishing. This metadata includes details such as the publisher’s identity, the date and time of creation, and the tools used to create the content. The information is stored in a secure database, which is accessible for Know Your Customer (KYC) verification processes. Here’s an example:

Scenario: A news agency publishes a video interview.


  1. Metadata Collection: As the video is finalized, the publishing software collects metadata: publisher’s name, timestamp, and creation tool.
  2. QR Code Generation: The software generates a QR code containing this metadata.
  3. Embedding QR Code: The QR code is embedded into the video, either visibly or invisibly.
  4. Database Entry: The metadata is also entered into a secure database with a unique identifier linked to the QR code.
  5. Publishing: The video is published with the QR code.
  6. Verification: A viewer can scan the QR code to access the metadata from the database, verifying the authenticity of the video.

Example Metadata:

  • Published By: News Agency XYZ
  • Date and Time: July 15, 2024, 10:00 AM UTC
  • Creation Tool: VideoEditorPro
  • Unique Identifier: 12345-ABCDE

Verification Process:

  • A viewer scans the QR code using a smartphone.
  • The scanner app redirects to a verification page using the unique identifier.
  • The page displays the metadata, confirming the video’s authenticity.

This system ensures transparency and allows for easy verification of media authenticity to distinguish real content from deepfakes.

Restrict with Government Policy, Standards & Monitoring Authority

Establishing a dedicated authority for overseeing deepfake technology involves creating a comprehensive framework that includes policy formulation, standard setting, and active monitoring. Here’s a structured approach to this initiative:

“Establishment of the Deepfake Regulation and Monitoring Bureau (DRMB)”

Objective: To safeguard the integrity of digital media and protect against the malicious use of deepfake technology.


  1. Policy Development: DRMB will draft clear policies defining acceptable use of deepfake technology, categorizing threats, and outlining measures for compliance.
  2. Standards Implementation: The bureau will set technical and ethical standards for deepfake creation tools, ensuring they incorporate watermarking and metadata tracking features.
  3. Monitoring and Enforcement: DRMB will actively monitor media channels and collaborate with tool publishers and online platforms to ensure adherence to policies.
  4. Tracking and Verification: Publishers will be required to maintain logs of content creation, including details like publisher identity, timestamps, and tool usage.
  5. Penalties and Compliance: Strict financial and criminal penalties will be established for violations, with mechanisms for reporting and addressing infractions.
  6. Content Removal: DRMB will have the authority to issue takedown notices for non-compliant content, with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to ensure timely action.

Example Case:

  • A video is published by “MediaCorp” using “DeepCreatePro” software.
  • Metadata includes “Published By: MediaCorp, Date and Time: August 1, 2024, 3:00 PM UTC, Creation Tool: DeepCreatePro, Unique Identifier: XYZ123”.
  • DRMB’s systems detect a lack of proper watermarking.
  • MediaCorp receives a notice to correct the issue within 48 hours as per the SLA.
  • Failure to comply results in penalties and potential removal of the video from platforms.

This structured approach ensures that there is a clear process for managing the risks associated with deepfake technology while maintaining transparency and accountability.

Conclusion :

In conclusion, the establishment of a government authority to regulate and monitor deepfake media, along with the implementation of technological restrictions, represents a comprehensive strategy to address the challenges posed by this technology. By setting policies, standards, and monitoring systems, and enforcing technological safeguards, such an authority can ensure the integrity of digital media, protect against the misuse of deepfakes, and maintain public trust. Collaborative efforts with publishers, online platforms, and technology providers will be crucial in enforcing compliance, maintaining transparency, and upholding accountability. This balanced approach aims to leverage the benefits of deepfake technology for positive use cases while mitigating its risks through regulation.

Continue reading the next -PART1 & PART 3>>>>

PART ONE: Introduction Series: “Deepfake Discovery: Unveiling the World of AI Manipulation” PART THREE: Manipulation Series: “Deepfake Mastery: Exploring the Depths of AI Manipulation”

[1]4 ways to future-proof against deepfakes in 2024 and beyond | World Economic Forum (

[1] Deepfake Phishing: The Dangerous New Face Of Cybercrime (

[2]Deepfakes In Financial Fraud: A Comprehensive Exploration — White Collar Crime, Anti-Corruption & Fraud — India (

[3]How Deepfake Videos Are Used to Spread Disinformation — The New York Times (

[4]How powerful are deepfakes in spreading misinformation? (



[7]Reputation Management and the Growing Threat of Deepfakes (

[8]European politicians duped into deepfake video calls with mayor of Kyiv | Vitali Klitschko | The Guardian

[8]European mayors duped into calls with fake Kyiv mayor (

[9]Deepfake detection using deep learning methods: A systematic and comprehensive review — Heidari — 2024 — WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery — Wiley Online Library



[12] [13]


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