Part 2: Theologies of creativity, work, and business

Part 2: Theologies of creativity, work, and business

The original role of work in creation and what that means to us today (Pre-Fall).

Genesis 1:28, And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (ESV, 2016.)

Genesis 2:15, The Lord took the man and put him in the garden to work it and keep it (ESV, 2016).?

Before the crafty serpent began questioning God and Eve, the Garden of Eden was a good and blessed place. The mist of God was watering the planted garden. God formed man from this sacred dirt, gave breath into his body, and the man joined the living creatures. Then, God placed man into the garden to work it and keep it.?

It is not by accident or happenstance that mankind, the garden, and the work and keeping of God’s creation are beautifully joined together.? This is design. Intentionality, purpose, goodness, and blessing are in the blueprints of creation.? God, infinite and beyond measure, masterfully constructs his masterpiece and blows his breath of life into it. The Psalm “Selah” is beckoned here. Pause, rest, and reflect on the plan of God.??

These scriptures show us that God is an abundantly and forthright creator with good intentions and blessings. Work it and keep it.??

What does it mean to work it and keep it as God intended in the garden???

How can we appropriate the design of God pre-fall in our fallen world???

If you’re anything like me, the thoughts around work typically start with descriptors like productivity, growth, scale, and revenue. Although these words are a part of work’s environment, the scriptures seem to provide a different foundation for working and stewarding what God has created. It may just start with that simple idea that work is God’s idea. God wanted man to work and keep the garden. It was a place of blessing and something that God called good. God placed humankind into this arena and instructed them to subdue and have dominion over it. This is God’s doing.??

Moreover, this scene in the Genesis garden oozes delight and enjoyment. Go for it! Have a blast, and rule and reign with the gift I have given you. This is God’s invitation to work. Stewarding God’s earth is a continuation of experiencing what God blessed.??

In contrast, listen to popular songs, talk on the radio, or look at various marketing channels; there is so much talk about the weekend!? TGIF! Thank God, work is over, and now I get to enjoy the days. Just this past Friday, I heard a sports talk show host tell his audience, “Congratulations, it is Friday; you have made it to the weekend.” No! Our work experience is not a “get through it” moment so that we can get on to the better things in life.? What a sad reality for so many people who work to get to the “more enjoyable” times in life.??

Work it-Keep It! (say it with a smile and some attitude). Your new motto for the workplace is here.


Here are some considerations to contemplate when thinking about work.?

  1. Do I view work as God’s design??
  2. Do I view stewarding my work as a continuation of God’s blessing over creation??
  3. How would my work look different if I saw my work as a partnership with God’s plan for me??

Here is a prayer to use during your work.?

Creator God, thank you for the gift of sharing in your creative activity. Teach me to delight in the dignity of your work design. May my work reflect God's goodness and blessing for his creation.? Today, I am grateful to continue experiencing what you have blessed.?


Crossway. (2016). The holy bible: English standard version: containing the old

?and new testaments.


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