Part 2: Mastering Swift Project Modularization

Part 2: Mastering Swift Project Modularization

Welcome back to the second part of our journey into Swift project architectures. In this instalment, we'll explore advanced modular setups, emphasizing the importance of disciplined separation and introducing the concept of packages with examples.

?? Before diving in, catch up on Part 1 for a comprehensive understanding of Swift project architectures. Trust me; it's worth it! Choosing the Right Architecture for Swift Projects

4. Horizontal Modular Slicing within Feature Vertical Slicing - Unleashing Decoupled Power

Take your modularity game a step further by breaking down horizontal slices within features into many modules. While modules within the same projects or frameworks can be kept together, strong separation offers granular control.

For instance, Feed API and Feed Cache modules exist within the same 'layer' but operate independently. Discipline is essential to maintain separation, ensuring modules don't inadvertently interact.

// Example of Horizontal Modular Slicing within Feature Vertical Slicing

class FeedAPI {
    // ... implementation details

class FeedCache {
    // ... implementation details

5. Packages - Scaling Beyond Monorepos

All architectural options discussed so far operate under the assumption of a monorepo—projects, modules, and frameworks residing in the same repository. However, they can also be separated into standalone repositories, akin to using 3rd-party dependencies.

Think of Swift Package Manager, git submodules, Carthage, or Cocoapods as tools to manage dependencies between projects and repositories. While separating into repositories offers flexibility, it introduces ceremonies and time-consuming version updates, making it suitable for specific scenarios.

For instance, consider separating platform-specific components (UI) and platform-independent ones (Use Cases) into separate frameworks or projects. This practice enhances build and test times without overwhelming maintenance.

// Example of Swift Package Manager

// Package.swift in UI framework
let package = Package(
    name: "UIFramework",
    // ... dependencies and targets

// Package.swift in Use Cases framework
let package = Package(
    name: "UseCasesFramework",
    // ... dependencies and targets

In conclusion, choosing the right architecture involves striking a balance between simplicity and scalability. While advanced modular setups offer granular control, their implementation requires discipline and careful consideration of project size and complexity.

Embrace the modularity that Swift architecture affords, tailoring it to your project's unique needs. Stay tuned for more insights into Swift development and project architecture.

End of Series.


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