[Part 2] In-Depth Analysis of Stratign’s Anti-Drone Solution
[Part 2] Stratign’s Anti-Drone Solution

[Part 2] In-Depth Analysis of Stratign’s Anti-Drone Solution

Explore our lineup of anti-drone systems, purpose-built to manage the increasing spread of drones in various environments. Stratign’s technology is designed to detect, identify, locate, and track drones with high accuracy. They include:

  • Portable RF Detection and Jamming System
  • Integrated Drone Defense System


Stratign’s system offers a tactical solution, enabling forces to safeguard troops or critical installations by creating drone-free areas. The system comprises highly portable units equipped with RF detection capabilities, scanning the environment for drone signatures, and providing real-time alerts to operators. The system’s detector and jammer provide 360-degree coverage and are controlled via a laptop, with detections visualized on integrated digital maps… Read More


The Integrated Drone Defense System operates on a multi-sensor and jammer fusion approach. This system follows a workflow of “Detect – Locate – Identify – Act”, enabling early threat detection, precise location pinpointing, threat assessment, and, if necessary, interception. By combining sensors such as radar and RF detectors with direction finders, the system can swiftly identify and neutralize hostile drones, safeguarding critical assets and personnel. With the ability to disrupt UAV navigation systems and data links up to 5000 meters away, it ensures hostile drones are rendered inactive, protecting airspace integrity. Furthermore, its configurable nature allows for deployment in various environments, whether static, portable, or vehicle-based… Read More

Stratign’s advanced anti-drone systems effectively address the growing drone threat in various environments. The Portable RF Detection and Jamming System provides real-time detection and jamming capabilities for protecting critical areas. The Integrated Drone Defense System uses multi-sensor technology to detect, identify, and neutralize drones, ensuring safety and airspace integrity. By integrating cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interfaces, Stratign’s systems are well-equipped to secure airspace and maintain safety.

Other Anti Drone Solutions :

For a comprehensive look into all 5 solutions. click here



