Part 2: Guide to Improving Psychological Safety by Reducing Psychological Abuse: A legal and civil rights violation
Torin Monet
Principal Director at Accenture - Strategy, Talent & Organizations / Human Potential Practice, Thought Leadership & Expert Group
Contents. Page 1
Liability Disclaimer. Page 1
Section 6: Psychological Abuse Mental Health Impacts, Explanation, & Illustrative Examples. Page 1
Section 7: Solutions & Actions You Can Take. Page 8
Conclusion. Page 27
Liability Disclaimer
The material contained within this document is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional or legal advice. The author of this document is not a licensed attorney, psychologist, or healthcare provider, nor do they purport to provide experienced legal, psychological, or medical advice.
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Section 6: Psychological Abuse Mental Health Impacts, Explanation, & Illustrative Examples
Workplace psychological abuse can create or exacerbate numerous mental health conditions. The severity and specific conditions can vary widely based on the individual and their circumstances. Here are the mental health impacts caused by psychological abuse:[1]
1.??????Depression: Workplace psychological abuse often generates chronic stress and feelings of hopelessness, escalating into clinical depression (Kendler et al., 1999).
2.??????Anxiety Disorders: Hostile work environments provoke several anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, contributing to the prevalence of these conditions (Plaisier et al., 2007).
3.??????Substance Use Disorders: Workplace abuse frequently pushes individuals to use substances like alcohol or drugs as an unhealthy coping mechanism, leading to addiction (Frone, 1999).
4.??????Sleep Disorders: Persistent stress and anxiety from workplace psychological abuse disrupt sleep patterns, causing insomnia or other sleep disorders (Kawakami et al., 2001).
5.??????Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): While OCD has strong genetic roots, workplace-induced stress events can trigger or worsen the symptoms (Fullana et al., 2004).
6.??????Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Severe psychological abuse at work can traumatize employees, culminating in PTSD (Hogh et al., 2011).
7.??????Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD): Psychological abuse in the workplace often intensifies fear and discomfort in social situations, exacerbating SAD (Schneier et al., 2002).
8.??????Panic Disorder: The persistent stress experienced in a toxic work environment can lead to panic disorder, characterized by recurrent, unexpected panic attacks (Mathew et al., 2001).
9.??????Eating Disorders: The stress and diminished self-esteem engendered by workplace abuse can spark or exacerbate eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa (Hartmann et al., 2010).
10.??Adjustment Disorders: These stress-related disorders that induce emotional and behavioral symptoms often originate from significant changes or stressors at work, including psychological abuse (Casey & Bailey, 2011).
11.??Burnout Syndrome: Characterized by exhaustion, cynicism, and decreased efficacy at work, this condition is often directly exacerbated by psychological abuse in the workplace (Maslach & Leiter, 2008).
12.??Bipolar Disorder: While primarily a biological condition, workplace stress, including psychological abuse, can trigger episodes of mania or depression, exacerbating bipolar disorder (Miklowitz et al., 2007).
13.??Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Highly stressful work environments, particularly those involving psychological abuse, can contribute to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, which manifests as unexplained extreme fatigue (Borritz et al., 2005).
14.??Somatization Disorders: Workplace psychological abuse and the consequent distress can manifest as physical symptoms, contributing to the prevalence of somatization disorders (Kroenke & Spitzer, 1998).
15.??Suicidal Ideation: Extreme workplace abuse can lead to feelings of desperation and even suicidal thoughts, highlighting the severity of psychological abuse's impacts (Einarsen & Nielsen, 2015).
16.??Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): An abusive work environment can potentially aggravate the symptoms of existing BPD, such as intense emotional reactions, feelings of emptiness, and fears of abandonment (Sansone & Sansone, 2009).
17.??Dissociative Disorders: Severe workplace-induced stress can lead to dissociative disorders, which involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity, or perception (Spiegel et al., 2011).
18.??Agoraphobia: While traditionally associated with the fear of places or situations that might cause panic, this condition can be exacerbated by psychological stress from the workplace (Li & Graham, 2017).
19.??Acute Stress Disorder: This short-term condition can develop after a traumatic event, such as severe workplace bullying or harassment, underlining the impact of workplace psychological abuse (Bryant, 2006).
20.??Impulse-Control Disorders: Stressful and hostile work environments can trigger and exacerbate impulse-control disorders (Grant et al., 2010).
21.??Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD): An abusive workplace environment that fosters insecurity and low self-esteem can exacerbate symptoms of BDD, characterized by an obsessive focus on perceived flaws in appearance (Veale, 2004).
For more specificity, consider this description of how specific forms of psychological abuse cause PTSD.[2] As you read, consider the gravity of the psychological damage being done to the victim.
Covert narcissistic psychological abuse is a complex and insidious form of emotional manipulation that targets an individual's mental and emotional well-being. The severity and duration of the resulting post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have far-reaching consequences, often lasting a lifetime. This section will explore the complex relationship between PTSD and specific covert narcissistic abuse behaviors hypervigilance, incorporating neuroscience and psychology research findings. It will also combine these behaviors to illustrate such abuse's complexity and lasting effects.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe mental health condition that can develop following exposure to a traumatic event or ongoing trauma, such as covert narcissistic psychological abuse. The debilitating symptoms of PTSD can profoundly impact an individual's daily functioning, relationships, and overall quality of life. Understanding these symptoms is crucial for victims and mental health professionals to provide appropriate support and treatment.
Intrusive memories: One of the hallmark symptoms of PTSD is the presence of intrusive memories or flashbacks related to the traumatic experience. Seemingly unrelated stimuli can trigger these memories and be vivid, distressing, and disruptive. The constant bombardment of these intrusive thoughts can make it difficult for victims to concentrate, leading to problems at work, school, or other areas of life.
Emotional reactivity and hypervigilance: PTSD often results in increased emotional reactivity and hypervigilance, which is an exaggerated state of alertness. This heightened awareness can cause victims to be easily startled, constantly scanning their environment for potential threats and experiencing a heightened sense of fear or anxiety. This constant state of tension can lead to exhaustion, sleep disturbances, and even physical health problems.
Avoidance: To cope with distressing memories and heightened emotional reactivity, individuals with PTSD may engage in avoidance behaviors. This can include avoiding people, places, or situations that remind them of the trauma and suppressing thoughts and emotions related to the traumatic experience. While avoidance may provide temporary relief, it can also contribute to feelings of isolation, depression, and a decreased ability to engage in everyday activities.
Negative alterations in mood and cognition: PTSD can significantly change how individuals think about themselves, others, and the world around them. This may manifest as persistent negative beliefs or expectations, guilt or shame, difficulty experiencing positive emotions, and detachment from others. These negative alterations can further exacerbate feelings of isolation and despair, perpetuating the cycle of PTSD symptoms.
Sleep disturbances: Many individuals with PTSD experience sleep disturbances, including insomnia or nightmares. These sleep issues can lead to chronic fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and increased irritability, further compounding the challenges faced by those with PTSD.
Dissociation: Some individuals with PTSD may experience dissociation, a mental process that causes a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memory, and sense of identity. Dissociation can be a coping mechanism to escape the overwhelming emotions and memories associated with the trauma. However, it can also create additional difficulties in daily functioning and interpersonal relationships.
Physical symptoms: The chronic stress and tension of PTSD can manifest as physical symptoms, such as headaches, gastrointestinal issues, and chronic pain. These physical symptoms may be directly related to the trauma or the chronic stress and tension associated with PTSD.
The debilitating symptoms of PTSD can significantly impact an individual's ability to function in daily life, maintain relationships, and experience a sense of well-being. Mental health professionals, victims, and support networks must understand these symptoms and their impact to provide appropriate treatment and support.
Recognizing the symptoms of PTSD and seeking appropriate treatment, such as trauma-informed therapy, can be a crucial step in the healing process. In the context of covert narcissistic psychological abuse, PTSD symptoms can be especially challenging to navigate, as the abuse often occurs within the context of close relationships. By addressing the debilitating symptoms of PTSD, victims can begin rebuilding their lives, regain a sense of control, and move toward healing and recovery.
How specific covert narcissistic abuse behaviors lead to severe PTSD:
Negging: Undermining Self-Worth
Negging is a tactic where the narcissist offers backhanded compliments or veiled insults to leave the victim feeling self-conscious, insecure, and seeking the narcissist's approval (Wai & Tiliopoulos, 2012). This manipulative behavior is designed to undermine the victim's self-esteem and sense of self-worth, making them more susceptible to further abuse. The constant exposure to negging can lead to the development of negative self-schema, a pattern of self-destructive thoughts and beliefs that become deeply ingrained in the victim's psyche (Brown, 2013). This negative self-schema, resulting from constant exposure to 'negging,’ can contribute to developing PTSD symptoms by creating a perpetual cycle of self-blame and rumination, exacerbating the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and dissociation (Miller et al., 2011).
Minimization: Invalidating Feelings and Accomplishments
Minimization, the act of downplaying the victim's feelings, accomplishments, or concerns, is another covert narcissistic abuse tactic that can have long-lasting effects on the victim (Ni, 2015). By invalidating the victim's emotions and experiences, the narcissist undermines their sense of worth and perpetuates feelings of worthlessness and insignificance. Research has shown that this constant invalidation can disrupt the victim's ability to recognize and regulate their emotions, leading to emotional dysregulation and an increased risk of developing PTSD (Lancer, 2018).
Gaslighting: Distorting Reality
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser denies or distorts the facts, causing the victim to doubt their memory and judgment (Sarkis, 2017). This tactic may result in anxiety, confusion, and self-doubt, laying the groundwork for long-lasting PTSD. Research has shown that gaslighting can lead to severe cognitive dissonance, where the victim's brain attempts to reconcile conflicting information, leading to chronic stress and neural damage (Campbell & Foster, 2007). This can impair the victim's hippocampus, the brain region responsible for memory consolidation, leading to long-term memory deficits and persistent self-doubt (Eddy, 2018).
Word Salad: Obfuscating Communication
The use of word salad, nonsensical, circular, or confusing language, is another tactic covert narcissists employ to evade responsibility and disorient their victims (Ni, 2015). This manipulation leaves the victim feeling frustrated and disoriented, unable to effectively communicate their needs or concerns. Neuroscience research has shown that chronic exposure to such confusing and disordered language can lead to chronic stress and alter the brain's neural connections responsible for language processing and comprehension (Fox, 2015). This cognitive impairment can contribute to developing severe PTSD, as the victim struggles to understand their experiences and communicate their distress to others (Krizan & Johar, 2015).
Moving the Goalposts: Perpetuating Inadequacy
Covert narcissists often move the goalposts, constantly changing expectations to leave the victim feeling perpetually inadequate and unable to succeed (Malkin, 2015). This tactic can create constant anxiety and insecurity in the victim as they struggle to meet ever-shifting standards. The resulting chronic stress can impair the brain's prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions such as decision-making, problem-solving, and emotional regulation (Campbell & Foster, 2007). This neural impairment can contribute to developing severe PTSD, as the victim struggles with cognitive and emotional dysregulation, exacerbating their sense of helplessness and despair (Behary, 2013).
Ambient Abuse: Subtly Hostile Environment
Ambient abuse creates a subtly hostile environment through indirect actions, leading to unease, tension, and chronic stress (Lancer, 2018). This form of abuse is particularly insidious, as it is often difficult for the victim to identify or articulate the source of their distress. The chronic stress induced by ambient abuse can significantly affect the brain, including shrinking the hippocampus and altering neural connections responsible for emotional regulation and stress responses (Gottman & Silver, 1999). These neural changes can increase the risk of developing severe PTSD as the victim's brain becomes primed for hypervigilance and heightened emotional reactions (Eddy, 2018).
Stonewalling: Refusing Communication and Support
Stonewalling is a tactic in which the narcissist refuses to communicate or solve problems, leaving the victim feeling powerless and unsupported (Gottman & Silver, 1999). This tactic deprives the victim of essential emotional support and validation, exacerbating feelings of isolation and helplessness. Research has shown that social isolation and lack of support can significantly impact the brain's neural networks responsible for emotional regulation, increasing the risk of developing severe PTSD (Forward & Frazier, 1998).
Diversion: Evading Accountability
Diversion is a tactic covert narcissists use to change the subject or redirect the conversation to avoid responsibility or accountability, leaving the victim feeling unheard and invalidated (Ni, 2015). This tactic deprives the victim of the opportunity to address their concerns and assert their boundaries, undermining their sense of agency and self-worth. The constant evasion of accountability can contribute to the development of PTSD by reinforcing feelings of powerlessness and self-doubt in the victim (Wetzler, 1992).
Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Indirect Hostility
Passive-aggressive behavior involves expressing anger or disapproval indirectly through subtle actions or words, causing the victim to feel confused, guilty, or paranoid (Wetzler, 1992). This covert aggression can leave the victim constantly questioning their perceptions and actions, leading to chronic anxiety and self-doubt. Research has shown that repeated exposure to passive-aggressive behavior can impair the victim's ability to recognize and respond to social cues, further exacerbating feelings of isolation and helplessness (Forward & Frazier, 1998). This impaired social functioning can contribute to developing severe PTSD, as the victim struggles to form and maintain healthy relationships and build a support network to aid their recovery (Krizan & Johar, 2015).
Patronizing: Undermining Confidence
Patronizing behavior, in which the narcissist speaks to the victim condescending or belittlingly, undermines the victim's confidence and makes them feel inferior (Wai & Tiliopoulos, 2012). This tactic further erodes the victim's sense of self-worth and reinforces their dependency on the narcissist for validation and support. The resulting feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt can contribute to developing severe PTSD, as the victim's sense of identity and self-worth become increasingly fragile and vulnerable to external influence (Behary, 2013).
Emotional Blackmail: Manipulation Through Guilt, Fear, and Obligation
Emotional blackmail is a tactic used by narcissists to manipulate the victim through guilt, fear, or obligation, causing feelings of entrapment and powerlessness (Forward & Frazier, 1998). This manipulative behavior can create a pervasive sense of dread and anxiety in the victim as they struggle to meet the narcissist's demands and maintain their emotional equilibrium. The chronic stress and anxiety caused by emotional blackmail can trigger PTSD symptoms, significantly impacting the individual's mental health and quality of life (Campbell & Foster, 2007).
Covert narcissistic psychological abuse is a complex and insidious form of emotional manipulation that targets an individual's mental and emotional well-being. Narcissists’ specific tactics can have profound and far-reaching effects on the victim's mental health. The resulting severe PTSD can last a lifetime, as the victim struggles with the consequences of the abuse and the lasting damage to their brain's neural networks responsible for memory, emotional regulation, stress response, trust, and social bonding.
The complex and far-reaching consequences of covert narcissistic psychological abuse highlight the importance of understanding, recognizing, and addressing this insidious form of emotional manipulation. Mental health professionals, victims, and their support networks must work together to develop effective strategies for healing and recovery, including trauma-informed therapy, support groups, and educational resources.
To better understand the patterns of psychological abuse, consider the story of Taylor: a dedicated professional navigating a challenging workplace.[3] Joining a multinational corporation, Taylor is buoyant about the prospect of growth and learning. Taylor's supervisor, Jordan, appears initially supportive and frequently lauds Taylor's accomplishments - a fa?ade that soon begins to crumble.
Jordan's pattern of behavior grows increasingly disconcerting. Initial compliments for Taylor's innovativeness swiftly transition into criticism, an alarming instance of devaluation (Gabbard, 2018). Taylor's ingenious ideas are now disparaged as impractical or naive. Jordan continually shifts the parameters of Taylor's assignments without prior notice - a classic case of moving the goalposts (Beck, Freeman, & Davis, 2004), generating a sense of perpetual inadequacy in Taylor.
Most disconcerting is Jordan's persistent gaslighting (Stark, 2007). Whenever Taylor musters the courage to address the discrepancies, Jordan denies their existence, accusing Taylor of overreaction or faulty memory. As a result, Taylor starts questioning their self-perception and memory, leading to confusion and self-doubt.
Anxiety symptoms, such as enduring worry, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating, pose significant obstacles in any professional environment (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Due to the ongoing abuse, Taylor begins to display symptoms of anxiety and depression. This includes persistent worry, difficulty concentrating, symptoms of depression such as a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, and profound fatigue (Mayo Clinic, 2018). With time, this persistent abuse manifests physically and mentally, mirroring symptoms of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Sometimes, Taylor's resolve buckles under the weight of Jordan's relentless indirect aggression (Forrest et al., 2005). Jordan subtly conveys disapproval or hostility, creating an atmosphere of discomfort and fear. Whenever Taylor presents a report, there is always the inevitable fault-finding. The hypercriticism (Gibb et al., 2003) gnaws at Taylor's self-confidence, eroding it bit by bit until Taylor begins questioning their professional abilities.
Frustration multiplies as Jordan feigns ignorance (Scaer, 2005) to Taylor's questions or concerns, pretending not to understand or recall them. This induces a sense of helplessness in Taylor, who feels that even valid concerns are conveniently disregarded.
Further adding to the stress is the excessive control (Stark, 2007) exerted by Jordan over Taylor's decisions and actions. The excessive micromanagement suffocates Taylor's autonomy, and the strain starts to show in Taylor's performance and interactions with colleagues.
Being exposed to these oppressive and manipulative tactics over a prolonged period has led Taylor to display symptoms of PTSD, including flashbacks and nightmares about their traumatic experiences at work (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). PTSD can result in an elevated startle response, a constant feeling of being on edge, and difficulty sleeping - all of which impact work performance and general well-being.
In such a hostile environment, Taylor felt isolated (Lammers et al., 2014) and excluded from team meetings and social interactions, and these fueled feelings of loneliness and exacerbated the mental distress.
Prolonged workplace abuse might lead to PTSD, which is often linked to severe traumatic incidents (Karatzias et al., 2013). Thus, Taylor might be besieged by disturbing thoughts about the humiliating or emotionally destructive workplace incidents, causing severe distress and obstructing professional performance.
Neuroscientific studies elucidate how chronic stress from workplace abuse overstimulates the body's stress response. This leads to alterations in brain regions like the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex that regulate emotion, memory, and executive functions (Bremner, 2006). Such neurobiological changes instigate mental health conditions.
The story of Taylor paints a vivid picture of the profound impact that persistent psychological abuse can have in the workplace, underscoring the severity of its mental health implications. Seen at a larger scale, this form of abuse is a burgeoning issue, contributing significantly to our society's mental health crisis. Therefore, recognizing and combating workplace psychological abuse should be a paramount concern for ensuring both individual well-being and the overall health of our workforce. Addressing this issue is essential for creating and maintaining a healthy work environment and a crucial step in preventing severe mental health issues among workers.
Section 7: Solutions & Actions You Can Take
As we strive to support individuals with mental health disabilities—who are disproportionately impacted—it's important to emphasize the significant role of collective action. Our battle extends beyond the safeguarding of individual mental health. It is fundamentally about preserving societal well-being through the respect and dignity afforded to every person. A workplace transformation can occur when we learn to identify signs of psychological abuse, comprehend applicable laws, and take meaningful action. This collaborative effort necessitates all stakeholders within our organizations to uphold the principles of mental health and human rights.
1.??????Formalizing Mental Health Requirements
Should you have mental health needs that could be exacerbated by psychological abuse, consider the following steps:
First, search your corporate intranet for “Workplace Accommodations.” You likely have policies and a process. As needed, ask HR for the forms and process for requesting a medical disability accommodation. You are not required to reveal private medical information.
Using LinkedIn, seek out a forensic psychologist in your area. Explain your mental health need to be protected from workplace psychological abuse, as it would impact you in a manner that affected your ability to do your job, and request the psychologist provide appropriate evaluation and documentation to reflect this that you can use with your employer. If you already have a psychologist, they can do this for you. Forensic psychologists are recommended because they are more versed in evaluating and formalizing documentation to the highest standards of the law.
To request a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or similar laws in other countries, it's generally required that you provide documentation of your disability. This typically comes as a letter or report from a healthcare professional qualified to evaluate your condition, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or medical doctor. This documentation should meet the following criteria:
·??????Specific Diagnosis: The document must clearly outline your disability, including the specific mental health condition you have been diagnosed with.
·??????Functional Limitations: The report must describe how your condition impacts one or more major life activities, including your work. It should detail how exposure to psychological abuse can negatively affect your mental health and job performance.
·??????Need for Accommodations: It should be evident in the document why avoiding exposure to workplace psychological abuse is essential for your well-being and job performance and how the requested accommodations (like avoidance of abusive individuals or access to data highlighting abusive practices within the company) would help alleviate these issues.
·??????Professional Credentials: The letter must come from a qualified professional to diagnose and treat your condition. This could be a psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinical social worker. Their qualifications and contact details should be included in the document.
Again, it's important to note that you are not obligated to reveal specific medical details to your employer beyond what is necessary to validate your eligibility for accommodation and explain how it would aid your job performance.
Upon submitting your documentation, your employer might follow up with further questions or requests for more information within the confines of the law. If your employer seems unhelpful, consider seeking the advice of a legal professional.
You might also find these additional resources helpful:
·??????Job Accommodation Network (JAN): JAN is a free service provided by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy. Consultants from JAN offer personalized advice on workplace accommodations, the ADA, and relevant legislation.
·??????ADA National Network: This network provides information, guidance, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act. It consists of ten regional centers located across the United States.
·??????Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): This federal agency is responsible for enforcing laws prohibiting discrimination against employees (for example, on the grounds of disability).
·??????Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF): DREDF is a leading national civil rights law and policy center led by individuals with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities. They can provide resources, referrals, and advice on the ADA.
Note for Gen-Z[4]:
Generation Z individuals born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s face complex mental health issues. Distinct mental health disorders have been identified as particularly prominent within this demographic, as evidenced by various studies and surveys:
·??????Anxiety Disorders: This category includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. The Stress in America survey conducted by the American Psychological Association reveals that Generation Z reports the highest stress levels among all age cohorts. Furthermore, individuals from this generation are more prone to seek professional mental health assistance.
·??????Depressive Disorders: Major Depressive Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder (dysthymia) are encompassed in this group. Various research initiatives, including a significant report by the American Psychological Association in 2019, indicate an escalating prevalence of depressive symptoms among Generation Z.
·??????Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): This disorder is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which considerably hinder functionality and development. A study published in JAMA Network Open reveals a significant surge in ADHD diagnosis among children and adolescents in the U.S. from 1997 to 2016.
·??????Eating Disorders: Disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder fall into this category. Research indicates a potential correlation between the pervasiveness of social media in Gen Z's life and the rise in eating disorders within this demographic.
·??????Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Traumatic occurrences such as school shootings, global political turbulence, and the COVID-19 pandemic pose a substantial risk for Generation Z, potentially leading to the development of PTSD.
·??????Substance Use Disorders: While the consumption of certain substances like alcohol and cigarettes has declined within this group, there has been a noted increase in the use of others, including marijuana and electronic cigarettes (vaping).
While there's a reported increase in mental health issues among Gen Z, it's crucial to recognize that this might be attributed to increased societal acceptance and reduced stigma surrounding mental health. This change in social attitude potentially facilitates more open dialogue about mental health issues and a higher likelihood of seeking help rather than an actual rise in the prevalence of these conditions.
2.??????Proactively Inform Human Resources
Following the HR-defined process and forms for requesting a medical disability accommodation, inform your employer of your mental health needs to avoid workplace psychological abuse as it exacerbates your mental health condition and would impact your ability to do your job. HR will provide forms and a process, and your psychologist will provide documentation. Here is some language to help with articulating the request.
“I have been diagnosed with a mental health condition that makes me particularly sensitive to workplace psychological abuse. As the ADA outlines, psychological abuse could substantially limit my ability to perform major life activities, including working. This letter is my formal request for reasonable accommodations to help mitigate any potential negative impacts on my work and well-being.
In keeping with the legal principles set out in the ADA and to protect my mental health and ensure my continued productivity at work, I’m asking for the assistance of an HR representative to help me avoid psychologically abusive work environments within our company.
This request is in accordance with the guidance provided by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on ADA accommodations, which stresses the importance of modifying work conditions to allow individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to thrive.
I want to emphasize that my intention behind this request is to continue delivering my best work and to contribute positively to our organization while maintaining my mental health and well-being. I understand and respect that any information provided will comply with privacy laws and policies.
Thank you for your understanding and accommodation.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
3.??????When Psychological Abuse Presents, Document Everything
Make the most of the technologies available to capture, preserve, and organize all communication and interactions. In situations of psychological abuse, it's critical to maintain comprehensive records. This should encompass the date, time, individuals involved, and interactive content.
Embark on a meticulous tracking exercise, cataloging every interaction with the person instigating the abuse and your employer. Transcribe conversations, take screenshots of emails and chats, and record every piece of evidence, carefully noting dates, exact times, and who said or did what. Due to the nuanced nature of psychological abuse, capturing these incidents by recording and transcribing them is the most effective approach.
Accurate documentation of psychological abuse is critical for effective reporting, and this is well-established in psychological and legal literature. Workplace psychological abuse's subtle and pervasive nature makes it challenging to identify without a clear record (Namie & Namie, 2009). Hence, recording or transcribing incidents can provide crucial evidence of abuse (Rowe, 1996).
Given the subtleties and complexities of psychological abuse, diligent record-keeping becomes indispensable. Recording and transcribing incidents offer the most potent means of capturing the precise nature of these interactions. The importance of accurate documentation in effectively reporting psychological abuse is well-supported within both psychological and legal fields. The inconspicuous and pervasive characteristics of workplace psychological abuse can make it a formidable challenge to discern without well-maintained records (Namie & Namie, 2009). Thus, recording or transcribing incidents can furnish essential evidence of abusive behavior (Rowe, 1996).
A qualitative study by Keashly and Jagatic (2003) underscores the value of verbatim transcripts of verbal abuse. These transcripts can encapsulate subtle aspects that may be glossed over in generalized descriptions, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding and investigation. Aligning with this perspective, Lutgen-Sandvik (2003) posits that consistent documentation of psychological abuse instances creates a historical record that aids in establishing behavioral patterns—a vital step, as abuse often unfolds over a protracted period. A case law review by Yamada (2010) recommends keeping detailed logs of abusive incidents, given that such evidence can strengthen legal claims. Moreover, the EEOC Enforcement Guidance on Vicarious Employer Liability (1999) highlights the importance of well-documented complaints in addressing workplace harassment.
The American Psychological Association (APA) has identified that an essential part of confronting workplace psychological abuse is documenting incidents, including recording or transcribing where legally permissible (APA, 2014). Documentation of abusive incidents is vital for organizations to identify, respond to, and prevent further abuse.
Additionally, from the legal perspective, the Supreme Court has recognized the critical role of documentation in employment law cases. In Faragher v. City of Boca Raton (1998), the court highlighted that clear records of inappropriate behavior could help establish an environment of harassment.
Moreover, comprehensive documentation helps maintain a chronological order of the incidents, further assisting in understanding the nature, frequency, and severity of abuse (Neuman & Baron, 1998).
In conclusion, proper documentation through recording or transcribing is a vital prerequisite for effectively reporting workplace psychological abuse, according to a broad body of academic and legal research.[5]
When recording conversations, it's essential to understand the concept of consent in the documentation process. The laws around the United States vary from state to state. Some states require the consent of all parties involved in the conversation, while others are known as "one-party consent" states. In these one-party consent states, only one person (typically the person doing the recording) needs to consent to the recording. Overall, 37 states, plus the District of Columbia, are classified as one-party consent states. At times, Connecticut can also be included in this category.
The one-party consent states include Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. It's worth noting that advises caution with Missouri and Nevada, as these states have special provisions. As for Vermont, the state doesn't have an official law related to call recording, so Federal Law applies, classifying it as a one-party consent state. Regardless of your state, it's always recommended to familiarize yourself with specific state rules before recording any conversation.
While recording can be done using a simple voice memo app on your cell phone, consider the following AI-enabled applications to transcribe, time-stamp, and turn the conversations into a text file.
·?????? is a popular transcription app with real-time transcription capabilities. It can transcribe meetings, interviews, and other conversations with high accuracy. It also allows you to highlight, comment, and search through transcriptions.
·??????Rev Voice Recorder: Rev Voice Recorder is a transcription app that provides recording and transcription services. It offers fast and accurate transcriptions for various types of conversations. You can easily upload audio files to the app and receive the transcriptions within a short period.
·??????Temi: Temi is an AI transcription service that converts spoken conversations into text. It offers quick turnaround times and accurate transcriptions. It supports various file formats and can transcribe conversations from phone calls, interviews, and other sources.
·??????Trint: Trint is an AI-powered transcription software that converts audio and video files into searchable text. It offers features like speaker identification, editing tools, and the ability to export transcriptions to various formats.
Once you have a time-stamped transcript, insert it into Word, and add speakers’ names and context-setting paragraphs between speaker comments to give the reader an understanding. In these context-setting paragraphs, explain the abuse. Also, add a stack of bulleted psychological abuse terms and definitions before each speaker section to clarify what specific method of psychological abuse is illustrated in each upcoming speaking section.
If you’re not in a "one-party consent" state, use the following:
·??????Written communication: Switch to a form of communication that automatically creates a record, such as email, chat, or text messages. If you're dealing with workplace abuse, using discussion and your work email account will create a discoverable company record of the interactions that you can also document through screenshots for evidence timeline.
·??????Document immediately: Write precisely what was said and done after a conversation or incident as soon as possible. Be as thorough as you can. Detailed notes with times and dates provide valuable evidence.
·??????Consult a lawyer: If the abuse is severe, consulting with a lawyer could provide more tailored advice for your situation. They might suggest specific actions or strategies to gather evidence.
·??????Witnesses: If possible, have a third-party present during interactions. Their testimony can support your claims.
·??????Therapist or counselor notes: If you're seeing a mental health professional, their notes can serve as evidence of the ongoing abuse and its effects on you.
4.??????Involve Psychological and Legal Experts
Share the detailed timeline and exhaustive evidence documents you have created with several law firms, forensic psychologists, and therapists who collectively can provide you with professional legal guidance, psychological analysis, and psychological support.
Concurrent with your documentation, locate a top labor law firm that focuses on individual people and harassment and is licensed to practice in your state. Here is a process for finding law firms:
·??????Identify Your Needs: Understand that you need a lawyer specializing in employment law, focusing on disability rights and workplace harassment issues.
·??????Do Your Research: Conduct online searches for employment or disability lawyers in your area. Look at their websites to see their areas of specialization and their experience levels. Websites like Martindale-Hubbell, Avvo, and FindLaw can provide helpful information and ratings. US News also has a law firm search tool.
·??????Schedule Consultations: Law firms should be willing to provide a private consultation free of charge. Do not work with a firm that will not offer this courtesy. Contact several law firms to set up consultations. During these meetings, you can share your documentation, explain your situation, and ask about their experience with similar cases, strategies, and fees.
·??????Ask About Their Experience: Specifically inquire about their experience with workplace psychological abuse cases and mental health disability issues. Ask about their success rate and how they would approach your particular case.
·??????Consider Trust: After meeting with several lawyers, consider who made you feel most comfortable and confident. Legal issues can be complex, so working with someone you trust is essential.
Also, locate a forensic psychologist with a Ph.D. from a reputable university and a license to practice in your state. This can be done through LinkedIn by searching “forensic psychologist” and Location = “your state.”
Finally, you can locate a supportive mental health professional through or similar. Check provider ratings and schedule an initial 15-minute consultation to see if there is an interpersonal fit before embarking on therapeutic sessions. ?
5.??????Package and Report Your Experience
Follow the guidance of your attorney and report your complaint to your Employee Relations department.
·??????Consult with a Legal Professional and a Forensic Psychologist: You must consult a lawyer to understand your legal rights and protections. Additionally, consulting a psychologist familiar with psychological abuse can be beneficial in coping with the situation and can provide documentation of any stress or mental health impact you've experienced.
·??????Continue to Document Incidents Meticulously: Record and document instances of abuse, and include the date, time, location, persons involved, context, what was said or done, psychological abuse methods with definitions, any witnesses, and the impact on your work or well-being.
·??????Preserve Evidence: Any digital communication, recordings, transcripts, or documented behavior can be important evidence of the abuse. Make sure to secure and make backups of these pieces of evidence.
·??????Learn about Company Policies: Understand your company's policies regarding harassment, bullying, or psychological abuse. These guidelines should provide some structure on how to proceed.
·??????Practice discretion: Speak only with colleagues you trust about your experience, but do so discreetly. Psychological abusers use relationships and alliances in the workplace to collect information and abuse. Your trusted colleagues could become a source of support and potential witnesses. Alternatively, they could be a criminal accomplice to your abuser. When in doubt, keep the matter private and continue meticulously collecting exhaustive evidence.
·??????Report the Abuse: Contact your Employee Relations department in line with the guidance of your attorney and the procedures outlined in your company's policy. Share the evidence and detailed documentation you've gathered in a written email with the attached documentation. Request confidentiality during this process to avoid any possible retaliation from the abuser.
·??????Prioritize Your Mental Health: Seek support from a mental health professional who can provide strategies for dealing with the abuse.
·??????Continue to document every action of the abuser and your employer.
Contact External Authorities if Necessary: If your employer does not address the situation satisfactorily or if you face retaliation for reporting, again, meticulously document every interaction with your employer, speak with your attorney and these external authorities:
·??????Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): The EEOC enforces federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. If you believe you have been discriminated against, you can file a complaint with the EEOC.
·??????Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): While OSHA does not directly regulate psychological abuse in the workplace, it is responsible for ensuring safe and healthy working conditions. If the psychological abuse has led to a harmful or hazardous working environment, it may fall within OSHA's purview.
·??????Your State's Labor Department or Human Rights Commission: Each state has laws and regulations regarding workplace discrimination and harassment. You can contact your state's labor department or human rights commission to understand how workplace psychological abuse is reported.
·??????U.S. Department of Labor (DOL): The DOL's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) does not handle individual complaints but provides resources and information on laws and regulations related to disability employment, including accommodating mental health disabilities.
·??????Job Accommodation Network (JAN): This is a free service from the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy. JAN consultants offer one-on-one guidance on workplace accommodations, the ADA, and related legislation.
·??????Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF): DREDF is a leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents with children with disabilities. They can provide resources, referrals, and advice on the ADA.
·??????Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI): The WBI is a leading research and support organization focused on workplace bullying and psychological abuse. They conduct research, provide resources, and work to influence policy to protect workers from bullying and psychological harm. This group brought about the Healthy Workplace Campaign, which aims to pass the Healthy Workplace Bill legislation Suffolk University Professor David Yamada drafted. This new legislation, which provides a more legal definition of workplace bullying and extends more legal protections, has been introduced in 31 states.
If you feel threatened or the abuse escalates to a point where you fear for your safety, you should immediately contact law enforcement. Here are some resources you might want to consider:
·??????Local Police: Call your local emergency number (911 in the U.S.) if you feel immediate danger. You should also consider filing a report with your local police department to document the situation.
·??????National Domestic Violence Hotline: Although the name suggests a focus on domestic violence, this resource assists anyone who feels threatened or intimidated. They can provide immediate support and help you determine your next steps. They can be reached at 1-800-799-7233, or via online chat at
·??????Stalking Resource Center: If the abuse you're experiencing includes stalking or harassment, you can contact the Stalking Resource Center, a National Center for Victims of Crime program. They can guide safety planning and navigating the criminal justice system.
Remember to maintain an accurately detailed chronology of events, including instances of abuse, as well as all communications and interactions you've engaged with other victims, witnesses, and your employer regarding the matter. This evidence could prove critical should there be instances of retaliation or if the abuser or your employer is found to infringe upon laws like the Whistleblower Protection Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), or Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Similarly, violations concerning negligent supervision or vicarious liability, or breaches of state laws safeguarding individuals with mental health disabilities in the workplace, are also significant. This also applies to potential infringements of federal and state criminal laws concerning harassment, stalking, coercion, extortion, or fraudulent conduct. Trust in your attorney's guidance concerning evidence collection methods and further action.
6.??????Encourage Your Corporation
An empowered workforce is the backbone of a flourishing corporation. As such, employees need to advocate for measures that stop workplace psychological abuse. Everyone can play a role in upholding civil rights and the law. This is more important than ever for corporations and their leaders in the current social climate.
Boards of Directors: Boards of Directors hold ultimate responsibility for the company's conduct. To be part of the solution, boards can:
·??????Establish Clear Expectations: Boards should set the tone from the top by expressing an unequivocal commitment to creating and maintaining a psychologically safe work environment. This commitment should be formally documented and communicated to all stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, and customers. For example, this could be included in a revised Code of Conduct or a standalone Workplace Safety and Well-being Charter.
·??????Regularly Review Psychological Safety Metrics: The board should include the analysis and review of psychological safety metrics as a standing agenda item in their meetings. This allows the board to keep a pulse on the organization's psychological health, identify areas of concern, and monitor the progress of initiatives to enhance psychological safety.
·??????Hold Executive Leadership Accountable: The board should ensure that the executive leadership is committed to maintaining a psychologically safe environment and held accountable for it. This could be incorporated into performance metrics tied to executive remuneration or continued tenure.
·??????Consult Experts: It is advisable to engage third-party clinical psychologists or occupational health and safety experts to conduct unbiased assessments and audits of the company's approach to psychological safety. These experts can provide valuable insights and recommendations to improve psychological safety in the workplace.
·??????Review and Approve Resources: The board should review and approve allocating sufficient resources (human, financial, technological) to address psychological abuse effectively. This includes investments in HR and Employee Relations, technology implementation that helps detect patterns of abuse, and robust Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs).
·??????Board Training: Board members should participate in training sessions to understand the nuances of psychological abuse and its impact on the workforce and the company's performance. This awareness can inform their strategic decisions and oversight responsibilities.
·??????Enhance Whistleblower Policies: The board should oversee the implementation of a robust and confidential whistleblowing system, ensuring that employees can report instances of abuse without fear of retaliation.
·??????Regular Reporting: The board should receive regular updates from the executive team about complaints received, how they were handled, and what systemic changes are being made to prevent future abuse. This transparency ensures that the board is fully informed and can intervene when necessary.
·??????Cultivate an Open Dialogue: Boards should encourage open dialogue, where concerns or suggestions regarding psychological safety in the workplace are welcomed and addressed seriously. This can be accomplished through mechanisms of anonymous feedback systems.
·??????Advocate for Mental Health: Boards should be vocal advocates for mental health, not just within the organization but also in the industry and community. Their influential position can be leveraged to bring attention to this critical issue and encourage other organizations to prioritize psychological safety. Given their power to hold the company accountable, boards have the opportunity to ensure reductions in psychological abuse at an unprecedented level.
Executive Leadership: Leaders are not only decision-makers but also culture-shapers. They should consider the following:
?????????Establish a company-wide policy that unequivocally rejects any form of workplace abuse. Ensure this commitment is clearly expressed in all corporate communications, internally and externally.
?????????Dedicate resources to bolster Human Resources and Employee Relations departments, empowering them to address and prevent psychological abuse effectively.
?????????Consider technological solutions that can assist in identifying patterns of abuse. For instance, platforms like offer a tool that scrutinizes all company written communications using machine learning and monitors psychological safety levels across the organization.
?????????Utilize existing data to identify potential areas of concern. Many Fortune 500 companies already employ employee experience metrics that can signal possible psychological abuse, such as specific Gallup Q12 measures. These metrics provide insight into potential dehumanization and fear levels within the workplace, critical indicators of psychological abuse. With Gallup ratings comparing you to all companies in their database, look at the Gallup Q12 metric (or similar): "My supervisor or someone at work seems to care about me like a person." This metric offers insights into dehumanization in the workplace, a primary indicator of potential psychological abuse. Also, look at the Gallup Q12 metric (or similar): "At work, I feel comfortable being myself." This measure can indicate the level of fear in the workplace, a primary indicator of potential psychological abuse.
?????????Initiate a comprehensive corporate campaign to establish psychological safety metrics, set appropriate benchmarks, and conduct quarterly surveys. Encourage transparency and ensure a prompt response when specified thresholds are exceeded.
?????????Undertake regular workforce training sessions covering detailed psychological abuse methods, followed by anonymous quarterly surveys to assess whether any employee has experienced such abuse. It is a leadership responsibility to acknowledge and address any affirmative responses thoroughly. Dismissing or neglecting these issues, or providing cover for offenders, will likely have adverse outcomes, as seen in several high-profile cases.
?????????Link remuneration and the privilege of leadership roles to the capability to foster environments that consistently surpass specific dehumanization and fear thresholds. This can be achieved by integrating these thresholds with leader compensation schemes. The required employee experience data is readily available; it must be connected with appropriate thresholds and incorporated into compensation structures.
?????????Regular Audits: Conduct periodic audits of workplace culture and psychological safety. This allows the organization to benchmark its progress, identify areas of concern, and implement corrective measures in a timely manner.
?????????Leadership Development: Embed psychological safety and empathy modules in your leadership development programs. Leaders play a significant role in shaping workplace culture and should be equipped to foster a psychologically safe environment.
Individuals Prone to Psychological Abuse: Those who exhibit tendencies towards psychological abuse play a crucial role in curbing this behavior. To be part of the solution, consider the following steps:
·??????Acknowledge and Understand your Inner Sadistic Tendencies: Each of us has unique facets to our personalities. The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 1% to 2% of the general population may have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), and 1%-4% may have Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). A similar percentage of individuals may harbor the impulse to antagonize, violate, or harm others. Recognizing these tendencies in ourselves is the first step towards mitigating their impact.
·??????Cultivate Self-Awareness: Aim to become increasingly conscious of your subconscious impulses. You might always have these instincts, but it is essential to remember that you have the power to control your actions. You might want to personify these impulses as a “Weinstein within” to make this process more tangible. Remember to keep a spotlight on these impulses so you’re in control and they are not running you from your subconscious.
·??????Channel Your Energy Constructively: Your unique combination of tenacity, ambition, and self-assuredness has the potential to make you an extraordinary achiever. By focusing your energy on striving for excellence, you can reach impressive heights, surpassing your expectations.
·??????Develop Personal Integrity: Set your values and adhere to them. Define the behaviors that align with your values and strive to embody them daily. It's a consistent practice that requires determination and self-control.
·??????Enhance Your Empathy: Your quick thinking can be a significant advantage. However, it may lead you to overlook the emotional impact of your actions on others. By developing cognitive empathy, you can better understand and value the feelings of others. In doing so, you can influence people and build relationships without causing harm.
·??????Prioritize Self-Care: Ensuring you get enough sleep and regularly practicing mindfulness can significantly impact your thought patterns and behaviors. These habits can help reduce intrusive thoughts, improve self-control, and minimize instances of emotional outbursts.
·??????Track Your Thoughts and Behaviors: Keeping tabs on your thoughts and actions, especially those that veer into psychological abuse, can help you identify patterns and triggers, allowing you to manage these tendencies better.
·??????Seek Professional Support: A mental health professional specializing in NPD, ASPD, or related areas can provide valuable tools and strategies to help you navigate your sadistic tendencies empathetically and constructively.
Human Resources: As the first line of defense against workplace abuse, HR can make a difference through the following:
·??????Construct Detailed Anti-Abuse Policies and Training Programs: Draft thorough policies that explicitly define and forbid psychological abuse. Include clear examples and scenarios for better understanding. Develop comprehensive training programs to supplement these policies to educate employees to identify, report, and prevent psychological abuse.
·??????Collaborate with Clinical Psychologists: Partner with mental health professionals to create psychometric tools tailored to your organization. Utilize these tools to regularly evaluate your workplace's psychological safety and overall mental health landscape.
·??????Utilize Data Analytics: Collaborate with your IT team to leverage data analytics, facilitating the identification of potential patterns or hotspots of abuse. Use insights from past complaints and reports to inform proactive prevention strategies. Work with ER to take action.
·??????Create a Continuous Improvement Culture: Initiate a system for consistent data collection and ongoing evaluation of abuse-prevention strategies. Regularly assess the efficacy of your initiatives and adjust them based on feedback and results.
·??????Include Victims in Solution Development: Organize brainstorming sessions with victims of psychological abuse, allowing them to contribute to developing prevention strategies. Their unique insights can be crucial in shaping more effective and empathetic responses.
·??????Establish Confidential Reporting Channels: Set up secure and anonymous reporting mechanisms like hotlines or online portals. This allows victims and witnesses to report instances of abuse without fear of retaliation.
·??????Promote Open Dialogue and Respect: Foster an environment encouraging open discussions about psychological safety. Communicate expectations for mutual respect and dignity in all interactions within the workplace.
·??????Ensure Prompt and Thorough Follow-Ups: Act swiftly on reported incidents, conduct thorough investigations, and take necessary disciplinary actions. Regularly update the reporting individuals about the progress and outcomes of their reports.
·??????Incorporate Psychological Safety in Leadership Training: Include modules on psychological safety in your leadership training curriculum. Leaders should have the knowledge and tools to promote and maintain a psychologically safe team environment.
Legal Department: Legal teams ensure compliance and protect against liability. To support a solution, consider the following:
·??????Regulation Compliance: Regularly review and update company policies to align with the evolving laws and regulations regarding workplace abuse. This proactivity in maintaining up-to-date, legally compliant policies forms the basis for a safe, respectful workplace.
·??????Policy Enhancement: Collaborate with HR to ensure the organization's policies and practices fully encompass mental health protections. This includes supporting the development of programs and resources for employees dealing with psychological abuse.
·??????Implementation of Confidential Reporting Mechanism: Establish a confidential, secure system for reporting psychological abuse. This should protect the complainant’s identity and encourage more people to voice their experiences.
·??????Compliance in Complaint Procedures: Uphold high legal standards in reporting, investigating, and addressing abuse complaints. This safeguards the organization from potential liability and helps affirm abuse victims’ experiences, ensuring their concerns are appropriately addressed.
·??????Evaluation of Employee Relations Reporting Process: Conduct periodic reviews of the Employee Relations complaint process by surveying those engaged with it. Evaluate its efficacy in meeting employees' needs, thoroughness, and compliance with critical legal protections. This feedback can provide essential insights to enhance processes and avert potential legal violations.
·??????Development of Anti-Retaliation Policies: Construct and implement robust anti-retaliation policies that protect whistleblowers and victims of abuse. Enforce these policies rigorously, communicating clearly that retaliation is unacceptable and will be handled firmly.
·??????Training and Education: Work with HR to conduct regular training sessions for all employees, emphasizing the importance of understanding and preventing psychological abuse. Incorporate detailed explanations of psychologically abusive behaviors and the legal implications of such behaviors in these training sessions.
·??????Psychological Safety in Leadership Training: Incorporate the concept of psychological safety in leadership training programs. Leaders at all levels should understand its importance and know how to cultivate it within their teams.
Training and Compliance: To effectively tackle psychological abuse in the workplace, the Training and Compliance departments should play a proactive role. This includes several key steps:
·??????Leverage Expertise: Collaborate with clinical psychologists or other mental health professionals to create comprehensive educational resources. Considering the complexity of psychological abuse, in-depth education is crucial to prepare the workforce and shield the organization from potential legal, civil rights, and reputational repercussions.
·??????Comprehensive Training Program: Develop a mandatory training program focusing on recognizing and addressing psychological abuse in the workplace. This program should incorporate real-world examples and use role-playing exercises to enhance understanding and responsiveness to potential abuse scenarios.
·??????Learning from Real Cases: Cooperate with Employee Relations to review anonymized instances of psychological abuse within the organization. Analyze whether the implemented training might have helped prevent such incidents. Use these insights to refine further and enhance the training program.
·??????Synchronizing with Policy and Law: Work closely with Human Resources and the Legal department to ensure the training materials are consistent with the organization's policies and legal regulations. This ensures that employees are equipped to adhere to internal guidelines and external laws when identifying or handling situations of psychological abuse. If everyone is aware of the policies and regulations, it may influence behaviors.
·??????Refreshing and Updating Training: Consider regular updates and refresher courses on psychological abuse, with detailed and exhaustive examples, to ensure ongoing awareness and compliance. As societal understanding and scientific definitions of psychological abuse may evolve, keeping the training materials current and relevant is essential.
·??????Compliance Monitoring: Implement mechanisms to monitor compliance with the training programs and develop protocols to handle non-compliance. Compliance is critical to ensuring that the training's impact is maximized.
·??????Feedback and Improvement: Solicit feedback on the effectiveness of the training programs from employees. This feedback can be used to continuously improve and adapt the training to meet the workforce’s needs more effectively.
·??????Revisit Case Studies: Periodically revisit anonymized cases of psychological abuse within the organization as part of the training process. Discussing how these situations were handled and what could have been done better can provide powerful, context-relevant learning opportunities.
·??????Communication and Support: Ensure the training programs clearly communicate the resources and support available to employees facing psychological abuse.
·??????Foster a Culture of Open Dialogue: Cultivate an environment where employees feel safe to discuss concerns about psychological abuse. Training and compliance teams can help by organizing regular sessions that focus on maintaining open lines of communication.
·??????Embed Psychological Safety Measures into Existing Training Modules: Training and compliance departments should seek to integrate information and protocols related to psychological abuse prevention into existing training programs. This consistent exposure helps maintain awareness and underscores the organization's commitment to addressing this issue.
·??????Create and Promote a Repository of Resources: Develop an easily accessible online resource center that provides information about psychological abuse, including common signs, the impact on individuals and the workplace, and available resources for help. This would be a go-to hub for anyone needing information or guidance.
·??????Training for Managers and Leaders: Implement specialized training for leadership roles. These individuals are often on the front lines of addressing workplace issues and may require additional skills to recognize, respond to, and prevent psychological abuse within their teams.
·??????Advocate for Policy Changes: The training and compliance department should advocate for necessary updates and changes if the organization's current policies do not adequately address psychological abuse. Providing training on an issue not covered correctly in policy may result in confusion or inaction.
Employee Relations: ER is uniquely positioned to identify, address, and prevent workplace psychological abuse. Below are some recommendations designed to enhance ER's effectiveness in this area:
·??????Education and Awareness: Ensure that all employees, not only those who may be abuse victims, know the laws and protections to prevent psychological abuse. This could include regular communication, training programs, or workshops.
·??????Immediate Support: As soon as potential abuse is identified, ER should act swiftly to move the affected employee(s) to a safer environment. For example, this could mean changing reporting lines, altering workspaces, or providing additional support resources.
·??????Anonymous Reporting Channels: Establish mechanisms for employees to express concerns about potential psychological abuse anonymously. This could take the form of regular anonymous surveys and a dedicated hotline.
·??????Collaborate with Specialists: Recognizing that ER professionals might not have the specialized knowledge to handle every case of psychological abuse, it can be helpful to work with forensic psychologists in some instances. These experts can conduct comprehensive evaluations and provide evidence-based interventions.
·??????Monitor Employee Sentiment: Use employee engagement surveys or other tools to gauge employee sentiment regularly. For instance, if the results of a survey indicate a rise in dehumanization and fear in a specific department, this could be a potential red flag indicating an abusive environment.
·??????Specialist Involvement in Serious Cases: When instances of psychological abuse are reported, involve a forensic clinical psychologist who can evaluate the evidence and provide expert insights. This can be particularly helpful in complex cases or when the abuse is subtle and difficult to detect.
·??????Proactive Response: Rather than waiting for reports of abuse, ER should proactively identify and address potentially abusive situations. This could involve periodic reviews of psychological safety, team dynamics, and leadership behaviors.
·??????Training for ER Professionals: Ensure ER team members are adequately trained to identify and address psychological abuse. While they may not become experts in the field, they should be equipped to recognize the signs of psychological abuse and understand when to bring additional expert psychological support.
·??????Foster a Safe and Open Culture: Ultimately, the goal should be to create a workplace environment where open communication is encouraged, and employees feel safe and supported. This includes providing resources and support for abuse victims and preventative measures to deter potential abusers.
Employees: Employees are crucial to maintaining a workplace free from psychological abuse. Employees can:
·??????Cultivate Awareness and Learning: Spearhead initiatives to educate your peers about psychological abuse's existence and damaging effects. Organize workshops, circulate educational materials, arrange talks from experts, or employ online platforms to spread awareness. Making educational materials extraordinarily detailed and thorough is necessary because psychological abuse is nuanced.
·??????Engage in Documenting Incidents: Maintain a meticulous record of abusive incidents, noting dates, locations, involved parties, witnesses, and the exact occurrences. This record can serve as crucial evidence if you report the misconduct to your lawyer, Employee Relations, or legal authorities.
·??????Build a Supportive Network: Establish a network of trusted colleagues, friends, family, or professionals like therapists or counselors. This network will provide a safe haven for sharing experiences and offering mutual support.
·??????Promote Transparency: Advocate for clear, comprehensive workplace policies that explicitly outline what psychologists have documented for decades as psychological abuse and the repercussions for engaging in such behavior. There are decades of texts and research papers on the subject.
·??????Implement Regular Employee Surveys: Conduct anonymous employee surveys regularly to gauge the extent and nature of psychological abuse in your workplace. Share the results with management to spur action.
·??????Create and Monitor Key Metrics: Collaborate with your HR department to devise critical metrics that measure the prevalence of psychological abuse in your organization. Regularly reviewing these metrics can highlight areas of concern and help assess progress.
·??????Leverage Data for Strategy: Utilize the data from these metrics to shape your action plans. Regularly analyzing this data can uncover trends, highlight problem areas, and track progress.
·??????Implement a Whistleblower Policy: Lobby for a policy that protects those who report psychological abuse from retaliation. This will encourage more individuals to come forward with their experiences.
·??????Offer Regular Training Sessions: Coordinate with HR to provide routine training on recognizing and handling psychological abuse. This should be a requirement for all employees, particularly those in leadership roles.
·??????Reporting Abusive Behavior: When you're ready, report instances of psychological abuse to Employee Relations. Back up your report with detailed evidence from your documented incidents. Use your company’s anonymous employee experience surveys to record cases of abuse, mentioning specific methods of abuse and definitions to raise awareness.
·??????Seek Legal Counsel: If your organization isn't responding adequately or the abuse persists, consider seeking legal advice.
·??????Partner with Non-profit Organizations: Partner with NGOs or non-profit organizations specializing in combating workplace harassment and abuse. These organizations can offer valuable resources, support, and advice.
·??????Engage in Self-Care Activities: Prioritize your mental health while navigating workplace psychological abuse. Seek assistance from a mental health professional, engage in mindfulness or stress-relieving activities, and make sure you allocate time for rest and recuperation.
·??????Harness Social Media and Online Platforms: These platforms can provide a cathartic outlet for those who've experienced psychological abuse and allies who wish to support them. Sharing experiences can serve to raise awareness and bring about change.
Instructions For Harness Social Media and Online Platforms
Step 1: Share Information & Encourage Action: Begin sharing any information that may be useful to others. You might share a link to the Workplace Bullying Institute 2021 U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey and highlight that 29% of the U.S. Workforce, 46.8 million Americans, are victims of psychological abuse. You could note that, according to the CDC 2021 Mental Health Household Pulse Survey, 20% of the U.S. also deals with mental illness. Workplace psychological abuse disproportionately impacts people with mental illness and violates their civil rights and the law. You could share information to raise awareness, inspire emotion, and empower others. Consider hashtags such as #EndWorkplacePsychologicalAbuse, #MentalHealthCivilRights, and #ToxicWorkplace to raise awareness. Inspire and empower others who may be silently suffering.
Step 2: Distribute this Guide: Expand the reach of this campaign by sharing links to this guide across your networks. Urge friends, family, colleagues, and followers to read, contemplate, and distribute it. Remember, your network is your greatest asset in amplifying this cause.
Step 3: Harness Key Platforms: Maximize impact by utilizing popular professional and social platforms such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Fishbowl. Participate in discussions centered around workplace culture and mental health. For example, contribute detailed reviews of all the companies where you've experienced psychological abuse on Glassdoor. You can do this by going to Glassdoor, click on “Companies”, and click “Write a Review”. Be specific and use the definitions of psychologically abusive behaviors when sharing your thoughts so that you also educate others. Share or repost this guide in relevant discussion groups on LinkedIn. Similarly, use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok to share information, stories, and short, enlightening videos about workplace psychological abuse.
Step 4: Engage Influential Figures: Connect with mental health and corporate culture influencers. Ask them to share your content and create and share their content supporting the cause. Their expansive followership can help catapult the movement further.
Step 5: Build a Supportive Community: Foster online communities dedicated to the cause of combating workplace psychological abuse. Encourage mutual support, sharing of experiences, discussion of coping strategies, and provision of comfort. This could be through Facebook or LinkedIn groups, Twitter chats, or TikTok hashtags.
Step 6: Maintain Consistency: Consistency is the key to building a successful social movement. Remain persistent in sharing, discussing, and advocating for change. Regularly post updates, share new resources, and engage with your community to keep the momentum going forever.
Step 7: Don't Overlook the Power of Media: Mainstream media is critical in shaping public perception and policy. Reach out to journalists, news outlets, and public figures who might be interested in covering your story. Sharing your experiences with a broader audience through media can help highlight the severity of workplace psychological abuse and bring about significant changes in how it's addressed.
Instructions For Harness the Media
Remember the power of offline action even as you wage this battle online. If you want to tell your story through the media, contact news agencies. Instructions are below:
Step 1: Begin by Documenting Evidence: Collect all relevant data, details, and proof of psychological abuse. This could encompass specific incidents of abuse, personal testimonials, and supporting evidence. Always be mindful of individual confidentiality and adhere to privacy regulations.
Step 2: Craft Your Narrative: Concisely articulate your story, outlining the issue, its implications, and the improvements you wish to see. Be clear on why your story is relevant, whom it affects, and its urgency.
Step 3: Pinpoint the Suitable News Agency: Conduct research and find agencies that have previously covered related topics. These agencies are more likely to express interest in your story.
Step 4: Initiate Contact with Journalists: Once you've identified the appropriate news agencies and journalists, contact them. Construct an email that succinctly sketches your story, clarifies its significance, and inquires whether they would like to explore it further. You can typically locate their contact details on the news agency's website.
Step 5: Compose a Press Release: If you aim to attract multiple news outlets, consider drafting a press release. This should encapsulate the most crucial aspects of your story in a precise, engaging, and comprehensible manner.
Step 6: Follow-Up Diplomatically: Journalists and news outlets receive many pitches daily. If you don't receive a response immediately, don't be disheartened. A courteous and respectful follow-up can ensure your story is seen.
Step 7: Prepare for Interviews: If a news agency expresses interest in your story, prepare for potential interviews. Be ready to discuss the issue thoroughly, providing any supporting evidence or resources that might be required.
Step 8: Engage an Expert or Advocate: If you're at ease with it, incorporating a mental health expert or workplace rights advocate could bolster your story's credibility and offer additional insight and context.
Step 9: Prioritize Your Privacy and Well-being: Sharing your story can be empowering, but safeguarding your privacy and well-being is paramount. You might opt to share your story anonymously with a journalist. If you're uncertain or uncomfortable, consider seeking advice from a trusted mentor, advocate, or legal professional. Remember, you are in control of your narrative, and your well-being comes first.
At the intersection of legal and moral responsibility, data, education, and professional roles, lies the opportunity to end psychological abuse in the workplace. We are, undeniably, in the midst of a critical moment. It is a call to action, a plea for unity, a demand for change. Regardless of our role in the professional ecosystem - be it Boards of Directors, Executive Leadership, Psychological Abusers, Human Resources, Legal Teams, Training and Compliance, Employee Relations, or Employees themselves - each possesses the power to reshape the narrative.
In recognizing and confronting this shadowy specter of psychological abuse, we acknowledge a fundamental truth: our workplaces, the environments where we spend a significant portion of our lives, are critical to our collective and individual well-being. We are not just dealing with an organizational issue; we are confronting a human rights issue with profound implications for millions of Americans' mental health, dignity, and humanity’s future.
Boards of Directors and Executive Leadership are uniquely positioned to set the tone at the top, fostering an environment of safety, respect, and dignity. Through policy, leadership, and strategic resource allocation, they can initiate a powerful ripple effect of change, transforming the very DNA of our workplaces.
In this endeavor, they are not alone. Human Resources, Legal Departments, Training and Compliance, and Employee Relations departments have the tools to craft protective shields, establish robust policies, and infuse our workplaces with a culture of learning and accountability.
Simultaneously, we look to the Psychological Abusers to harness their inner strength for transformation. By recognizing their actions and working towards behavioral change, they can redefine their narrative and contribute positively to the workplace. The journey of change is challenging but vital.
And yet, it is Employees, the very lifeblood of organizations, who possess unparalleled power. Through their actions, they can spark a revolution of change, challenge norms, advocate for transparency, and empower others through relentlessly educating and demanding an end to the abuse.
We are not powerless. We are not alone. Technology, law, social media platforms, and NGOs are potent allies, ready to amplify our voices and aid us in our cause. The stage is set, the resources are in place, and the time for action is here.
Our unity in this endeavor is the key to its success: every role and every action matters. Every step towards a psychologically safe workplace is a step towards a healthier society, a step towards reaffirming the dignity inherent in each of us. The change we envision is not just about us but future generations. It's about creating workplaces that inspire and unleash human potential for connection, collaboration, and creativity.
In conclusion, we are the force of change. Our actions define our workplaces, society, and future. Let’s heed this call for unity, commit to a vision, and create a future free from psychological abuse in the workplace. Together, we will create a safer, healthier, and more compassionate world because our collective humanity depends on it.
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6 天前And what if the person do have all of those symptoms above? I have a friend that she does. Thank you Torin Monet for your so relevant article.