Part 2 : #AI or # UI
OM (AUM) SO HUM-I am The Universe! SO HUM is derived from Sanskrit. "You are the same as I am" OM is the sound of the Universe. We are all connected.
?With so much #buzz around the acronym’s AI and to an extent UI, I thought why not, let's write up! And I had promised a close friend I would answer his question. So here we GO! Well AI, as we all know is #ArtificialIntelligence, (frankly to me this is quite a juxtaposition of the incongruence). I just cannot understand how intelligence can be artificial, except within human ego, so I guess it's only #Humans who apparently can be #intelligent (somehow I cannot believe that). So what about UI? I ask this question often in person, and now to our readers, what is UI? Most of us with #IT background, will spontaneously say #UserInterface, and yes you would be right. But not in this context. Many others will just shrug their shoulders and say, don’t know, while some #SciFi ones will say, May the force be with you, #spiritualists will equate it with #GOD, and so for simplicity, I simply (funny na!) say, #UniversalIntelligence. Now that I have settled these definitions, let me try and answer my friend's question, that which was, what does UI mean to me!!! Well, absolutely to me it meant, universal intelligence, #lifeforce, and good orderly #direction. And the way I know it exists, and the fact that it is the actual driving force, is by some simple observations, some theoretical reasoning, and then by #absolutebelief. So let me just give some simple illustrations, and brief examples: Lets say, when #GuruNanak Ji, stopped a boulder from crushing him and his friend #Mardana Ji, by simply extending his palm out, and the rock stopped and a handprint got embedded. Or let's just say, #Moses, splitting the Red (dead Sea) to create a path for the beloved to cross to safety. Or #JesusChrist, being able to lift and carry that huge and heavy cross, while having been beaten the night before. #LordRamChandar Ji, created the bridge across the ocean to #Lanka, with stones that floated. Or say #ProphetMuhammed splitting the moon. Or #Lordkrishna Ji, picking up Govardhan mountain on his finger to protect this village. #BabaDeepSingh Ji, continuing to fight, and making his way back to #HarminderSahib ji, even after his head got cut off, so he could rest it at the #holyshrine. Samson, and #HariSinghNalwa, killing a lion and tiger with their bare hands. Well many may not believe these, or may believe some but not others, which is fine, so let's look at different set of examples: #Newton, suddenly putting 2 and 2 together, to find, discover #gravity, and some attributing this to the apple falling on him, while he lazed in a garden. #AlbertEinstein, admitting that there was a power greater, that had access to all the knowledge. #Oppenheimer, quoting a para, from an ancient scripture. #Ramanujan, attributing almost all of his discoveries in mathematics to #luciddreams he would have while hanging out in temples in south India. Or let's say, the remarkable physical proofs that still exist on #MotherEarth, which we simply turn away as saying unsolved #mysteries. Such as the pyramids around the world, built in an so called era, when humans had no sophisticated machines. Or, now how #medicalscience, after having so called mapped all the #DNA, is still wondering, that there is more, than that meets the eye, when it comes to #ourexistence, and the life within us. Or let's say, how animals know when potential #naturaldisasters are about to happen, and they take their #precautions. Or simply how they know change in season is coming, and they migrate thousands of miles, using systems that we are still learning about. And the best is, that it's based on these learnings from them, we end up saying oh! We have invented sonar, radar, and other such technologies. I don’t want to stretch this anymore. Let’s leave this for your #owndiscovery, understanding or critique. But for me it's clear that there is an universal intelligence that #bindsus, so the more #weconnect to it, love it, and try to #existwithin it, the more it can look after us. Today even a common man, has heard and is being touched by AI, and the great scientific, #technologists, and business men/women of the world are saying that AI is increasingly becoming more smarter, stronger and will soon have the ability to control everything on this planet, if we allow it, or it could destroy us. Similarly, people have been talking of the existence and or coming of the UI, for millennia. What I can say from my personal experience and or understanding, is that UI has always #existed, and will continue. It is the AI that this #world stage has not seen for centuries, and let's see where it goes, and if we have the #willpower and skill to manage it for the #goodofeveryone.
Credit :
Vikram Singh Atwal Inspired by #BabaVirsaSIngh Ji III Modern School , Barakhmaba Rd, Delhi, India ( my elder brother & mentor)IIIIII Blessed to have/know him Integral part of ACC ( a, DAO)IIIIIIIII