Part 1: What It Means to Be a Sacred Changemaker: Shaping a Future for All
Jayne Warrilow
Founder of Sacred Changemakers Community and Podcast. Speaker. Author. Incredibly Curious Human.
Welcome to the 6-part Sacred Changemakers series, where we explore the journey of becoming a sacred changemaker. This first part explores what it means to be a sacred changemaker and how we can shape a future that works for all. This series will cover various aspects, including the sacred, change, and making, and how they come together to create a powerful force for good.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." – Margaret Mead
In a world facing unprecedented challenges, the call for sacred changemakers has never been more urgent. But what does it mean to become a Sacred Changemaker? This is the question I get asked the most, so I wrote this series of articles to help explain.
A sacred changemaker is someone who embodies the essence of sacredness, embraces the power of change, and actively engages in creating a future that works for all. We are ordinary humans who sense that our current way of life in the modern world is unsustainable and understand that we are just beginning to experience the related costs. We care about our human future and the world we will leave behind for generations to come. We want to make a meaningful difference in our lives, help fellow humans lead better lives, and help us all break through our challenges both individually and collectively.
This article series will explore what it means to be a sacred changemaker by breaking down the words 'sacred,' 'change,' and 'maker,' and ultimately pointing towards a collective vision for humanity. It's important to mention at the outset that we are talking about a new paradigm that lies beyond the usual culture of individualism and includes the collective. A journey that takes care of "me" while also taking care of us all, the 'we.' This is not an "either/or" conversation; it's a "yes...and" conversation that I hope will ignite in you the realization that you matter;?what you decide to do with your life matters.
A Sacred Calling
Although I could argue that this impulse has been alive in me for most of my life, the clarity arrived in May 2019. I was recovering from surgery and in some pain. I sat down in meditation to give myself a little space and peace. As I began to clear my mind, I felt an urgency begin to rise in my body, which was a signal to me that a message from my spirit guides wanted to emerge through me. I opened my eyes, reached for my iPhone, pressed record, and allowed myself to give voice to something I have come to think of over the years as a spiritual download or sacred channeling.
This process has become simple for me now. I have learned to allow Jayne to step aside to receive the message, which is fully captured in a recording. I’m not aware of the content until I listen back. I captured the message, closed my iPhone, and continued my day. Just before going to sleep that evening, I decided to listen back. As the recording started, I heard myself saying things I’d never heard. It was my voice speaking, but the words seemed to come from another time and space, an ancient story that connected with me deeply at a soul level. I was listening to a message that felt like my truth and a deep soul calling that a part of me, deep inside, remembered.
As I listened, the tears began to run down my face. I felt an emotional release as I sat in stunned silence. The world stood still. I held my breath, and when I inhaled, I realized my relationship with the world had shifted in a remarkable way. The message was meant for me; it was calling me forth. A calling. My calling. A sacred calling. And it’s true to say I don’t know if this message is your calling, too, but I hope to help you find out.
I will now share The Sacred Invitation as it was given to me, word for word; nothing has been changed…
A Sacred Invitation
A number of decades ago, the change-makers arrived on the planet carrying the light. They arrived quietly, born to families around the world, destined to become torch-bearers for the evolution of humanity.
These humans are old souls, carrying with them the wisdom from many lifetimes, the courage of the ancient warrior spirit, and the seeds of infinite potential. These souls have silently walked through the millennia, developing the energetic capacity to return to Earth at this time. They are here to facilitate a rebirth of the human spirit and embrace the deepest truths of their soul’s resonance.
Born decades ago to be here right now, at this extraordinary time on Earth. These individuals are now awakening. The next evolutionary step for humanity is ready to be taken. They are hearing their soul’s calling to embody the space of deep transformation; to inspire, encourage, and support others worldwide to raise their vibration and consciously shape our future for the next generation.
Emerging one by one from the lower vibrations of the physical realm, these conscious beings are walking barefoot upon the barren Earth. Grounded in the soil yet infused with a lightness of being that connects them to the sky, attuned with all that flows from the air above. They are unafraid to stand at the edges of what we believe is possible and lead the way.
They have been learning how to recognize energy and see the life force that permeates our world. They are mastering the invisible; to see beyond sight and hear beyond sound. They understand the interconnectivity of all things, the interwoven web of energy that holds us in a delicate balance with life.
Each of these rare humans carries a karmic load, adorned with the collective wounds of humanity. They have been challenged, wounded, and broken open to help them remember their spiritual path. They have walked within their own darkness, enduring hardship and pain. Yet despite their personal challenges, they have found their way to a new level of understanding that lies beyond fear.
Their time has come to step into the light. They know their path is one of profound self-healing, a lifetime of twists and turns that has inspired a depth of compassion and resilience to create miracles when all hope is lost. As these souls heal themselves, they spark a transformation so resonant, it creates a ripple effect of healing energy that transcends boundaries and borders, shatters the illusions of the modern world, and ignites the collective soul of humanity.
These humans radiate with Universal Energy. With eyes, hearts, and minds wide open, they are getting ready to bring forward their soul work to the world. As we move through these challenging times, it is important to remember that we are not here by accident. We have entered the world with the clear purpose of facilitating the changes that are needed during this time. We are among the most important people who have ever lived. We will determine whether humankind will grow or die, evolve or perish.
If you have been pulled into our vibrational web, you are one of us. Regardless of how unfulfilled your life may seem, regardless of how meager your self-esteem, or how profit-poor your business, you are being called to consciousness by the necessity of our times. We are being called to gather together, to become more than we ever thought we could be. We are being invited to step up and lead, to bring forward our gifts to help heal the world. We are here to guide ourselves and others toward the essential truths that lie deep within. When we learn to listen closely, we can begin to attune our actions to our higher purpose and become exactly who we were meant to be.
We cannot remain paralyzed in the stuck vibrations of fear and disconnection from our souls; it is time we all became whole. We have the capacity to create a world that is capable of preserving the integrity of all life. One that transcends modern-day business structures to inspire the human spirit. We are here to make a difference. We are the ones who will facilitate the evolution of humanity. Together, we will achieve more than any of us can dream. The time is now. You have a higher purpose and a soul mission. It’s time to live the life you were meant to live. Your skills are needed. Let’s show the world the power of our actions. Your destiny is calling, and you must answer…
Reflection and Call to Action
As you feel into your own response to this sacred invitation, let me ask you:
And a more personal question... What is calling to you?
For me, it felt like there was a part of me that remembered. I soon realized this message was not just for me but for all of us; it needed to be shared. A sacred call to humans. We are all being called to take a stand for what matters most: to transcend our current limitations and fulfill our potential through how we choose to live our lives and what we decide to do with our work and businesses. This is a sacred calling to step up and lead in whatever way feels resonant for you. Big or small, it all counts.
Although everyone is called to bring forward their contribution, not everyone will answer the call. My question is, will you?
I hope you'll join us on this journey of discovery and inspiration as we continue to look deeper into what it means to embrace this newly emerging role.
Stay tuned for the next part of our series, "Part 2: Reclaiming the 'Sacred' in Modern Life," which will be posted soon. Make sure to follow me for updates!
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Guiding CEOs to Navigate Complexity, Align their Vision, and Thrive | Consultant | Exec Coach | Facilitator | Mentor
7 个月Tired after a long week and that message puts words to the drive within me. I wonder, what do you mean by sacred?
SEO Optimizer - Performance Website Builder - Content Marketing Expert -The Lead Flow Pro Public Speaker, Podcaster
7 个月Just the phrase Sacred Changemakers generates great discussions. Looking forward to learning more!