GloBUNTU Declutter Series      
(01 of 9): So what is clutter and how does it affect your life?

GloBUNTU Declutter Series (01 of 9): So what is clutter and how does it affect your life?

"The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.” - Joshua Becker-

So what the heck is clutter?

Imagine your life is a beautiful canvas, and clutter is like an unexpected splash of paint that doesn't quite fit the masterpiece. Clutter is not just about the physical stuff that accumulates in your living space; it's like the noise in the background of a serene melody. In simple terms, clutter is anything that takes up space in your life without adding value or joy. It could be the extra clothes in your closet that you never wear, the old gadgets gathering dust, or even the unnecessary thoughts that crowd your mind, making it feel like a busy and chaotic marketplace.

Let me put it this way, clutter is like having too many apps open on your mental desktop, slowing down your ability to focus and enjoy the important things. It's the extra weight you carry, both physically and emotionally, preventing you from moving freely and feeling light.

Now you want to know what decluttering is right?

Decluttering is the art of sweeping away this unnecessary paint splatter, making room for the true masterpiece of your life to shine. It's about creating space for the things that truly matter, allowing you to breathe freely and appreciate the beauty of simplicity. So, when you declutter, you're not just cleaning up your space; you're giving yourself the gift of clarity, calmness, and the freedom to live more intentionally.

"Clutter is not just physical stuff. It's old ideas, toxic relationships, and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self.” -Eleanor Brownn-

Why declutter spaces?

Decluttering your home, office, and mind can have a profound impact on your overall well-being, as it creates a physical and mental space that promotes healing and personal growth. The clutter in these areas can be both physical and mental, and addressing it can lead to improved clarity, reduced stress, increased productivity, and enhanced mental health. Here's a detailed explanation of how decluttering contributes to healing your life, followed by a step-by-step guide for each area: home, office, mind, and social media spaces.

??? Mark Your Calendar: Saturday, October 21, 2023,17:00-18:30 GMT

Imagine stepping into the new year with a lightness of being, surrounded by the support of a community ready to uplift and inspire. This isn't just a series; it's an invitation to transform.

?? Ready to Elevate Your Life? Join the Journey!

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You need a one-on-one call with me? Smart decision. Book your free 30mins spot here:

Let's declutter not just our spaces but also our minds, creating room for joy, peace, and a radiant new chapter.

?? #globuntumindshift #DetoxYourLife #declutteranddetox #mentalwellbeing #UbuntuUnleashed #ankwettabachaleke

Your transformation begins now. Can't wait to see you there!

With anticipation and warmth,

Ankwetta B. Achaleke, your facilitator


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