Parliamentarian going wild on two Judges
A few days ago, a GSM-made video popped up in the media, in which we see a Member of Parliament (MP) addressing two Court Presidents sitting outside in public space on a terrace in the lovely city of Trebinje, having a coffee.
He is videoing himself how he is shouting at these Judges for almost 10 minutes whereas they impress me by keeping their temper low and try to de-escalate the embarrassing scene.
He is going very harsh on them, blaming them for being outside during working hours instead of being in their offices and he is bullying them for the way the judiciary has been performing in various individual cases.
This tirade of shouting, insulting, blaming and bullying as seen in this video is behaviour beyond all rules of decency.
It is the more worrying, taking into account that this is done, not by a frustrated, maybe not so well educated citizen but by an MP, a member of the Legislative Power, being one of the three State Powers in a Democratic Society, against members of the Judiciary, being one of the other State Powers.
The MP, in his outrage, is not only clearly crossing all thinkable boundaries of interpersonal respect and decency but is also bluntly violating the division, known as the ‘Trias Politica’. Is this showing explicitly the often mentioned but seldom clearly seen efforts of politicians trying to dominate the Judiciary or is this exceptional attack an exception?
Should any person have doubts about personal conduct of judicial Office Holders, be it in allegedly not respecting working hours or violating the other rules they are to respect in executing their office, the Laws in BiH provide legal remedies for those situations, e.g. by filing disciplinary or criminal complaints.
Let us hope that the actors in the political arena will address this misbehaviour of one of their members, as the HJPC should always be ready to do whenever any Judge or Prosecutor would cross any lines, stipulated by Law or common rules of proper decency to fellow citizens.
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3 年Lejla S., Sanela Tunovic-Becirovic