Parliament and Covid-19
Arul Hisham Abdul Rahim (P.Eng FIEM, REEM, CxS)
Towkey/Senior Partner at AHAR Consultants PLT Partner at AHARC Lestari PLT
Covid-19 is true. Delta variant is true. Lambda is coming. In other countries like the USA, UK and others new infections are on the rise again due to this new variant and unvaccinated people. States who are anti-vaccine are seeing increase on Covid patients as reported by US news.
Despite the vaccination effort, we have to live with the virus in the near future. New norms do not only limited to social distancing, wearing mask and maintaining good hygiene. The entire eco-system where we live and work require re-thinking. Particularly, the air that we breathe at the workplace and at home.
Engineers and building owners need to re-think on how to ensure our buildings will not become an agent of transmission of Covid-19. The outbreak at the Parliament could be due to the lack of mitigating measures apart from existing ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS being instituted.
The virus that causes COVID-19, can be spread by exposure to droplets and aerosols of respiratory fluids that are released by infected persons when they cough, sing, talk, or exhale. Obviously, the air inside the Parliament must be engineered so that the contiminated aerosols could be minimized. So by reducing the accumulation of air particulates we actually reduces the chances of infection
As an observer, I notice adequate ADMINISTRATIVE SOPs are being practiced with the face mask, physical barrier, temperature measurement (which is not effective for asymtomatic cases), and sterilization are being practiced religously. But, what about ENGINEERING CONTROLS? Many studies have shown these controls can reduce the infections probability as follows:
i.????????????????????Temperature and humidity control; optimum humidity between 40-60% relative humidity can reduce half-life decay time of virus. Studies have shown that less than 1% of virus survived after 2 days at these conditions. If the existing air-cond system is incapable of achieving such humidity, then dehumidifier should be considered.
ii.??????????????????Increase ventilation rate based on demand; create dilution effect which reduce high concentration of pathogens in the air; therefore decrease chances of infection
iii.?????????????????Install HEPA or MERV13 and above air filter at air-handler: to eliminate the aerosols from the airstream. Ventilation systems can be supplemented with portable high efficiency particulate air cleaners to reduce the number of infectious particles in the air and provide enhanced protection from transmission between persons.
iv.????????????????Install Ultra-Violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) in air-handler and wall mounted inside Parliament building; exposing microorganisms to ultraviolet radiation in the range of 200-280 nm, known as Ultraviolet C Band, or UVC will alter the DNA of the virus that it will render it less effective.
v.??????????????????Flushing before and after use; both Houses could be flushed to ensure stale contaminated air is exhausted from the building.
vi.????????????????Zoning of spaces; discrimination of spaces between sensitive and less-sensitive area can prevent tenants/workers from inter-minggling.
vii.???????????????Air-conditioning system controls appraisal:?whether this has been assessed and all sensors and controls are operating properly.
The agent of transmission is AIR. Therefore, treat the AIR in order to have effective mitigation of infections.
Ir. Arul Hisham bin Abdul Rahim
3rd August 2021