ParkBridge Investor Insights: How to Invest Wisely in 2025

ParkBridge Investor Insights: How to Invest Wisely in 2025

Happy December!

Welcome to the?ParkBridge?Wealth Management monthly newsletter.?

In this month’s newsletter I cover a wide range of topics including the financial fraudsters amongst us, financial moves to consider before year-end, financial planning lessons to empower future generations and avoid family conflict, investing in real estate within an IRA account, my interviews on the Wall Street Journal and Kosher Money podcasts, and more.

Scroll down to:

  • READ my recent articles
  • WATCH my recent webinars
  • SIGN-UP for my upcoming LIVE webinars
  • LEARN from my favorite reader question this month
  • VIEW my other media appearances
  • SUBSCRIBE to my weekly podcast
  • CHECK-OUT additional educational content

Questions, comments, or looking for advice, reach out via e-mail:?[email protected]

Have a great month!



President & Chief Investment Officer



READ my recent articles/quotes (to read click on the link):

Check out ALL of my past articles here:?


WATCH (or read) my recent webinars:

12/12/2024: “International Taxation Law in Israel: Are Your Client’s Prepared for the New and Evolving Rules?” Boaz Feinberg, Arnon Tadmor – Levy Watch or Read Transcript ?

11/26/2024: “Last Minute 2024 Wealth Planning Ideas - Ensuring Your Clients Make the Right Moves Before Year-End” Jonathan I. Shenkman, AIF? ParkBridge Wealth Management Watch or Read Transcript ?

11/14/2024: “Fundamentals of SSI, SSDI, Medicaid and Medicare Eligibility” featuring Amy C. O’Hara, Esq., CELA, Partner Littman Krooks LLP Watch or Read Transcript ?

10/31/2024: “To Trust or Not to Trust: A Tutorial on Trust Planning for Wealthy Families & Their Advisors” featuring Krista M. Fenske, Esq., Cole Schotz P.C. Watch or Read Transcript

Never miss a webinar by SUBSCRIBING to my YouTube channel:?


SIGN-UP for my upcoming FALL webinars (to register click on the link):

ParkBridge WINTER Webinar # 1: 1/7/2025 @ 8:30am (60 min) on Post-Election: The New World of Estate Planning” (1 CPE/1 CLE*)?featuring Martin M. Shenkman CPA, MBA, PFS, AEP, JD, Founder, Shenkman Law. Register here:? ?

*CE credit offered ONLY for CPAs/Attorneys in NY/NJ/CT

ParkBridge WINTER Webinar # 2: 1/28/2025 @ 8:30am (30 min) on "Where Good Estate Planning Equals Poor Elder Care Planning" featuring Elizabeth Forspan, Esq. Partner, Forspan Klear LLP. Register here:

ParkBridge WINTER Webinar # 3: 2/6/2025 @ 8:30am (60) “Tax Implications of Merger and Acquisition Transactions” (1 CPE/1 CLE*)?featuring Avi Sinensky, Esq., Partner Rivkin Radler LLP and Louis Vlahos, Esq., Partner, Rivkin Radler, LLP. Register here:

*CE credit offered ONLY for CPAs/Attorneys in NY/NJ/CT

ParkBridge WINTER Webinar # 4: 2/28/2025 @ 8:30am (60 min) on “Highlights of the 2025 Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning” featuring Kevin Matz, Esq., CPA, LL.M. (Taxation) Partner, ArentFox Schiff LLP. Register here: ?

ParkBridge WINTER Webinar # 5: 3/11/2025 @ 8:30am (30 min) onForm 3520 Reporting Under The Proposed Regulations” featuring Galia Antebi, LL.M, Ruchelman PLLC, Member. Register here:

ParkBridge WINTER Webinar # 6: 3/20/2025 @ 8:30am (30 min) onCommon Mistakes Wealthy Families Make With Their Money (and Strategies to Avoid Them)” featuring Jonathan I. Shenkman, AIF?, President & CIO, ParkBridge Wealth Management.?Register here:

Want to be notified of ALL my upcoming webinars? SIGN-UP for my webinar distribution list here:?


LEARN from my favorite reader question this month:

Question: I heard a rumor that owning real estate in a traditional IRA is a bad idea. Why?

Answer: If you own physical real estate in a self-directed IRA (you can’t own it in a regular IRA at a traditional brokerage firm), then yes that’s a bad idea. The reason is because you lose the ongoing tax benefits due to depreciation. Additionally, you will have to pay ordinary income tax when you take your Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) out of the IRA instead of being able to defer the tax through 1031 exchanges. Finally, you won’t get a step-up in basis on the property at death. So, yes, it’s not the greatest idea to own physical real estate in an IRA.


VIEW my other media appearances:

Kosher Money podcast: How to Invest Wisely in 2025

Wall Street Journal “Your Money Briefing” podcast: When Lending Money to Family and Friends, Treat It Like a Bank Loan


SUBSCRIBE to the “Jonathan On Money” podcast by clicking on link:?Apple Podcasts,?Spotify,?or?Listen on my website

Description: “Jonathan On Money” explores various timely topics in the field of personal finance and its intersection with Jewish life. Recent Episodes include:

Episode 86: Should I Sell My Rental Home and Invest The Proceeds In The Market? Episode

Episode 85: IN FOCUS: Last Minute 2024 Wealth Planning Ideas - Ensuring Your Clients Make the Right Moves Before Year-End Episode

Episode 84: IN FOCUS: To Trust or Not to Trust: A Tutorial on Trust Planning for Wealthy Families & Their Advisors


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