Parents: Who's Sleeping With Who, Why and When?
Amy Elias, MS
Epigenetic Consultant @ The Epigenome Solution | Yoga Life Coach | Embodied Learning | MindBody Educator & Presenter
So many conflicting views out there: La Leche League may have taken over this convo in the early 70s. Then there are those from the 'natural parenting' world and those from everywhere else.
Differentiation is a time whereby children 'detach' from mom and become their own person, but that is a process, not an event. Much like children losing their first set of 'milk' teeth and then one by one, each tooth becomes replaced with 'adult 'tooth. In some schools of thought, such as Anthroposophy, children are not ready to learn to read until, they begin to lose these first teeth. They view it as a pre-readiness skill to acquire knowledge, no longer rooted in the maternal-infant/child bond time of Life.
There does often come a time developmentally, year by year, whereby 'differentiation' is being cultivated by parental choices, beyond biology. The risk-benefit ratio is always the call, and that certainly is case by case.
So we question whose needs are being fulfilled. Who is sleeping with who, when and why? Discernment, a skillset, is a result of a well educated parent. As the moniker by Sy Syms said for his discount brands of mens clothing and apparel:
An Educated Consumer
Is Our Best Customer.
I like to say that when parents are educated they become the best leader, choice-maker, advocate and trainer for their particular child. It create whole, happy and healthy families.
There is a fine line between something being good for us--- to not.
But when we parent
from the Goldilocks Principle,
'Just Right'
...we then live from a widened midline
of cultivated personal development
infused wisdom.
When does something effective turn to its inverse? and how would you know? That, I know, comes with attention to practicing conscious awareness, presence and clarity.
Let me know how you see it?
Amy Elias, MS: I work with the most challenged family, student, child, parental systems and those that support them.