Parents shape the Future Society
Parenting is a multi-functional role, and the most important in Society. as a parent you have the destiny of the nation and world in your hand, your actions can produce the next Nobel Prize winner, Doctor, President of any Country, Scientist to discover limb re-growth or a pill for cancer.
Especially if you are a Single-parent, everything you do Speaks loudly and boldly to that child teaching them how to Act, Behave, How and What to Eat, Drink, Relate to others, Socialize. Your Actions are the most influential, If you ignore them, they learn they are not important till they misbehave, because that is when you pay attention.
Having a child does not make you a parent, the discipline of recognizing, living and owning up to responsibility does.
We take the role far too lightly. ~ Sheldon Scipio