Tala Mustafa
- Clinical Dietitian and Eating Disorders Specialist at
Aman Lil Afia Clinic ????? ???? ???????
- Noticeable skipping of meals, including family mealtimes, or excessive eating consistently or intermittently.
- To start following strict changes, and claiming them as healthier, with the intention of weight loss. Like transitioning to a vegetarian diet.
- The obsession with dieting, extreme food restrictions, significant exclusion of types of food or food groups.
- Excessive examination and analysis of ingredients labels and food contents.
- Starting a precise calorie counting.
- Taking a very long time to eat meals and eating smaller portions.
- Avoiding eating with family or friends and avoiding social gatherings
- Hiding food.
- Multiple trips to the bathroom after meals.
- Weighing oneself multiple times a day.
- Frequent negative comments about their body, or excessive checking in mirrors.
- Wearing multiple layers of clothing or wearing oversized clothes.
- Increased irritability.
- Isolation and loneliness.
- Heightened anxiety, particularly around meals.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Significant and rapid weight loss specially in teens who should be growing.
- Unexplained gain or fluctuations that seem unhealthy or extreme.
- Weakness, dizziness, and fatigue.
- Disruption in menstrual cycles.
- Feeling cold or having cold hands and feet all the time.
- Sleep disturbances.
- Digestive problems like bloating and constipation.
- Excessive exercising, especially after eating or expressing guilt over not working out.