Parenting Tips for 0-1 year old baby

Parenting during the first year of your baby's life is a time of immense joy and growth. It can also be challenging as you adapt to the needs of your newborn. Here are some parenting tips for babies aged 0-1 year old.

Feeding : For newborns, breast milk or formula is essential for proper nutrition. Feed your baby on demand, usually every 2-3 hours. Consult a pediatrician if you have feeding concerns.

Sleep : Newborns sleep a lot, but they wake up frequently for feeding. Establish a safe and comfortable sleep environment. Place your baby on their back to sleep.

Diapering and Hygiene: Change diapers frequently to prevent diaper rash and discomfort. Clean your baby's bottom gently with each change. Bonding and

Interaction: Spend plenty of time bonding with your baby through skin-to-skin contact, cuddling, and talking to them. This strengthens your attachment.


