Parenting in the Teen Years with Ellen Galinsky
The teen years get a bad reputation, but there are many positive things about young people developing their adult selves. It can be an amazing time…with the right mindset.
In today’s episode of Best of Both Worlds, Sarah interviews Ellen Galinsky about her new book The Breakthrough Years: A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens. What sets Galinsky apart is how positive she is about this phase of life. There are challenges for sure, but also wonderful things. People who are parenting kids of any age will enjoy hearing her thoughts!
In the Q&A, Sarah and I address a version of a question we get frequently — should I have another kid? Only in this case the listener wants to know how to decide if she should go for kid #4 (or possibly even #5 after that!). We share our thoughts on understanding whether you feel “done” or not, especially as you contemplate having a larger brood.
Please give the episode a listen! As always we welcome ratings and reviews.