Sharon Roshini
Be Open to Learning and your world will change! Education, Training and Consulting. Champion of Vocal Engagement, Communication Specialist VIA Advocate Instagram : Lightworks9
As most of you will see, I am an Educationist. I have been 1 for almost 25 years! I cross paths a lot with children. I also cross paths with parents too. I have had countless conversations with them. Like most people growing in their work, I am too. I started off nervous, scared, stumbling with my words, unsure and intimated.
Today, I am different. Confident, assertive, clear, positive and comfortable. As I sit down and reflect on my journey, I smile! Wow !What a difference I have in that child's life. I am all about the child, the child is my focus! The child is the centre of my heart.
So, I have put together a few words of wisdom for parents out there. It does not matter how old your child is.
Please dont be cookie cutter parents. It does not mean what other parents are doing, work for you. Each child is different. No one of us has the same finger print. It also means not all siblings will be the same.
Find out your child's strength and work from there. Every child will have a strength. Build on it.
Don't compare your children. Comparison is telling your child, I want you to be like that! Can you imagine the immense pressure one feels when you do that. It also means you do not respect your child. Yes! You want what is best, but it takes time and consistency.
The parents are the first example. Its NOT what you say, its what you do and show. Its also not your WORDS . Its your VOICE and TONE.
Finally, be your child's friend. There is a time to be a mother/ father. Work towards balancing both.
We are going into a new world where nobody knows what place your child is going to live in. Heck, we don't even know that job titles they will hold. Do this bit, parent them to have the skills to survive.