Parenting is hard...
Ann-Marie O’Sullivan-Clare
Helping spiritually minded business owners in their first 2 years show up with courage, confidence & alignment to attract clients & make sales by clearing fear, doubt and procrastination blocking them from success.
I gave it ALL up!
I gave up a successful Holistic Therapy Practice in two locations!
Sounds crazy, hey?
Yes, but my mental health and looking after a new baby was much more important.
Back then I didn’t know how to run my business, look after a baby AND take care of my mental health as well.
It took me a long time to come to a solution and it’s certainly not the right solution for everyone nor am I against Mum’s working. I was also lucky at the time as I had a small salary as a Company Secretary that for several years kept me going (at least in coffee, play areas and courses, books, trainings).
The answer to my stress, anxiety and dilemma came when I went for a walk mentally asking the universe/God/higher self to give me an answer.
The answer was unique only for me and my circumstances.
Someone else would might have got a totally different answer.
Why? Because no one-size fits all!
In fact I usually detest when clothing is labelled one-size since I’m 5’1 and really how can something that fits a girl who is 6’6” possibly look right on me?
It’s the same with inner wisdom or intuition, a nudge from God or whatever you want to call it.
It will be unique to you.
Can you trust it?
Trust is developed/earned and you have to learn how to listen to that wisdom. Learn how your inner wisdom works by trying it out on small things before you follow it for big decisions.
Here's a picture of that baby all grown up, introducing the new puppy Mr Milo to her Grandpa!
Parenting isn't easy and whether you choose to stay home or be a working-mum, the key is doing what is right for you, your baby and your own unique circumstances.
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