Parenting agreements – formal and informal
After separation, some parents are able to maintain communication with each other to a level that they are able to agree on a workable arrangement for their children. Other separated families need some help or guidance on how they can reach an agreement.
When parties do reach agreement on parenting arrangements, it is not always necessary to have a formal agreement in place.
Whatever the agreement is, it should always be child focussed and in the children’s best interests. Let’s face it, parents should know what is best for their children, as parents know their children’s individual needs.
Informal agreements can be by way of a Parenting Plan and then there are the more formal agreements in the form of Court Orders that are made with the consent of the parents.
If parents cannot reach agreement, then there may be a need for the Court to make Orders but that is always financially and emotionally costly and should be the last resort.
Depending on your circumstances, it may be helpful to have a formal agreement in place and in other circumstances, it may be better not have a formal agreement as it can have long term consequences or impact the child’s ability to travel overseas.
Our lawyers at Neilan Stramandinoli Family Law can give you advice about the steps you can take to reach an agreement yourselves and whether or not you should document that agreement and if appropriate, how best to document your agreement to suit your needs.
Please contact our team if you would like further information and advice about your family law matter on (02) 6152 0493 to arrange a fixed fee appointment with one of our family lawyers.