Overseer Betty Williams
Overseer at The Burning Bush Evangelistic Ministries
As a society, each of us have a responsibility to actively serve as a conduit in the fundamental refinement and rearing of today's youth. As parents, teachers, pastors, and associative adults we must together implement a viable climate that will model a standard for which our youth can gleam. So just as we ourselves need viable re-enforced patterns that will functionally produce balance, so do our young ones.
So until our children mature sufficiently to discern and fend for themselves, we must at times unselfishly share and entrust them to those we deem trustworthy. This is done by proportionally screening and engaging others with matters that help to shape our child's "me."
By accomplishing this structural allegiance, we grant our children their inalienable right to develop, having a sense of being well rounded. This act of bonding builds the relevancy of community in interpersonal relationships, and within themselves. Irrespective of whether they are within or outside of our presence.
It is and has been my experience to purposely accept many of the long range decisions our children wished for THEIR lives (OFTEN DIFFICULT). By prayerfully seeking the guidance of The HOLY SPIRIT we discovered favorable solutions that our children could employ.?
And even so, there will always be cases that only a mature mind can make. This is where parental discretion and experience must be utilized. Though, in the all in all, we must carefully explain to the young person or resolve that they may benefit from the relevancy of our reasoning.
As parents, let us then not fail to remember that our children are not cars or houses. But, animate, thinking, speaking spirits that belong to GOD (Psa 127:3). And we must not be intimidated by the affection, concern, and healthy roles others vest in their lives. So when we give them back to GOD (from whence they came/Jer 1:5) and entrust Him for their safe keeping, He will reward us with Kingdom citizens, that we will have eternity to admire. ~Blessings forward!
Betty J. Williams ~Overseeing Pastor, TBBEM USA , Administrative Director ~The COACH Network, USA, Africa, Pakistan