Parent Guilt...
DrBarbara Eaton
Chiropractor; Successful Chiro Coach for 20+ Years; Professional Speaker; Entrepreneur: Join the Boot Camp to DOUBLE your business!
After 25 plus years of motherhood I have worked through many stages, flavors and seasons of?mom guilt. The best one yet, was normalizing asking for help?andbreaking up with that parent guilt!
Yes. I too have dealt with the guilt and shame that…
Like you, I have always known that there were plenty of people I could reach out to for support and yet, most times I retreated from doing so because it felt like asking confirmed my worst thoughts…
”I am an adequate mother.”?
Sadly, society is relentless in their pursuit to make us carry that parent guilt, feel broken, needing fixing and that at any moment we’re going to screw up our kids for life, it’s no wonder we suffer in silence.?