The parent-child relationship: a mindful bond
Humans are social beings. We are wired to bond with each other and form connections. The primary bond of all is the relation between a child and parent.
Hence, it is important to make this bond as rewarding as possible for both you and your child.
The most essential part of this special relationship is communication. When a baby makes a sound, they are attempting to communicate with their parents. They look for some form of exchange from the parent.
When children don’t receive an appropriate response, they feel that their communication is not welcome. This takes a toll on their willingness to talk about his/her feelings in the future.
The most nurturing and happy parents are the ones who are open and willing to learn from their children. They engage in a respectful exchange of communication where different ideas and viewpoints are shared.
‘Children always know more than they can put into words: that distinguishes them from adults, who usually put into words so much more than they know.’
Children may be a few years old, but they still have a unique point of view of the world and you need to be mindful of that.
When a mindful exchange occurs in the early years of a child’s life, a sense of trust is established between the parent and the child creating a safe space for both.
It is important to engage with your child mindfully which means not only hearing what they are saying but listening and responding to it actively.
Even when you are busy, it is better to communicate to them that you are busy rather than mindlessly dismissing them.
On top of this, introducing mindful play as a medium to teach children about their emotions is something every parent should consider.
Mindful play allows you to spend quality time with your child.
The overall aim of this is to enhance and strengthen the parent-child relationship through improved family interactions and problem?solving strategies.?
Along with that increased feelings of familial affection, warmth, and trust are also established.