When you are ready to go, you need to be ready to let them go. I would love to say that we should simply love them all, parasites, worms and the likes, but the truth is that when our bodies are imbalanced and sick when our inner terrain is acidic and toxic, the parasites will thrive. They multiply by laying eggs and by secreting toxic waste, and therefore they are adding to the burden of an already sick body. Not a fun scenario, so this is where we have to start. We let these uninvited guests have a grand party inside of us when we keep the terrain to their liking. In any so-called chronic stage of a disease, parasites will be present.


Because they have been invited!

They will not miss the offering of free room and board, and most likely they will invite their friends to join the party.

We all have them, the parasites, so the topic is nothing to freak out about. Yes, I saw them come out, and yes, you might too. They are a part of any living being. Microbes, cells, parasites, viruses, all living and vibrating. Parasites are any type of creature that feeds off of another host. Their intention is not to destroy the host, because if the host dies, they will be forced to die as well. Although they can feed off of just about any kind of nutrient and food substance, there are certain foods, in particular, they thrive on. These are foods high in complex sugar/ starches, unhealthy fats, and any man-made ingredient such as food-preservatives, food-colorants, and many other food-additives. They are also attracted to heavy metals and other toxic substances. The more the merrier.

You do not have to look for them, or even wonder if they are there. If you are sick they are there, period. As long as your house is that of imbalance and over-acidity, you have work to do. This takes us back to the inner terrain, the cultivating medium. For a parasite to thrive, it needs to live in an environment that feeds its needs. It needs to eat, and it needs to have a comfortable place to reside. Mucus is perfect, as they love a good conglomeration of bacteria and microbes. They lay their eggs, they eat, they secrete, and they reproduce quickly. Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? Some of them are very attracted to the complex sugars and will let you know that they are there, through your cravings. Depending on the kind, the parasites will eat different things. One thing that is certain is that they will feed off of you, and leave you depleted and more toxic. They also love your nutrition, and will take the best for themselves, leaving you with the leftovers.

So, what do you need to do, do you change the environment, or kill the parasites? Sometimes, when sickness has arrived, the big guns are needed, and I say you need to do both. Absolutely, the terrain needs to be changed, and it will, but a parasitic overload is a large burden on all the bodily systems and organs, so a good parasite cleanse is a must. No living being will die without a fight, and the parasites are no different. They will kick and scream, try to manipulate and hide, all to be able to save themselves and their family. By using some specific herbs and foods, you’ll simply be inviting them to leave, together with making your house no longer desirable as a breeding ground. You are changing our home to that of health and vitality, leaving toxic waste and sickness behind.

Let us look very shortly at some interesting facts before we let them be on their way:

There’s said to be over 1.000 types of parasites that can reside in the human body, but we identify only a fraction of these. We are mostly physically aware of the larger worms in the intestines, but they do in fact spread throughout the body. Only about 30% of them camp out in the intestines. These are the ones that we most easily identify, and they have been invited through eating meat, drinking un-pure water and by being in contact with animal carriers. If you have a pet, there is a great carrier host right there.

Here is a story to illustrate the longevity of parasites in the human body: In 1979, a British study was reported on 600 former prisoners from World War II. These had all been stationed in the Far East. As long as thirty years after the war, as many as 15% of them, were still infected with a parasite called Strongyloides. This infection is caused by a roundworm that resides in the intestinal tract. They had contracted the parasite during the war. This means you could have eaten meat and gotten infected more than 10-20 years ago, and still be hosting the tapeworms or other types of parasites that you ingested.

Parasites are divided into two main groups, worms, and small parasites. The small ones are mainly microscopic in size, including what are called protozoa and amoebae. Despite them being almost invisible, small parasites can be dangerous. Microscopic parasites are said to be able to get into our joints and eat the calcium linings of our bones. They can also eat the protein coating on our nerves (the myelin sheath). Not a fun scenario.

Large parasites, which are the worm type, are usually large enough to be seen by the naked eye. I know this to be very true. Some can even be up to 12, or even 15 inches long, but luckily they do not travel to other parts of the body. They mostly stay in the digestive tract. It can happen, but it’s very rare, so nothing to worry about.

The larger parasites are worms which reproduce by laying eggs. Eggs are deposited in the intestinal tract, where they stick to the walls of the intestines. Here, they will hide in the mucus-lining. When the eggs hatch, the youngsters feed on the food that we eat and eventually grow into strong adults. What we have to note is that their cycle of life can be many months long. That means that we need to do a cleanse that lasts for at least 3 months to make sure we get the full cycle, eggs and all.

The smaller organisms are the protozoa and amoebas. They function almost like bacteria, by traveling through the bloodstream to any part of the body. They reproduce without laying eggs and are behaving more like an infection in the body.

70% of all parasites that can live in the human body are microscopic – only 30% are visible to the naked eye.

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I am sharing some very brief information about the most common parasites below. I have consciously left out the main symptoms for each of them, and any visual explanation of their behavior etc. This is to not take the eye off the ball. We need to know about them, it is the truth, but we also have to focus on where the main problem is, and that is never the parasites, it’s our environment.

The most common human parasites are Ringworm, tapeworms, pinworms, candida albicans (yeast infections) and plasmodia (which is the malaria-causing parasite). Roundworms including Ascaris, hookworms, whipworms, flukes including the blood fluke the anisakid worm, and microscopic parasites and all parasitic larvae and eggs.


The Roundworms are what most people think of when it comes to human parasites. They are the pinworms, the whipworms, and the hookworms. They are much larger than the one-celled protozoa, the microscopic ones. They are all round and small and can cause a large amount of damage. We do not eat the worm itself to be infected, we ingest the microscopic eggs, which then hatch in our bodies.


This is the most widely spread parasite in North America and Europe. They are the most frequently seen of all of the species of parasites because they live in the colon. They come out at night to lay their eggs in the anus and on bedclothes. The adults are white, and ? inch long. The eggs can become airborne and are able to live without a host for 2 days. If you have children, you might be familiar with this one. You might even remember having them as a child. School-age children have the highest infestation rate, and if one member of a family has pinworms, it is highly likely that all members are infected.


They come from contaminated food and water. These are busy ones. The eggs hatch in the intestines, and then they migrate to the lungs through the bloodstream. They are then coughed up and swallowed right back to the small intestine to reproduce. In the lungs, they can cause pneumonia. In the intestines, they hook themselves into the intestinal walls, (hereby the inviting name), where each one drinks up to 1cc of blood per day. We get these from pets licking us, or us petting or grooming them.


These will attach themselves to the intestinal wall. They inject their digestive fluid into the tissue, and this fluid turns into a liquid. They then suck up this liquid, which can cause many different symptoms. Each female can lay 10,000 eggs per day, and each adult can live for several years. When the eggs are passed out through your feces, without even being seen, they are able to live for three weeks without a host. This tells us how important it is to not be an inviting host for these parasites.


This is a roundworm that lives in the small intestine. Adult female worms can grow to over 12 inches in length – adult males are smaller. Ascariasis is the most common human worm infection, and I was heavily infected. Children are said to be more infected than adults. The immature worms can migrate through the lungs, and you may cough up ascaris larvae or pass an adult worm in your stool. Ascaris eggs are found in human feces. Infection occurs when a person accidentally swallows infectious microscopic Ascaris eggs. Once in the stomach, immature worms hatch from the eggs. The larvae are carried through the lungs to the throat where they are swallowed. Once swallowed, they reach the intestines and develop into adult worms. Adult female worms lay eggs that are then passed in feces. This cycle takes 2-3 months.


The flukes are the hardest parasites to get rid of, as they can stay in the human body for up to 20 years! Each adult fluke will live for one year. Flukes come from raw fish, undercooked water plants, such as watercress, and are also carried by dogs, cats, and other fish-eating animals. They are also found in beef, chicken, pork and unwashed vegetables.

Liver flukes:

These will infect the bile ducts of the liver and the gallbladder. They start out as small white flattish worms, being wider on one end and more narrow on the other. The young adults are various shades of pink while the older adults are bright red to almost black in color. These are easy to see when you do a liver flush. They are often referred to as tomato skins, as that is what they look like. The longer they live in the liver, the darker in color they become. The blood from the liver stains their skin.

Lung flukes:

Obviously found in the lungs, and sometimes mistaken for lung cancer on x-rays.

Blood flukes:

They travel all over the human body and into all organs including the brain and spinal cord.


The head of the tapeworm hooks into the intestinal wall. Most tapeworms are a ? inch long and are a grayish white color. There are however some species that can grow up to 33 feet long and can lay over 1 million eggs per day. The tapeworm bodies are mostly reproductive organs. The length of their body is made up of sections that are nothing but ovaries and testes for reproduction. Their tails release these eggs. The eggs then hatch into larvae that can migrate to other parts of the human body and can form cysts. Even if the sections are broken off, the tapeworm can regenerate itself from only its head. Some tapeworms can live for over 25 years.

Pork tapeworms:

They are carried by under cooked pork, and by the anus, hand, mouth route. They can incubate in the human body for up to 30 years before reproducing. They can affect the eyes and the brain. Once inside the body, the tapeworm egg hatches, penetrates the intestine, travels through the bloodstream to the brain and nerves.

Fish tapeworm:

This is the largest of the species. It can grow to 33 feet in length.

Dog tapeworm:

They are passed along to us from cats and dogs through petting and grooming. I know, not a fun thing to think about. The adult tapeworm is made up of many small segments, and the tapeworm itself can measure 4-28 inches long. Each segment is about the size of a grain of rice. As the adult tapeworm matures inside the intestines, these segments break off and pass in the stool They look almost like grains of rice or corn. These are the tapeworm eggs.

Now that this is noted, we know that the parasites are a real concern. I could write up pages and pages of parasite symptoms, but like I said, that would throw us off focus. I want us to keep our attention on the health of the body, on the task at hand. We do not need more lists of symptoms to run for validation. It really doesn`t matter what symptom is present at this time. The solution is pretty much the same, to get healthy. To do that, there are some simple steps and guidelines, and we are ready to do a parasite cleanse.

The Parasite cleanses:

There are many great herbal blends out there that will invite them to leave your body. I love many of them, so feel free to contact me for a parasite cleansing protocol.

If you have a hard time getting hold of a good product, these herbs all have anti-parasitic properties.

  • Wormwood Herb
  • Betelnut
  • Male fern root
  • Wormseed
  • Parsley root & leaf
  • Cascara Sagrada Bark
  • Cloves
  • Pinkroot
  • Tansy herb & flower
  • Pau d’Arco bark
  • Black walnut hull
  • Garlic
  • Chinese Goldthread
  • Cat’s Claw Bark
  • Goldenseal root
  • Olive leaf extract
  • Usnea Lichen
  • Thyme leaf
  • Butternut bark
  • Barberry root
  • Black walnut

Always use caution when using herbs. They are very potent, and not all of them might be for you, and not all mix well together. Always seek help from an educated herbalist before starting any herbal protocol.

Foods with anti-parasitic properties:

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Papaya seeds: The seeds from the papaya fruit have anthelmintic and anti-amoebic properties. This means that they kill intestinal worms and other parasitic organisms in your digestive system. Using papaya seeds for parasites has proven to be very effective. The seeds have a distinct slightly peppery flavor. They can, of course, be eaten as they are, or you can simply sprinkle them over salads and other dishes.

Extra Virgin Coconut oil: This well-known oil consists of medium-chain triglycerides, which help to strengthen and build the immune system. Furthermore, this oil is also high in both lauric acid and caprylic acid, which possess antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Garlic: This common household spice is also a potent herb for medicinal benefits. It is especially useful for flushing out parasites such as giardia and roundworms.

Cayenne pepper: Increases circulation, boosts the immune system, and fights parasites.

Pineapple: This much-loved fruit contains the digestive enzyme bromelain that helps to clear certain parasitic infections, such as tapeworms.

Pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain “toxic, tetracyclic triterpenes” within the seeds, which are released upon chewing- or by grinding them. This substance is known to intoxicate and paralyze the worms, causing them to release their grip on the intestinal wall. They will need help being expelled, so be sure to move the bowels.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera helps to eliminate parasites, and it also helps to heal the body from the damage that might have been done. It is very effective at restoring the body at a deep cellular level by promoting new and healthy cell growth. A great alkalizer and intestinal healer.

Remember to always make sure that you are moving your bowels while cleaning out the parasites. We want the bowel to move, and during a cleanse it is even more important. Use an enema bag if you need to. I used one every single day during my heaviest cleanses. That way you are sure that what you are killing off is coming out. You can use a regular enema bag that you buy online, with room temperature water.

Using Essential oils for anti-parasitic properties:

The Essential oils are natures treasures, they are our helpers and our blessings. Together with our wild botanicals, they are our gifts from God. Essential oils are created from plants, stems, and botanicals. They are used in many ways and have many benefits. There is a whole chapter dedicated to these amazing healers, and here’s some information that relates to the topic of parasites.

Frankincense: This is the king of all oils. Although mostly known for its anti-tumor properties and all-around healing abilities, I include it in any regimen. It is such a powerful restorative helper, that is will enhance the property of any other oil. You can inhale it, diffuse it, use it topically or put a drop under your tongue.

Myrrh: A very powerful antioxidant, and antiviral, anti-parasitic and analgesic/anesthetic. The oil can be taken orally, a few drops in a small glass of water, in a capsule, inhaled or diffused.

Oil of oregano: This has also been used for its powerful anti-viral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-parasitic properties. It can be diffused, used topically with a carrier oil (1part oil, 4 parts carrier oil). It can also be ingested, but it is very strong, so do not put it directly into the mouth.

Peppermint: Great anti-parasitic properties, used against intestinal worms. Also antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. You can place a few drops under the tongue, use it topically, a few drops in a glass of water, or inhaled.

Tea Tree (Melaleuca): A truly powerful antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-parasitic oil, used in many cultures. Mix a few drops in a glass of water, or put it in your diffuser.

 Clove: This is one of the most antimicrobial and antiseptic of all essential oils. It is also an anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-infectious. Rub it on your skin or diffuse it.

Lemon: Such a great all-around oil. Inexpensive and very potent. A great alkalizer, and no parasite like an alkaline environment. Use it internally, topically, diffuse it and smell it.

Cinnamon Bark: one of the most powerful antiseptics known, strongly antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal.

Eucalyptus (Radiata): Great for topical use. It is anti-infectious, antibacterial and antiviral.

Rosemary: This oil has great antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Diffuse or use topically.

An old recipe says that mixing 3-5 drops each of oregano, peppermint, and tea tree essential oils in a glass of water, 3 times a day will kill off candida overgrowth.


Parasites and frequencies:

During my search for a better life, I came across what is called a Rife machine. I was searching for ways to clean out my parasites, and I discovered how frequencies affect everything, as everything has a vibration. Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant scientist born in 1888. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed a technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation. The frequency machine that he built, holds his name today.

Dr. Royal Rife’s study of frequencies raises an important question concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe, and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned food has a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz

According to Dr. Gary Young, essential oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of rose oil. Clinical research shows that therapeutic grade essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live.

I used my Rife machine for some years, and I will say it was a valid experience. It is not the route that I promote or recommend today, as I have seen that there are gentler and more natural ways of balancing the body`s vibration. Every essential oil has a frequency, and each of our organs and body parts has a frequency. The frequency of an essential oil will attract a like-frequency in the body. Lower frequencies become a sponge for negative energy. The frequency is what stays in the body to maintain the long-lasting effects of the oil.

“Low frequencies make physical changes in the body. Middle frequencies make emotional changes in the body. High frequencies make spiritual changes in the body. Spiritual frequencies range from 92 to 360 Hz. Bone frequency is 38-43; neck and down frequency is 62-68.” -Dr. Gary Young.

The parasites will fight for their lives, and simply resist to leave. They might play with your emotions and your cravings, leaving you with symptoms you never had before. They will beg you to stop, to self-sabotage and to go back to feeding them. I call it die off, the toxic waste that they secrete when dying. It is toxic, and therefore a new burden to all of the elimination organs. This is why making sure that your bowels are moving is very important. You want that waste to move. This whole journey towards health and truth, this whole book, is connected as one, and one piece cannot stand alone. The whole picture must be seen as one, as no part of our bodies can be separated. Not the organs, not our systems, not even the symptoms stand alone. Read the chapter “Cleansing reactions and remedy” over and over again, until you are confident and clear on what is happening inside the body.


Make sure you check out my Youtube video on parasites as well:

Send the parasites on their way in love and peace, as you do not need them anymore.

You don’t need the crap they feed on.

You don’t need the waste they produce.

Thrive, my friend.

Let life Inspire you.

Hilde Larsen


Health/Mindset Coach/Author/Speaker/Detox Specialist/Life-Enthusiast


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