Parasites in Cats – What are they?
Sally Gilson Getcatcrazy
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Pet owners have many concerns about their animals’ health,?being able to keep on top of the parasites keeping your animal free from infection is a challenge.
Cats are prone to several parasitic infections that can cause serious health issues and even death, if left unchecked it is also possible for our feline companions to transfer those parasites to their owners.
So, how do we understand the warning signs and symptoms?
Many of these parasites are not a visible infection, they cannot necessary be seen in your cat’s behaviour, paying attention to your cats normal and non-normal behaviour. ?
Cats can become lazy or lethargic, being sluggish, slow, under-active, inactive or show body weakness signs of out of character or weight changes which can tell a lot about the health of a cat. Dull fur, appearing less shiny and healthy than usual.
Excessive hair loss, more than associated with shedding, thinning sections of hair, possible bald patches.
Bowel Movement issues intermittent diarrhoea, blood in stool, difficulty urinating, constipation if your cat stays in the litter box longer than normal and no urine it is a concern.
With many cats they can pass from one cat to another, so all cats need to be treated.
Food and water are the most common sources of parasite and invading organism exposure to this is high since most tape water has been found to be contaminated with harmful organisms.
Plant and animal foods carry parasites, cleaning and cooking methods often do not destroy them before ingestion. Cleaning of hands and utensils and food preparation can add to the problem and how food is stored.
More than likely half the animals can be affected in some way,
Some of the microscopic organisms are free living or parasitic are roundworms, pin-worms’ whipworms and hookworms and tapeworms and flukes these make up around 70 percent of all invading organisms, certain protons through their intensely rapid reproductive ability and can take over the intestinal tract of their host and from there they go onto other organs and tissues.
Some feed on red blood cells and some produce cysts some of these can destroy tissues.
Adult worms multiply by producing eggs called ova or larvae, these eggs usually become infectious in soil or in a host before humans are infected, which many individuals will not show signs of infestation.
One of the oldest known parasites is tapeworm are the largest intestinal inhabitant which a new worm can grow from it. Tapeworms do not contain digestive tracts they get their nourishment by absorbing partially digested substances from their host.
Flukes are parasitic during nearly all their life cycle forms they begin when larvae are released in freshwater by infected snails, and can be on vegetation, fish, or crustaceans.
With parasites this can affect the breathing and wellbeing of your animal so worming your cat regularly is recommended.
Garlic, chamomile and oregan grape is good for getting rid of parasites.
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