Parashas Vayeishev

Our Parsha this Shabbos is Parashas Vayeishev . The previous Parsha ended speaking of Eisav's descendants and so this Parsha continues with speaking of Yaakov's descendants and focuses on Yaakov and Rachel's son Yosef . The Haftorah for this Shabbos is Amos 2 : 6 - 3 : 8 and relates to this Sedra near the beginning of this Haftorah by referring to the aveirah of selling Yosef .

Yaakov " Vayeishev " - " Settled " in the Land where his Father and Grand-Father sojourned , in the land of Canaan . We are told in this Parsha that Yosef is now seventeen years of age . It was around this time that Leah passed away and seeing that Yosef's Ima Rachel had passed away at the birth of Binyamin , Yosef was actually raised by Bilhah , Yaakov's other wife , linked to Rachel . Torah refers to Yosef as a "Youth with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah , " for Yosef used to be closer to the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah , as the sons of Leah , except for Reuvein , used to talk down to Bilhah and Zilpah's sons , referring to them as 'sons of the maid even though Bilhah and Zilpah were also actually daughters of Lavan and therefore sisters of Rachel and Leah , ' so Yosef ' being the kind of Tzaddik that he was , put his time more to the looked down upon sons of Yaakov . Torah refers to Yosef as a " youth " in reference to his teen years and his appearance . Torah Says that Yosef used to bring " Es Dibatam Ra'ah , " - " Evil Reports , " about his brothers . Not that Yosef was Evil , Chas Ve Shalom , but his intention was that they be Tzaddikim and he reasoned that reporting them , would give the opportunity for them to be corrected and grow into Tzaddikim . His reports were not based on fact but rather on his opinion of what he thought he was perceiving . As an example , he once witnessed his brothers eating from an animal and because the animal , even though it had been shechted , still quivered , he wrongly perceived that they were eating from a living animal , which they were not . There are certain Halachic rules regarding this and what they did , did not go against strict Halocha , though he perceived it incorrectly . Another time there was question about the animal's unborn within it and there again he doubted their correctness and so , with other instances , did he misunderstand what he saw and reported them to his Father , again not for the reason of malice , but with pure intentions that they be taught the right way . He should have approached them himself , but he reasoned that due to their ill feelings towards him , they would not listen anyway .

Torah Says that Yaakov loved Yosef more than all the sons since he was a " Child of his old age . " Though this may sound self-explanatory , there is certainly more meaning here . Yosef would stay home learning unlike his brothers and seeing that Yaakov was aging , Yosef would put himself out to look after his Father and be a physical support to lean on physically and so does Torah refer to Yosef as a son of Yaakov's old age . Also Yosef was a soul very much like his Father , the two looking very much alike and having similarities in their life-course , like both having a brother or brothers that hated them , both dreaming holy dreams , both marrying women away from their birth-place , both having a total immersed love for HaShem's Laws And Learning and both Yaakov and Yosef being connected with the woman Yaakov loved most , Rachel . Also , Yaakov knew what it felt like when his Father put Eisav as First-born , though Yaakov was the holier and so , did Yaakov try to make sure this would not happen again and so was Yosef accredited for his holiness and made the favourite , though this was not how it should have been for the others . To inaugurate Yosef's holiness , his Father did something that would appear as though he was being made higher , for Yaakov made for him a " fine woollen tunic . " Such a garment in that day and age was usually worn by royalty or by those who were put in a high position above others and so the other sons hated Yosef as if he was being put over them .

Torah Says that they could not speak to him peaceably and so , some of them did not even speak to him at all for as Tzaddikim they could not be false and hide their hatred for him with sweet false words and they rather did not speak to him at all .

Yosef dreamed a dream and he told his brothers , not in order to boast , but hoping that they would respect him more and love him more . He dreamed that they were binding sheaves in the middle of the field and Yosef's sheaf arose and remained standing and his brother's sheaves gathered around and bowed to his sheaf . This was actually a future prophecy for later on his brothers did come before him when he was viceroy in Mitzrayim Egypt . His intention was not a bad one but they hated him even more , wrongly thinking that he was after ruler - ship , when he was not after rulership at all .

He then dreamed another dream where this time the sun and moon and eleven stars bowed to him . Again , this was not his own doing but prophetic , for eleven of his brothers would in the future stand before him when he would be viceroy in Egypt . Yosef related it to his brothers alone first and then to his Father and Brothers again and his Father scolded him , not because his Father did not understand Yosef's holiness but Yaakov tried to play it down so that the brothers would not be so angry at Yosef . Yaakov knew it was prophetic for Yosef's dream had referred to Yaakov as ' the sun ' a word HaShem Called Yaakov when he had the dream of the ladder , so Yaakov knew That this dream Was From HaShem . The moon was in reference to Bilhah who raised Yosef , for Yosef's Ima Rachel had so very sadly passed on . Yosef's brothers hated him even more .

Yosef's brothers had gone to pasture their Father's flocks in Shechem and Israel Yaakov called his son Yosef to check on their welfare and the welfare of the flocks and so Yaakov sent Yosef from Chevron to Shechem . On the way , Yaakov taught Yosef the Law of the Eglah Arufah , the Law of the man who is a stranger and visitor to a town and is found killed near but outside the town and no one knew who had killed him and what the closest town would need to do . That would be the last time Yaakov would see his son for as many years as Yaakov went away from his Father .

Torah Tells us how Yosef was not able to find his brothers and how he came across a man in the field . This man was actually the Malach Angel Gavriel who told him , " They have journeyed on from here for I heard them saying ' Let us go to Dothan . ' " This was actually a hidden warning to Yosef meaning that his brothers had now 'gone far away from brotherhood towards him and have journeyed on to Dothan , ' where Dothan is from the root " Dat " which means ' to judge ' in other words they have gone to sit in judgement against Yosef . Yosef , knowing in the beginning when his Father asked him to go that his brothers hated him could have said no , but being a Tzaddik , he obeyed his Father and said , as his Great Grand-Father Avraham used to say to HaShem , " Hineini , " - " Here I am , " ready to do Your Bidding HaShem , no matter what the cost , I trust You HaShem .

The brothers saw him from afar and wanted to Judge him as to be killed Chas Ve Shalom and Levi said , " Look , the dreamer comes . " Simeon was the one who said to kill him and throw him into one of the pits and say a wild beast killed him . Simeon knew that these pits contained snakes and scorpions , for Simeon had once had a previous encounter almost falling into one of these pits and almost getting bitten . Reuvein the eldest , knowing he had lost the First-born right to Yosef , still wanted to try and save Yosef from their hand and so he intervened . Reuvein said he should not be killed , first intending to rescue Yosef from their hands and then later , return him to his Father . They stripped Yosef of his fine woollen tunic , beat him and threw him into one of the pits . Ishamaelites came with spices and it says that Midianite traders bought Yosef , for Yosef was sold from one set of travellers to another , a few times before he got to Egypt. The Midianite traders who first bought him did not at first believe such a handsome and pure looking person as Yosef could be these men's slave boy but again Simeon spoke up and a bill of sale was written out as a guarantee that they had a right to sell him . Ishmaelites usually travelled this route from Gilead to Egypt to sell their spices and wares and so , Yosef was brought to Egypt , crying and longing for his Father and his home . Reuvein had left to go and pray as he did day and night , repenting for his Aveirah of disarranging his Father's Couch and when he returned , he found the pit empty and Yosef gone and so asked , " where can I go , " in reference to him ( Reuvein ) being the First - born and losing that position to Yosef , because of Reuvein's Aveirah and so wondering that if now Yosef is gone , what position is Reuvein now in level spiritually and also that he felt responsible now for coming back and not finding and being able to save Yosef . The brothers slaughtered a goatling in the proper way , thus a middah knegged midah against Yosef who questioned their shechting methods and they dipped Yosef's tunic into it's blood and brought it to their Father and Yehudah handed it to their Father and he said similar words to his Father as Yaakov had said to Yitzchak when going to his Father to get the Blessing instead of Eisav , so middah knegged middah , those words returned to Yaakov . Yaakov rent his garments and did not stop mourning for his beloved son . Yitzchak was at this stage around 168 years of age . After the sons had sold Yosef , they sat down to a meal , fully believing they judged him correctly . This Aveirah was carried over the centuries and exacted from us at the time of the Romans when the famous Ten Jewish martyrs were executed . This we read about in the Service of Yom Kippur .

Yosef was exchanged many times from traders to traders until he was finally brought to Egypt . A man by the name of Potiphar saw him and personally desired him and so , bought him only after seeing the right of sale contract signed by the brothers ( not knowing they were Yosef's brothers ) . The name ' Potiphar , ' comes from ancient Egyptian dialect from the word ' Potiphara , ' and translates to ' Mutilated one , ' for after a disease that he had when he dared to desire Yosef for his own debased wishes , was punished with ending up like a eunuch . Torah describes Potiphar as " Seris Par'o , " where the word " Seris " can also refer to being mutilated as a eunuch .

HaShem Sees All and so , Yehudah , the son of Yaakov , who would have been listened to if he would have told the other brothers not to do this to Yosef , but said nothing and also gave his Father such pain , in being the one to say to his Father when bringing Yosef's tunic with blood , " Identify if you please , " was punished straight away by also losing his own sons and being kicked out by the other brothers , for the brothers saw that their Father was inconsolable and so they blamed Yehudah for not stopping them from the action they did to Yosef . So Yehudah moved away from them , or as some Rabbis say , was chased away . HaShem Juxtaposes the story of Yehudah among the happenings in Torah of Yosef , To Also Teach us That HaShem Always Punishes for wrongs done In HaShem's Own Time That HaShem Knows Best .

Torah Tells us that Yehudah " Went down from his brothers " and turned to an Adullamite man named Hirah and there , met and married the daughter of a prominent Canaanite , though many holy Rabbis and holy Onkelos translate the word K'na'ani as merchant . If she was a Canaanite , it might explain one of the reasons she and her two out of three sons had to die for we as a Jewish people were not to marry Canaanites . Three sons were born to Yehudah and this woman . Their names were Er , Onan and Shelach . Yehudah took Tamar for a wife of his first son Er . This woman Tamar was actually a very holy woman as she was the daughter of Noach's son Shem ( also known as Melchitzeddek that Blessed Avraham after the war of the four kings against five , that Avraham had won and defeated when his nephew Lot had been captured - earlier on in Sefer Bereishis ) . Because Er did not want to spoil her beauty , he reasoned that she should not be made pregnant And So HaShem Caused him to die . Yehudah was the one to whom the Laws of Yibum were first given and so , in Levirate marriage , Yehudah then gave his second son Onan to Tamar , but Onan , thinking the seed would not be his , also did not want to impregnate her and so did not want to bring up children in his brother's honour And HaShem Caused him to die also . So did Yehudah feel how it is to lose a son and in this case Yehudah lost two sons , thus being punished for what he put his Father through . Seeing as he blamed Tamar that she must be a woman who causes her husbands to die , Chas Ve Shalom , ( for Yehudah did not know that it was their fault ) , he withheld his third son Shelah from Tamar and had Tamar continue to wait in her Father's house . Tamar saw that Yehudah was not going to give Shelah to her when he grew up , after she waited many years and Yehudah's wife had also died and Tamar , for the reason of genuinely wanting to have progeny through Yehudah's holy line , removed her widow's garb and sat at the crossroads on the road to Timnah , seeing that Shelah , now grown , was still not given to her as a husband . When Yehudah saw her , he did not recognize her as she was always modest in his home never showing her face but always keeping it covered . She agreed to be with him , had him sign a marriage contract as our Rabbis tell us and he was to leave as a pledge of the union , his signet ( the ring position of the royal line of Judah ) as his wedding ring to her , his wrap ( royal cloak cover ) and staff ( the staff representative of a king , for Yehudah's Tribe , was the line of kings ) .

Tamar conceived by him and it was told to Yehudah that she was with child . Yehudah wanted her taken out and burnt for she was as a Priest's Daughter ( daughter of Malchitzeddek ) that was still in the bounds of awaiting Levirate marriage to Shelah and if not him , then Yehudah would have been next in line to take her . She did not name Yehudah openly at her trial , but she only had delivered to him , his signet , his wrap and his staff and asked " Identify if you please , " the same words Yehudah had said to his Father Yaakov , when hurting his Father with the Tunic of Yosef . Satan tried to hide the pledge she had gotten so as to try and kill her and stop the line of Dovid and Moshiach , who would be Satan / Samael's eventual downfall But HaShem Sent the Malach Angel Michael to retrieve it and make it appear and now it was up to Yehudah , whether he would own up and embarrass himself , or hide his embarrassment and have her killed . Yehudah chose to save her and embarrass himself and do the right thing . The Holy Line of David was now born from Yehudah and Tamar , that would come down generations later as very holy Dovid Ha Melech and his line . This happening of Yehudah and Tamar was also interposed here within the happenings of Yosef , for both Tamar and Zulaicha ( Potiphar's wife ) both foresaw that they would have children with this holy family of Avraham , Yitzchak and Yaakov , yet Tamar's intention was one of holiness , unlike Potiphar's wife Zulaicha ( who ended up having her adopted daughter Asenath , who was originally Yaakov's grand daughter from his daughter Dinah , marry Yosef , even though Zulaicha thought it would be her herself who would be with Yosef ) , but Zulaicha who wasn't at all holy , had no holy intention at all .

The Holy Torah narrative returns to Yosef in Potiphar's house . A Hebrew was not looked upon favourably at that time to work in an Egyptian's house . How that changed when we Jews went into slavery which is related in the Book of Shemos and a Hebrew was not even allowed to touch the food of an Egyptian for they said we contaminate their Treife - UnKosher food .

Potiphar saw that Yosef was very special and honest and trustworthy and eventually put Yosef in charge of his house , everything except , as The Holy Torah Says , " The Bread he ate , " for as I mentioned , we were not allowed to touch an Egyptian's food . This also meant that Yosef was permitted all things , except Zulaicha , Potiphar's wife . Potiphar could not help but notice that Yosef was very physically appealing and nor did Potiphar's wife Zulaicha . Yosef felt more at ease in Egypt now And So HaShem Very Quickly Reminded him that a Jew should never feel totally comfortable and relaxed in Galus And So HaShem Felt A Reminder was due And Sent Against him the bear personality Zulaicha .

Zulaicha saw in her astrology that she would have a family connection with Yosef and so she took it to mean that she would have children with him . This was totally incorrect for the only family connection she would ever have with him would be that he would marry her adopted daughter Osnas ( Asenath ) who was not even Egyptian at all but as I mentioned earlier , the Grand-daughter of Yaakov and daughter of Yaakov's daughter Dinah . Thus Osnas was Dinah and Shechem's daughter ( Shechem being the man who had taken Dinah forcefully and had kept her and had wanted to marry her , that the two sons of Yaakov , Simeon and Levi had killed when they freed their sister from that place ) , for Osnas had also been brought to Egypt . Thus she was actually Jewish . Zulaicha was completely taken by Yosef's looks to the point where she thought about being with him night and day . She pursued him continuously , changing and redressing herself five times a day to try and attract his attention but Yosef would not even look at her . In fact Yosef tried his best to avoid her and not serve her but she continually called him to run her bath , set her clothes , cream her , which he refused and fix her perfumes . Day after day she hounded him and day after day he refused her , saying he would not insult his G-D and his boss - master Potiphar . She even offered to kill her husband but nothing worked and he removed himself from her presence . Yosef served his master Potiphar faithfully and whatever Potiphar would ask to drink , hot or cold , it Would Instantly Be Given that way From HaShem through Yosef , into Potiphar's hand . Potiphar even asked if Yosef was a magician able to perform such magic and Yosef told Potiphar That It Was All The Work Of HaShem , The One And Only True G-D And Creator Of Creation . Yosef taught Potiphar about HaShem . HaShem Revealed Himself To Potiphar for the sake of Yosef As A Spiritual Light Above Yosef , thus Potiphar could not deny Yosef's holiness From HaShem .

Yosef could not be swayed by Zulaicha . Zulaicha's friends noticed how Zulaicha was depressed and she invited them to dine with her and she called in Yosef to show how she must look at him all the time , desiring him . They too were taken with his looks which he had obviously gotten from his Mother Rachel and Father Yaakov and they advised her to command him to do her will but that too did not work . Yosef would not sin against HaShem . The day came which was a festival in Egypt for the overflowing of the Nile , an abundance of water for irrigation , that Egypt celebrated . Potiphar had asked his wife to come with him but she refused , making out that she was ill and she sat in the doorway awaiting Yosef to walk past her knowing he always came that way . She knew no one else would be in the house and so she planned to catch him . As he walked past her he did not even avert his eyes to the scantily clad silk-gowned Zulaicha , who tried to coax him to follow her but he refused . She put her hands on him and tried her best to get him wanting her , but an image of his Father Yaakov appeared to Yosef and he stepped back , thus slighting her and leaving her rejected . She tried to physically grab him , but he managed to step free and he turned to flee and it was then that she caught the back of his garment and it got left in her hand as he ran from her . Knowing that she may not be believed by her husband , she got the other wives to lie and also deceitfully say that they had been molested by Yosef and so when Potiphar returned , he found the husbands at his throat verbally accusing his slave of things Yosef never ever did .

Yosef truthfully maintained his innocence even though Zulaicha argued . Potiphar called the Egyptian priests to judge and they asked where the garment of Yosef was grabbed . Hearing that it had been grabbed in the back they said that he must have been fleeing and thus she must be lying . Yosef never forgot their kindness to him and repaid them royally when the future famine came . Zulaicha blamed Potiphera for bringing a Hebrew into their home and Yosef ended up being judged wrongly . Even the adopted daughter Osnas stood up for Yosef saying how Zulaicha had constantly hounded him . Potiphar knew Yosef was innocent but to save face , Yosef was put in prison . Not the usual prison for criminals but another prison that was kept for those who insulted the royalty of Egypt .

HaShem Watched over Yosef and even there , in the prison , Yosef was seen to be a man of worth . At night , Potiphar , the actual head of this Prison would have Yosef come out just to clean his house and then have him go back again . Still Zulaicha hounded him , but to no avail . HaShem Alone , Who Is Solely In Control Of All Things , Works His Special Works To Help us and so , one day the Chamberlain of the Cupbearers and the Chamberlain of the Bakers for Pharoah were put in the prison where Yosef was held . It was the Chamberlain of the Cupbearers job to put the cup into Pharaoh's hand , for drinking . That was his job . He had been blamed for an insect that had flown into the cup of wine purely by accident . The Chamberlain of the Bakers on the other hand had purposefully tried to hurt Pharaoh by putting a stone into what he had baked for Pharaoh . One morning Yosef saw them downcast and they said that they had both dreamed a dream . Both had miraculously dreamed their own dream and hidden within each one's dream was also the interpretation of the other one's dream . Yosef had them relate their dreams . First the Chamberlain of the Cupbearers , who dreamed of a grapevine with three tendrils that budded , blossomed and bloomed into grapes and the Chamberlain of the Cupbearers squeezed the grapes into Pharaoh's cup and then put it into Pharoah's palm . HaShem Gave Yosef the dream's interpretation which was that in three days , the Chamberlain of the Cupbearers would be restored to his post and do as he did before in his job . Also Yosef saw a prophecy for our people Of How HaShem Would Redeem us From Egypt With three individuals , Moshe Aharon and Miriam . Yosef asked this Chamberlain to remember him when this Chamberlain would be set free to please ask for Yosef's release , a mistake and lack of trust in HaShem To Free Yosef When the time was right .

Then the Chamberlain of the Bakers , who already was given as I mentioned , in his dream , the interpretation of the other's dream , knew that Yosef had , With The Help Of HaShem , interpreted correctly and he decided to then relate his dream of three wicker baskets on his head where in the uppermost basket was all kinds of food for Pharoah , where the birds were eating it . So Did HaShem Give , Through Yosef To the Chamberlain of the Bakers , The Interpretation Of this dream to mean that in three days , on Pharaoh's birthday , Pharaoh would hang the Chamberlain of the Bakers .

So did everything happen As HaShem Had Shown To Yosef . The Chamberlain of the Cupbearers tried many times to remember to help Yosef , but was repeatedly made to forget . So ends the Parsha .

The Parsha is called " Vayeishev " - " Settled " and starts out with Yaakov finally settling in the Holy Land , not yet ours . No sooner does Yaakov feel settled , then tragedy strikes and he is forced to be without his beloved son Yosef . HaShem Tells the Tzaddik , " Don't be settled and content yet in this World of Olam Hazeh - this Present World of Preparation in which we are to do Mitzvos following HaShem's Commandments also so as to enter Olam Habah - The World to Come , for we are to bring this World to the Light Of HaShem . " HaShem Tells the Tzaddik that his peace and rest will come only in " Olam Habah " - " The World To Come . " Only in Olam Habah , will we finally properly " Vayeishev " - " Settle " and have True Holy ' Settling . ' Everything else that we go through , every day , as Jews and as all Of HaShem's Beautiful Creation , is just a journey , even from one Gilgul to another , from one incarnation to another .

Both Yaakov and Yosef were Tzaddikim . Both had to go and Settle in strange lands for both Yaakov and Yosef had to settle in Egypt . Yaakov also had to settle away from his home with Lavan . But Egypt was not our home . Only Eretz Yisroel is our true home . Wherever we are , HaShem Is Always With us . HaShem Is Always With us wherever we find ourselves . Though we find ourselves in Galus Exile , HaShem Does Remind us from time to time that no matter where we may find ourselves , our only place of " Vayeishev " - " Settling , " Is With HaShem and not with foreign pagan ways , Chas Ve Shalom . Here in this Parsha is this message reverberated , for no matter where we find ourselves , we are to keep HaShem's Laws , no matter what outside pressure is put upon us . Yosef in Egypt kept to our Laws and remained a Holy Hebrew even though he lived among heathens . So did Yaakov , who lived among those who so strongly worship idols . So must we also stay strong in our sole faithfulness to HaShem Alone . These places of and in Galus , are not our home , but a temporary abode , to do Miztvos and bring The Light Of HaShem and raise ourselves to Heaven . Only is Canaan , referred to here as " Vayeishev " - " Settling , " are we at home . For Only HaShem And His Holy Land ( the Land of our Fore-Fathers ) And HaShem's Way , Is The True " Vayeishev " - " Settling . "

We all face many trials and tribulations and many tempters and temptations that try to pull us away from HaShem's Path , Chas Ve Shalom , but these paths of falsity , couched in false religion and false ways will never lead a person To Where HaShem Instructs us In His Holy Torah . The Way , Is Only HaShem's Way , And The Truth , Is Only HaShem's Truth , And The " Vayeishev " - " Settling , " Is Only With HaShem And His Holy Torah True . No Jew , who is a True Jew , can ever truly settle in anything else But In HaShem And In HaShem's Way And In HaShem's Holy Torah . It may feel physically okay for some now but the Jewish Neshoma cries out To HaShem And Only HaShem's Settlement is True Home .

As we light this World With HaShem's Light , With Every Mitzvah Of HaShem , that we do , working to Light up HaShem's Creation With His Light , so must all our works and actions , be for The Sake Of HaShem And His Shamayim Heaven . We must all work toward Olam HaBah the World To Come . It is only in Olam Habah that we Jews can truly " Vayeishev " - " Settle " and it is only in Olam Habah that we as Jews find True Settling Peace . Until we get there , we have much work to do , for we Jews are to be a Light unto the Nations ( Yeshayahu Isaiah 49 : 6 ) and lead the World To HaShem's One And Only Truth Of Oneness . We must all be and teach all those around us to be true To HaShem Alone .

This Parsha of " Vayeishev , " shows us That Only Within HaShem , can we Truly Settle . So let us use this World of Olam Hazeh to its full potential and not lose a single opportunity to prove our faithfulness to HaShem's Holy Torah Truth , making this World into a Place , As HaShem Intended Where HaShem Can " Vayeishev , " - " Settle " Among us , As HaShem Wanted To Do In Gan Eiden . May the World Finally Come To The Knowledge And Truth Of HaShem , For Within HaShem , Is The Only Place To " Vayeishev " - " Settle . "

Our Jewish Fore-Fathers knew this . So may we all come to know this and do this and make " Olam Hazeh , " - " The Present World , " into " Olam Habah , " - " The World To Come , " In The Loving Care Of HaShem Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu , HaShem , The Holy One Blessed Be He .

I wish Most Beloved HaShem With The Sweetest Most Eternal Forever Love , A Very Beautiful And Very Special Shabbos Kodesh With Deepest Eternal Love and to all my fellow Jews and to all of Creation , a Very Special and Very Beautiful Shabbos Kodesh with love . Shabbat Shalom to all of Creation . May " Olam Habah " come soon in our days .


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