Parashas Vayakhel Parashas Parah

Our Parsha this week is Parashas Vayakhel and this Shabbos is also Shabbos Parah , one of the four special Shabboses before Pesach , so we read Parashas Vayakhel from the first Torah scroll in Shemos Exodus 35 : 1 - 38 : 20 and then for Shabbos Parah from the second Torah Scroll of Bamidbar Numbers 19 : 1 - 22 and the Haftorah for Shabbos Parah , which makes reference to purity from sins as does the Parah Adumah purify those its ashes are sprinkled upon , which is in Yechezkel Ezekiel 36 : 16 - 38 ( Sephardim end on verse 36 ) .

The Portion that we read for Shabbos Parah deals with the Parah Adumah and issues of Ritual Purity , which we read as we approach Pesach , to remind us to be ritually pure at this time as Pesach approaches .

Parashas Vayakhel starts With HaShem Commanding About The Holy Shabbos . In our last Parsha , we ended the Sedra describing Moshe's Radiant face and in Parashas Vayakhel , which means " Assembled , " Moshe Assembles the Entire Assembly of the Children of Israel , " to tell them the specific things That HaShem Commanded , starting with The Holy Laws Of The Shabbos .

HaShem's Holy Torah Then Speaks Of The Contributions To Be Given . Moshe relates That HaShem Said That the people must bring " Kol Nediv Libo , " - " Everyone whose heart motivates him " and further on Torah Says " Asher N'sa'o Libo , " - " whose heart inspired him , " so this giving had to be from us , from our heart , not as a force , but as an action of love and total giving , For HaShem And HaShem's Mitzvos . This is how we are To Do All Of HaShem's Mitzvos , with an act of Love , not just obligation . This sweetens the action of The Mitzvah that we do and the Holy action that we do can then rise to Shamayim Heaven , longing for Closeness With HaShem's Holy Crown , Which HaShem Keeps , and for every heart - felt Mitzvah that we do and in a loving way , HaShem Engraves this On This Particular Spiritual Crown , Shining For the Universes Of Creation , so our very Mitzvos that we do with a loving and giving heart , helps to light up the Universes of Creation . How Beautiful And Special Is HaShem HaKadosh Baruch Hu HaShem The Holy One Blessed Be He And How Beautiful And Special Is HaShem's Holy Mitzvos That HaShem Gave , For us to be Holy And For us to Come Close To HaShem In Love . HaShem's Holy Torah Is Forever And So Are HaShem's Laws And Mitzvos , Always to Be Kept And Never to be Abrogated ( Devarim Deuteronomy 5 : 26 ; 6 : 25 ; 6 : 1 - 3 , 24 - 25 ; 30 : 10 - 20 ; 29 : 28 ; 4 : 40 ; 11 : 1 and 12 : 1 ; Bereishis Genesis 17 : 12 - 13 : Shemos Exodus 12 : 14 - 17 ; 31 : 12 - 17 ; Vayikra Leviticus 23 : 27 - 31 , 41 ; Bamidbar Numbers 15 : 38 , The Only Pathway To HaShem's Love And Closeness , Back To Gan Eiden - HaShem's Laws Are Forever.

HaShem's Holy Torah Continues with how the people came For The Avodas HaShem , to make all that had to be made , under Betzalel and Oholiav . All that was made and given , could not have Made Such a beautiful Holy Tabernacle , Unless HaShem Gave Toward The Work Too , for when the people started to Work , in total heart - giving in earnest , HaShem Assisted And The Work Was Done . Just As HaShem Will Do With us , when we put our heart and soul into Doing HaShem's Mitzvos And Avodas HaShem ( The Work Of HaShem ) , HaShem Will Assist us too . Just As HaShem Commanded That The Holy Tabernacle And The Work Be Done , so it was , Exactly As HaShem Wanted It Done , so Betzalel and Oholiav Were Given A Vision From HaShem's Perspective , Of Each Part's Deeper Meaning , so that they could be able to make everything with such Depth , Just As HaShem Commanded , According To HaShem's Commandments And Wants . In fact the people brought over much leaving their contributions outside Moshe's tent and Moshe had to stop them from bringing , for it was more than enough .

After about three months , all was completed , which was a total Miracle for what was needed to be done , So HaShem Really Did Assist and once It was all finished , It was all brought to Moshe to inspect . And Moshe was content that all was done According To HaShem's Wish . The Work was completed in Kislev , but as the Midrash tells us , HaShem Waited Till Rosh Chodesh Nissan To Have It Erected , which according to Tanchuma , was when Yitzchak was born in the month of Nissan , thus what we were doing for This Tabernacle , was also tied to our holy Patriarchs . The Month of Kislev was thus missed out having a holier day within it And So HaShem Granted In the month of Kislev another Festival , the Festival of Chanukah and its Miracle From HaShem .

The Tabernacle was actually erected and dismantled every day by Moshe for a week , before the First of Nissan and only finally on the First Day of the Month of Nissan , was The Tabernacle put up permanently and Inaugurated . Moshe Served as Kohein Gadol for that first week that he was setting It up and taking It down before the Inauguration and after the Inauguration of the Tabernacle it was Aharon who served as Kohein Gadol and his sons were inaugurated for service as Kohanim And Only Then Did The Cloud Cover The Tent of Meeting And HaShem's Glory Fill The Tabernacle .

When The Cloud would lift , we would journey And When It Remained On The Tabernacle , we would not journey . The Cloud Of HaShem Would Be On The Tabernacle By day And The Fire Would Be On It By night , throughout all our journeys in the Wilderness . So we sent with the Faith and Trust - Emunah and Bitachon in HaShem , travelling Only When HaShem Knew we must , For Only HaShem Knew what was going on in the World around us . If only we would all do the same today .

Parashas Vayakhel starts By HaShem Having Moshe Teach About The Holy Shabbos . HaShem , In six days , Made All Things . HaShem Made The Heavens And The Earth In Six Days , Making in those six days , All that Was , Is And Will Be , right up until The End Of Days And On The Seventh Day Shabbos , HaShem Rested and so must we Rest on Shabbos . In Six Days , HaShem Allows work to be done and so , even if that work is not completed by the Seventh Day , we must still stop and Keep Shabbos For HaShem And HaShem's Creation . HaShem Gives us six other days to do labour and other things permitted By HaShem's Holy Torah , so we can at least Give HaShem one day , To Be Close To HaShem In Love .

In the Wilderness , people used to study Torah every day . The Torah Came Up To HaShem And Said That when we arrive in Eretz Yisrael , we will not study Torah , or as much of It as before , because we will busy ourselves with labour in the Land . So HaShem Said To The Torah That It should not worry For HaShem Instructs us that we are to do our labour for six days and that Seventh Day Shabbos , we are to spend with The Holy Torah , From HaShem , studying It , The Holy Torah Of HaShem , Coming Closer To HaShem On The Holy Shabbos , though we must study HaShem's Holy Torah every day , for as we know , studying HaShem's Holy Torah Brings us Closer To HaShem every time that we study HaShem's Holy Torah . Every other Day , has a partner day , where Yom Rishon , has Yom Sheini and Yom Shelishi has Yom Revi'i and Yom Chamishi has Yom Shishi , But Shabbos Came To HaShem And Said That It Has No Partner . HaShem Responded That The Jewish People will Rest on It and they will be The Holy Shabbos Day's Partner . So we Jews must Rest on The Holy Shabbos Forever and For Eternity ( Shemos Exodus 31 : 12 - 17 ) and give ourselves To HaShem And HaShem's Holy Shabbos , On The Holy Shabbos Day . We note that in the words in this Parsha , " Shabbat Shabbaton , " - " A Shabbos of Complete Rest , " the Word Shabbat is repeated ( " Shabbat " " Shabbat 'on " , for we must not just rest for ourselves or for our own definitions of rest , but it must be A " Complete Rest , " A Rest According To What HaShem Deems As Rest . Also like the Hebrew Word ' Shalom , ' which also means ' Completeness as well as Peace , ' So Must Shabbos Be A Day Of Total Completeness And Peace , With And Close To HaShem , making sure that we stop doing all the 39 Melachos , the Forbidden Labours Of Shabbos , that physically would prevent that ' Spiritual Rest Of Completeness . '

On Shabbos , we get an extra Shabbos soul , that leaves at the end of every Shabbos , A Spiritual Connection Close To HaShem . Before Shabbos , we welcome the Shabbos Bride with the singing of a song written by the Kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo Ha Levi Alkabetz ( Artscroll Siddur ) - ' Lecha Dodi Likras Kallah , P'nei Shabbas N'Kabalah ' - ' Come ( also us Jews ) my Beloved ( HaShem ) , To Greet the Bride ( Shabbos ) , The Sabbath Presence , let us welcome , ' for we Jews are The Partner To The Holy Shabbos Of HaShem . In days of old , some of our people used to go out onto the road and welcome in , The Essence Of Shabbos . So long have we heard the true statement , that it is not just that we Jews keep Holy The Shabbos , But That The Holy Shabbos Has Kept us Jews through the centuries , Remaining In It's Full Obedience , The Holy Parts Of That First Light Of Creation , That HaShem Has Given us , In Keeping us Truly Torah Jewish , In Its Full Observance .

When HaShem First Created Creation , HaShem Who Is All Giving , Gave Too Much Light And HaShem Had To Withdraw Some Of That First Light ( The Jewish Concept Called Tzimtzun - Rabbi Isaac Luria also known as The Arizal ) . And It Is Parts Of That First Light That HaShem Withdrew , That Comes Down To us Every Shabbos . The Holy Shabbos Of HaShem , Is The Day to leave all behind in the physical World And Spend Quality Time With HaShem . In This Commandment Of Keeping The Seventh Day Holy , is also included , Working For HaShem the other Six Days , to culminate in completing the week of and until Shabbos . The Levites of old , would count every day of the week towards Shabbos , for every day , is linked to Shabbos and so do we do likewise , every time that we say the Psalm of the day , starting it with ' This is .... Day of the Shabbos . ' If All The Jews would just keep two Shabboses in a row As HaShem Instructs The Holy Shabbos To Be Kept , Mashiach would come Immediately . Keeping Shabbos is so vital to Creation And The Holy Shabbos , HaShem Wants all Jews To Keep As HaShem Commands us To Keep The Holy Shabbos , for we also all Assured HaShem That we Would Keep HaShem's Shabbos , On Har Sinai , As Well As All The Other Commandments Of HaShem And HaShem's Holy Torah . Shabbos Is Forever And So Is It's Observance For All Times , For Shabbos Is Above Time And So Must It's Observance , Instructed From HaShem , Be Always Kept From Generation To Generation - past , present in modern times and into the future , Just As HaShem Instructed It To Be Kept , As HaShem Instructed Moshe , With All It's 39 Melachos Forbidden Labours And All Its Tenets .

Just as HaShem Gave His Fire Light In Creating Creation And Rested On Shabbos , so must we not Kindle on Shabbos .

The matter of not kindling fire is specifically mentioned even though it is part of the 39 Melachos Forbidden Labours Of Shabbos . There are 39 Melachos Forbidden Labours On Shabbos just as the same 39 Labours in Constructing The Tabernacle And All That HaShem Had Instructed To have built then and so these 39 Forbidden Labours For Shabbos Must Be Kept . We know this due to the Fact that both Shabbos and the Construction of The Tabernacle are written along-side each other In The Holy Torah . So this particular forbidden labour was specifically mentioned , for this specific labour of kindling a fire , is within the energy of all actions that make up our physical workings when performing labour , for all we do is by the Life Soul Given To us By HaShem , Just Like His Kindling Fire And So On Shabbos , we must not use the Soul That HaShem Gives us , for anything That HaShem Forbids us , On This Holy Day Of Shabbos , and in fact , every day , we must do , with the soul That Hashem Gives us , Only What HaShem Commands .

We as a Jewish nation must " Vayakhel " - " Assemble " together as a nation For Davening To And Serving HaShem HaKadosh Baruch Hu HaShem Blessed Be He . Especially On The Holy Shabbos . For when we " Vayakhel " - " Assemble , " As The Parsha Says , " Es Kol Adas B'nei Yisrael , " - " The Entire Assembly of the Children of Israel , " we Open Up The Heavens And Receive The Sweetness Of HaShem's Holiness . For when we Jews " Vayakhel " - " Assemble " together , we can bring Moshiach and end our Galus Exile and all the pain that comes with it .

Within the word " Vayakhel " - " Assemble , " is Moshiach , for its Gematriah is 6 + 10 + 100 + 5 + 30 = 151 and 1 + 5 + 1 = 7 , the same Gematrical value as the word ' Mashiach . ' The " Vayakhel " - " Assembly " " Kol Adas " Togetherness " of Jews , brings Mashiach , which is The Time that will end all the pain and suffering and Mageifim - Plagues and Diseases and Sicknesses and will bring us Back To The Path That we were headed on , at the Beginning , When HaShem Made Creation And That First Shabbos Seventh Day , Which Was Going To Be Eternal And Forever , if only Chavah and Adam would have Obeyed HaShem , so let us all learn to put our own wishes and wants aside and let us all learn To Obey HaShem , Whatever HaShem Commands of us .

We thus learn here in this Parsha that " Vayakhel Eis Kol Adas B'nei Yisrael " - " Assembling the Entire Assembly of the Children of Israel , " will bring on The End Of Days Olam Habah and so , Shabbos Will Be Eternal And Within The Ever Loving Closeness Of HaShem HaKadosh Baruch Hu HaShem The Holy One Blessed Be He . And Then Will " Bereishis " - " In The Beginning " - " Creation , " Reach It's Final Stage And Enter Into The Eternal Shabbos . May It Come Soon In Our Days So That We Can All Be Close With HaShem Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu HaShem The Holy One Blessed Be He .

I wish Ever Most Forever Eternally Beloved HaShem With Sweetest And Deepest Forever Eternal Love , A Very Sweet And Beautiful Shabbos Kodesh With Everlasting Forever Deepest Love and to all of my fellow Jews and to all of Creation , A Very Beautiful And Healing By HaShem , Sweet Shabbos Kodesh with love . May HaShem Heal Our World And All Those Within It . May HaShem Bring On The End Of Days Olam HaBah Bekarov Soon In Our Days . Blessed Shabbos Kodesh To HaShem With Eternal Forever Love and Blessed Shabbos Kodesh to all my fellow Jews and to all of Creation with love .


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