Parashas Tzav Shabbos Ha Gadol
Daniel Sternberg
Teaching Torah and Yiddishkeit & Keeping Jews Jewish.Counselor for Stress,Anxiety and issues of a personal nature.
Our Parsha this Shabbos just before Passover Pesach , which makes this Shabbos Shabbos Ha Gadol ( the Shabbos before Passover ) , is Parashas Tzav . The Haftorah for Shabbos Ha Gadol is Malachi 3 : 4 - 24 , which refers at the end of the Haftorah , to Eliyahu Ha Navi for whom we put an extra goblet at the Passover Seder . Our Freeing From Egypt By HaShem was not the Final Redemption , For HaShem Let Moshe Know At The Burning Bush , That The Freeing From Egypt would not be the last time we would need to be Freed . The Final Redemption is to come with Eliyahu Ha Navi coming before Moshiach comes . HaShem Told Moshe , when Moshe asked at this time at the Burning Bush who shall he say Appeared To him , HaShem Answered " I Shall Be As I Shall Be , " but to only tell the Children of Israel " I Shall Be , " Appeared To you . From The Way HaShem Expressed this , It Told Moshe That There Would Be Future Redemptions - for " As I Shall Be , " shows that As HaShem Shall Be In The Redemption From Egypt , So Shall HaShem Be And Redeem us Jews In Future Redemptions .?
In this Parsha of Tzav , the explanations of the Korbanos continue , with more direct Commandments in this Parsha to and for the Kohain Gadol and the other Kohanim , Teaching of the Three Altar Fires , the Mincha - Meal Offering , more explanations on the Chatas - Sin Offering , the Asham - Guilt Offering and the Zevach HaShlamim - The Feast Peace - Offering .?
We see that in the second verse of our Parsha , the word " Mokdah " - " Flame " is written with a small Hebrew Letter ' Mem . ' HaShem Has His Own Special Reasons For Doing What He Does And All Secrets Are With Him . But if we look at the word " Mokdah " That Has Been Given a small Hebrew Letter ' Mem ' as if it is silent , then it leaves the word ' Okdah ' and putting this together with the word before it " Al , " we get two words ' Alu Kadah ' which means to' Rise ' by ' Bowing .' Taking this in context with the " Flame " being referred to , it can be saying that the " Flame " ' Rises ' to Holiness , by it ' Bowing ' To HaShem . So if even a Flame that is connected with the " Olah " - " Elevation Offering " ' Rises ' Toward HaShem , by ' Bowing ' to HaShem and thus ' Rising ' to HaShem by acknowledging HaShem , how much more so do we and all of Creation , need to ' Bow ' only to HaShem .?
The word " Mokeid " does not only mean " Flame , " but it also means ' Focus ' and so must we ' Focus ' totally on HaShem , in every Mitzvah we do and when we Daven - Pray and not on anyone or anything else , For HaShem Is One and in keeping HaShem's " Tzav " - " Command , " in love for HaShem That HaShem Commands Of us In His Torah , we will ' Rise ' to HaShem if we ' Focus ' on and ' Bow ' only to HaShem and if we do All That HaShem Commands of us To Do .?
HaShem Then Commands In The Parsha that we not eat any fat of that which can be brought as a Fire Offering to HaShem , nor the fat of an animal that died or one that has been torn to death , for anyone who eats the fat of an animal species from that which one may bring as a fire offering to HaShem , that soul will be cut off from its people . The same goes for any person who consumes any blood , that soul will be cut off from its people .?
HaShem Tells Moshe to take Aharon and his sons and the Garments and the Oil of Anointment and the Offerings and the Basket of Matzos and gather the entire Assembly to The Entrance of The Tent of Meeting and immerse Aharon and his sons in water , dress them in the Priestly Garments and Anoint the Tabernacle and everything in it and Anoint them and then have them do the necessary Offerings and do the Sprinklings and Inaugurate Aharon and his sons into the Priesthood and from then on , Aharon would officiate as Kohain Gadol and his sons as Kohanim . When all was done As HaShem Commanded , HaShem's Shechinah Rested On The Aron and this day was Rosh Chodesh Nissan , the start of the Holy Month of Nissan , this month , in which Passover comes . Aharon and his sons did All That HaShem Had Commanded , Through Moshe . This is where this Holy Parasha ends .?
This Parsha is called Parashas " Tzav " - " Command . " Our Midrash tells us How HaShem Was Still A Little Upset With Aharon for the incident of the Chait Ha Eigel - The Golden Calf and Moshe had spoken up for his brother saying that what his brother had done was only to delay the people till Moshe would return and that Aharon had thrown the gold into the furnace and the calf had emerged on its own , via the negative powers of Tum'a . HaShem Had Created these powers of negativity , So As To Test us , Through Time , To Test if we would still follow HaShem and not go after such negative things , but rather that we should stand fast By HaShem And HaShem's Commandments Only and not delve into , or be tempted by these negative forces of Tum'a .?
HaShem Knew That Aharon still felt very bad about the incident and his part in it , even if Aharon did not actually make the Eigel himself , for Aharon too was a very humble man who was actually heading the Jews in Egypt before Moshe did and so was it put in Torah that Aharon , as their Leader in Egypt , had been responsible for the Chait Ha Eigel , bringing a grievous sin upon them , even though he did not actually physically build the calf ( Shemos Exodus 32 : 24 ) , for a Leader holds the responsibility of the people he leads and what they do . So Aharon had led the people , till Moshe came and became the Leader of the Children Of Israel . Moshe was Aharon's younger brother by three years And So HaShem Knew That Aharon would not want to accept this Kavod of Kohain Gadol , feeling completely unworthy of such a high position , So HaShem Therefore Said To Moshe That he must thus " Tzav " - " Command " Aharon to take up the position . HaShem Knew Aharon's deep feelings And HaShem Knew That Aharon had not lost faith In HaShem And HaShem Knew That Aharon's intentions were meant well ( to destroy the gold rings in the furnace so that the people would not use them for idol worship , yet Aharon did not contemplate the evil Micha and Bilaam's sons Yanus and Yambrus , using the powers of Tum'a to make it into a Golden Calf . And So , HaShem " Tzav " - " Commanded " Aharon through Moshe , To Take Up his responsibility , As HaShem Commands , as Kohain Gadol . So Aharon did so and so did his sons also become Kohanim .?
The First Temple Service of the day was the " Terumas Ha Deshen , " " The Separating of the Ash , " which included removing the Ash left from the day before , which deeply shows us That Each Day HaShem Gives us an opportunity to better ourselves every day from the day before and grow on from there and correct our past , Every Day That HaShem Gives us Life , Just As Every Day HaShem In His Everlasting Holy Mercy , Creates Creation Anew , With New Opportunities For us , to change for the Good . Each day is connected to the day before and we can , every day we Are Given By HaShem , make up for the day or days before , by improving every day and correcting ourselves every day , to make ourselves every day , more Holy and more Mitzvah Following . HaShem , In This Commandment Here , With The Task Of The Ashes , Is Teaching , That no task performed For HaShem , is menial . Every Task that we perform For HaShem , no matter how simple or small it may be or appear to be , has value , deep value , beyond what we can ever imagine or see . Everything we do For HaShem , HaShem Appreciates , no matter how big or small it may appear to be . Every sacrifice we make in our lives For HaShem , HaShem Appreciates . Every little act of kindness we perform , no matter how big or small it is or appears to be , even to just warm another person's heart with a simple smile , HaShem Appreciates , for even a little smile can and does give a person a will to live . The results of our small actions , we cannot possibly see . Only HaShem Does And Sees All And Knows the need for them in the Scheme of Things . How Beautiful Is our Beloved HaShem , G-D , The One And Only .?
The Fire On The Altar was to be kept burning and was not to be extinguished . This too is a lesson to us , that we must keep within us at all times , the fire in our Soul burning forever to HaShem , teaching to our children and children's children to keep the Fire Burning , Of HaShem's Holy Torah , Within us Always , From Generation To Generation , always burning and elevating ourselves toward HaShem , to be always aflame within us , keeping our Holy Mitzvos and Jewish Traditions Forever Everlasting and Aflame Within us , always Climbing Up To HaShem , just as the flame on a candle burns upwards . A Mitzvah must never just be an obligation . Every Miztvah we do , must be lit with the flame within us of yearning to do HaShem's Will . We must not just do HaShem's Laws out of ' having to , " with no feeling , Chas Ve Shalom . Sure , we have to do them and must do them , even when one does not always feel as one should . But when we do the Mi'tzvah' - the " Tzav " - " Command " with fire from within us , from our Heart and Soul being in our action , then that Mitzvah can " Elevate Itself " and carry itself up to Shamayim .?
A person once came and asked a Rabbi saying , " Rabbi , which is the most important Mitzvah to do ? " The Rabbi asked him which he thought was the most important one and the person gave different responses and then asked the Rabbi if the Rabbi felt he was right . The Rabbi said , " Yes , all the Mitzvahs that you mentioned are all very important , but you asked me which is the most important Mitzvah , didn't you , so nu , tell me what do you think it is . " The man said he did not know and then asked the Rabbi to tell him which is the most important Mitzvah . The Rabbi responded and said , " The most important Mitzvah , is the Mitzvah you need to do at that very moment you need to do that Mitzvah and that is the most important Mitzvah , for they are all important in that very moment that you come across the time that that particular Mitzvah becomes needed to be done . " This is so true . All Mitzvahs From HaShem , Are So Important And Each One , Each Mitzvah that we have to do , has its place in Creation , for each One , Each Mitzvah For us , is a part of the building up of Creation and thus each Mitzvah that we do , has its own time that That Mitzvah needs to be done in Creation and by us and so each Mitzvah is important , at the time that we need to do that Mitzvah , when that Mitzvah's time to be done , when That Mitzvah comes along and must be fulfilled and so , each Mitzvah is important and makes up the total fabric of Creation , for each Mitzvah that we each and all need to do , is there to build and take Creation , to it's destination of The End Of Days so we should all always do The Mitzvot As HaShem Commands us to and help build Creation with love .?
Each Mitzvah has its special value , just as each task that was to be done in The Tabernacle in The Wilderness , had its needed special value , like the " Clearing of the Ashes , " just like each one of us in Creation , has our value and needs to fulfil our Holy Role For HaShem's Creation . We are all so important and must work together in doing the " Tzav " - " Command " Of HaShem . When HaShem " Tzav " - " Commands , " In What Ever HaShem Commands us , At That Moment To Do , we must fulfil It Always , As HaShem Knows All That Creation Needs To Be Complete . Each " Tzav " - " Command " Has Its Value Beyond what we can imagine , for we really do not see The Full Picture . HaShem Does See The Full Picture And What HaShem Commands us To Do , we must do , not just for our own sake , but also for the sake of Creation , must we do All Of HaShem's Mitzvot And Commandments . Our own wishes see so little . HaShem's Wishes See Everything . So Whatever HaShem " Tzav " - " Commands , " to each and every one of us , we must do . And we must do It with a Flame Everlasting , Forever Burning , with our love For HaShem Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu HaShem The Holy One Blessed Be He .?
I wish Ever Most Beloved HaShem With So Very Much Forever And Deepest Love , A Most Special And Beautiful And Sweet Shabbos Kodesh And Chag Pesach Sameach With Everlasting And Deepest Forever Love and to all of my fellow Jews and to all of Creation , a Most Beautiful and Sweet and Healing Shabbos Kodesh with love and to my fellow Jews , Chag Pesach Sameach with love . HaShem Thank You So Very Much For Letting me write this And For Giving me What To Say . I Love You HaShem .