Parashas Ki Seitzei
Daniel Sternberg
Teaching Torah and Yiddishkeit & Keeping Jews Jewish.Counselor for Stress,Anxiety and issues of a personal nature.
Our Parsha this Shabbos is Parashas Ki Seitzei and the Hafotrah continues with the sections from Isaiah offering consolations , started on the Shabbos after Tisha B'Av , and this weeks's Haftorah is from Yeshayahu Isaiah 54:1-10 .
This week's Parsha starts by talking of the Yefas -Toar , the foreign woman that a soldier desires from the enemy they are at war with , then HaShem , Understanding the needs and desires of physicality , Gives certain Laws that one must abide by , in order for this woman to become a wife of that man . HaShem Instructs that she is to be brought to the midst of his house , her head shaved and her nails to be left to grow and she is to remove the fancy clothes the enemy put on her and she is to sit in clothes of mourning , weeping for her parents for a full month and only after that may a marriage take place . It was the way of the enemy's women in times of war in those days , to be set to dress in the finest garments so as to entice the male army attacking them . The object of this set of Laws in this Torah Portion , was to give the captured , an opportunity to mourn for those lost and also , for the Jewish man , who desired her , to hopefully lose interest in her once he saw her in a more dishevelled way with her head shaved and nails long . It was a marriage that did not fully come from true motives of conversion , for it was not purely being done for the sake of HaShem which is what it should have been .
The Torah then talks of not passing over the firstborn's right of inheritance , just because the Father may prefer the new wife of the younger child .
Torah continues with the Laws of the " Bein Sorer Umoreh , " - " the Wayward and Rebellious son . " This son is one who does not listen to his parents and even after disciplining him , then he still doesn't listen so it is their task to bring him for judgement , saying that he is a " glutton and a drunkard , " and he is judged with stoning . A person who is a glutton and a drunkard , shows no self respect and no control over his physical desires and such a person does not deserve to be part of the Jewish nation , who follow HaShem in Holiness . This is a person usually of the ages of 13 to 13 and 3 months ( for he must be of age after Bar Mitzvah , but not so long as he is to be still under the authority of his parents ) , to be judged by the court that he is a glutton and a drunkard , one who disobeys his parents . This is a case , where Torah forewarns us and punishes this boy , before his sins take on a much worse punishment , thus the judgement actually saves the boy's soul before he commits worse Aveiras that he becomes accountable for. Our Sages say there never was and never will be a case like this . Torah Tells us then that a body hanged for a sin is not to be left over night hanging but buried on that same day .
The Parsha Teaches about the concern for another's property and then Tells us that a man may not wear the garments of a woman and nor may a woman wear the garments of a man as this is an abomination of HaShem . These Laws go very deep , where even articles used by men , women cannot use for the same reason. HaShem made separation for holiness and in His Wisdom , HaShem Knows what is best and that there are to be two distinct human genders and these two genders are not to overlap . HaShem Knows Best how this World is to Continue and that within Creation , Creation continues from generation to generation , with men and women having their separate roles and needs in bringing forth the next generation for Creation . HaShem Talks of the Law of Sending away the Mother Bird and then Teaches about ensuring safety for others , even in one's own home to ensure others don't get hurt Chas Ve Shalom . We are not only to worry about ourselves in this World but be concerned that nothing we do can harm another , Chas Ve Shalom .
The Laws of Kilayim are then discussed , where " Kilayim , " refers to the Laws of " Mixtures , " where we may not sow our vineyards with a mixture . There is holiness in separation and control , like Kashrus , where HaShem Gave each part of His Creation , its place and He Knows best what is needed in Creation and thus we are not to mix different species to make a new species , for this is like telling HaShem that we know better that this new species must be . HaShem Created Creation with all that is needed within it and we are not to think we know better by adding to it . We do not Know Anything and thus we are to rely on HaShem and trust Him that He Knows what is needed and what is not .
We are cautioned not to plow with an ox and a donkey together , again a warning against mixing two different species . This is also meant as a kindness to both animals , for each animal has its different eating habits and times and power and strength and capacity of endurance and so , with such different habits , each one could affect the other adversely , while both are tied together . Very important as I mentioned , is mixing species which is forbidden . The Laws of not mixing continue to Shatnez , the Laws forbidding the mixing of wool and linen . Thse Laws of Kilayim and Shatnez are linked to Chukkim , Laws that are not openly explainable , as also tests for our faithfulness and love to HaShem , with also deeper reasons and meaning then what is openly apparent . One explanation our Rabbis give for the possibility to not mix wool and linen , may go back to Kayin and Hevel ( Cain and Abel ), where Kayin brought flax , like linen and Hevel brought an offering of sheep representative of wool . We know what happened to Hevel by Kayin and so possibly we don't mix these two . Only in a garment of Tzitzis , a most holy Garment , can these two fabrics be brought together in a holy setting such as Tzitzis for its Holiness brings Shalom Peace to Kayin and Hevel and Linen and wool . No wonder , Tzitzis are mentioned next in Torah after Shatnez , and isn't it also interesting that Shatnez is thought to be an egyptian word , where anything unholy and negative was permitted there in days of old . How Holy a Garment is Tzitzis where its name as a Gematrical value comes to 600 and added to this the 5 knots and 8 strings , comes to remind us of the 613 Mitzvos of a Jew . Even the windings of each corner and the number of windings have a very holy significance , where the first 3 sections have 7,8 and 11 windings which total 26 , which is the same Gematrical value as HaShem's Tetragrammaton " Yud Kei Vav Kei ," and the last part has 13 windings , which relate also to the 13 Principles of Faith by the Rambam of what is a Jew , mentioned as tenets in the Gemorrah, as well as the 13 Attributes of Mercy , to attain HaShem's Forgiveness . The age of 13 is also the age of attaining maturity in Yiddishkeit at Barmitzvah and is the time when a boy attains adulthood and becomes accountable for himself and he can become part of a Minyan .
HaShem Tells us next of the ' Get ' the Bill of Divorce and the Laws around it and all things related and also about forbidden and restricted marriages . Also , about who may and may not enter the congregation of HaShem into the Jewish people . A Mamzer , from a forbidden relationship may not enter the congregation of Hashem . Also well an Ammonite , for they did not show kindness to us when we were coming out of Egypt and a lack of kindness is against the depths of Jewishness . Also a Moabite may not enter into the congregation of HaShem , for they tried to get Bilaam to curse us and their people , filled with a complete lack of purity , tried and succeeded in enticing some of our Jewish men to Avodah Zorah Idol Worship . An Edomite and an Egyptian may enter into the Congregation of HaShem , for the Egytpians at the beginning , did let us stay in Goshen ( the place originally given by Pharaoh to Sarai ) in Yosef and Yaakov's time and offered us then , kindness . See how far a little bit of kindness can go . Edom being our brother may , but the Edomite and Egyptian may only marry a Jew , after the third generation .
We are also taught the sanctity of the Jewish Camp and how it is to be , even its soldiers , who are to be holy and Torah following .
Should an escaped slave come to us for shelter and should they have escaped their terrible master , we are to give them sanctuary and are to keep the Holy Land pure .The Jewish Nation , its men and women are to be holy and not promiscuous and keep family holiness and purity . Interest and vows are discussed as well as the Laws of Workers being allowed to eat while they work if they work with that specific food .
Laws of Divorce and Remarriage are mentioned as well as if , when lending to a fellow Jew , not to take that which he works with for living as a pledge , or enter into his home to get the pledge but to rather wait outside. Laws of punishing for Kidnapping are Explained as well as Slander and its punishment of Tzaraas , timeous payment of workers and that each is punished for their own sin , where one person cannot take on another person' s sin , the consideration for orphans and widows and the many Laws of gifts to the poor are then given in this beautiful Parsha . Laws of allowing the corner of one's field to be kept aside , not picking up stalks dropped and leaving certain ones for the poor all come into these Laws . We saw how Ruth , who came to glean in the fields of Boaz , knew these Laws and that was why Boaz noted how Ruth was so special for she kept these Laws to the most minute degree , as our Midrash Devarim ( Rabbi Weissman ) tells us . The Parsha Teaches about the Laws of giving Lashes , to be given by the count , and were an extra lash given more than the amount allotted to be given , then this was beyon=d the punishment and had its repercussions . Forty to the Count and the Gemorrah talks of that just in case that extra lash was given that would extend beyond the 40 , usually 39 and less were administered depending on how many the person could stand , usually a division of the closest 3 , as a sign of mercy , for even HaShem in Punishment , is merciful for one's own good .
The ox was instruted not to be muzzled as a sign of compassion , so that the ox could graze while working . The Torah then Teaches of the Laws of Yibum , where a man dies childless and it was the obligation of his survivng brother , to marry her and bring up children in his name . Should he not wish to marry her , a ceremony was held where his shoe was removed , where she would read words of Torah allied to this and would spit in front of him . Again , the true meaning of the details of this , is hidden in Chukkim , but the action of spitting was a representation of the liquid sperm that he was refusing in order to bring up children in his dead brother's name . This ceremony of removing of the shoe , was called Chalitzah . We saw a case of this in Bereishis Genesis , with regards to Yehudah's sons Er and Onan and Sheilah . In days of old before the Torah was given on Har Sinai , Yibum was to be performed by the closest relative , but afterwards , became the obligation of the brother of the deceased childless man .
Laws of embarrasing another are mentioned with regards to a wife who , in defending her husband , touches another man where she shouldn't . Here , a person's inner purity is called into play . HaShem Teaches then that we are to have honest weights and measures . The Law includes not only using dishonest weights and measures , but also to not keeping them in one's possession , Chas Ve Shalom .
The Parsha ends with a reminder to never forget what Amalek did to us as we left Egypt . We are to wipe them out . Unlike the other nations that had or felt some awe at the time , about the Miracles Performed by HaShem for us When Taking us out of Egypt , Amalek on the other hand did not even acknowledge Hashem in any way and HaShem's Miracles , and put them down to ordinary happenings that this is naturally what HaShem Can Do ' so why should it be special . ' HaShem , Maintains a war with Amalek till Moshiach comes . Amalek , knowing full well , our state and condition as we left Egypt and what we had suffered , going as far as having meetings with Bilaam at the time and with Pharaoh , persuaded Bilaam to curse the borders of Egypt so that us Jews would be locked in and not be able to leave . This is Amalek . When we finally did leave , they attacked those of us who were weaker and hindmost , and also those of us who were not traveling within the Clouds Of Glory , at the rear of our Camp . This is Amalek . Yehoshuah was given order to attack them . Within Amalek , is the very essense of those who fight G-D and try destroy the ideals and even thoughts of G-D in society . The idea of a world of atheism , is a type akin to amalek , who go out of the way to try and take G-D Away from Creation , Chas Ve Shalom . Impossible as it is , for HaShem Created Creation , but their mind set is one that tries to remove the idea of G-D . I am not saying that atheists are amalek . I am just saying that such an ideal , is the mindset of an amalekite . We usually read this part just before Purim on Shabbos Parashas Zachor to remember Amalek at a time when their descendant Haman tried to destroy us . If only Shaul Hamelech would have obeyed instead of thinking to be more merciful than HaShem , when HaShem Warned us to wipe them out , men, women and children , for seeing that Shaul didn't listen , Amalek grew from their king agag and ended up with Haman , later on down the generations . The true way to fight Amalek , is with Torah and Learning Torah as Yaakov learnt by his Father Yitzchak . Amalek will only be wiped out in Moshiach's time and not before , for their Sar - their protecting angel Samael , the angel that tempted Chava in Gan Eiden and the angel that fought Yaakov , will be removed only then , when the World follows HaShem Only and overcomes its Yetzer Horah . So ends the Parsha .
This Parsha Ki Seitzei as I mentioned starts out with the Laws of the Yefas Toar , the woman of beautiful form , whom a soldier desires from the enemy in a war and is given a way he can be with her . I also mentioned that this is not the desired way to be a convert to Yiddishkeit . A true Gair Tzeddek is one who comes to HaShem for HaShem .
Such a convert to Judaism , has only come due to physicality and its desires . Such a relationship , tends to lead to consequences , and this is why HaShem Instructs on how she must be for the month after she is brought . So that his desire for her will abate . The way the Torah Writes this , has its reason for its order , for a Yefas Toar and then the first born's right of the hated wife , leading to a rebellious son , to hanging the one who sinned . Our Rabbis teach us that HaShem Specifically Put it all in this order To Teach us strongly , the result of marrying such a foreign woman for physical wants and desires. For such a relationship and marriage , leads to hatred between family and spouse , which leads to problems of and jealousy of inheritance and the child of such an untrue convert , bares a rebellious and wayward son who ends up possibly sinning and facing judgement . We saw this in the case of Dovid Ha Melech who married a Yefas Toar called Maacah , daughter of Talmai King of Geshur and so was born to David and Maacah , Absalom , who tried to take over David's Kingdom , and Tamar , who had the physical incident with her half brother Amnon . Both Absalom and Tamar prided themselves on their looks . In the case of Tamar , it was her looks that enticed Amnon , and with regards to Absalom , Dovid's general Yoav caught up with Absalom as he was riding away and Absalom's hair that he prided himself in , got tangled in a tree ( thus he was hanged - where this Parhsa talks of the one who sins getting hanged as a result ) and Yoav plunged three spears into him , for the three concubines of his Father Dovid that he took from his Father . Such is the result of a Yefas Toar .
But what is the start of the pathway to wrong here . It is in the very word " Yefas Toar " in referring to a Woman of Beautiful form . In other words the physical . Those who get caught up in outer exterior trappings and ignore the G-Dliness within where the true value is , fall very short . They basically forget to seek holiness and purity and step out and away as it were from HaShem . We see this in this Parsha , for it is in the very word that names this Parsha - " Ki Seiztei , " which means , " When you go out , " which can also be taken , as when you go out from holiness and holy ways , thus stepping away from HaShem , all the misfortunes of such a path come about . Our road is meant to be toward HaShem . A road away , as this Parsha within the words show , leads to " Lamilchamah " - " War . " Traveling away from Torah Ways , away from HaShem , leads to a life of " war " and troubles , a life of little value . Such a life traveling out of and away from Torah leads ( as this Parsha leads in the end ) to Amalek and destruction .
Within the words " Yefas Toar , " are depths that so explain this . Taking for example the word " Yefas or Yefat , " the word ' Fa't " means stalemate and not getting anywhere , thus traveling away from HaShem , and the word ' Fatai , ' refers to a 'seducer ' also , such actions of negativity that take one away from HaShem , represented by the Yud letter before it for a few of HaShem's Names start with Yud . The word " Toar , " also has within it depths of meaning that relate to this idea . The word ' Ta' eiv , ' refers to lust and passion , ' and ' Aror ' from Ar in Toar , ' refer to being cursed , where such a physical and only lustful life , leads away from the ' Ohr , ' Light '( Hebrew Words from The Compact up to date Dictionary by Shimon Zilberman ) . So chasing after physicality and impure debauchery , only leads on a way from the Light of HaShem , where one loses Blessings and gains curses , such is the result of a life purely focused on passion and physicality , for the seducing Yetzer Horah will pull a person in further and further if one just gives it an opening . Such are the dangers of " Ki Seitzei , " - " Going out from " HaShem's Torah and Laws and Love and Light and Care . The Yetzer Horah comes first as an unwanted guest , and if one lets it in , it moves in lock stock and barrel and doesn't want to move out and thus is then harder to get rid of . Better to not let it in in the first place , before it gets a foothold .
So the solution is simple . Remain within HaShem's Mitzvos and stay in His Light and Love . Don't look out toward foreign ways that may appear to lead someone somewhere , but won't actually lead one anywhere and seeing as such ways are against HaShem's Commandments , even though those ways may profess to lead to G-D , they won't lead you to HaShem , for only HaShem's Commandments and Laws can lead you to HaShem . Stepping away and going out from the Presence of HaShem and His Torah , leads one away to negativity that doesn't lead one home at all to HaShem , but rather further away . Stepping toward HaShem and His Mitzvos , leads you to the Beauty ( Yofi ) of the True Light ( Ohr ) of HaShem . And when we do the right thing for HaShem , HaShem Will Deliver our enemies ( Amalek ) " Netano HaShem Elokeicha Beyadecha , " - " HaShem Your G-D Will Deliver them Into your hand . "
The Torah and Miztvos of HaShem , Are our Guide and Path to Life in the Now and Life Hereafter . HaShem's Torah and Mitzvos are our path to HaShem and HaShem's Gift of Eternity in the Originally Created Gan Eiden , where we will sit and basque in the True Love and Beauty of HaShem Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu .
I wish HaShem With Love A Beautiful and Special Shabbos Kodesh with Deep Love , and to all my fellow Yidden and to all of Creation , a Blessed and Beautiful Shabbos Kodesh with Love .