Parashas Bereishis

I dedicate this Torah Parashah to my dear beloved uncles Thomas Sternberg a"h and Ian Israel Cohen a"h . May HaShem Bless their dear Neshomas To Be In Gan Eiden and Shamayim Surrounded By HaShem's Love .

The Shabbos Parsha is Parashas Bereishis , where we return To The Beginning Of HaShem's Holy Torah again and start reading anew . The Haftorah for this Parsha is in Yeshayahu Isaiah 42 : 5 - 43 : 10 and from the very first words of the Haftorah which states , " So Said The G-D , HaShem , Who Creates The Heavens and Stretches Them Forth , Spreads Out the Earth and what grows from it , Gives a soul To the people upon it , and a spirit To those who walk on it , " we can see why it is the Haftorah that goes with The Sedra That Relates HaShem's Creation Of the Creation , of which our Parsha this Shabbos begins .

HaShem Dictated this To Moshe , who wrote It down Exactly As HaShem Instructed , holding within It all the Secrets of The Creation . Starting with a large Hebrew Letter Beis , To Show That HaShem , Who Is Represented By The Alef , Existed Before All Things And Is Before all Of Creation And Who Creates All Things .

HaShem Made The Hebrew Letter " Beis , " which in Hebrew also means " House , " For HaShem Made Creation and all that is in it , as if it is to be A House For HaShem and so are we all are to work to make HaShem's Creation , into a ' House ' Into Which HaShem , With us , Can Dwell .

Within the word " Bereishis , " are many secrets within The Letters That HaShem Used . HaShem Created The Hebrew Alphabet , With Which HaShem Made all things At The Beginning Of Creation . The Letters in the Word " Bereishis can also spell " Rosh Beis , " For HaShem Is The Rosh - Head Of His House Of Creation . Also within the Letters of the Word " Bereishis , " are the Words " Yireh Shabbat , " - " Fear and See the Shabbos , " For Shabbos Is HaShem's Eternal Creation which was and will again Be The Destination Of Creation . Also within the Letters of " Bereishis , " the Letters also form the Word " Bara'ta and the letters Shin and Yud , " where " Bara'ta , " means " And He ( HaShem ) Made " and the Letters Shin and Yud , which are Gematrically 310 , thus the Secret that shows that this is not the First Creation , For " HaShem Made 310 . " Also within the Letters of the Word " Bereishis , " are the Words " Brit Eish / Ish " which means " HaShem's Covenant With Man / Person " and also " HaShem's Covenant With Fire , " for as our Sages tell us , HaShem Created The Holy Torah and wrote it ( The Original Torah Which Is With HaShem ) With Black Fire On White Fire . HaShem Also Made A Covenant With us Jews to Keep HaShem's Holy Torah , for one who keeps HaShem's Torah , is Truly a Man / Person and all people should follow HaShem's Commandments . Also , within the Letters of the Word " Bereishis , " are the Words " Borei Shtei , " which means , " And He ( HaShem ) Created Two , " which is a reference to The Two Parts to The Holy Torah , Of The Written Torah - ' She Be Michtav ' and the Oral Torah ' She Be Al Peh , " Showing that both are part of The Holy Torah , Given By HaShem To Moshe Rabbeinu . Also the Two That HaShem Made , refers to the Two first beings of Adam Ve Chavah . Also , that most Creatures on Earth have a Male and a Female and the union of both in Holiness brings us To The One Creator HaShem , for both man and woman are to work together to bring each other to Holiness , working together to lift each other up in learning and working for Holiness .

HaShem Fore-Saw the Aveirah that people would do And Thus HaShem Created right at the Beginning the solution to this , in Mashiach , related to the number seven Gematrically . We see this in the first verse , which has Seven Hebrew Words in it . Also , within the first word " Bereishis , " are the words " Borei Sheis , " - " Created Shais , " where Shais was the third Son of Adam and Chavah , the first one conceived outside of the Garden of Eden Gan Eiden and as one opinion , so will Shais thus return as Mashiach , the first one who will lead us back in , At The End Of Days . The Secrets here are Endless and so are the Beautiful Sparks within each Hebrew Word Of The Holy Torah Of HaShem .

With Ten Pronouncements Did HaShem Create Creation As Did HaShem Renew His Covenant On Har Sinai With His Jewish People Israel , With Ten Pronouncements . Ten , is the number of Completion and so Is Creation Complete as it is from its beginning to its end And So Are HaShem's Ten Pronouncements And All Of HaShem's Commandments And Mitzvos , The Only Way For us to reach That Completion of Creation , Listening To HaShem And Following HaShem And HaShem's Commandments Wholeheartedly with love always .

We note the word " Barah , " in the first verse of Bereishis , which is like ' Borei , ' which appears in Brochas that we say over things we partake of , showing us how each time that we make a Brocha , we are Blessing HaShem's Creation , as well as the article we are Blessing , That Was Created At The Beginning Of Creation . HaShem Created all things In Six Days and this is a reference to the 6000 years of time that we are in right now till Moshiach , unless Mashiach comes early .

HaShem First Said In The first verse , That He Created the Heavens ( plural for there are Seven Main Levels Of Heaven Shamayim ) and the Earth . So any article we Bless now , waited all this time to finally have it's spiritual essence return To HaShem And HaShem Knew even then , each and every bite that we will take . We must thus always Acknowledge HaShem The One And Only Creator , In All Things .

We note that at first , the Earth was " Tohu Va Vohu ' - " Empty and Without Form , " For HaShem Had Not Yet Put Himself Or His Divine Presence Within it , For It Hovered Above . Being " Tohu Va Vohu " - " Empty and without Form , " shows that all was within it yet it was Empty for it had not taken form yet , showing how all of us only become fulfilled , when we fulfil our destinies that we are meant to fulfil and only then do we have our intended Holy Form .

When HaShem Said " Yehi Ohr " - " Let there be Light , " HaShem Who Is All Giving , Gave too much Light And HaShem Had To Retract Some Of That Original Light , For It Was Too Holy And Bright , So That It Could Be Kept For The End Of Days And Some Of This Light Filters Down To us every Shabbos , For It Is The Light Of Eternal Shabbos . Thus All things were in the Original Darkness ( which itself was also a Creation ) showing that all was there as potential and needed to grow and release the true reality Of The Light Within From HaShem . HaShem Separated The Light and Darkness , for so must we keep a separation of positivity from negativity . So was One Day , which starts in the evening before and so do we Jews start our Hebrew Day at Maariv in the evening at the time when three stars appear in the sky .

It Was On the Second Day That HaShem Created a Firmament In the midst of the Waters to separate between Water and Water . And so became Shamayim , Heaven , which has within it " Shem Mayim " - ' The Name Of HaShem In Sanctified Water . Also Shamayim , is a mixture of Eish and Mayim - Fire and Water , two usually opposing forces , But With HaShem , There Is Peace . So was the Second day .

The Third Day , saw The Creation By HaShem Of Earth Dry Land and within , herb yielding seed , fruit trees yielding fruit ( for at first all trees had fruit that was edible , as was the bark and branches ) . Here , at the gathering together of things on this day , HaShem Called it " Good " unlike the Second day , for here peace and togetherness reigned , which is Good , unlike the Separation on the Second Day , Which HaShem Did Not Call Good , For Peace and not strife , togetherness and not separation , Is Good .

On the Fourth Day , Did HaShem Create the luminaries , sun and moon and stars And Also some of the Angels , who were not there at the beginning , so that none could say others helped with Creation . Only HaShem Created . Only HaShem Is The Creator .

On the Fifth Day were the Sea Creatures Created By HaShem and they were Given the Command to " P'ru Ur'vu " - " to be " Fruitful and Multiply . "

The Sixth Day saw The Creation By HaShem of Animals and beasts and birds and like all things , Were Commanded By HaShem To stick with their own kind . To them too , were they to Be fruitful and Multiply and fill Creation . All were Instructed that only the herbage was for food . HaShem Calls this Day " Very Good " for on it , as these words refer , was the Yetzer Horah , to test man and woman so they could grow higher in holiness , overcoming their personal desires , to attain the True Holy Good .

On the Seventh Day HaShem Gave The Holy Shabbos , Making It Holier over all others , the destination of Creation . HaShem Only Sent Rain To Water the Earth , Only After Man Was Created and when man prayed for it , for it is up to man to make himself worthy to Bless the Earth with Rain From HaShem . HaShem , on the sixth day , Took dust from all the World and Formed Adam and for his head , HaShem Took dust from the Holy Land . Hashem Blew Into his nostrils the soul of Life . HaShem Made a Garden in Eden And HaShem Placed the man there to the East . HaShem Gave Man ADaM ( Adam Dovid Moshiach ) The Command to work the Garden , by studying HaShem's Laws And Guarding it , from the Yetzer Horah which was the Angel Samael . HaShem Instructed him - Adam , after he Was Created with Chava at first together , that they can eat of any tree of the Garden , but or except the Tree in the Midst of the Garden , whose leaves covered the whole Garden , The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad / Evil . Joined to this Tree's root , was also the Tree of Life ( of Eternity ) , Warning them that they would bring on death into the World if they disobeyed . Adam was to name the animals and thus see that man needs a separate mate , in order to grow spiritually and so when Adam was naming the animals , Adam was made to realize that none of them was bone of his bones . The name that Adam called each animal in Hebrew ( and he also formed the names of each animal in all the 70 languages of the world ) was prophetic . As an example , the Frog in Hebrew is called ' Tzefardeah ' which means ' to fit in ', which is exactly what the frog did in Egypt when it went into the ovens and other things that the frogs fitted into , in the Plague of Frogs . HaShem Wanted people to be humble and so can we always be told that even the gnat was Created before we were . So should we always be humble .

HaShem Put Adam to sleep on Mount Moriah , the site of the Temple And HaShem Separated Man and Woman And HaShem Brought Chava to Adam afterwards , where Adam said the first ever Sheva Brochas at their wedding in Gan Eiden , Where HaShem Was The First Shadchan And Deliverer Of the Bride to the Wedding Canopy and the Angels Michael and Gavriel were the witnesses .

Adam was a massively tall man , whose face shone as the sun . The Angels had never seen such a beautiful Creation and some Had To Be told By HaShem not to worship him . From Adam's Floating Rib was Chava taken , so that we are to remember that man and woman must be side to and by side on equal levels , both to treat each other with mutual respect . They were both " Arum " - " Naked " but were not ashamed , for no negative desires had they taken on yet . They were also both only naked to each other , which suggested only total openness to each other as a married couple , not only physically , but also emotionally sharing their innermost being and feelings .

Samael the Angel enters the snake and tries to tempt Chava . We note how the same word " Arum " is used for his " cunning , " showing that how we use things is our choice , for good or for negativity . He was cunning for he knew the " nakedness , " the Openness of their thoughts and so he knew how to and what would entice . The snake approached Chava and at first questioned her pride , getting her to state more than HaShem Commanded , for she said that neither can she eat of the Tree nor touch it . HaShem Never Commanded them not to touch it , but by her addition , she was caught , in adding more Than HaShem Commanded . A lesson to us all , not to Add to or Subtract from HaShem's Holy Torah . All Samael had to do now was push her against the Tree and she was proven wrong that they could touch the Tree . Her reaching her hand up and taking of the Fruit , was now easier an action . In Samael's close physical contact of pushing her , he spiritually raped her and a part of his negativity went into one of the children she was now carrying , Kayin and so did she hint at this when saying she had made a child with a spiritual being . She persuaded her husband Adam to also partake and so , they became ashamed , for now their Yetzer Horahs had been triggered within them .

HaShem Manifested Himself In the Garden and they hid for they were ashamed at what they had done and felt different and less able to be In HaShem's Closer Presence , as one does feel when one commits an Aveirah which teaches us that Aveirahs put distance and shame between HaShem and us . When HaShem asked " Ayeka , " - " Where are you ? " HaShem Knew exactly where they were but was giving them an opportunity to own up . Also , this statement meant , Where are you now spiritually on level , for by your action , you are no longer on the same holy level - Madreiga as before . Each blamed the next and each was punished , the woman with painful childbirth , the man with hard toil , all with the fact that now they would eventually die and the snake , for Loshoning HaShem , would no longer walk upright as before , but would eat dust , just like the words he used when he slandered . They were expelled from the Garden , lest they eat from the Tree of Life and thus would sin be a forever thing and Angels with the ever turning sword , Were Put to prevent their return . Adam called his wife Chava Eve , where the name Chava is like Chiya which is a snake in Aramaic as a hidden reference to the snake , but in a language ( Aramaic ) that most of the Angels cannot speak ( except the Angel Gavriel ) , thus Adam was secretly using the name of the snake , in order to assist the woman in fighting the Yetzer Horah ( where like fights like and like cleanses like , just like the secrets of the Chok of the Parah Aduma . Her name also has within it the word " Chai " - " Life , " which refers to her being the life ancestor of all the living who come after her .

The Unique One referred to in these verses is a reference to Mashiach whose spiritual essence had pre-knowledge of Worlds before . Outside the Garden , Adam and Chava's children Kayin and Hevel , who according to Rashi were born in the Garden before the expulsion , both had different outlooks . Hevel was a spiritual man , while Kayin was a physical man . Both brought offerings To HaShem and while Hevel brought of the best , Kayin brought of the " Mipri Ha Adamah " - " From the fruit of the ground , " which literally meant that he picked up the overripe and or rotten fruit that had already fallen to the ground as his offering . Hevel's offering was accepted , but Kayin's was not and Kayin became angry , which causes one's spiritual countenance to be lowered , as does anger . A fight broke out between the brothers , where Kayin tricked Hevel , asking him to divide the portion of the World he wants , between the two , either the ground , or all that is above it . Knowing that Hevel was a spiritual man , when Hevel chose all that is above ( seeing that it was only the two of them and wives born in tow , which Kayin also fought about ) Kayin then ordered Hevel off the portion that is the ground , telling Hevel that Hevel has now chosen all that is above the ground . A fight ensued and Kayin kept trying to chase Hevel off the land , till they reached a rocky precipice and Kayin wanted to throw him off . Hevel gained the upper hand and wanted to get up and walk away , when Kayin deceitfully came and slew him , hitting him with a rock on the head and Kayin tried to cover it up with earth . The Earth cried out To HaShem , refusing to settle with the murdered Hevel's blood and Kayin was forced to go to Nod as a wanderer , to be killed in the seventh generation . The descendants of Kayin are then given in this Torah Portion and his relative and descendant who was called Naamah , actually became Noach's wife . She was a righteous woman . A descendant of Kayin , Enoch is also mentioned as a city builder , which meant in this context and verse , that his generation , was the first to introduce Avodah Zorah Idol Worship to humanity . It started when people then first looked up to the heavenly bodies as marvels of HaShem and then they started to pray to them and build temples and cities around their idols that they put for these false idols . How sad .

During this time , Adam had actually separated from his wife Chava for 130 years after they left the Garden , in order to try and atone for the sin committed . It was after this that Seth Shais was born . This took place when a descendant of Kayin called Lamech , who had two wives , one for childbearing and another for pleasure as it is stated , got angry with Lamech whose son was Tubal-Cain , who used to lead him by the way , for Lamech was blind and it happened once that Tubal-Cain shot and killed Kayin by mistake , thinking he was an animal , due to the sign That HaShem Put on Kayin after Kayin had committed the murder . Lamech felt very worried that he would be punished and consulted with his wives , who did not want to live with him . He demanded that they return and it was suggested that they seek advice from Adam which they did , who they had said had also separated from his wife Chava and they said that Adam should not give advice till he himself returns to his wife Chavah , which Adam did after the 130 years and so Shais was born .

The descendants of Adam through Seth Shais are then given till Noach , who Found Grace In HaShem's Eyes and part of the curse against the ground was lifted in Noach's honour and so was he called Noach which means Rest and Comfort ( From HaShem's Decree Against the Earth after being cursed after Adam's and then Kayin's sin . It is interesting that Noach's Father was 777 years old when he passed away , where this number is taken today as a positive number , for the generation after Lamech was Noach , a very holy man , who brought with his morals , rest and comfort to the Earth . Adam was 930 years when he passed away , where he was due to live till 1000 , for Adam gave up 70 years for his distant descendant Dovid Ha Melech who was to die at birth ( ADaM - Adam Dovid Moshiach ( from whose line ( Dovid ) ) , Moshiach is due to come ) .

Noach was 500 years when he bore three sons Shem , Cham and Yafes . Two Malachim Angels , Shamchazai and Azael , came Before HaShem requesting HaShem To Send them down so they could show how they would not become corrupt as people had become . HaShem Warned them they would not be able to control themselves , but they refused to listen and so they came down and when they were down here , they could not control their desires and so they cohabited with the daughters of men and so were born the Nephilim , the Fallen ones , of which Og ( who survived the Flood the Mabul by holding on to the outside of the Ark , where Noach had built for him a platform and little roof cover ) . Also related to these Nephilim , was Sichon . Both Sichon and Og were eventually killed by Moshe , As Told In The Holy Torah . Relatives of these Nephilim were also the Giants that the spies who came to spy out Canaan reported seeing , when the sad incident of the spies happened in Moshe's time .

HaShem Saw the evil that was done and the theft And HaShem Had heartfelt pain at how they behaved and their evil ways And So Decided On the Mabul , the Flood , but Noach , a man righteous in Noach's generation , Found Grace In The Eyes Of HaShem . So ends the Parsha .

HaShem Made For us all such a Beautiful Creation With So Many Special And Beautiful Things Of HaShem's Love . HaShem's Creation is filled with everything that it needs to subsist . HaShem's Creation is filled with the answer to every ailment and every question that we and all of Creation would ever need . HaShem Saw To Putting Into Creation , the answer to every Aveirah we might make , that would ever affect our World . HaShem Created this all Right At Creation . Before HaShem Created Creation , HaShem Planned Every Part Of It . Into HaShem's Plan , HaShem Wrote The Answers to all of our Needs . HaShem Looked Into This Plan And HaShem Created Creation . This Plan , Was HaShem's Holy Torah Wisdom . HaShem Wrote His Torah two thousand years Before HaShem Made Creation and as our Rabbonim tell us , HaShem Looked Into His Holy Torah And Created The World . Only HaShem Truly Owns The World . We become permitted users Of HaShem's World , when we make our Brachot and so then have permission to eat from and use What HaShem Has Made . In making our Brachot , we are actually Blessing what ever we are about to partake in or of , That Was Created By HaShem Right At The Beginning Of Bereishis and so , that article that waited so long to be of service , when we make our Brachot , we take that article's Spiritual Essence and return it on High , where our Brocha gives us permission to partake of it . To not say a Brocha before hand , is to take that Which HaShem Has Made and without HaShem's Permission and just use it and this is akin to ' Ganeivah ' - ' Stealing / Theft . ' This is seen in the very word ' Ganav / Geneivah , ' for the word ' Ganav ' has within it , the words ' Gan ' - Meaning ' Garden ' and ' Neveilah ( which is also an animal that died in the field without Kosher Shechitah and thus impure ) , ' - Meaning ' Forbidden / Evil . '

All That HaShem Makes , HaShem Put In His Garden and to take or steal anything from His Garden without His Permission via the Brocha before and afterwards ( For HaShem's Creation here bears out How HaShem Made All Things And Put them Into His Garden Gan Eiden ) , is to do Evil and take that which is forbidden , until it is Blessed .

HaShem Made The Tree of Life and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil And HaShem Gave Instructions Regarding The Tree of Knowledge . Those Instructions were not obeyed and thus what was forbidden , was taken without HaShem's Permission . HaShem Knows When something can be permitted and when it is forbidden and we are always to trust Him . The result of not listening , took us from Gan Eiden , to struggle and toil and for women to have pain in childbirth and the Yetzer Horah was activated and so did Death come into the World . If we look at things From HaShem's Point Of View , HaShem Could Just As Well Have Not Created us at all . HaShem Had Peace before we hurt HaShem . HaShem In His Totally Giving And Kind Ways , Made And Opened Up For us A Beautiful Created World , with all the things that we need . HaShem Must Have Had Such Hopes and Joy In His Giving , Even Though HaShem Knows the future , HaShem Still Gave us the benefit of the doubt And Gave With Full Love . If we look around us today at all the beautiful things That HaShem Made For us And How HaShem Filled His World , The Love That He Must Have Felt For us , Is Totally Astounding . How Sad How HaShem Must Have Really Felt , when we so disappointed Him . HaShem's Own Words Certainly Bear this out When HaShem Says In Bereishis Genesis 6 : 5 - 6 , " HaShem Saw that the wickedness of Man was great upon the Earth , and that every product of the thoughts of his heart was but evil always . And HaShem reconsidered having made Man on earth and He had heartfelt sadness . " How Very Sad For HaShem . All These Amazing Actions Of HaShem's Love In Making A World Ready For man to come And Even HaShem Making man last , as if preparing the World for man on a platter and then we come and disappoint and hurt HaShem So Deeply . All HaShem Asks Of us is To Listen To Him and not go our own way , for our own sake . Thankfully to Noach , who was one great Tzaddik , Found Grace In The Eyes Of HaShem . How this shows that even one person and his or her obedient and good moral actions To HaShem , can save Creation . We should all be that one person .

HaShem Created Adam Ve Chava at first joined And HaShem Had Adam see all the animals and name them . HaShem Has Purpose In All That He Does . HaShem Knew That Adam would want the separation physically from Chava so that they could afterwards join and become one . But the need for their separation had its purpose . Rashi points out how this had to be , So That HaShem Alone Is One and Unique . There is not another like HaShem , Who Is One And Who Was Alone When He Made Creation . Thus the need for Adam and Chava to be two , is so important , For Only HaShem Is Oneness and should humans have had this Oneness , they may have tried to profess themselves deified , Chas Ve Shalom . Only HaShem Is One .

Adam and Chava only noticed their physicalities as something to cover , after their Aveirah . Before that , they were not ashamed , for before their Aveirah , the Yezter Horah was not yet awakened within them . Once they sinned , then the negative desire came . Before this , even their coming together , was Purely To Serve HaShem and did not contain a part for their own personal and selfish gratification . So after the sin , their own Spiritual holy level dropped , so it is so understandable What HaShem Meant , When HaShem Came Looking For them In The Garden And Said " Ayeka " - " Where Are you ? " HaShem Knew Full Well where they were and was not asking them physically but Spiritually , where are they now in Spiritual Level , lower than they were before , as if to make them realize how disobedience leads to a need to then ask oneself after the Aveirah , where Spiritually one has lowered oneself to .

Torah Laws Are There From HaShem To Help us and keep us Climbing Higher and Higher . Sadly each one named and blamed the next one and so were we sent out of Gan Eiden . The dust of Loshon Horah against HaShem that the snake spoke , resulted in him having that dust as punishment for his food . HaShem Clearly Says About Adam that " It is not good that man be alone ; I will make him a helper corresponding to him . " This is in reference to Chava , whom HaShem Refers To As an " Eizer K'negdo " literally meaning " A Helpmeet Helpmate Opposite to him . " This might be quite a blow to those males who have a high ego , For HaShem Did Not Make Man as ' the be all and end all ' of the family , But HaShem Gave equal status to the woman . The Very Fact That HaShem Calls Woman " a Helpmeet Helpmate opposite to him , " means that she has a right to contradict him when he is wrong . She is not just to be a puppet on a string for him , but to be a true help-mate , in correcting his wrongs ( of course in a respectable way ) and so , lead him Higher To Holiness . That is the most proper help - mate one can be and have , to help bring your partner Closer every day To HaShem . The same goes the other way around , so a true Spiritual Marriage , consists of the couple coming together and working together to bring each other back to Holiness and Gan Eiden . Our Rabbonim say figuratively , that it is as if she is to be a helpmate corresponding to him if he is worthy and a helpmate opposing him , if he is unworthy . May all couples find themselves worthy .

HaShem Alone Made Creation And HaShem Wants us to make every part of Creation Holy . HaShem Wants us to bring Holiness Into every part of It . This can only be done if we Keep HaShem's Holy Torah . So HaShem's Creation Is A Partnership Between HaShem And us . HaShem Made All Things . HaShem Wants us to help complete Creation ( Not That HaShem Needs our help , But HaShem Loves us Enough To Give us this opportunity ) by bringing HaShem's Essence Into all things , By Keeping HaShem's Holy Torah And Commandments And Following HaShem Completely . By doing this , we Invite HaShem To Live Among us And Be Close To us , thus fulfilling HaShem's Command of making a place within us and our World , For HaShem To Dwell Within . This Creation Is HaShem's House after all . HaShem Created Creation With the word " Bereishis , " which starts and ends with a ' Bet ' and ' Tav , ' which when put together spells the word ' Bait ' - ' House . ' So Creation is like HaShem's House and it is our daily task To Invite HaShem Into every part of It , Of His House , His Bait . To do that , the middle letters in between the ' Bet ' and ' Tav ' spells the word ' Roshi , ' - ' My Head , ' the holiest part of a human being and if we Invite HaShem Into His Bait , His House , His Creation , by doing As HaShem Asks , we become One With HaShem's Mind And So Become One With HaShem's Purpose For Creation , In Following HaShem's Holy Torah , His Mind , His Rosh , His Head so to speak And HaShem's Creation Will Reach its final Holy Destination and Heaven and Earth Will Be One With HaShem , Within The Beautiful Mind Of HaShem's Oneness . May It Be Soon In our days , In Full Appreciation And Thanks Always Due , To All That HaShem Does For us all . Thank You HaShem Ever So Much For Your Creation And For All That You Have Made HaShem Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu HaShem The Holy One Blessed Be He .

I wish Ever Most Beloved And So Eternally Beautiful HaShem With Everlasting And Forever Deepest Love , A Most Sweet And Beautiful Shabbos Kodesh With Most Grateful And Appreciative Love and to all my fellow Jews and to all of Creation , a Most Sweet and Beautiful Shabbos Kodesh with love .


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