The Paramount Law of Transformation. Biological Blueprint of the Universe. Photon Wave. Gravity, G(reversal). Simultaneous Calculations and more...
Marek "Mark" J. Wagner - Lorentz
Fine Arts Creative Writing Photography Graphic Design Publishing Music Social Issues Liberties
The Paramount Law of Transformation
Biological Blueprint of the Universe
Space Program since 1453
Omnia Permeat Omnia / Latin
Video illustration:
Introduction. Simultaneous Calculations as the Physical Law:
Simultaneous Calculations within analog and binary kinetic architecture (analog, physical kinetic structure and binary, mathematical kinetic structure). Simultaneous Calculations reflect, de facto, physical property of the Energy(space) and Energy(space) interactions (known to date) within micro and macro dominions: sub-Quantum, Quantum, Atoms, Particles, Density and Mass, yet, the Evolution as well.
Simultaneous Calculations are observed experimentally, yet, unify Universal spectrum within Homogeneity via +/_Energy(space), yet, infinitely divisible dimension(s). Simultaneous Calculations are independent of distance and time.
Simultaneous Calculations: multiplication and addition divides, subtraction and division multiplies, simultaneously: division and multiplication are unified.
The Proof:
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Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Nonlocality
The +/-Energy(space) is non divisible (homogeneous interconnection) within an infinite divisibility within +/-Energy(space).This phenomenon propagate (explain)
Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Nonlocality.
Quantum Entanglement, Quantum non-Locality based on Wave Functions (as an reference), propagate (and formulate) +/- Energy(space) within Kinetic Simultaneous Calculations.
The +/- Energy transforms into +/-Space, yet, the +/- Space(energy) is the carrier of +/-Energy(space via wave functions). Kinetic “Homogeneity” within unified kinetic network(s) +/-Energy(space), animate Kinetic Entanglement, Nonlocality via infinitely divisible +/-E(s), Kinetic Simultaneous Calculations, Permeating Physical Laws, interconnected kinetic scales, compatibility, yet, compatible opposite. Symmetry propagates anti-symmetry, anti-symmetry animate symmetry, simultaneously. Kinetic network(s), de facto +/-Energy(space) across the evolving kinetic spectrum is pre-designed, non deterministic, independent of time and distance (in this instance, space is the energy, energy is synonymous with space).
Permeating Physical Laws Propagate the Following:
Quantum Entanglement, non-Locality and the evolution: camouflage of species, exp. Chameleon, Leaf-tailed Gecko, Great Rockfish, Leafy Seadragon, Mediterranean Octopus, Pinky Pygmy Seahorse, Sand Crab, Two Tailed Spider, Ghost Pipefish, Squid, Cuttlefish, etc.
3D Reality. Permeating Physical Laws and Simultaneous Calculations, yet, Infinitely Divisible Energy(space).
Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Nonlocality, based in Wave Functions (as an reference), propagate (and formulate), +/- Energy(space) within Kinetic Simultaneous Calculations.
The +/- Energy transforms into +/-Space, yet, the +/- Space(energy) is the carrier of +/-Energy(space). Kinetic “Homogeneity” of the unified kinetic network(s) within +/-E(s) animate Kinetic Entanglement, Nonlocality via infinitely divisible +/-E(s), Kinetic Simultaneous Calculations, Permeating Physical Laws, interconnected kinetic scales, compatibility, yet, compatible opposite. Symmetry propagate anti-symmetry, anti-symmetry animate symmetry, simultaneously.
The kinetic network(s) across evolving spectrums is pre-designed, nondeterministic, independent of time and distance (in this instance, space is the energy, energy is synonymous with space).
The Proof:
Mitosis, Meiosis, Polarity and Polarity Reversal, Magnetism, Spin (Conservation of Energy, Quantum Mechanics), Permeating Analog Binary Dimensions, X(Y) Chromosome, DNA transcription to RNA, and Protein production.
Physical Laws (interactions):
Electric Field, Magnetic Field, Electromagnetic Field, respectively, are propagated by an infinite divisibility of +(-)E(s) , simultaneous calculations, Permeating Physical Laws within +(-)E(s) within sub-Quantum, Quantum, Nuclear Forces (the evolution of the Earth, Earth's inner core, magnetosphere, etc.).
Discussed kinetic forces are unified and define each, yet, are being defined within a permeating composition of +(-)E(s) (predesigned, yet, nondeterministic).
Analog (Physical World) and Binary (Mathematical World) are predesigned, yet, nondeterministic as well.
Kinetic Scales beyond Quantum and sub-Quantum kinetic scales (due to extreme, complex dynamic interactions) are accessible via Binary mathematical simulations reflecting Analog kinetic interactions.
Mathematical World is, de facto, an organic manifestation of the Analog, Physical World. Mathematics without Analog interaction(s) is nonexistent. Analog World and Mathematical World define each other as both dimensions are interconnected and universally unified.
. . .
Proposal: Gravity & Gravity Reversal
G(Gr) <=> Gr(G)
Introduction of the Physical Law.
Permeating Gravity within Gravity Reversal: unification of Energy within space.
Permeating Gravity Reversal within Gravity: unification of Space within Energy.
The Proof. Permeating Gravity <=> Gravity Reversal:
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The Energy(space) is pre-designed, yet, non deterministic.
Evolutionary Constant.
The +(-)E(s) represent highly organized, kinetically structured dynamic dimensions embedded within infinitely divisible Energy(space), Simultaneous Calculations, de facto, kinetic operators within Analog <=> Binary dominions.
The Proof:
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Kinetic Crystals: Physical Property of Energy(space).
Kinetic Crystals are kinetic manifestations of the predesigned structure of the Universal world, yet, present within +(-)E(s) in micro and macro kinetic dimensions. Kinetic Crystals within kinetic micro and micro dimensions reflect the beauty of the Simultaneous Calculations, yet, permeating Symmetry and antiSymmetry, Compatibility within the Compatible opposite, Permeating Physical Laws (note kinetic Symmetry and antiSymmetry differs from a classic notion of Symmetry, yet, propagate Symmetry in a perceptual sense.
The Proof:
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The Proof: Symmetry propagate anti-Symmetry, anti-Symmetry animate Symmetry simultaneously:
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Permeating +(-) E(s): Physical Property of Energy(space) within Analog
and Binary Dimensions.
The Proof:
. . .
Permeating Physical Laws
Physical Laws are, de facto, kinetic interactions within Permeting +(-) Energy(space) and defined by both unified kinetic phenomenons. Physical Laws Permeate and evolve via Kinetic Simultaneous Calculations, Permeating Symmetry and antiSymmetry, Compatibility within Compatible Opposite. Physical Laws are predesigned, nondeterministic, time independent, yet, evolve along with +(-)E(s).
The Proof:
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The +(-) Energy(space) is infinitely divisible.
Infinite Divisibility of +(-)E(s): the Energy propagate and is propagated, simultaneously, by Space(energy), yet, animate and is animated by all discussed previously phenomenons:
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Permeating Physical Laws.
The Universe is unique in every Energy(space) physical manifestation (mass or massless). The notion of approximation (including in biology, mathematics) reflects an infinite potential within an infinite divisibility:
The Proof:
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Permeating Simultaneous Calculations within Analog<=> Binary Permeating Kinetic States
+/_E(s) 3D Reality (micro and macro) is Infinitely Divisible.
Supersymmetry within +/_ E(s) within Analog( Binary) Kinetic Dimensions.
Kinetic Permeating Architecture within Analog, Neutral, intermediate kinetic dimensions: +,-,N,). Binary Dimensions (01).
Formulation of +/_E(s) via Analog<=>Mathematical pre-designed Unification (Supersymmetry).
The Evolution of Energy(space), including Photons (via permeating Physical Laws, kinetic interactions, divisibility of +/-E(s), exp/proof: the Sun.
The Principles of Relativity contradict the existence of time vs Energy(space) permeating kinetic states, pre-designed, yet, nondeterministic evolution.
The notion of Infinity: permeating kinetic dominions (via pre-designed E(s), yet, transformations (evolution) of E(s), through divisibility of E(s) as well as simultaneous calculations.
* Simultaneous Calculations: multiplication and addition divides, subtraction and division multiplies} simultaneously: division and multiplication are unified.
* The +/_E(s) is time independent (time is a measurement not a dimension).
* The +/-E(s) is pre-designed and engineered (yet, not deterministic).
* Permeating kinetic Symmetry, yet, anti-Symmetry via pre-designed, time independent architecture of +/_E(s), infinitely divisible +/_E(s) within sub-Quantum, Quantum, Atoms, particles: +/-Energy and +/- Space.
* Kinetic Topology and Kinetic Crystals within Micro and Macro Dimensions.
* The Evolution of +/-Energy and +/-Space : +/-E(s): Sub-Quantum<=> Quantum<=>Atoms (permeating nuclear, electric, electromagnetic fields, Gravity (G), Gravity reversal G(Gr).
* Vector <=> Scalar Topology via Simultaneous Calculations: (+,-N,i) <=> (+,-,x, ÷).
* Permeating Kinetic Dimensions within +/-E(s) <=> +/-S(e) <=> Hz(m) <=> m(Hz),
Vector(Scalar) <=> Scalar (Vector)
A higher frequency reflects higher energy, yet, a lower frequency animates a larger volume of space, where +/-Energy(s) propagate +/- Space(e) and +/-Space(e) animate +/-Energy(s).
+/-Energy and +/-Space reflect Superposition within Symmetry and anti-Symmetry as well as Compatibility within Compatible Opposite (Energy is Space, yet, Space is the Energy).
+∞- 01 +/-E(s) : ? : (+∞- 1/7 10 γΨ 25/-27 +∞-) : ? : +/- S(e)10 +∞-
E(kp) : ? : E(pk) <=> L(p) : ? : P(L)
+/-E(s) 103LAH1 +/- S(e)
Best regards,
Marek ?Mark” J. Wagner – Lorentz
(12 03 2023)
Video. Kinetic Permeation within Variables and Sets, pre-designed Energy (space), Simultaneous Calculations: