Parametric symbol libraries for conceptional design / 3D Redline
Peter Schlegel
Managing Director at CAXperts | Revolutionary software for Owner/Operators as well as EPCs #gerneperdu #callmebymyfirstname
Our UniversalPlantViewer has a full sketching module integrated. This is typically used for conceptional design and redlining in a very simple and effective way. You can also exchange that design with your typical high-end design systems.
The new version of UniversalPlantViewer has now a full library of parametric symbol’s integrated. And the best: We have an optimised version of our industry proven 3D SymbolDesigner integrated.
That means you can now build up your own catalogue of parametric parts or use already existing ones, which you had already built over the time. This functionality will dramatically improve your conceptional design.
No special hardware or software setup is required and it works on all devices (Windows, iOS, Android …). Now you can fast build up your plant or modify your existing design in sketching.