Parallelization in Cypress

Parallelization in Cypress

#parallelization #cypress

Parallelization is the process of running multiple tests or suites concurrently to improve test execution time. Cypress, a popular end-to-end testing framework, provides built-in support for parallelization. Here's how you can parallelize tests in Cypress:

  1. Install Cypress-parallel plugin:
  2. You can install the Cypress-parallel plugin using npm or yarn.

npm install -D cypress-parallel


yarn add -D cypress-parallel

  1. Update your Cypress configuration file:
  2. Add the following code to your cypress.json file to enable parallelization.


?"testFiles": "**/*.{js,ts}",

?"video": false,

?"pluginsFile": "./cypress/plugins/index.js",

?"baseUrl": "",

?"chromeWebSecurity": false,

?"parallel": true,

?"ciBuildId": "my-build-id",

?"record": false,

?"numTestsKeptInMemory": 10,

?"waitForAnimations": true


Note that the parallel option is set to true to enable parallelization.

  1. Configure your CI provider:
  2. If you're using a CI provider such as CircleCI, Travis CI, or Jenkins, you need to configure it to run Cypress tests in parallel. You can use the cypress-parallel command to run tests in parallel.

npx cypress-parallel run --record --key <record_key>

This command will run tests in parallel and record the results using the Cypress Dashboard.

  1. Split your tests:
  2. To take full advantage of parallelization, you need to split your tests into multiple groups. You can do this using the cypress-parallel command.

npx cypress-parallel split --total 3

This command will split your tests into three groups. You can then run each group in parallel using the cypress-parallel command.

npx cypress-parallel run --record --key <record_key> --group 1

npx cypress-parallel run --record --key <record_key> --group 2

npx cypress-parallel run --record --key <record_key> --group 3

That's it! With these steps, you can parallelize your Cypress tests and reduce your test execution time.



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