Parallel Universes
Ages ago, in a different place, in a different time, still searching and being lost, it now seems like something that never happened or happened to someone else.
The cat on the window and the lazy early spring day are foggy in my memory. The people are unknown to me. Just random people between the villages in somewhat remote part of the Rhodopi mountains in Bulgaria. I still get the almost physical memory of the cold day that the early spring sun had just brightened up.
At that time, nearly nine months pregnant and not very mobile, being out with the camera was a challenge. I don't remember where we were going. Or why. I don't remember why we stopped the car to talk to the couple.
EDIT: May 1st 2023
This memory is even fainter now. I like the slight pinks and greens in the photographs and am now wondering what film was it that I was using. The film is somewhere in the archival boxes... I miss the dark room, I miss the chemicals, I miss the magic of film photography. It is the relationship with the materials, your input and the unknown outcome - magic!