Paradox SEO Content
" Content is king but engagement is queen and the lady rules the house "
But, content isn't king, it's the kingdom, engagement is citizen.
But how to make the content become more engagement, lot of business owner keep the push on content-centric view. We need talk about our product, our business is the best and no #1.
Did you know! Audience-centric is organic content and how does it work?
When it comes to content, there are two general types. There is content with the purpose of putting readers into the funnel and then there’s broad content. Now let’s break it down.
Content such as web product pages, long-form, skyscraper, evergreen and white papers is content with a specific purpose in mind. You want readers to understand what your business is about, so they can continue moving down the buyer funnel to eventually purchase what you’re selling.
They want a clear plan for how content creation will make them money and how it will affect their ROI. This type of content is a necessary factor for SEO, but all in all, specific product content just doesn’t get shared. Google must be factored into the strategy.
On the other hand, there is broad content, better known as blogging. This is the stuff that the audience interacts with and the type of writing that helps Google better understand where the site should be placed in SERP. When creating content, whether that’s an?infographic to help boost SEO, a blog, or even a video, you should adjust your mindset to position yourself within reader’s point of view. What will grab the reader’s attention? What type of content will make my website more searchable? What are the questions that the readers need answers to? What type of content is most likely to get shared? And of course, what kind of content able to grab the 1st page ranking as well.
Once you find what your audience is looking for, it’s time to infuse your writing with SEO, specifically keyword research. If the SEO method just picking top 3 content, and integrated it become the SEO content. Yes, is one of the method, is not wrong technically but after the penguin 4.0 SEO algorithm update. As result borrowing 30% idea or keywords each content and delivery as own content but authenticity, uniqueness and originality is consider as low PQ rating.
Ultimate purpose of content + SEO where the blogging allows your website to rank higher in Google SERPs, therefore increasing your visibility and traffic by reaching your target audience during the discovery phase in an overall effort to increase your business revenue.
So content creation will help a lot in SEO ranking but if the content created based on company needs, not audience want to hear and as result to get page #1 could be disaster road-map journey! Good LUCK.
Always remember, content is the reason #search began in the first place.
Good content is not #storytelling! It's telling your story well.