The Paradox of Our Times
Sachin Kumar
Building Brand Commerce Company- Scaling D2C Brands | Founder BottleOpeners - Creative Advertising company | Active Table Tennis Player & Commentator | Currently in India Top 16 (40+) @notesbysachin Insta.
Written couple of years back
These are the times, I don’t know whether to call it good times, bad times or
The Paradox of Our Times
where our soul lives a dual life.
We want to breathe fresh air without
cutting down the usage of paper, car, fuel
We adopt yoga to attain inner peace but,
we consume alcohol to search for soul
We try to make every possible thing connected
yet we are getting disconnected
These are the times where contacts
have taken over friendship
Where, God men have taken over
Good human beings
While we are socially hyper active, yet
we feel lonely, constantly
Fitness has taken a backseat and
being slim is the new fit
While we want to settle/stay in the mountains,
We don’t want to leave the noise of the city
We want to be medically advanced
but do little to eradicate the most dangerous disease called, greed.
Where we love to hear loud music
to mislead the silence within
Where Perspectives gets less clicks than Selfies.
While we are a billion people powerhouse,
But only few control them
While we want to control our mind,
But we have given the locus of control to everyone but ourselves (?)