The Paradox Of Order And Disorder
Phil Johnson, MBL
MBL Inc. Founder, CEO & BoD ?? Master of Business Leadership & Emotional Intelligence Program | Executive Coach & Speaker | ?? MBL Alumni Videos (Below) | Author, THE SERVANT WARRIOR LEADER
Order and disorder are an essential part of life. If we can surrender to the reality of the present moment life’s challenges have the potential to shake us out of our complacency and raise our level of consciousness. Drama and chaos can come in many forms. Let’s say you lose your wallet; you miss a plane or someone starts shouting in a meeting. Suddenly you feel as if the world is conspiring against you. Pain and suffering arise and these are relatively small things.
We look at the order that comes from staying within our comfort zone as desirable and disorder as something to be avoided. The strange fact is that order and disorder are essential for the evolution of life and consciousness to occur. Learning to face the reality of the present moment without raising our walls and giving away our energy is the key to career, personal and corporate success. The pain and suffering our ego creates in us can become the seeds of its own demise. Good or bad, it’s hard to say.
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